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Sue's new man

  • Thread starterSoonToBe
  • Start date
  • #122
Finally had some time this morning for an update on things here.

But before that I did want to comment on something else that is related to last Thursday. We did have that intense "quickie" before dinner on Thursday night and afterwards, when I read the questions about what would have happened if we hadn't - well, it got me thinking that Sue and I would need to discuss it and so I did bring it up over the weekend. When we were getting ready for bed Saturday night, I mentioned to her that starting next week, when our son gets home from college, that I wasn't sure what the plans were for her and Frank.

She was very matter of fact and said that "Thursday afternoons work out well" and that she hoped she didn't have to change them. I told her flat out that she can't expect to come home and have dinner and for me to have to wait till later on to have her. She gave me this look and said "why not..." but as she said that she said she realized why not and she teased me "awww, will you be thinking of me the whole time you're waiting?" with a giggle to her voice. I told her that the idea of her sitting at the dinner table opposite me would drive me crazy and that I didn't know if it was the best idea. We talked as she got ready and what surprised me was when she came out of the bathroom with panties on.

On top of what we'd been talking about, her coming out of the bathroom with panties on just floored me. She saw me looking at her and before I could say anything she just said "I want to be horny for tomorrow, are you okay with that?". I was going to ask her about maybe using a condom but thought better and instead - honestly - just savored the cuckold moment. I had my hand in my boxers and my cock was stiff but I knew at that moment too that I'd be waiting till Sunday too. I'm not sure if it was intentional but she continued talking about Thursday's to me for a little longer. She said that the afternoon's really work out well for her time-wise. I told her that I wasn't sure I'd be able to handle it if I had to wait. She giggled at me and teased me about "being all horny knowing I've been having sex?" and I poked her in the side playfully and added "more like knowing how wet you are while I"m waiting..." - and that got us both to laugh. She rolled towards me and gently grabbed my hand that was still stroking my cock and she whispered in my ear "if you get him started, I'll finish it off for you".

I didn't need to hear it twice - I pushed back the covers and she slid off my boxers and moved down to watch me masturbate. I was horny enough already that it wasn't going to take long. Sue started to whisper more stuff to tease me - about how sticky her panties will be while she is eating dinner after coming home from Frank - about how I'll have to just "get used to it" - and "how much I'll want her after dinner". It all got to me and just as I was about to explode - Sue pulled my hand off my cock and lovingly took me into her mouth. Just feeling her tongue all around and under my cock was all I needed - I let loose into her mouth and she squealed and eagerly sucked at me until I was totally spent. She sucked her mouth off of my cock and immediately came up to my face and kissed me. She pushed the last of my cum from her mouth into mine and we teased each others tongues - she loves knowing I enjoy sharing that moment and taste with her. And I have to say, all of my angst was gone and afterwards we lay there with her still in her panties, only now my cock was pleasantly satisfied and drained.

However, we never did come to a decision on Thursdays, matter of fact, the way it was left was that things will continue just as they are and that we'll, I guess, figure it out as we come to them. After she finished that blowjob she did ask me if I thought I'd be able to deal with Thursdays and in my post-orgasmic state of bliss I think I told her that it IS a turnon that she may be sitting there opposite me with Franks cum still in her - and she reminded me that I'd had the same experiences in the past with her and Don and also with Brad - knowing she'd been with them and that I'd have to wait. But what I told her was that we need to be careful with the kids this time - with our son a bit older and also our daughter now getting into boys and such - that she just needed to be careful.

I'm going to end this post and start a new one about yesterday's visit with Frank.
  • #123
Interesting! It sounds like there are many avenues that this could go down. It will be interesting if she plays with you, denies you after her encounters, makes a bigger deal out of the panties - maybe more often than not?, pushes for the condoms...wow! Looks like a fun summer STB!
  • #124
"Regarding our physical condition - I'm one of those fortunate people who don't really gain weight. I work out pretty regularly (usually 3x a week for like an hour and a quarter each time). My weight stays pretty steady no matter what I eat - but it's drinking beer that puts the pounds on for me. Funny part is that when I stop drinking, it never takes much effort to lose them".

You sound to be a lot like me in Stature. I don't recall that you have posted a picture of yourself, but from your description I would guess about 5' 8" to 5" 10" and slender build with tight AB's. I don't do physical work-outs more than once a week, but I do a lot of hiking for overall health. My massage work keeps my upper body fit and strong. I am very particular about diet and consume a lot of fruits and Vegetables. Very little alc. beverages and no carbonated or diet drinks. Though I am about 20 years older than you.
Ya gotta stay healthy if you want to continue to enjoy good sex. I suspect there are a lot of men on this forum that have entered 'middle age' with beer belly's and diabetes and therefore can't satisfy their wives. So they have stories to tell. Some very sad stories LOL.
Cheers, Harry
  • #125
Hi stb
update us as soon as you can on how it went with frank and sue and you. looking forward to it.
  • #126
Ahh - still have some time to finish this up before the afternoon really gets under-way.

So - yesterday getting up in the morning, I wasn't quite as horned up as I thought I was going to have been. Sue's wonderful oral attention had eased my tensions for sure. Still though, seeing her get out of bed and get ready all the while keeping her panties on served as a reminder for me. Damn if its not starting to feel like when she was seeing Don again - where just seeing her in panties gets me going. Sort of like Pavlov's dog - her wearing panties is becoming a turn-on for me. Anyway - I did offer her some relief if she wanted and she said no, that she wanted to be horny for later. I asked her again if she was planning something with Frank - whether I should maybe find a reason to disappear with our daughter at some point. But she honestly said to me that she just wanted the afternoon to go nicely and that she needed to "keep up appearance" in that the 3 of us are supposed to just be friends.

I kept busy most of the morning and was happy that the whole day wasn't going to be raining. Frank did show up about 3pm. He brought with him a bottle of wine and a 6-pack of Bass Ale (he'd remembered that I'd liked Bass). Sue was happy about the wine and it was a nice way to start off our afternoon together.

Frank shook my hand and, if he was uncomfortable or awkward feeling it didn't show, it really seemed to me that we were just old friends seeing each other again. He was VERY cordial to Sue and once we opened the wine and beer, the conversation flowed quite freely. Our daughter hung around for a little while and Frank was also very nice to her - appearing to take an interest in how she's doing in school, etc.

I did see a bit of googly-eyes between Sue and Frank when they thought I wasn't looking. Sue had on a nice blouse and a pair of jeans. She admitted last night after he'd left that she made sure Frank had some good views down her blouse whenever she'd bend over or pick something up. I told her I could tell and she blushed bright red as she thought she wasn't being very obvious about it. I joked with her that it was good that our daughter wasn't watching (it's something we've talked to her about in the past with HS boys).

Frank and I were quite friendly - we took our beers out into the yard in between the rain and talked about the next steps in converting where our kids play-gym had been into more of an adult hang-out. We talked about where benches or lounges could be and where we were talking about putting a fire-pit in somewhere.

When the rains came, we went inside and went into the den and put on some music/concert-video's to while some time away. And I have to say, the conversation was genuinely relaxed. Sue shared that we have some vacation plans for the summer and Frank indicated that he's trying to figure out what his plans are as he wants to spend some time with his kids and such. Frank was very complimentary about the relationship Sue and I have. I think that maybe might have been him feeling a little guilty.

I can say that as we sat around talking, I have to say that at times it did feel odd to be sitting there with Frank with him thinking that I don't know he's fucking Sue. At times he would be looking at her and they'd seem to stare maybe a bit too long or that they'd laugh a bit too much at each other. It was kind of funny at times with them both playing along with the attempt to keep it secret from me. I could actually almost see Frank trying to keep things "normal" at times.

Frank did hang out on the deck with me as I tended to the steaks on the grill. I'd thought maybe he'd be in the kitchen with Sue, so that was a nice surprise. He's genuinely a nice guy and it was sort of surreal standing there talking so casually knowing he's fucking her. Although, I'm not surprised. I liked both Brad and Don at first too. The cuck in me would even perhaps say that I like that he's fucking her. I mean he's just a nice guy that I can relate to in so many different ways. I might have even said that had we been a bit more friendly, that maybe this would have happened through my suggestion to him instead of Sue's seduction of him.

Anyway - we had a nice dinner together. Frank was again very cordial to everyone and even made our daughter feel somewhat special at times complimenting her. It was after dinner while I was in the kitchen helping Sue clean up when she asked me if she could maybe have 15 minutes with Frank somehow. I asked her what she had in mind - was she going to give him a blowjob? was she going to have a quickie with him? She giggled and said "none of that - I just want a few minutes with him". I laughed at her and gave her a look but I told her that I'd see what I could do. That time did come about 8pm. We'd just had a huge downpour and the thunder/lightning had resulted in our daughter going up to her room and her version of hiding, she said she was going up to "read".

Anyway - we'd heard this loud noise outside and after the downpour I said I wanted to go out and check out whether there had been any damage. Earlier I'd told Frank about a new electric-chainsaw that I'd picked up and as I went to go kill some time outside, Frank chimed in that if I was going out to the shed, that he'd like to see the saw if I could bring it back. It all seemed quite innocent and I said that I'd "be back in 10 minutes or so" and I went out through the back slider door out to the deck. The thing was, the lights were on in the house and it was getting dark out. As I walked out I knew I'd be out of sight and I turned back to look in the house. The 2 of them were in a deep embrace kissing. I could see Frank furtively looking around and Sue trying to calm him down - at one point she put his hands on her breasts and that stopped him from being all frantic. I stood and watched for longer and saw him again looking all around and her again trying to calm him.

I went back to the shed and quickly grabbed the saw and again came back to where I was still out of sight but I had clear view into the den. Damn if that wasn't erotic - they were still kissing but this time he had his hand down the front of her jeans. Her jeans were unbuttoned and both them and her panties were down a bit and I could see her legs were spread. I walked a little closer and I could see his hand moving and I knew he was finger-fucking her. I gave them a minute longer before I made some noise outside and I noisily came back up on the deck. By the time I got to the door the 2 of them were sitting casually on the couch. The only sign of any hanky-panky was that Sue's blouse was now no longer tucked into her jeans. I thought I could detect the faint scent of her pussy in the air and wondered if Franks fingers may have been a little stinky!!!

We made idle small talk for a while longer until it seemed to clear up outside and the stars came out for a bit. We spent the last few minutes talking outside on our front-walkway at which point Frank shook my hand and thanked me for a great evening. We exchange pleasantries and he suggested we get together one night this week to watch a game on TV or something like that. I told him that'd be a good idea and told him that Sue and I would check our calendar and let him know.

I know she did it on purpose to tease me but she said "maybe Thursday night would be good for you guys?". Frank was speechless but I nearly bit my tongue at her suggestion and just said "lets see what the week brings".

Frank picked up Sue's hand and kissed it and said an equal "thank you" to her for a wonderful fun evening. And with that, he turned and left.
  • #127
Needless to say, when we got inside Sue was all over me. She said she was so horny. I asked her why and she said that the whole "deception" thing was actually turning her on a lot. That her playing along with me not knowing was exciting her a lot more than she'd thought. She admitted later last night when we were in bed after our daughter had turned in, she came out and said that having dinner between the 2 of us guys was very exciting and that she LOVED how I played along with all of it.

"Our time" for last night began as she kissed me deeply and said "thank you" for the few minutes I'd given them. She said that Frank was "so cute" in how he was so worried. I said that it looked like she was enjoying herself too and she confessed that she felt so erotic letting him finger her like that right there in our den with me just in the backyard and our daughter just upstairs in her bedroom. I asked her if she'd cum on his fingers and she was reluctant to say "yes" - that the moment had been very intense for her and she let herself go for the moment. I can share here that it was very erotic to hear her say she'd cum on his fingers like that - and now, as I go over it all again, it's perhaps even more erotic to think of him feeling her body and her pussy as she orgasmed on his fingers.

But now it was our time and she stood before me and slipped off her jeans and then her blouse and then her bra. I wasn't paying much attention as I got myself undressed - but when I looked back at her she stood there with just her panties on. The same ones as earlier and she looked at me and said "do you want to take these off of me?" and as I approached her she giggled and said "or maybe they should stay on until I see Frank again?".

Now I know she was just joking at the moment - but damn if my cock didn't start to throb at that moment. I hid it from her but I'm pretty sure she could tell by just how hard and big my cock was when she did get to it, that what she'd done was a turn-on. She was still standing but I sat naked on the bed and pulled her to me. I was ready to pull her panties down when she put her hands on her hips and held them in place and teased me more. "Are you sure you're ready?" and other stuff had me turned on but then she began asking me "Are you ready to see Franks pussy?".

I honestly don't remember my exact reaction to that. I know that the cuck part of me felt like it had just exploded. I know I looked up at her and must have had this look in my eyes to match just how my cock was now throbbing away. Whatever part of my reaction that Sue saw she must have understood because she kept it going. She looked down at me and said "Do you want to see where Frank's fingers were earlier?". I guess the look in my eyes said yes because she moved one hand down to the crotch and teased me by pulling it back to one side very slowly. It was like slow motion watching her pull it aside and hearing her say "Did you like me letting Frank play with me before?". and then she began to add "It's all for Frank when I'm wearing panties" and "You have to take them off of me if you want me".

It was all very playful and yet my god, I was so so horny. I slid them down slowly and could see how wet/damp they were in the crotch. When she stepped out of them, as she raised one leg, her swollen pussy lips parted for a moment and all I could think of was her sharing herself with Frank so freely.

The next few minutes were a blur to me. I know I pulled her onto the bed. We kissed - hands were all over. She sucked me, I licked her. And within just a few minutes she'd climbed on top of me and had taken me fully. She teased me about how "hard it must have been waiting" all night. But really there wasn't a whole lot of talking by then as we were both quite worked up. She rode me as we continued our teasing - I asked her if she'd ridden Frank like this yet and that seemed to really turn her on for a moment until she said that she had not done so yet - I told her that she can close her eyes and imagine it being him. She closed her eyes and leaned forward against me (I love her breasts dangling above me) and as she did so I reached behind her and ran my finger around my cock pushing in and out of her and then ran it around her butt. She squealed and I could feel her getting wetter and wetter as I played with her back-door. I pushed my finger in gently and she squealed. I whispered and asked her if Frank had played with her ass yet and she hissed back at me "noooo" and proceeded to grind herself into me. I could feel her start to cum - squeezing on my cock and arching her back - and then I felt her let loose. I could feel her pussy open up deep inside and then gently squeeze at me as her orgasm faded. It was very erotic to think that Frank has felt her like that too.

When her orgasm faded she looked at me and said something about "your turn" and rolled over with me still in her. I love how she feels when she's had an intense orgasm, something about how she is just so hot wet and open and this was no different. She actually encouraged me to hold her legs back and she seemed to offer her pussy up to me. As we got started she told me to "think about Frank fucking me" and after that I was so into it that I don't remember what she said except other teasing until I felt like I was in one of those porn movies where the guy is literally fucking the heck out of the woman. Finally I slammed into her and let loose with whatever was left in me after Saturday night.

She giggled afterwards and said "wow, you really enjoyed that, didn't you?" and she was gently rubbing her pussy saying "that's quite a pounding...". Even this morning she said to me that she's still a bit tender - to which I replied "you're just out of practice...". But I can say that this morning, she was back to prancing around naked in the bedroom, even showing off the touch-up she did on her bald pussy.

So - that's it. Franks an okay guy. It's cool that we're keeping it all a secret for now and I guess we'll see what happens this week, now that Sue set things in motion for me to go see him on Thursday.

More later.
  • #128
I like where this is going, you have less input or direction with Sue leading, which i think you like and I do have to say that Frank is pretty ballsy fingering your wife at your house. Maybe he will surprise you all.
  • #129
What an exciting weekend. You say that you liked Don & Brad at first; implies that you may have misgivings as to how this may develop? Currently Sue is running the show and playing both of you, but Frank is getting the hang of it and taking whatever he can get eg fingering Sue with you and daughter around. I wonder if he will become more assertive as time goes by?
  • #130
Far2 and Shidave - I just saw your last posts and I guess I should have added that it was Sue's direction for him to get her pants down and his fingers in her. She said she knew I'd make noise when I was coming back....

You are both correct in that Sue is definitely taking the lead right now and I am totally happy with her doing so. As I've said all along, knowing it's her who wants all of this now, it's incredibly exciting.

Of course nothing's happening tonight so there's little new to write about. My comments about liking Don and Brad at first wasn't meant to imply anything specific. Although I can say that if Frank doesn't get a little more aggressive with Sue at times, at least a little more physical, I'm not sure how long this will last.

Anyway - I'll be in and out of here on and off tonight.
  • #132
Nope - no need tonight - we're both pretty beat.
Just going to exercise a bit before bed but no hanky panky tonight...
  • #133
Recharge your batteries. wednesday pantie night coming up!!
  • #134
"So - that's it. Franks an okay guy. It's cool that we're keeping it all a secret for now and I guess we'll see what happens this week, now that Sue set things in motion for me to go see him on Thursday".

So you'r planning to go over to Franks Apartment on Thursday? I assume after they have had time for sex? Now this will be interesting!!! Don't be surprised if Frank is peaking around the corner (like you did Sunday) while Sue lets you 'feel' her 'wet juicy pussy' I still think Frank can't believe that he is not infringing on your sex with Sue. He's got to be curious about what's going on and he may catch on right there. LOL

"My comments about liking Don and Brad at first wasn't meant to imply anything specific. Although I can say that if Frank doesn't get a little more aggressive with Sue at times, at least a little more physical, I'm not sure how long this will last".

Frank will continue being a "NICE GUY" because he knows you are a nice guy and Sue is married to you, therefore 'in his mind' Sue likes nice guy's, and if he wanted to keep having sex with her, He won't ruin the "good thing" he's got going with Sue right now. Frank does not have the background that Don had nor even Brad (although brad was a 'nice guy' too. He just knew how to better interpret a woman's needs) Sue is going to have to tell Frank that the reason she is "going out" is that "sometimes she LIKES IT ROUGH and sometimes she wants her 'MAN' to be AGGRESSIVE. I am sure he would be willing to accommodate her if he knew what she wants.
Cheers, Harry
  • #135
So, this is an interesting situation.

I'd expected us to have had sex tonight as we usually do on Tuesday nights. Sometimes it's more of a quickie, and other times it's more. But it's something I've begun to enjoy. It seems the newness of her time with Frank has made me quite horny these days where I'm actually up for it more often than our former 2x a week.

Anyway, she told me she's not feeling up to it tonight and asked if we could either not, or wait till tomorrow night. So, I said "but it's Wednesday" and she understood what I was inferring and she said "or you could wait till Thursday then".

Am I crazy that there's a part of me inside that may even be turned-on by this? I have to say that I am wicked hard just typing this.
  • #136
Harry - yes, that's what Sue, jokingly, set me up for. And Frank seemed all for it which surprised me, or maybe he's just cautious to not tip anything off or anything like that. She also joked that she should probably be sure that she's home early enough for us to have some time together before I go over - I told her that she'd better or that'd be really awkward for me - she giggled but said that I shouldn't get all worried.

I didn't follow how Frank would peek in on Sue and I though? I do think that Sue has surprised him at how much a woman can want sex. She keeps telling me how "repressed" Joanne must be. So, in that sense, maybe Frank will begin to get a bit more aggressive on his own. I'm sure will find a way to bring it out in him without being so explicit as that's not like her.

Anyway - that's all for now.
  • #137
It seems STB, that you want tp go from being a "voluntary cuckold" to being "cuckolded by sue" or even "cuckolded by frank"
  • #138
Raks - I enjoy seeing Sue want this for herself. That is truly my greatest arousal at seeing my wife in such a state of sexual desire. I love her - I get so much satisfaction from seeing her desires coming out and her acting on them.
  • #139
Oh, I was thinking that Sue would have her "visit" with Frank, then stay there until you came over. That said, I figured that his 'natural curiosity' would have him watching you two to see if you noticed anything left over from their sex earlier. But if she is coming home, then you both go over (after dinner) it would be different. He would know she had time to 'clean up' and 'hide' the evidence.

I think that at this point Frank is happy getting from Sue what he hasn't been getting from Joanne. It appears that sex with Joanne was so 'repressed' that even 'Vanilla sex' with Sue once a week is a 'super improvement' for Frank. At this point, He's not even thinking of fooling around with different positions and aggressiveness.
Not to worry though, Sue will guide him just as she has guided you (once she was assured you were OK with it). I am sure Sue will get what she wants from both of you, and when she is ready, she will have you both together, and it will be 'wilder' than it was with Brad [or] Don. You have encouraged Sue onto this path and she has 'run' with it (much to your pleasure). I think she will keep it up till she has satisfied all your fantasies, and hers too. After her experience with you, Brad & Don, Sue will know how to 'mold' Frank into the 'fuck buddy' she wants. Personally, I think that once the 'secret' is out, Sue will enjoy it more and get more of what Frank can give her.
Just my opinion, We'll see where it goes. I really 'get off' on your 'updates' and the accuracy of you descriptions. Still the best posting on this site.
Cheers, Harry
  • #140
Harry - one correction for you. It's just me going over Franks to watch whatever sports happens to be on TV, or something like that - kind of a beer and TV night from what we agreed to. He has satellite TV so there will surely be something on, but Sue will not be with me as I'm going over after dinner. Sorry if I wasn't more clear.

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