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Would she stop?

  • Thread starterfiredrop2007
  • Start date


Would your wife stop if you asked?

I know I have no say in my relationship but I wonder what other peoples situation is.
It was a condition of our marriage. I told her I would not be content with a monogamous wife.

It wasn't until a few years later she told me that although she thought I would be a great husband, she would not have married me if she had to give up full sized cock.

I thought it was my condition: not knowing it was hers. She said, since I wanted her have lovers, she didn't feel the need to tell me that at the time.

Now she simply says, "I married you based on this condition. This is how it will be."
We have been married 15 yr and playing 11.
We have three basic rules: no lying(or keeping secrets), either one can say stop at anytime, and condoms required unless agreed by both.
Well haven't tested the second one. LoL
my gf likes her "social life" a little too much to stop. :) any cucks looking to trade gf/wife pics? PM me
We have had this discussion just recently becasue she thought she was pregnant by her bf and long story she was not but during the time she thought she was pregnant she said "i'm not doing this any more with him, its not worth the risk", I told her thats fine but I bet you continue.

Bottom line is she is going to be fucking him this week. (only 2 weeks after her scare)

Answer is. No she cant stop.
Interesting Question

firedrop2007 said:
Would your wife stop if you asked?

I know I have no say in my relationship but I wonder what other peoples situation is.

No two relationships are the same, but cuckoldry, is quite defferent from swinging and infidelity in that usually the female is the dominant one in the relationship. I will not say it is impossible for the female to stop for any length of time because it is more than just sex, she has the best of all worlds, a reasonably stable home life with its advantgages and often that means a build in baby sitter while she goes out and plays. The husband may not get much sex at all and to be honest he may not want sex with his wife, but he may want it very much and she with holds it. He often has very little to say about it.


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My wife has already told me that she can't deal with me being the only person she'll have sex with. She knows she needs sex outside our marriage and she has flat out told me she will never stop.

eternal_loss said:
My wife has already told me that she can't deal with me being the only person she'll have sex with. She knows she needs sex outside our marriage and she has flat out told me she will never stop.

Very good. Your wife has said it like it is. Your marital status is, you are her cuckold and that is all.

eternal_loss said:
My wife has already told me that she can't deal with me being the only person she'll have sex with. She knows she needs sex outside our marriage and she has flat out told me she will never stop.

Exactly the same situation as us :)
Mike1234 said:
Answer is. No she cant stop.

Perhaps that is the most important question: Not WOULD she stop, but COULD she.

How many guys here think there wife is so addicted to cock, that she COULDN'T stop even is she wanted to?

Given that Sarah cuckolded me for the first time before we were married, way back 19 years ago, after us only going out for 11 days, I would definitely say she is in the COULDN'T STOP category.
We're not your typical married couple - long story not
worth the time going into. However, once, a while back
I think Patty was 18 or 19? We we're playfully arguing
about her love for sex (both sexes.) She fought that
she hated sex and that it was always for the money.
So I retorted, saying, "OK, I'll bet you can't go 24
hours without sex." If you can, I'll pay you your
'probable' loses. If you lose and have any sex at all,
you treat me to a lobster dinner."
I had a 5 pound lobster.
She lasted 40 minutes.
So cunts just cannot say no.
But they do grow out of it. Patty is now 54 and
still holds onto a few johns and a couple of jills.
But she would (and has, come to think of it) put
them off to tend to her farm on Farmville. But
until she was like 45 or so, she could refuse no one
and no thing. Especially when paid ... perhaps
only when paid.
no i did ask her to stop seeing her yng lover....she plainly refused

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