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Pain and pleasure of waiting for her

  • Thread starterSoonToBe
  • Start date
  • #121
Far2 and Jon and everyone else...
We did go away this past weekend - left early after work on Friday and came home late on Saturday.
But between work and getting our son ready to head off to college, there's been like no free-time for me to post here - including today.
All is well though - our time away was very rewarding being away from the kids - I got to see some of Sue's newfound sexual desires up close and personal with her taking out her desires on me.
This week, she's due for her period later on so that should give me more time then too.

We did talk a lot and to be honest, I think she's come to a juncture in her relationship with Don that she needs to figure out for herself. Her decision to not see him last week was a bit of a surprise to me at first.

More later.
  • #122
STB: That’s OK, we can wait!! Although you sure have made us curious as to where Sue is going with all this. Seems like there are ‘new developments’ coming. Just glad you are still enjoying the ride.
Cheers, Harry
  • #123
Glad to hear you all had a nice weekend. Can't imagine how busy you must be with getting your boy off to college. That alone is a lot. Hopefully, things will cool off a little and you can share your thoughts with your voyeurs. :)
  • #124

Mr Soon, thank you for checking in. I believe Sir, that over the course of your journey you have empowered your dear Sue concerning her sexuality. She appears, at least to me, to accept that. However, she still looks to you for direction, "Is it OK" " Let me know if it's too much" so forth. All that is perfectly understandable when you are a couple with a 25 year marriage and a strong loving relationship outside the "playtime." Clearly she is your lady and this is your adventure. However, I respecfully suggest you be prepared to go along with whatever she may have in mind. I have no doubt she has given a great deal of thought to whatever she is about to tell you. If she would like a "break" from the adventure or if she would like to have sex with Don or whomever whenever she wants you must carefully consider her desires. I am certain you will. Can't wait to her how things progress. Thank you.
  • #125
Thanks for the update, Stb. looking forward to more news.I have a feeling that you are at another milestone in your relationship.
  • #126

Silly question but which seemed to pass quicker, the past ten days or the previous ten?
  • #127
Interesting question !!! Amazing to realize that 20 days have passed since STB was "cut off' for Don & Sue's "special week."
I'm curious too as to how STB will answer. As well as what this quote from his last post will add to the adventure: "We did talk a lot and to be honest, I think she's come to a juncture in her relationship with Don that she needs to figure out for herself. Her decision to not see him last week was a bit of a surprise to me at first."

Cheers, Harry
  • #128
Look at the 'stars' and the 'readers'. STB: with you taking a break, Lexxi has taken over as the hottest post on this sight!!
We'd all be greatly interested in an 'update' and news on the new direction Sue is taking you ??
Cheers, Harry
  • #129
oy gavalt! is this soap opera still going on ?

i haven't read it in ages ...........can anyone tell me
did stb actually get to see his 50 yr old wife w/o her
panties yet? i know that was a big trope a while ago ;-)
  • #130
Whatever duke. I for one am missing my stb update!
  • #131
Don't be cynical Duke. People are hurting here!
  • #132
Shidave said:
Don't be cynical Duke. People are hurting here!


peeps b starvin and dyin in Africa :(
  • #133
Really, then lets go feed them instead of hanging around web sites. U first!
  • #134
Shidave said:
Really, then lets go feed them instead of hanging around web sites. U first!


i b 2 bizee whackin off to internet porn

i'll meetya there in 2012 :p
  • #135
okedoke. dey hab good herbs for blister dick.
  • #136
This Friday?

Mr Soon, what has been decided? Bit of a break? Do let us know when you have a moment. Thank you
  • #137
Yes Soon... you're killing us with curiousity?! Please give us an update. Your posts are the best!
  • #138
What has happened to Steve (STB)? Must have been quite a discussion, he has not been a loss for words before. Hardly think enrolling the boy in College takes up this much time. I hope he comes through with something by Sept. 1, or I will have to relegate him to "ENGINE 9" status. Meanwhile, the only thing good is LEXXI
Cheers, Harry
  • #139
We've had a few things going on here in addition to getting our son off to college. Sue's dad has taken ill and sadly it's looking like he's not going to recover. It's a heart thing and he's too old to be considered for a transplant.

But, 'nuff about family.

Rather than try to recall specifics, I can simply tell you what Sue and I have been discussing. So, in no specific order, here's where we are.

First is that after our experiment, Sue said she felt like perhaps this was a bit too much in that she began to have feelings and desires for Don that were a bit beyond what she said she was comfortable with feeling. I had admitted to her that her describing the week as a honeymoon was arousing to me and over the time she's asked me why that turned me on. I told her what I've always told her, that seeing and knowing she truly sexually wanted another guy is a turn on to me. She said she was concerned about how strongly she felt connected to him when they were together so much. She also explained how seeing him daily like that, by the end of the week, had really allowed her to stay very in-tune with him to the point where by the end of the week - that Friday night - that she truly felt like she had to be with him and wanted more of him than she'd ever felt with him.

I asked her if it was the same as when she was with Brad and she was quiet when I said that and she said that now that she's been with Don as she has, she said that she hadn't realized how she'd truly felt about Brad. She did look at me and say again that I should have been more concerned about that than I was at the time. But she also told me that she's very aware of how she feels about Don and she knows she needs to be careful to recognize what she sees herself feeling towards him. That was the reason she said she didn't want to see him that Friday, that she said it was going to be too much for her and that she needed a bit of a break.

We talked about what she wants for the future and yes - as many here already know was going to happen - that led to us discussing the "experiment" and she came out plainly and asked me how I felt not having her for a while like that. I told her the truth, that it was very intense and incredibly arousing and that in the end it only served to make me want her even more. I knew where it was going as do most here when she asked if it was something that I'd want to try again.

That was when I turned the tables on her and I asked her what she liked about it and why she wanted to apparently do it again. She made no secret that the sex she had with Don that week was much better and much more satisfying than they normally have. And she teased me a bit in telling me that they are normally pretty good together. I asked her what made it so good and she said what she'd said before - that going back to him so soon each time and not being with me in between, she said, really helped her feel more in tune with him and as she'd said before, allowed her to more easily "pick up where they'd left off" before.

I was beating around the bush and not getting to the question I had really wanted to ask so I just came out and asked her how she felt about not having sex with me and not about Don. She was quiet for a moment and then said that she hoped what she was going to say is what I wanted to hear and she came out and said it - that denying me was a bit of a turn-on for her. That she began to, especially by the end of the week, feel aroused by withholding her body from me like she did. She said that just pulling on her panties (under the towel) as she did began to turn her on a lot by the end of the week. She did say that it turned her on that it turned me on that she was denying me - she made that clear - that knowing I was aroused by it all was a part of what she was feeling.

But then she said what I'd both wanted to hear and also feared hearing - that she did like considering it to be "Don's pussy" for that time and not wanting me to be a part of it. That let loose a flood from her where she said that by the end of the week, she did like feeling like she was totally Don's sex partner and not mine. She looked at me at that point and made sure I was okay with what she'd said. I told her that I was and that I had wanted to feel that - that for a while she wouldn't be mine.

And of course that led to her asking me how I felt about that. I told her the same as I already had that knowing she wanted to be his was such a turn-on to me - that knowing he was fucking her as much as he was and that the whole time she withheld herself from me was incredible.

But I did make it very clear that by the end of the week I felt a really intense desire for her and that I probably couldn't have lasted much longer. She giggled and said "you missed my pussy didn't you?" and I said yeah. She asked if "seeing it" would have made it better or worse and I said that just seeing it but still not being able to have her would have made it worse but then I also said that part of the arousal I felt was because she was doing what she did. She giggled at that and said again that men are crazy.

Back to what she wants for the future though. First she said that she does feel strongly about Don and some of the angst she feels about their relationship outside the experiment-week - she now understands that it is because she does want to see hm more often. She made it clear that she wishes she could see him more than just Friday nights and the occasional Saturday. I told her I knew thats what she wanted but it is still the case that his work schedule doesn't really allow it.

Then she said that she didn't think he'd be the guy that she could really see more of all the time. I asked her why and she said first that Don doesn't really want much more than they have now (except of course for something special like this experiment) so they're not together on that part. But she also looked at me and said that she didn't want to change our sex-life and that would happen if she were to be with Don more often. I gave her a look and she said that if she did see him more that she wouldn't have me as much and she said again about how he likes her clean and how this experiment really proved to her that whether it's a conscious act on his part of some true subconscious thing, that she knew that when she was truly his only, that their sex was so good. We simply left it that for now, it's good that this isn't something we have to deal with.

And that led back to, again over time, us discussing whether we'd do another "experiment" like this again. I told her that from how I felt about what we had done, that I would be okay with trying it out again. She smiled at that and I said that I guessed she felt the same. She admitted that now, by the end of this week, that she can honestly say she would want to try it again but she also cautioned that it had to be something truly special like this as she openly admitted that she didn't want those feelings to become something more than they were. I asked her how she thought she'd be if we did it again and she said that as long as it wasn't too soon, that she thought it might be fun as something - and she said - maybe two or maybe 3 times a year? I told her that we should just see how we feel about it next time the circumstances are such that it could happen.

She smiled and said that she didn't necessarily want to just wait for it to happen spontaneously - I didn't get what she was saying at first but then she just said that Don had asked her about whether they could schedule his next "vacation". I told her that I'd need to think about it at first but then I guess a day or so later, I did go back to her and tell her that they could schedule something but I added that I didn't want our lives to be based on Don's vacation schedule - and gave her the example that if something else came up that we needed to do or wanted to do, that Don's vacation wasn't something that we'd put higher than our own desires and she agreed with that and then added "but if we can, will you be okay with doing it again?" How could I say no to that?

So - right now the only plan we have is that next Friday, the Friday before Labor Day, that she gets out early from work and she's asked if she can spend the afternoon and evening with him. I confirmed that she's not asking for an overnight visit and she said no. At which I told her that I was okay and then I joked that they'd probably be quite horny for each other after this long of a break. She agreed and also said that was something they'd talked about - that maybe they needed a break from the "every Friday" routine to bring more passion between them.

I think that's enough of an update for now and I need to get ready for a 3:30pm meeting.
  • #140
Good stuff stb, sorry to hear about sue's dad. Wow, so she liked a lot of it for herself, even denying you! I am glad that she realizes where her emotions are going and is willing to keep them in check. It seems as if this denial is going to be a fun thing for you guys and the fun little game that it is being recognized as is great. At least she told you that she doesn't want it to ruin your sex life together. I time though I think this will come up more often and since you seem to be flexible, you might get to experience it more on a weekly basis just so sue and don can have a more passion filled friday. I know you said you weren't into chastity maybe a dozen times but I wonder if you could hold out an entire week without cumming at all while sue hid Don's pussy until Friday? Again, all sounds good, I just wonder what else they have in store for you or what other level you would like to take it to or maybe that was it?

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