We live part time in a small community where everyone knows everyone’s business. My cuckoldress can be very vocal and her lover can fuck her vigorously as if on a work out for hours as she has multi orgasms. He also likes spanking her and taking her up her ass to name a few things.
It is often very hot here and his endeavours normally mean we have to open a window or two for a while, one of my tasks as a locked cuck husband is to monitor the sound outside as our neighbours 100m away often sit hidden from view outside till late. They are very friendly and in their 80s.
Shortly after entertaining her lover after a vigorous and lengthy session, windows open due the heat, her mother mentioned to her in passing, yeah right:
that a neighbour had commented about the noise to someone else who told her mother about "this" noise coming from our place, a strange car being there and me sitting outside smoking a cigarette, it had happened before too. TV? No she assured my wife, her daughter it was not that apparently. She didn’t say anymore and later did not growl at me thankfully. Even my wife knew what she meant.
So do her parents know? Well yes. But things can only get worse................
As we packed up to go back home i asked my wife about the plastic bag she delivered to her mother as we left, she explained: I always give her our dirty washing for her to do when we leave. WTF.
She looked bemused as i told her...err, so you give her a bag containing our worn pairs of knickers and jeans that are all women’s??
That explains why her mother had previously commented to us looking directly at me that... she had washed and ironed our stuff,
So... her mother has spent years washing our stuff then hanging out several colourful pairs of knickers but no men’s underwear, has spent years washing our female jeans too and my wife never thought about this? I bet her dad did!
It also explains why returning from home once we found laid on our bed:
A white school shirt and tie, ironed, the shirt saying inside on the label, "back to school ages 16 to 17 years" and a short tight bottle green skirt, a uniform worn by the kids attending the local school as her mother will know. My wife would be in her early 40s and our kids grown up, so she sent that to be washed too. Priceless.