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Why Are Blacks the Best Athletes?

  • Thread starterhillboy
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Not quite a lurker
Beloved Member
Jul 18, 2009
Anyone at all involved in sports knows that Black men and women are superior athletes to any other race, right? Every professional sport seems to have many more Black folks in comparison to the their total population in the nation. In America, Blacks make up maybe 15% of the overall population but in most sports they are the dominate racial group. Football, basketball, baseball, track & field are overwhelmingly represented by black athletes. Some sports like bodybuilding show that the Black athlete has a more powerful body than the typical White athlete. Broad shoulders, narrow waist, long legs and arms w/ plenty of muscle are common characteristics of Black athletes.

Anyone know why Blacks are the physically strongest race? Could it be genetics or that Blacks were brought to America as slaves [only the strongest survived]. Black men were breed to produce superior children more likely to be athletic than Anglos or Asians\ Hispanics. Do these factors contribute to Black men being taller, stronger, more muscular and with bigger genitals than the average man?
This question has been asked many times in history. Do a simple Google search of the phrase and you will see responses. And if you are a sports fan you will sure know what Jimmy "The Greek" Snyder said about it and what happened to him. If not here is a link:

Jimmy Snyder and the Greek Tragedy: Black Athletes, Slavery, and Breeding |

Oh yeah and contrary to the belief of some of the morons in the chat room not all black guys have big genitals. Just like not all black guys want to fuck all white women and not all white women want to fuck black guys. There is a difference between the porn world and the real world.
Black Athletes and ALL Sports!

I think the top Tour De France Biker is a White Guy...Lance, and the Best Skier is not a Black guy....I haven't seen too many Black Hockey Players, nor a lot of Black Men in Tennis. Nor have I seen many black men Drive Fast at NASCAR Races, maybe on the local expressways..but not NASCAR. The top jockey in Horse racing, has never been a black man. And Tiger is the only black male that is great and I say great in golf. No other black male is close. All the rest seem to be white. Top wrestler, the Top female Softball player, the top Archer, the top weight lifter, the Top Karate expert. We are not prejudice, but.... let's not have reverse prejudices either.
Those who have spoken the truth were reprimanded because it was considered "racist" to point out the obvious. No one can deny that Black men are more likely to be physically stronger than White based on the sheer number of Black athletes. TABOO is a great book that discussed this fact and points to a variety of reasons why the Black man is a better athlete than other races. Genetics has a big influence on the situation. During the days of racial discrimination, the White Southern man was nervous and uneasy around the Black man primarily because of the size and obvious strength of many Blacks.

Here are a few examples:


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Check out my profile page. I would put my body up against any of these 3 guys...and I'm 42. Oh, and I was also All-State in basketball. Yes, basketball.
gears said:
Check out my profile page. I would put my body up against any of these 3 guys...and I'm 42. Oh, and I was also All-State in basketball. Yes, basketball.

state of confusion?
BFred said:
state of confusion?

That's the best you could do? And, nope....not confused at all. Notice you haven't posted any pics of your pasty cracker ass, yet.....waiting. Something tells me you are the poster child for the typical forty-something white male.
gears said:
Check out my profile page. I would put my body up against any of these 3 guys...and I'm 42. Oh, and I was also All-State in basketball. Yes, basketball.

No need to personalize. The operative word is "generally". Of course there are 'alpha' males that are White. But considering that the Black race is small in the US compared to Anglos & Latinos [there are even more Asians than Blacks in California].

That there are a disproportionate number of Black men in professional sports suggests that Blacks are genetically more inclined to be muscular than other races. Some say it was the "survival of the fitnesses" when Blacks were captured & sold into slavery. These Black men & women had to be strong to survive. Also Blacks were ****** into breeding. The White slave owner picked the most powerful man & woman to create babies that would also be strong.

I have the blood of my ancestors in me and have a muscular body like many of my bros.
hillboy said:
No need to personalize. The operative word is "generally". Of course there are 'alpha' males that are White. But considering that the Black race is small in the US compared to Anglos & Latinos [there are even more Asians than Blacks in California].

That there are a disproportionate number of Black men in professional sports suggests that Blacks are genetically more inclined to be muscular than other races. Some say it was the "survival of the fitnesses" when Blacks were captured & sold into slavery. These Black men & women had to be strong to survive. Also Blacks were ****** into breeding. The White slave owner picked the most powerful man & woman to create babies that would also be strong.

I have the blood of my ancestors in me and have a muscular body like many of my bros.

Ok, I know you are a white guy posing as a black guy. I accept that you are doing this as a fantasy thing, so I'll not travel down that path.

You answered your own question. When blacks were accosted and sold into slavery (very commonly by tribes at war with one another), they had to make the journey across the Atlantic in the bowels of a slave ship. Along the way, the weaker ones died. When they got to the West, they were treated like cattle and given very little medical care. Over the course of 450 years, the descendants of all the slaves were subjected to the same atrocities. I believe (just my opinion) that the bigger and stronger blacks in the West are most likely descendants of the earlier slaves that were brought over and the skinny, fat and average body styles are the descendants of the later slaves that were brought over. Think about it...ALL black people aren't superior athletes. Black people as a race tend to physically mature much faster than any other race and this tends to add to the illusion that all blacks are athletic. An average 14 year old black boy is going to have the physical traits of an average 18 year old white boy. However, this gap normally levels out by the early to mid 20s. But by that time, the window of opportunity for most athletic endeavors has closed. Not many scholarships for 22 year old white guys who haven't played ball in 4 years.

The idea that the black race is superior in athletics is deceptive. If pure black people truly are superior, then why isn't there more blacks in sports straight from the motherland? There are significantly more European athletes playing sports in North America than Africans.

Kinda the same thing goes for the black intellectuals. Very, very rare to see a dark skinned black in an intellectual capacity whose family tree doesn't have another race somewhere in the lineage. This isn't the rule...just rare. I'm not trying to offend. I'm just making an observation.
gears said:
Ok, I know you are a white guy posing as a black guy. I accept that you are doing this as a fantasy thing, so I'll not travel down that path.

You answered your own question. When blacks were accosted and sold into slavery (very commonly by tribes at war with one another), they had to make the journey across the Atlantic in the bowels of a slave ship. Along the way, the weaker ones died. When they got to the West, they were treated like cattle and given very little medical care. Over the course of 450 years, the descendants of all the slaves were subjected to the same atrocities. I believe (just my opinion) that the bigger and stronger blacks in the West are most likely descendants of the earlier slaves that were brought over and the skinny, fat and average body styles are the descendants of the later slaves that were brought over. Think about it...ALL black people aren't superior athletes. Black people as a race tend to physically mature much faster than any other race and this tends to add to the illusion that all blacks are athletic. An average 14 year old black boy is going to have the physical traits of an average 18 year old white boy. However, this gap normally levels out by the early to mid 20s. But by that time, the window of opportunity for most athletic endeavors has closed. Not many scholarships for 22 year old white guys who haven't played ball in 4 years.

The idea that the black race is superior in athletics is deceptive. If pure black people truly are superior, then why isn't there more blacks in sports straight from the motherland? There are significantly more European athletes playing sports in North America than Africans.

Kinda the same thing goes for the black intellectuals. Very, very rare to see a dark skinned black in an intellectual capacity whose family tree doesn't have another race somewhere in the lineage. This isn't the rule...just rare. I'm not trying to offend. I'm just making an observation.

I question your theory of black men developing earlier than white men. There is no support of that in genetic/ DNA studies. There are lots of books that theorize the obvious [ie.TABOO] though common sense is just looking at a team's racial make-up. Some people think that black men are attracted to sports since it can mean big $ for a ghetto kid. Maybe white men are too lazy. And that is the outcome of research; that black men have staying power\endurance more than other races.

Your point about Europeans out numbering Africans in US sports may be correct though the NBA seems about equal [maybe]. Caribbean athletes have black blood, too [even Cubanos].

You may not like my boasting but compared to the white boys, blacks have the advantage in school sports. I don't know what your race is & don't care. But to suggest I am not black because I can write good is a racist statement.
To suggest I am not black because I write GOOD is a racist statement.


I believe there is many reasons for blacks in sports. One of the main is (stereotypically)the belief that the only real way to make the big bucks as a black guy, is to play professional sports. Therefore they concerntrate on this from early age.
hillboy said:
I question your theory of black men developing earlier than white men. There is no support of that in genetic/ DNA studies. There are lots of books that theorize the obvious [ie.TABOO] though common sense is just looking at a team's racial make-up. Some people think that black men are attracted to sports since it can mean big $ for a ghetto kid. Maybe white men are too lazy. And that is the outcome of research; that black men have staying power\endurance more than other races.

Your point about Europeans out numbering Africans in US sports may be correct though the NBA seems about equal [maybe]. Caribbean athletes have black blood, too [even Cubanos].

You may not like my boasting but compared to the white boys, blacks have the advantage in school sports. I don't know what your race is & don't care. But to suggest I am not black because I can write good is a racist statement.

Oh boy.....

First of all...I don't have any "theories", only observations and opinions. Common sense, my life experiences, and the two eyes in my head are what made me draw the conclusion that blacks, generally speaking, reach physical maturity faster than other races. This isn't a derogatory comment. Just my belief. You kind of lost me at the end of your first paragraph. The only endurance sport in which black people of any lineage do well is marathons...and this is almost exclusively a Kenyan trait. The best Kenyan runners were born at and lived above 7000ft MSL. Black people as a race have from 7% to 12% less lung capacity than white people of similar height and sex. I will attach links at the bottom of this post.

I seemed to have missed the point you were trying to make regarding the Caribbean athletes. Are you talking about baseball? I don't disagree that they are very, very good in baseball. But, of all sports, baseball has absolutely the least to do with your race. That's why you have literally people from all over the world playing in the Major Leagues. The ability to throw a baseball 98 mph is a God-given talent and so is the ability to hit a baseball, to a lesser extent. Baseball is more akin to golf in that aspect.

And I don't disagree that blacks have an advantage in school sports. I have addressed that already and gave you my opinion as to why that is.

Halfsize already made the point about your grammar, so I will leave it at that. And God forbid someone think I am a racist! Fuck, dude! You coming here acting like you are black is racist as shit. Don't you get this?

Lung volumes and flow rates in black and white subjects

Pulmonary Function Testing

The meat of the last one can be found about 2/3 the way down the page, just before the paragraph about the Exhaled Nitric Oxide.
gears said:
Oh boy.....

Halfsize already made the point about your grammar, so I will leave it at that. And God forbid someone think I am a racist! Fuck, dude! You coming here acting like you are black is racist as shit. Don't you get this?


Why you question my color is your hang-up. I suspose you are white otherwise your comments would be a whole lot different. What are you threatened over? Are you a frustrated Whitey unwilling to accept the obvious?
Perhaps this will clear things up. It's obvious you decided not to go to my profile page, so I'll have to do the leg-work for you. This is really me. Not some pictures of somebody else that I found on the internet somewhere...ahem.

Also...what the fuck are you talking about when you say that I can't accept the obvious? You posed a question and I gave my opinion. Just because I can argue my point better than you and can back it up with facts, you get upset. If you don't want to hear other people's opinions, don't fucking ask for them.

I just went back and re-read your initial post. You might want to go check out the rosters of college and pro baseball teams. And bodybuilding is not a very good example. Most professional bodybuilders, of any race, don't have long arms or legs. It's just not conducive to packing on mass. I do agree, however, that a narrow waist is more prominent in the black race than the white race. However, white are generally broader at the shoulders. A narrow waist give the illusion of wider shoulders.
gears said:
Perhaps this will clear things up. It's obvious you decided not to go to my profile page, so I'll have to do the leg-work for you. This is really me. Not some pictures of somebody else that I found on the internet somewhere...ahem.

Also...what the fuck are you talking about when you say that I can't accept the obvious? You posed a question and I gave my opinion. Just because I can argue my point better than you and can back it up with facts, you get upset. If you don't want to hear other people's opinions, don't fucking ask for them.

I just went back and re-read your initial post. You might want to go check out the rosters of college and pro baseball teams. And bodybuilding is not a very good example. Most professional bodybuilders, of any race, don't have long arms or legs. It's just not conducive to packing on mass. I do agree, however, that a narrow waist is more prominent in the black race than the white race. However, white are generally broader at the shoulders. A narrow waist give the illusion of wider shoulders.

Interesting that your post links to 2 articles that say nothing. The pulmonary test doesn't even mention black athletes. Perhaps you would be better off reading the very articles you suggest or are you just lazy?

Google the subject & be prepared for numerous research articles that do, in fact, claim Blacks are genetically superior to other races in regards to athletics.

"Experiments show that with only a modest amount of training, blacks can experience an explosive rise in exercise capacity, while even with far more effort whites don't improve nearly as much . . . if an athlete does not have a certain proportion of fast-twitch muscles, he or she can't hope to be a champion . . . in practical terms, this detail suggests that sprinters are born, not made.

If genetics and race really do matter in athletic performance, then we might expect to find noticeable differences in the ways different population groups sustain anaerobic and aerobic functioning. Sure enough, by applying population genetics to athletic performance and examining the aerobic/anaerobic energy cycle, scientists are beginning to understand the racial pattern in sports.

. . . many scholarly books, including Lore of Running, has observed that black South Africans, who share much of their genetic ancestry with East Africans, sweep more than 90 percent of the top places in endurance races . . . despite the fact that blacks represent no more than one-quarter of the active running population. In a treadmill study, black marathoners consistently bested whites. Although white runners matched or exceeded the black runners at distances up to 5,000 meters, blacks were "clearly superior at distances greater than 5km." . . . There was a dramatic difference in the ability of the blacks to run at a higher maximum oxygen capacity. In the case of the marathoners, blacks performed at 89 percent of the maximum oxygen capacity, while whites lagged by nearly 10 percent. The muscles of the black athletes also showed far fewer signs of fatigue as measured by lactic acid.

We've shown that the oxidative enzyme capacity of the [black] athletes we looked at was one and a half times higher on average than the white runners . . . comparing black and white athletes with nearly identical race times, the researchers found that blacks were both more efficient runners and able to utilize a considerably higher percentage of their maximum oxygen potential - a decided advantage if two athletes otherwise have the same capacity . . . a subsequent study determined that the superior fatigue resistance during high-intensity endurance exercise is partially related to the higher skeletal-muscle oxidative capacity and lower plasma lactate accumulation found more commonly in blacks
." The Story Behind the Amazing Success of Black Athletes, by Jon Entine

You claim to argue better than me. I sense a real inferiority complex that compels you to become defensive. BTW, I didn't look at your profile & have no interest in your cock photos.
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gears said:
That's the best you could do? And, nope....not confused at all. Notice you haven't posted any pics of your pasty cracker ass, yet.....waiting. Something tells me you are the poster child for the typical forty-something white male.

oh gears, the sooner you come out of the closet, the better you'll feel.
it's ok, one-step at a time.


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BFred said:
oh gears, the sooner you come out of the closet, the better you'll feel.
it's ok, one-step at a time.

And who would know this better than you, right bodyfat red?:clap:
hillboy said:
Interesting that your post links to 2 articles that say nothing. The pulmonary test doesn't even mention black athletes. Perhaps you would be better off reading the very articles you suggest or are you just lazy?

Google the subject & be prepared for numerous research articles that do, in fact, claim Blacks are genetically superior to other races in regards to athletics.

"Experiments show that with only a modest amount of training, blacks can experience an explosive rise in exercise capacity, while even with far more effort whites don't improve nearly as much . . . if an athlete does not have a certain proportion of fast-twitch muscles, he or she can't hope to be a champion . . . in practical terms, this detail suggests that sprinters are born, not made.

If genetics and race really do matter in athletic performance, then we might expect to find noticeable differences in the ways different population groups sustain anaerobic and aerobic functioning. Sure enough, by applying population genetics to athletic performance and examining the aerobic/anaerobic energy cycle, scientists are beginning to understand the racial pattern in sports.

. . . many scholarly books, including Lore of Running, has observed that black South Africans, who share much of their genetic ancestry with East Africans, sweep more than 90 percent of the top places in endurance races . . . despite the fact that blacks represent no more than one-quarter of the active running population. In a treadmill study, black marathoners consistently bested whites. Although white runners matched or exceeded the black runners at distances up to 5,000 meters, blacks were "clearly superior at distances greater than 5km." . . . There was a dramatic difference in the ability of the blacks to run at a higher maximum oxygen capacity. In the case of the marathoners, blacks performed at 89 percent of the maximum oxygen capacity, while whites lagged by nearly 10 percent. The muscles of the black athletes also showed far fewer signs of fatigue as measured by lactic acid.

We've shown that the oxidative enzyme capacity of the [black] athletes we looked at was one and a half times higher on average than the white runners . . . comparing black and white athletes with nearly identical race times, the researchers found that blacks were both more efficient runners and able to utilize a considerably higher percentage of their maximum oxygen potential - a decided advantage if two athletes otherwise have the same capacity . . . a subsequent study determined that the superior fatigue resistance during high-intensity endurance exercise is partially related to the higher skeletal-muscle oxidative capacity and lower plasma lactate accumulation found more commonly in blacks
." The Story Behind the Amazing Success of Black Athletes, by Jon Entine

You claim to argue better than me. I sense a real inferiority complex that compels you to become defensive. BTW, I didn't look at your profile & have no interest in your cock photos.

The two articles say nothing, huh? The point that was attempted to be made was the scientific fact that the lung capacity for Caucasians is greater than that of blacks. Yet, you somehow missed that. Your lungs are set to a finite size, regardless of your athletic ability. The ability to exchange gases improves as you become more physically fit, with said ability being one of the prominent indicators of physical fitness.

You aren't are cutting and pasting. That doesn't count. And I don't know who the guy is who wrote this passage nor do I know where or how he did his experiments, but if you want to have any credibility in the scientific community, you have to adhere to the scientific method. Just saying you performed experiments or saying that you are going by somebody else's experiments just won't cut it. You have to be EXACT.

If we are to assume that this article is true, how do we explain the fact that there are so many white athletes? Wouldn't all the superior black athletes, even with their fewer numbers, make being white and an athlete a futile endeavor? Why aren't the NCAA and the professional sports leagues across the world teeming with African athletes? The blacks that are athletic are from countries that partook in the slave trade for CENTURIES! Why is this so hard to comprehend?

If you went to North Korea and put the population into slavery, let the weak ones die and bred the bigger, stronger ones for over 400 years....Do you think they would or would not be more athletic at the end of that time? How do you think they would compare to the rest of the world's population, athletically speaking? And most importantly, how do you think they would compare to South Koreans in athletic abilities? You know the answer. It's the same answer for Africans and blacks of the West.
gears said:
The two articles say nothing, huh? The point that was attempted to be made was the scientific fact that the lung capacity for Caucasians is greater than that of blacks. Yet, you somehow missed that. Your lungs are set to a finite size, regardless of your athletic ability. The ability to exchange gases improves as you become more physically fit, with said ability being one of the prominent indicators of physical fitness.

You aren't are cutting and pasting. That doesn't count. And I don't know who the guy is who wrote this passage nor do I know where or how he did his experiments, but if you want to have any credibility in the scientific community, you have to adhere to the scientific method. Just saying you performed experiments or saying that you are going by somebody else's experiments just won't cut it. You have to be EXACT.

If we are to assume that this article is true, how do we explain the fact that there are so many white athletes? Wouldn't all the superior black athletes, even with their fewer numbers, make being white and an athlete a futile endeavor? Why aren't the NCAA and the professional sports leagues across the world teeming with African athletes? The blacks that are athletic are from countries that partook in the slave trade for CENTURIES! Why is this so hard to comprehend?

If you went to North Korea and put the population into slavery, let the weak ones die and bred the bigger, stronger ones for over 400 years....Do you think they would or would not be more athletic at the end of that time? How do you think they would compare to the rest of the world's population, athletically speaking? And most importantly, how do you think they would compare to South Koreans in athletic abilities? You know the answer. It's the same answer for Africans and blacks of the West.

I think what this points out is more a prejudice than reasoning. All the effort to argue against reality must be tiresome. It's not an insult to admit that black men, overall, are physically closer to the ideal athlete than any other race. Their are many theories that attempt to explain this black tendency toward muscularity\ strength. To ignore this fact is self-delusion.

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