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Sue's new man

  • Thread starterSoonToBe
  • Start date
  • #141
Oh, That makes a big Difference LOL. So it will at least be interesting hanging out with the guy (with a beer, and game on the TV) that is fucking your Sue.
If you have read his 'posts' Sun of John has a lot to say about that subject.
Could be interesting!!!
Cheers, Harry
  • #142
Very interesting Stb. Should one read anthing into her not wanting to play on Tuesday?
  • #143
Hey all.

Wanted to post here while still early in the evening.

Harry - yes, sorry I hadn't been more clear. The hope is that we'll watch the Yankees win again instead of that embarassment against Boston... I have read Son Of John's posts and to be honest, I'm not sure that I'm really for that level of openness just yet. Plus, I think Sue is enjoying the clandestine approach a bit, I think it's something new for her in that way.

Shidave - nothing to read into last night, she really didn't feel well when she came home from work and I was hoping for the best but she turned in early as it was.

That brings me to today and tonight. It's apparently a steady thing now that she's going to wear these big cotton panties on Wednesday's as opposed to something more slinky and lacy maybe. I swear just seeing her standing at the sink in the bathroom drying her hair - wearing these panties instead of how she'd normally stand there naked on other mornings is just intense for me to see. I feel like a parent and that we've taken the training wheels off this whole thing now and that she's learning to enjoy riding the bike. There is no doubt that she is now also very turned on about what she's doing. There is more flaunting of her wearing them, a more, almost "normal feeling" about how she teases me - pulling panties up under her towel before taking it off or bending over and making sure I see that there's nothing to see this morning.

She hasn't really said anything about tonight. She's downstairs right now helping our daughter with a school project. I am sure she remembers our conversation from yesterday. I'm anxious about either choice - hoping as I write this that it'll become clear to me what I want. I make it no secret here amongst fellow like-minded cucks or with Sue that it is a turn-on to think about having sex with her with a condom tonight. I am sure she knew it from my response. This would be the first time that I would go for this without any sort of other "excuse". The last time we used a condom was when she first got her IUD and that was an intense turn on (that I've re-read and masturbated to so many times now). I have it in my head that this would be the first time I'd use one with her so that she can have her wish to be clean for Frank tomorrow. I mean just thinking about it is intense enough. In some ways I almost think that I have to do it tonight just to experience it.

But on the other hand, the thought of me being that much more horny for her when she gets home tomorrow afternoon is almost equally as exciting to think about. Having waited, then, 3 days for her - I'm already thinking how wonderful that will be to feel her again.

I can't answer it here now, I guess maybe it'll depend on her. If she comes up all suggestive and such and leads the way, I surely won't resist. But I'm not sure I'm ready to tell her that I want her, condom and all, just yet.
  • #144
I vote for condom! That might be a new Rabbit hole Sue may begin to fun down. Sounds interesting!
  • #145
Waiting may be eventually mind blowing! But Sue leads the way.
  • #146
I did not give in and go for the condom last night. For as much as it turned me on to do so, I opted to abstain and remain horny. Mind you it wasn't easy, seeing the camel-toe in her panties several times nearly drove me to give in.

This morning, maybe I was just more aware of it, but she seemed to flaunt the whole panties thing - including standing in front of her dresser with the towel around her waist while she picked out what underwear she wanted. I tried to not pay attention to her but I know she looked up several times into the mirror and smiled when she saw me watching. It was actually quite erotic looking at her picking through them. Skimpy ones, lacey ones, pink, blue... I had actually looked away for a second and when I looked back she was pulling them up under her towel. I DID stare quite intently when she took the towel off and I saw that she'd put on a very lacey and pretty skimpy pair of white panties. As she walked back towards me wearing just them she smiled at me as I just stared at her.

She finished doing her hair and make up and then went back to her dresser to finish dressing. Seeing her pick out a bra was almost as arousing as the panties. It's almost like watching a reverse strip-tease in a way. Seeing her tuck her breasts into the matching bra was also quite enjoyable. But I also have to say that equally enjoyable is knowing that Frank will also see and enjoy what she's wearing. That is for as long as she has them on, I am also remembering now that like her past lovers, she feels this desire to be naked with her lover and now, I'm thinking of her that way this afternoon. No wonder Frank is so satisfied....

So - I'm wicked horny right now.

Before she left this morning, we kissed pretty passionately and she reached down and cupped my cock through my pants and said "Mmm, you waited last night"...."I didn't think you would"...."I promise I'll be home early enough for us before you go out later" and we kissed again.

I will say that it was VERY tempting last night. As I said, I did go back and re-read what I felt when we last used condoms just over 2 years ago now. With those thoughts in my head, I was VERY tempted to use another one last night. The idea of my cum not being left in her was so erotic.

But again, now, while that thought was really erotic, I'm content that I made the right choice as I am totally horned up for later this evening before I go over Franks.
  • #148
I can't imagine how amp'd you are right now! She is probably on her way home with frank's cum in her, you are anxiously awaiting, and then she says, "you are going to be late, maybe we should wait until you boys are done watching tv!" oh snap!
  • #149
Dont be surprised if she does what far2 suggests!
  • #150
Only have a moment because I'm on my way out to head to Franks.

Far2 - she DID tease me just as you said - but then she curled her finger for me to follow her and let me just say that the last 35 minutes has been incredible. If anything, this time Frank left her wanting more. My gosh, she was insatiable - I swear, I think it was one half-hour long orgasm for her.

I could go on and on about how soft and oh SO wet she was. Something about knowing it was Franks cum in her really turned both of us on something fierce tonight. She was bucking up at me with each thrust into her. Totally fucking awesome. So I am going to Franks now totally drained as it ended with what has got to be in the top 10 for orgasms for me!

More later.

Go Yankees. I'm bringing a 12-pack of Yuengling over for the game - if we go through them all, no telling what'll happen.
  • #151
Maybe frank will fuck you if you drink all twelve! Just kidding! How did it go? Enquiring minds want to know.
  • #152
I finally had a few minutes to update here about last night.

It was an enjoyable, and interesting evening. We started out drinking and watching the Yankee game. The beers surely lubricated the conversation and I actually found myself enjoying talking to him. I could tell he was a bit uneasy at first but I genuinely tried to treat him as though he was just a friend and not Sue's lover. I think he relaxed a bit after he, I'm assuming, believes/believed that I don't suspect anything.

Go Yankees!!! Once it was apparent that they'd win easily, we flipped around the channels making the odd comments about whatever shows we passed by.

A few times during the evening we ventured out onto his deck where he had a cigarette. Something I know he must keep from Sue as she's very much not into smoking. But after an hour or so and a few beers, conversation became easy and it was odd because I began to realize how Son-Of-John here must feel talking openly with is wife's former and present lovers. I dare say it was even an erotic feeling sitting there talking so casually with someone who not 2 or 3 hours earlier was fucking my wife. But there it was.

Now about 9:30 or maybe a bit later than that, the evening took an odd but quite interesting turn.

We flipped around on the channels, now both of us being pretty loud about things. We would both rant on about how stupid this commercial or that tv show was. But then he flipped by the "adult" channels on the satellite. Sue had told me that he'd put on some soft-porn when they'd been together so I wasn't totally surprised.

We laughed at some of the antics on-screen including how mechanical and methodical the performers seemed to be.

It felt like we were just 2 "old friends" getting buzzed and goofing around. Watching the soft-porn on the TV, I guess I'd sort of let my guard down and as we watched and laughed I joked with Frank about whether his "right hand was getting sore" having this porn available and him split from Joanne and then I sort of asked when he'd be "getting back in the saddle" again.

I said it before I realized what I was saying and then it was out there. When I realized what I was saying (before I finished saying it) I figured I'd better make it sound like we're just pal-ing around and said something about whether he still needed some time or whatever. I tried to make it sound like just 2 guys talking.

Well, the look on his face when I first said it was one of surprise for sure but I guess what I said reinforced what we'd gotten to earlier, that he believes I don't know. This is the interesting part. Maybe it was the beer, or whatever, but he said "well....." and I wasn't sure what he was going to say at that point - he says in a sort of hushed whisper kind of voice "well, if you can keep it quiet, I've found a little action here and there".

The thing was - he had this big smile on his face, and it dawned on me at that moment that he was going to have some fun with this. And with the beer in me, I was actually all game for it. I elbowed him back and called him a dog. He said he wouldn't tell me her name - as he put it, he doesn't kiss and tell - but he said quite openly to me that "she is hot.....very hot".

Suddenly, it was truly a Son-of-John moment. We were sitting there talking about fucking my wife. I gave him that woo-hoo kind of high-five and told him to "fill me in". And from how he started to talk to me, it was obvious that he has no idea that I know what's going on. He proceeded to tell me almost everything - as if he was even enjoying telling me it all! With the porn on the TV and him telling me how smooth Sue's body is and how open she is sexually - damn I was hard again despite the quickie Sue and I had.

A weird thought was that if we were back in our teens, that this could have been a circle-jerk moment (I had a few of them as a kid).

Anyway he proceeds to tell me most of what Sue had already shared with me. He seemed to be totally in disbelief that she is as open and sexually wanton as I know her to be. At one point he said to me with this sound of disbelief in his own voice that "she wants it more than I can give it to her!". I was going to joke back with him that "she must have a lucky husband" but I didn't. I DID however, ask him what his "plans are for her" and he said that they're pretty much just friends-with-benefits type of thing and that he had no designs on her or really any desire for a long-term partner right now.

That led into a big discussion about Joanne that's probably too boring to go into here - suffice to say - from what he did share - Sue must be blowing his mind sexually as he shared that Joanne had never given him a blow-job other than when they were first dating and that she would never let him go down on her or anything other than, basically, missionary position. He came out and said that he doesn't think she ever had an orgasm. (Sue being multi-orgasmic must really surprise him!).

A bit after 10pm we started to wind down for the evening. Checking back in on the Yankees game we confirmed the romp we'd expected and high-fived and laughed about the blowout score. And after killing the beers we were on, I left the last 3 or 4 in his refrigerator and told him to have a good night and I ventured home.

I will say, it was very erotic to be talking and spending time so casually with the guy who is fucking Sue on a regular basis. But honestly, after a while being there - first, I can see why Sue feels comfortable there as he seems to genuinely be a nice guy - and two, he must make her feel incredibly sexy.

So that was it.

Now, when I got back home. Well, that was another experience. More about that later.
  • #153
"I was going to joke back with him that "she must have a lucky husband" but I didn't".

Hey! I think you should have !! Just imagine how he would have answered that one, or tried to change the subject. That would have been a lot of fun for you.
BTW, Did you fill Sue in on the evening when you got home? What was her reaction? Must have boosted her ego!
Cheers, Harry
  • #154
I wonder if Frank had anything left in his balls to jerk off after you left. He must have been hard as he related his exploits to you.
  • #155
Waitin to hear about your night with Sue. Well it appears that Frank has a little bit of an ego and balls! Maybe once he feels really comfortable, he will begin to be more dominant with sue? Very different place then your previous experiments to say the least.
  • #156
So - Thursday night I got home about 10:30 and Sue was all awake and waiting for me to come in.

She asked me all sorts of question about how the evening went and she seemed quite content about how we, Frank and I, got along. She enjoyed hearing about our camaraderie. That is until I got to the part where we turned the yankee game off.

When I told her we stopped on some soft-porn, she giggled and said that she and Frank have watched the same channels when they've been together. She said he can't believe that she's okay with porn as Joanne wouldn't even let him flip by the channels.

Anyway - she was all ears when I told her that I'd asked Frank about his love-life. She couldn't believe that I'd asked him but when I explained what the circumstances were, and his response, she seemed okay for a bit.

But she then realized that Frank was telling me about the sex he was having with her!!! She asked me how I felt talking to him like that and I had to honestly tell her that it was far easier than the attempts at conversation that I'd had with Don. That it was easier that we kept "her" anonymous.

She was defintely a bit uncomfortable but all ears nonetheless about what Frank had to say about sex with her. But once I started to tell her what he'd said, she felt more relaxed but also a bit embarassed - I guess me using "guy talk" about how Frank described fucking her might have been it but I also suspect she was a little embarassed by Frank sharing somewhat personal stuff too. She giggled when I told her that he'd told me that "she likes oral sex" and how she's the first he's ever been able to give an orgasm to that way.

I told her that he really seemed to convey that he's really - and I mean REALLY enjoying the sex with Sue. And I told her that, in that sense, I feel good about what she's doing - I mean, he is a nice guy and if Joanne's been that much of a bitch all this time, well, it's cool that Sue's giving him a taste of what he's been mssing all these years. I did tell her that he said the same to me as he'd said to her - that he's enjoying her company very much but that he has no desire for anything more than that right now.

We've talked more about all of this into this weekend and some of our talk really fueled an intense fuck-session last night, during which she shared with me lots of info on just how Frank likes to fuck her. Apparently now he's comfortable enough with her to share his likes and dislikes. She told me that he's definitely a missionary-man like I am - but that he also loves her to kneel at the edge of the bed and for him to have her from behind. He didn't share that level of detail with me - but she said things that he'd also said - that when she kneels there in that position - how she knows how open and totally visible she is for him (hearing her tell me stuff like that always gets me hard) but then hearing her tell me how much he enjoys her like that - it's apparently something Joanne would never do for him - damn, it's incredibly arousing to me.

We talked this morning after the kids had gone off to do their thing - that she is surprised how calm I am about her and Frank compared to how uneasy I was at this same points in her time with Brad and Don. I told her that this time I feel much more of her pleasure and her desires. She giggled at that and said that even she's been surprised at how she feels. She said something about things seeming to feel very natural and relaxed with Frank. I told her that for some reason, I don't feel at all threatened or really even concerned with them fucking. She smiled and said that I shouldn't and with a huge hug and kiss she reminded me that I'm her husband and that she loves only me.

So there you have it. Now it's time to go out in the yard with my son and get the grass mowed before it rains again, or, before the sun comes out again and it starts to grow!!!!
  • #157
What a perfect situation. Three people are having lusty fun. Sue must feel extra good as her efforts are working and she is having hot sex with two guys and no problems. Frank thinks he has died and gone to heaven. Stb you are having a great time with a very sexy wife. Enjoy.Enjoy.Enjoy.
  • #158
I suspect Frank may have been very nervous when you asked him about his sex life now his wife had gone. His first thought MUST have been that you knew or suspected something and then his second must have been whether he felt able to lie to you. If he'd said he hadn't got anywhere that would have started the conversation down an avenue he might not have been able to sustain. The beer must have helped him. The urge to tell someone that he is desired sexually by someone else after the way his marriage ended must have been overwhelming him. I think you must have helped him a lot by releasing that tension (pun not intended) in him. It will be easier for him to keep the secret elsewhere now. Of course with anyone else, their first question after his revelation would always have been WHO. Again, its lucky you had both had the beers. He won't have noticed that ..

Once again STB, I am totally intruiged by how your latest adventure is panning out. You really are a lucky man to have the relationship you have. To have Sue happy to go as far as she does, but no further and for you to be equally happy with that stretch to a 'normal' relationship must be so rare. Of course, any different and one of you would have unrequited desires and this tale might have ended badly some time ago. I'm so glad it hasn't.
  • #159
Peak - I probably understated the look in his eyes when I said that as well as the hesitance in his voice. But no doubt, many beers helped lubricate the conversation. It was actually kind of funny looking back on it that once he believed I didn't suspect anything, he was, I guess, bragging about it to me. He did say that he didn't want to be a name-dropper when it came to "her name" and he, in a way, suggested that it was someone "local".

I too am intrigued by this new relationship. I mean, in some ways, I put it all in motion, so I can accept some responsibility in it - but it is also Sue who, I believe, is genuinely enjoying this whole scene. It's maybe strange to say this but, in many ways this feels almost, now, more normal - that she's having some fun on the side. With Frank, as I've said before, I am beginning to see what Son-of-John has been saying about being friendly with guys who are fucking your wife. It's actually not as uncomfortable as I thought I would be and I'd even say it's rewarding to hear him raving about the "awesome sex" he's having.

She's already hinted several times that she's horny tonight so I am already looking forward to 10pm when our daughter turns in. She has this new summer t-shirt top that is really long but incredibly thin - her nipples are just awesome through it when she's horny.

For Shidave - I have to say that I wasn't quite as explicit with what I shared with Sue as Frank was with me, but she seemed pleasantly surprised and complimented when I told her how he kept saying over and over how good she was.

We have been talking more in the past few days, much the same as we did early on when she was with Brad and Don. The cuck part of me is very turned on by hearing her share her increasing comfort with him, and the rest of me is happy with hearing her say that she doesn't see it going beyond what it is now, a fun fling. Her comfort level is definitely rising - as is Frank's. Apparently this past week he was more than ready for her to give him a blow-job. I did cringe when she shared that he held her while he, as she put it "fucked my mouth for a bit". I asked if she'd sucked him off yet and she said "no". I asked her why and she giggled for a second and then sort of shyly said that since he didn't need to use condoms, that he preferred to cum in her. She did look up to, I guess, see the smile on my face at that.

I still can't really explain it but I seem to genuinely love knowing that someone else is cumming in her - as I said, I am a true cuckold. It was such a turn-on to hear her say that knowing that she too loves it. The other thing she shared was that he is getting more at ease with her being naked when she's there. I told her that I knew from Brad and Don, that once she felt that with him, that she'd become very comfortable and trusting of him - and I told her that it seemed a bit quicker than before and she pointed out that she's known him for longer than the others. I will say that Frank said that he's never seen a woman so open with her own sexuality. When I told that to Sue, she paused for a second and then a smile and a look of contentment was on her face. We didn't say anything but the response to what I told her was clear to me - that she is, I'd say, maybe proud of herself in how far she's come along. To me, it is remarkable.

Before I click send - I'll end by saying that for as much as I'm looking forward to fucking later tonight, dare I say that I am also equally aroused by knowing she'll be pulling on a pair of panties afterwards. Just thinking about her wanting to do that is so awesome.
  • #160
Stb it is marvellous that you have coped with Sue's activities and indeed thoroughly enjoyed them. It seems to have given Sue the confidence to orchestrate this new relationship. i feel that for her there is the additional challenge with Frank, in that he is so naive sexually Sue must feel like she is breaking in a virgin. She will no doubt train him well, hopefully not too well so he turns into a monster. He sounds like a very nice guy but sometimes "mice roar"!

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