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  • Thread startereatsherafter
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Not quite a lurker
Beloved Member
Dec 31, 2006
You are such a loser. Find some where else to post your shit. Most of your posts on this site are you bitching. Go away jerk off!

Ladies, check out the comments he leaves and see what a sensitive child he is.
Im a big fan of xzpaw. His comments bring a lot of joy and laughter to me. We need balance and objectivity on this board!
Not a fan

Lots of objectively beautiful women have complexes regarding their bodies, simply because some asshole felt like putting her down.

One look at an xzpaw post, and you're guaranteed that they'll never dare post any photos of themselves on this site, ever. So let's all give a silent thanks for his adding balance and objectivity to this site. I mean, who gives a shit about real and nekkid women anyway...
couldnt agree more hotcouple.... we are members of several other swingers boards that really dont cater to the BBC theme as DC does. yet we find more BBC there than here. Someone even asked a question about DC in the forums on one of the other sites and the response was an overwhelming NO as to if its good for real hook-ups... seems that most reponse is for xzpaw...apparently I'm in the wrong place. Posting negative comments about the way a woman looks, I feel, is never appropriate. I'll keep my opion to myself and withdraw my wife's photo's.
xzpaw makes stetments like someone who has become frustrated and bitter - maybe a significant other doesn't want to enjoy BBC? Or maybe promised to try but backed out never to get close again? It sure seems as though he is extremely critical, cynical and skeptical. It's good having those qualities on boards like this but not all rolled into one person! And to such extremes!
Damn xzpaw! If anything you sound more bitter and ashamed of yourself. You must be the little dick without a wife (or any female interaction at all). If these people want to post pics of themselves (or they're wives) there's no harm in that. But for you to go through every thread and critize these people shows just how jeleaous and envy filled your sore-loser, sour, sorry ass is. Get a damn life! You talk about how many losers there are on here and you don't realize that you are the biggest of them all.
eatsherafter said:
You are such a loser. Find some where else to post your shit. Most of your posts on this site are you bitching. Go away jerk off!

Ladies, check out the comments he leaves and see what a sensitive child he is.

Just do what I finally did...put the little boy on your 'ignore' list and every single one of his silly little comments disappears. You're right - he is a sensitive little boy and I think somewhere along the way he was disappointed or rejected by a girl and now he has to make everyone else feel badly about it. I'd be surprised if he is able to have any type relationship with a female because of his own inadequacies...but he has convincedhimself that his remarks are cute in a cynical way.

I would bet he masturbates frequently with some "perfect" scenario in his head - probably about the girl(s) who rejected him and thought he was a jerk or very immature and to get back at them h imagines all sorts of things as he struggles with his little penis LOL...

Anyway - just put him on your 'ignore' list and you never have to read his comments again. THAT will drive him crazy cuz he feeds off everyone's reactions - just like the typical little boy.
What a HOOT!

Dayum I love this! I see the little boy has TWO posts right after mine (and in front of this one) and I am spared his juvenile silliness.

But I guess the point is made...he is an immature kid about whom nobody really cares. And I don't want to give him further thought; I just couldn't resist a final giggle at his pathetic circumstance as well as his equally questionable manhood.

All of us here have far better things to focus on now...:flash:
Never knew you could ignore users! Definitely using this feature from now on -saying that, it'll mean I'm not going to be reading many posts!
I agree...

eatsherafter said:
You are such a loser. Find some where else to post your shit. Most of your posts on this site are you bitching. Go away jerk off!

Ladies, check out the comments he leaves and see what a sensitive child he is.

Besides his negativity, watch for him to post personal messages. He did it to me last weekend, thereby showing his "player-hating" status.

Best thing to do is to ignore him.
Hey, what all this about little willies. Dont put all us small dicked guys in the same boat, I know plenty of big dicked guys that are arseholes. Having a small willy does not automatically make you inferior. As my wife says "I have found out that a man with a small dick can be more of a man than an arsehole with a ten incher"

..well, it makes me feel better when I need it. lol
I raise an eyebrow at xzpaw's comments

hotcouple2007 said:
Well I've had a couple of head butting sessions with him already myself, but for the most part I'm OK with him. I mean, to be honest I can see where he's coming from on at least one of the themes he seems to hammer on. He enjoys the theme of this site but is basically sick and tired of all the fakes and cuckolds fags who are here and have pretty much taken over and driven away a lot of the legitimate "hook ups" this site used to help provide. I mean, honestly, I haven't looked at the DC as a real hook up site for at least 3's mostly for entertainment purposes only at this point. But if you did come into this site thinking it was supposed to be about meeting real, attractive couples or black guys for your girlfriend/wife (or vice versa) it could get mighty frustrating. ;-)

hotcouple2007, there is a saying that goes: "If you don't have nothing nice to sy, don't say it at all." xzpaw may dislike things in this site, but take it from me, he tends to go overboard.

I commented on a point he and others made from a different post, and he chews me out and tries to degrade me. I have former Marine Corps Drill Instructors that would make him cry, wail, and scream.

Right now, I am doing the one thing that keeps me from acting like that guy who killed the 32 VA Tech students and himself.

Before people whine and say I am 'begging for attention', take note that I post what I have on my mind and move on...and I TRY not to ridicule - although I will be Man enough to admit I did this in the past.

xzpaw comes at me bitching about things, when he should think before assuming. (Everyone knows the phrase about assuming...makes an ass out of you and me.):bitch:

Just one man's opinion. Take it with a grain of salt. (Let's hope xzpaw is brave enough to listen and think only, instead of lashing out.)
There seems to have been a lot posted about Xzpaw - too much in my opinion. If you do not like what he says IGNORE HIM. He will soon get fed-up and stop posting. Easy is it not??
xzpaw said:
LOL. I've changed my mind about you being a man. Only a woman would say she's putting someone on ignore, and then turn it back on twice in order to read my response.

By the way, how are you and your team of writers doing? Your post quality has changed. You don't have as many misused big words in this one.

Maybe you should purchase a thesaurus as well.


xzpaw despite his age seems to be one of the wiser people here... and pretty damn funny.

You all just hate it when someone calls you out.
Too me XZPAW is the biggest fake on here. That is why he suspects everyone, and that is everyone, of being a fake or a faggot. Like the world revolves proving anything to his frustrated paranoid mind. <wink>

He transfers his own fake schemes onto everyone elses posts. Nothing to contribute but bitching. He is the proverbial wet blanket, or bucket of icewater. Even his bartender probably needs counciling after listening to his incessant whining about ... well everything.
Remember Cliff Clavin from 'Cheers'? 'Paw' is a 20-y.o. version...LOL. But Becontree is right...too many posts about such a loser.
becontree2001uk said:
If you do not like what he says IGNORE HIM. He will soon get fed-up and stop posting. Easy is it not??

Becontree2001uk, it’s not that easy. He won't stop posting insulting drivel which harms people’s threads. His contributions are designed to piss people off on purpose like a little kid just seeing how much he can get away with before you spank him.

He has over 450 posts, 99% of which are ignorant, classless and boorish. And it does do harm. There are probably real women on this board that won't post pics of themselves because of comments such as his.

I know of no other board which would put up with 450 idiotic, insulting, demeaning so called "contributions" without warning that person to say something nice or shut up.

When it comes to xzpaw I agree wholeheartedly with Phantastic Dan.

Jumponit, you must be Beavis to xzpaw’s Butthead if you think he is wise and funny.

xzpaw I have one question. Are you just a net wiseass or do you have the guts to make insulting comments face to face with people in real life? And if so how many times have you had your nose broken?

I am always loathe to advocate someone getting banned and I don’t think xzpaw should be banned. But I do think that he should be told by admin to change his ways. I know I will be hitting the “ignore” button in his profile if he doesn’t change because I come to a site to relax and have fun. Not to get pissed off at someone’s continuous childish behavior.
What a crock of bs this thread is ...

Can the moderator delete this useless mental masturbation?

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