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Your input - not swingers

  • Thread starterMinnesotaNate
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Beloved Member
May 4, 2009
First, let me preface this by saying I’m sorry it’s so long. I’m 22 years old and I’ve been married to my wife for 2 years. She’s 21 and we’re not swingers nor are we interested in being. I’m here to ask you’re advice on some changes in our relationship for the reasons I’ll detail below.

This all started in October 2008 when my wife’s company had it’s annual picnic. I don’t work for her company but went anyway since they had free drinks. I mostly stood off to the side people watching, but did have a nice conversation with another husband of an employee. After a while, he introduced me to his wife (Cami) who was smoking hot. As it turns out, she was the receptionist for my wife’s company and my wife knew her a bit. The four of us talked for quite a while. Cami and her husband had two children, with a third on the way. Now here’s where it was odd: It was apparent none of Cami’s children came from her husband – they were all mixed race. I let my wife do the talking and in short, Cami revealed that she was a swinger. Here’s what really caught me off guard: Upon learning this, my wife inquired further, asking if they were swingers, and Cami responded, “No, not Jack! Jeez, just me!”

This of course piqued my curiosity. Did she just poorly state that she needed sperm donors because of a problem with her husband, or…? After that night I prodded my wife to get to know Cami so that I could get the full story, I was obsessed with finding out. My wife did, and she and Cami had a girl’s night out. My wife didn’t come home until 4 am that night and she was stumbling *****. The next morning she of course had a wicked hangover but I learned that in fact, Cami was a swinger, and her husband was a cuckold. This, at the time (early November), was a new term for me.

My wife (Sarah) continued befriending Cami, which I thought was great as my wife can be a homebody at times. My only complaint was that my wife took up smoking since Cami smoked. My wife claimed it was just to be social, but she and I both were ardent anti-smokers in college. Their friendship continued to grow until it’s where it is today, where the problem arises. I think that Cami’s a bad influence and I’m concerned about her intentions.

The other day my wife complained the printer was not working. So me, being an IT guy, turned on the printer, and logged into her account on the computer. It turns out the printer was simply off because as soon as I logged in, about 20 pages printed out. I checked it out to see if I could throw it away and I found old directions to a restaurant we had been to recently, directions to a nightclub in a seedy part of downtown, and a contract. The contract shocked me – I’ve learned it’s from a website (www.darksecret.com) called the Black Cock Agreement for White Females. In addition to this darksecret website, I found many others (including this one) in her web history. She’s obviously spent some time reading on the subject.

Now I’m fairly confident my wife isn’t cheating on me, but I can’t allow this to continue. I married a woman who had similar Christian morals as me, and now she makes it to church maybe once a month because she’s always hung over on Sundays. She smokes 1-2 packs a day when in college she used to hate cigarette smoke. I can count on one hand how many times we’ve made love in the last 3 months, we used to make love every Saturday or Sunday evening. I imagine you people have been through these sorts of situations, can anyone offer advice on how to extricate my wife from this mess?
if your not into it confront her tell her to knock it off or hit the road.thats coming from a real person we do it because we enjoy it i love the excitement for both of us shes doing this on her own shes cheating there is little or no trust in your relationship.for this play to work you both have to be open and honest which shes being neither.
MinnesotaNate said:
My wife (Sarah) continued befriending Cami, which I thought was great as my wife can be a homebody at times. My only complaint was that my wife took up smoking since Cami smoked. My wife claimed it was just to be social, but she and I both were ardent anti-smokers in college. Their friendship continued to grow until it’s where it is today, where the problem arises. I think that Cami’s a bad influence and I’m concerned about her intentions.

The other day my wife complained the printer was not working. So me, being an IT guy, turned on the printer, and logged into her account on the computer. It turns out the printer was simply off because as soon as I logged in, about 20 pages printed out. I checked it out to see if I could throw it away and I found old directions to a restaurant we had been to recently, directions to a nightclub in a seedy part of downtown, and a contract. The contract shocked me – I’ve learned it’s from a website (Dark Secret Interracial Sex Pics & Stories - welcome to our infamous interracial porn site!) called the Black Cock Agreement for White Females. In addition to this darksecret website, I found many others (including this one) in her web history. She’s obviously spent some time reading on the subject.

Now I’m fairly confident my wife isn’t cheating on me, but I can’t allow this to continue. I married a woman who had similar Christian morals as me, and now she makes it to church maybe once a month because she’s always hung over on Sundays. She smokes 1-2 packs a day when in college she used to hate cigarette smoke. I can count on one hand how many times we’ve made love in the last 3 months, we used to make love every Saturday or Sunday evening. I imagine you people have been through these sorts of situations, can anyone offer advice on how to extricate my wife from this mess?

I think the problem is Cami. She seems to be really strong-willed, persuasive and manipulative woman. She knows what she wants. Real alpha-female. I think she wants to turn your wife into slut. Maybe for her own pleasure, maybe to humilate you.

She has totally got your wife under her spell. Your wife seems to do everything to earn her respect, friendship and does it by trying to be like Cami. You probably remember those packs girls from high school... every girl in the pack does her best to be like the leading girl. Dresses the same way... if the leading girl smokes... they will smoke too.

Anti-smoking, good Christian girl who enjoys staying at home turned into real chain-smoking party girl in few months? I don't think it's based into her genuine own will. The change is too fast and opposite to be healthy. I think it's based into Cami's manipulation and pressure.

Taking up smoking to be social aka to please Cami? She might also take up smoking black cocks to please Cami... When you walk this path long enough putting dick into your mouth is as easy is putting tobacco in there. The threshold/inhibition goes as low. I don't think Sarah wants to cheat you or lie to you but it might happen and really easily. All it needs is another girls evening, party, too much alcohol and little bit of Cami's encouragement. People don't think the consequences of their actions when they're *****.

I love this life-style and I agree most what Grinch said but starting this life-style should be based into careful consideration, openness and honesty to your spouse. Plus the most important to your own will. I don't think Sarah's behauvior is based into her own free will and choice. She seems to be totally under Cami's spell.

I think she in this rate might end up into cheating you and then start to regret it and hate herself when Cami's spell would wear off. That might cause really bad things and not really turn her into strong and seductive hotwife.

And how I know all this? I have been guide for quite many women in their way toward being hotwives. So in many ways I seem to be like Cami. Often their husbands have asked me guide her to it. I befriend them, win their trust I slowly initiate them to the lifestyle. Often they behave like Sarah seems to do. The woman who I'm turning into hotwife starts to dress like me, lol starts to party like me, starts to use same body language as me and all that. But I want to to make people just get 100% enjoyment from their life. Not to break their relationships.

The difference between me and Cami is that I don't do it behind their husbands' backs and I don't force them along the way. I always stop them and ask somehow that "is this really the road you want to follow".

I think Cami is just getting some power trips from manipulating your wife and sexual pleasure from humilating you by "ruining your good Christian wife". I don't think she cares about your wife's well being. It's just game for her. Maybe she's herself so lost in it that she doesn't understand the possibly bad consequences of her actions.

My advice is to try to carefully talk to your wife about the sudden chances that has happened in her. Try to make her open up. Do not accuse or question her about cheating. That will just put her on defense and shut her up. Arrange lot of time to talk with her and try to make her to tell you why she's doing all these things... taking up chain-smoking the use of alcohol, wild partying. Good discussion might stop her to think what she herself wants to do and not what Cami wants her to do.

I think after you have talked with your wife throughoutly about it. I think you should try to arrange discussion with Cami and her husband. You might succeed to make Cami to understand that what she's doing to your wife is dishonest and might break your marriage. If she's not total heartless bitch. I think she might understand.

I don't think you should deny this lifestyle from Sarah if this is really what SHE wants. Not what Cami wants her to be.

Sorry for this long post.
First of all I think you got married to young. Niether of you has experienced the excitement that life has to offer you. Secondly, you put your wife on this road. You may not have told her to go do these things but you pointed her in the direction. Now she is out having fun and you are upset. You must open the lines of communication. It can't just be my way or the highway either. You have to express what you feel and also listen to what she has to say. Take her feelings into consideration also. I say a big part of this problem stems from the fact that you got married before you were even of legal age to partake in the celebretory champagne at your own wedding. Since you are married though experience what is out there and keep an open mind. If you make your experiences an activity for both of you then you are more likely to weather the storms.
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It's understandable that your wife who married at a young age and so far may have lacked variety where lovers are concerned, should revel in the idea that there is a lifestyle in which she as a married woman can have lovers without having to hide that from her husband, while at the same time having the security that he will remain faithful to her.

What I fail to understand however is that ever since she learned about it, the two of you (in spite of loving eachother) have so little sex together. My wife for one cheated on me long before we ever knew about cuckolding, but her cheating never had the slightest consequence on our lovemaking (indeed if she hadn't told me I would never have known).

That's why I think you'd better sort this out before the two of you decide to open up your marriage for her.

It has been over a month since I've posted, and this will likely be my last post. I appreciate everyone's feedback, particularly Custard Laststand and the link you provided. It was insightful. That being said, I took some advice from here and spoke with my wife on the subject.

She came clean much easier than I would have expected, considering how far she has gone. As it turns out, several of you were right in that she has been with a number of other men. You guys were also correct in that I was her first lover and she's been learning about things she has not experienced. She didn't apologize and said she intends to continue with this experimentation, but that she hoped I could understand.

I can't say that I do understand or approve but have decided to let her have her fun with the hopes that she'll return to me. I can only hope that our marriage is salvageable.

Now to be honest on my part - I will admit that there are certain aspects I find erotic in her behavior, but it's much the same way we view pornography - as a fantasy that you don't necessarily want to live. Also, I want her to be happy and fulfilled, apparently in ways I can't provide her. (She did mention penis size as part of her reasons). Lastly, there is logic in the article Custer Laststand provided that I can't much argue with. This is definitely a learning experience for me. Thanks again for your input.
Your sex drive is quite low for a young man only married two years. She obviously needs a lot more sex and wants much larger penises.

Has she tried bi-sex with cami? ASK HER.

It is obvious she enjoys being with Cami who has awakened in her an awareness of how vanilla her life has been so far - no reflection on you.

Would you be interested in becoming really good friends with Cami's husband so that you can learn as much as possible about being a cuckold? You could easily discover that it is a lifestyle that may grow to please you. I recommend that you should explore this opportunity as you can ask the awkward questions and will get truthful answers.

I would not like you and your wife to divorce, because all of society is changing fast and women are coming out of their shell and claiming what their bodies truly desire. A very high percentage of religious women want to break out, only fear is stopping them at the moment. But the day will come when they will jump the fence and chase extra sex with an energy that will surprise their husbands.
Road well travelled

MinnesotaNate said:
It has been over a month since I've posted, and this will likely be my last post. I appreciate everyone's feedback, particularly Custard Laststand and the link you provided. It was insightful. That being said, I took some advice from here and spoke with my wife on the subject.

She came clean much easier than I would have expected, considering how far she has gone. As it turns out, several of you were right in that she has been with a number of other men. You guys were also correct in that I was her first lover and she's been learning about things she has not experienced. She didn't apologize and said she intends to continue with this experimentation, but that she hoped I could understand.

I can't say that I do understand or approve but have decided to let her have her fun with the hopes that she'll return to me. I can only hope that our marriage is salvageable.

Now to be honest on my part - I will admit that there are certain aspects I find erotic in her behavior, but it's much the same way we view pornography - as a fantasy that you don't necessarily want to live. Also, I want her to be happy and fulfilled, apparently in ways I can't provide her. (She did mention penis size as part of her reasons). Lastly, there is logic in the article Custer Laststand provided that I can't much argue with. This is definitely a learning experience for me. Thanks again for your input.

You don't mention if she's had well hung black lovers. I know once my wife did then I never got a look in with her after that and our sex life went downhill but her's took off. You can gauge a woman by the company she keeps, if her friends are cuckoldresses then she is too. Once my wife was cheating on me on a weekly basis, all her friends were either single sluts or married ho's!
Sounds like progress....


MinnesotaNate said:
It has been over a month since I've posted....

Thanks for the update; good to hear from you. It's valuable when a man such as yourself who posts, saying (in essence) he's come to realize his apparently-proper wife has made him her cuckold and he's shocked and dismayed, writes back with followups.

MinnesotaNate said:
....and this will likely be my last post.

I hope not. You seem articulate and thoughtful. If you continue to fill us in as to how your relationship with your wife is evolving, I think it will be valuable for many members of this forum.

MinnesotaNate said:
I appreciate everyone's feedback, particularly Custer Laststand and the link you provided. It was insightful.

You're welcome. It's good to hear my comments and Susan Gower's article were of some assistance to you.

MinnesotaNate said:
That being said, I took some advice from here and spoke with my wife on the subject. She came clean much easier than I would have expected, considering how far she has gone. As it turns out, several of you were right in that she has been with a number of other men.

Your original post did suggest that rather strongly. If you spoke with your wife in a conversational, factual, non-argumentative way (i.e., you didn't start a fight with her), and if she responded in a straightforward way (as you seem to indicate) that yes, she has been taking lovers and fully intends to continue doing so, that's *very* strongly positive. It sounds like you've taken a huge step forward in communicating with each other in an authentic way about the things that are most important to both of you.

MinnesotaNate said:
You guys were also correct in that I was her first lover and she's been learning about things she has not experienced. She didn't apologize and said she intends to continue with this experimentation, but that she hoped I could understand.

I too would hope you're capable of understanding your wife's sexuality, including her need for more intense sex and a lot more of it.

MinnesotaNate said:
I can't say that I do understand or approve but have decided to let her have her fun with the hopes that she'll return to me.

I don't think your wife has ever "left" you. Rather, she needs more sex and, having discovered from Cami that there are ways of dealing with this problem, she's finding it on her own. (Cami, incidentally, is not an evil-doer suitable for scapegoating. Your wife could have, and probably would have, recognized her relatively high sexuality and found ways of satisfying it in any number of other ways.)

MinnesotaNate said:
I can only hope that our marriage is salvageable.

I wouldn't say your marriage is "on the rocks." Your wife has not said nor has she implied she doesn't love you (I gather); you've merely discovered she's a woman with relatively high sexuality. There are lots of women married to men with lesser sexuality. They cope with this problem by taking lovers.... there's nothing unusual about that. Some take lovers secretly; others have cuckold husbands who know but pretend not to know; others still talk about it openly with their husbands and establish "hot wife / cuckold husband" relationships by mutual agreement. The latter is arguably preferably. You are fortunate in being among the men who have brought it out into the open and had a straightforward conversation with your wife about it.

MinnesotaNate said:
Now to be honest on my part - I will admit that there are certain aspects I find erotic in her behavior....

This is a *very* important aspect of your response. It's important for you to come to terms with this, and realize if you take the "proper straightlaced husband" course and divorce your wife, then later marry a "proper straightlaced woman" with low sexuality who does *not* make you her cuckold, you will come to realize you have lost something very, very valuable.... a woman so hot that other men lust after her, so hot she cannot resist responding to their advances. There are *many* men who would give a lot to be in your position. Think about it.... then think about it some more. Imagine what your wife might be doing when she's out with her lovers, and let it turn you on. Imagine her telling you about her dates, as you listen with your cock fully erect....

MinnesotaNate said:
....but it's much the same way we view pornography - as a fantasy that you don't necessarily want to live.

This isn't pornography. It's real life. Your wife is a hot woman. She has made you her cuckold and has every intention of continuing to do so, and you've just acknowledged that turns you on....

MinnesotaNate said:
Also, I want her to be happy and fulfilled, apparently in ways I can't provide her. (She did mention penis size as one of her reasons.)

This too is an important aspect of your response, one you should keep in focus. Many have pointed out "If your wife is happy, you will be happy too." You have discovered what your wife needs to be a happy woman. If you can accept her high sexuality and give her the freedom she requires, you are standing in the threshold of a highly-erotic, mutually-satisfying and possibly long marriage that will likely be more intensely-interesting, close and involving than anything you could have imagined. For both of you, not just for her.

MinnesotaNate said:
Lastly, there is logic in the article Custer Laststand provided that I can't much argue with. This is definitely a learning experience for me. Thanks again for your input.

Good! And you're welcome. I hope you'll continue to advance your understanding of women, and your wife in particular.

Best wishes to both of you—

Update 3

Custer Laststand - Thanks again for your comments, I continue to look forward to your insights. It's hard to believe I last posted nearly two months ago. Things have continued to progress. Downhill? Uphill?

My wife continues to see other men. Since it's been broached between us, I've learned much, but she doesn't volunteer, just doesn't hide it. I've learned that she enjoys well endowed men, but more importantly, very dominant men. She likes playing the role of the slut and has continued refining her appearance and behaviors accordingly. From what I've gathered, she's been with at least a dozen men since this bizarre experiment began, although the number could be higher. She finds her lovers at clubs and through acquaintances. The number of friends she has who have similar lifestyles/beliefs has grown considerably.

Our sex life resembles nothing like what I could have imagined just a year ago. For the last few weeks we've been experimenting with a masturbation technique she introduced to me since she's made it clear intercourse with me isn't desirable. We reserve Friday evenings after I get home from work and spend a couple hours together before she goes out for the evening. I feel compelled to explain it only because I've never heard of this method before. It begins with both of us undressing, kissing, and light touching. She often plays with herself and shows her body to me - very erotic. Over the last year she has acquired a number of sex toys which we play with, but don't use until later. She enjoys having me play with the large dildos, holding them up next to my penis, stroking them, taking them in my mouth, etc.

We eventually progress to the bathroom wherein I lean over the sink with my hands against the glass. It's our rule that I can't remove my hands from the glass once we get this far. (I can't believe I'm writing this!) At this point she puts a finger in my ass and very slowly massages around. It's difficult to describe, but extremely arousing. While doing this she talks dirty to me - dirtier than I'd ever imagined. She details experiences with her lovers, how it makes her feel, and her favorite, instructs me to repeat and say things. I won't reveal everything, but she has me tell her how small my penis is, how she needs to be with real men, and other degrading topics. After about 10-15 minutes of this dirty talk (all the while her massing my rectum), I spontaneously cum. And when I say I cum, it's unbelievable seeing it. I cum so much in the sink you'd think I was a porn stud. The thing is, I continue to stay aroused - I remain hard (which I've never done after cumming) and am still extremely aroused. I never feel the orgasm approach, it's always "spontaneous."

At this point she removes her finger and discards the glove, but has me play with my cum a bit before washing myself. From there we move into the bedroom where I perform oral sex on her and use the large dildos (after washing my cum from them) on her. Once she's satisfied she leaves for the evening. By only doing this routine on Fridays (with no other sexual contact in between), my state of arousal has increased considerably and I look forward to Fridays more than ever! (My current state of arousal is my today's motivation for posting.)

I didn't expect to detail our sexual life in such length so I'll stop for now, but will try to update again soon. I'll have some free time over the weekend while she's out so I'll try to do so then.

Good to hear from you again. I missed your interesting current update when you posted it but came across it tonight, 27 Aug. '09.

MinnesotaNate said:
Custer Laststand - Thanks again for your comments, I continue to look forward to your insights.

You're welcome. I'll give it another shot.

MinnesotaNate said:
It's hard to believe I last posted nearly two months ago. Things have continued to progress.

Time passes quickly when you're having fun.

MinnesotaNate said:
My wife continues to see other men.

Good for her....

MinnesotaNate said:
Since we discussed it, I've learned much but she doesn't volunteer; she just doesn't hide it.

It's very positive that your wife is doing what she has to do to satisfy herself sexually, and is being honest with you about it.

MinnesotaNate said:
I've learned that she enjoys well-endowed men, but more importantly, very dominant men.

I don't think that's unusual. Women are often heavily turned on by a "strong, dominant man" who takes charge and fucks them authoritatively. If he's also well-endowed, that's wonderful.

That does not imply, however, your wife wants that kind of behavior from you in her boudoir. Women tend to select a husband based on a judgement he will have good ability to support them and their children socioeconomically (i.e., be the modern equivalent of a good hunter), treat them gently and be a good father for their children.

MinnesotaNate said:
She likes playing the role of the slut and has continued refining her appearance and behaviors accordingly.

That's good. She's refining her ability to appeal to and attract the kinds of men she needs sexually.

MinnesotaNate said:
From what I've gathered, she's been with at least a dozen men since this bizarre experiment began....

I wouldn't call this an experiment. Your wife has discovered she's a sexual woman; what she's doing is now her life.

MinnesotaNate said:
She finds her lovers at clubs and through acquaintances. The number of friends she has who have similar lifestyles/beliefs has grown considerably.

Clearly, her approach to finding lovers is effective and is probably becoming increasingly so. Women (like men) tend to find friends among other women who are like-minded. Your wife's associations are reinforcing her new "values" and increasing her access to the kinds of men she wants (because her woman-friends share information about men and their attributes).

MinnesotaNate said:
Our sex life resembles nothing like what I could have imagined just a year ago.

No, I wouldn't imagine so. "You've come a long way, baby..." (as the Virginia Slims ads used to put it).

MinnesotaNate said:
For the last few weeks we've been experimenting with a masturbation technique she introduced to me, since she's made it clear intercourse with me isn't desirable.

Ah, yes.... it's hard to seem sexually appealing to your wife when she's fucking a stable of well-hung studs.

MinnesotaNate said:
We reserve Friday evenings after I get home from work, and spend a couple of hours together before she goes out for the evening.

Cool.... it's very kind of your wife to set aside some time for you before her dates.

MinnesotaNate said:
I feel compelled to explain it only because I've never heard of this method before. It begins with both of us undressing, kissing, and light touching. She often plays with herself and shows her body to me - very erotic.

Nice.... that does sound very erotic.

MinnesotaNate said:
Over the last year she has acquired a number of sex toys which we play with, but don't use until later. She enjoys having me play with the large dildos, holding them up next to my penis, stroking them, taking them in my mouth, etc.

Hm.... sounds like your wife has acquired a taste for "lightly humiliating" you by comparing your cock to her much larger dildos (which symbolize the cocks of her lovers), and enticing you to "cocksuck" her dildos (just a little bit).

MinnesotaNate said:
We eventually progress to the bathroom wherein I lean over the sink with my hands against the glass [mirror]. It's our rule that I can't remove my hands from the glass [mirror] once we get this far. (I can't believe I'm writing this!) At this point she puts a finger in my ass and very slowly massages it around. It's difficult to describe, but extremely arousing.

That's called "milking." Your wife is massaging your prostate gland. It is, as you say, highly erotic.

MinnesotaNate said:
While doing this she talks dirty to me - dirtier than I'd ever imagined. She details experiences with her lovers, how it makes her feel, and her favorite, instructs me to repeat and say things. I won't reveal everything, but she has me tell her how small my penis is, how she needs to be with real men, and other degrading topics.

Excellent. Your wife is conditioning you to accept "heavier-duty" humiliation by seductively enticing and encouraging you to confess, out loud to her, your sexual shortcomings. By heavily turning you on (with her finger up your ass massaging your prostate) while she humiliates you by telling you about her incredibly-hot erotic adventures with her lovers, your wife is subtly — well, actually, not so subtly — encouraging you to realize and accept the desirability *to you* of her continuing to expand her sexual adventures with other men, because her sexy verbal descriptions of her trysts turn *you* on. Heavily.

MinnesotaNate said:
After about 10-15 minutes of this dirty talk (while she continues to massage my rectum), I spontaneously cum. And when I say I cum, it's unbelievable seeing it. I cum so much in the sink you'd think I was a porn stud. The thing is, I continue to stay aroused - I remain hard (which I've never done after cumming) and am still extremely aroused. I never feel the orgasm approach, it's always "spontaneous."

Far out. That really is incredibly erotic. My impression is, milking causes an erection (as you experience), then usually results in a slow dribble of semen from the end of the milked man's cock until his prostate is drained (so to speak) of semen.... but, the milked man does not experience an orgasm per se. Rather, the result (as I understand it) is what might be called a "slow unsatisfying orgasm." I suspect your sudden, explosive orgasms from anal stimulation are exceptional (although I could be wrong about this). Your wife is doing you a *great* favor by bringing you to orgasm in this way.

MinnesotaNate said:
At this point, my wife removes her finger [from my asshole] and discards her glove, but has me play with my cum a bit before washing myself. From there we move into the bedroom where I perform oral sex on her and use the large dildos (after washing my cum from them) on her.

A variation you might consider would be to suggest to your wife she require you to ejaculate into a glass, then drink your own cum from the glass when she has finished milking you. Then, proceed to her boudoir.

MinnesotaNate said:
Once she's satisfied she leaves for the evening.

That's interesting. I would think your wife would want to be sexually-aroused when she goes out on her dates. Satisfying her with a combination of sucking her cunt and using a (preferably vibrating) dildo on her, however, is very positive. You can, of course, do that for her anytime she desires it.... not just on Friday evenings (although she might prefer to milk you only on Friday evenings).

MinnesotaNate said:
By only doing this routine on Fridays (with no other sexual contact in between), my state of arousal has increased considerably and I look forward to Fridays more than ever!

Yes, really.... I would think so.

MinnesotaNate said:
(My current state of arousal is my today's motivation for posting.)

Hey, whatever works. Your post is exceptionally interesting.

MinnesotaNate said:
I didn't expect to detail our sexual life in such length so I'll stop for now, but will try to update again soon. I'll have some free time over the weekend while she's out so I'll try to do so then.

Good. I'll look forward to hearing more from you.

Incidentally, since you've discovered the exquisite pleasures your wife can bring you by fingering your asshole and prostate, you might consider suggesting to her she begin fucking you up your ass with a strapon (perhaps vibrating) dildo. The best introduction to this form of pleasure may be:

"Bend Over Boyfriend:" A couple's guide to male anal pleasure, featuring Carol Queen and Robert Morgan. It's a Femme Fatale DVD or video, (c) 1998. You can find places to order it by googling it.

Since your wife finds your cock unsatisfying, this would enable her to "take charge" of doing the fucking in your household, and it would also enable her to attain orgasm herself while fucking you up the ass from pressure on her clitoris. Also, some dildo attachments for strapon harnesses come with an attachment opposite the dildo that fits in the woman's vagina, thus enabling her to come via stimulation of her G-spot. Carol Queen demonstrates all this in her DVD. It's good.

There's also a book out on this subject entitled, "The Ultimate Guide to Strapon Sex," or words to that effect, as well as other books. You can google "guides to anal strapon sex."

Best wishes to you and your wife—


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