Anyone want to play these rules?
Each person take it in turns to roll 2 dices a D6 and a D10
The D6 gives the type of photo of their wife or gf (all including face)
1 - clothed
2 - underwear
3 - boobs
4 - pussy
5 - fully nude
6 - performing a sex act
The D10 gives the duration its up for with unlimited extends
1 - 30 seconds (30 second extends)
2 - 1 minute (1 min extends)
3 - 5 mins (5 mins extends)
4 - 15 mins (15 mins extends)
5 - 30 mins (30 mins extends)
6 - 1 hour (1 hour extends)
7 - 6 hours (6 hour extends)
8 - 1 day (1 day extends)
9 - 3 days (1 day extends)
10 - 1 week (1 day extends)
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