Boyfriend Coming for Two Weeks
Things are beginning to settle into a routine. In fact, my wife is on her way to the airport to pick up her boyfriend. He is coming for a two week visit. When she left, she was wearing a sexy black tank top with tight jeans that showed clearly that she wasn't wearing any panties or at best strings. She left two hours early, to get her nails done, she said, and to get him a present. I was instructed that they would be going from the airport to dinner, and then they would decide whether they would go out or come back to the house. It depended on how he felt. One thing I knew for sure was that she would come back home with a load of cum somewhere, maybe more. In the past, I had driven to the airport, walked in with her, instructed to gather his bags, and to walk two paces behind them with the luggage. Of course, I opened the doors for them and served their needs from that point on while he was here. Usually, when they were in the car, they began kissing, and sometimes instructed me to find a dark part of the parking garage where she could suck him, or he would occasionally pull her over on his lap sliding into her beneath her always too short skirt. After what they considered an appropriate "welcome home", they instructed me on what they wanted to do next. Sometimes, it would be to a restaurant, or occasionally, to a club. When they wanted to go to a restaurant, they would instruct me to drop them off and park the car. Sometimes, I would go in the restaurant to find that they had been seated, but had left as if both had gone to the restroom at the same time. They had. My wife often returns to the table with an orgasm flush, and occasionally I am instructed to take her back into the bathroom and lick every drop of his cum out of her. Almost always, I am instructed not to say a word to anybody about anything once in the restaurant. I can only sit and smile as they order for me, knowing that whatever I get will be something one or the other of them has "always" wanted to try, but didn't want too, in case they didn't like it. It never mattered whether I liked it at all. It was what I got. Of course, when it came time to pay the bill, her bf would toss the check at me, say, your wife said it was your pleasure to treat me, and then they would send me out for the car to bring it up to the front door to pick them up. On the ride home, they would inevitably have sex at least one more time. Upon arriving at home, they would go in, ordering me to carefully bring his bags inside. I would usually go to the bedroom to find them ripping each other's clothes off, and almost always they would be engaged in incredibly hot sex, not even realizing I was there. I knew, from before, where I was to stand quietly and wait, and occasionally I was offered a tidbit, maybe her panties tossed at me, or her bra, or I might be told to remove her heels, if they were strappy, and she wanted them off. This time I got a surprise. I got a new necklace that said, Property of Cathy and A, which I was instructed to wear around my neck at all times, with the admonition that my skin was not to come into contact with my wifes's if I was not wearing that necklace, because her bf did not want me to mistakenly think that she was mine again. Sometimes, blindfolded and tied up, they let me sit at the foot of the bed. Sometimes, they would throw me out of the room altogether, if, as she said, we really just want to make love to each other! My job was, and I knew it, to be available when he was completely done with her. I would go in kneel and clean out every drop of his cum. If he had cum all over her, I was expected to clean up every drop, using only my tongue, and not "being nasty and licking" like a damn dog, as she said. Just lick the spots where the cum is and hurry up was what I was usually told. I'm used to the stockings and heels now that come with this task, and I am fairly resigned to the fact that she loves his big cock so much better than mine. Things are actually getting easier now. They have told me that my place in their lives is to serve, please, and amuse them. And, it has worked out, that if I do that, I usually get to watch at least. Being used to cumming every day at least once if not two or three times it has been hard to cumming once or twice a week. They have assured me it is truly for my own good, and it does make me more obedient to them. I couldn't do it however, without the cage that is locked around my cock. I actually like it now, as it removes the temptation for me not to serve them the way I should. Her bf promises that I can lick every load of cum if I do EXACTLY as instructed. So far, he has been true to his word.