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Wife wants me to get a vasectomy!

  • Thread starterdirtydoc30
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New around here...
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Jan 22, 2011
Granted we have talked about this (the vasectomy) off and on since our youngest was born. Just don't know how to interpret this sudden demand, especially when considering the circumstance. After all she has been spending the last two nights with her new lover (who also happens to be her boss). Anyway, she calls me up at 4AM to tell me she wants me to get a vasectomy. Supposedly her new stud is ********** from all their fucking and she wants to talk about this "pressing" problem. All of it seemed out of the blue and strangely disconnected from the fact she is banging someone else. Then not just 10 minutes ago I got another call from her stating that I have a preliminary consultation with a clinic in 2 hours. In addition to all this, they were supposed to come and stay at our place tonight, but Kristi says she wants one more night with him, alone. Now, my heart is racing with fear along with that contradictory arousal.
Does this mean

dirtydoc30 said:
Granted we have talked about this (the vasectomy) off and on since our youngest was born. Just don't know how to interpret this sudden demand, especially when considering the circumstance. After all she has been spending the last two nights with her new lover (who also happens to be her boss). Anyway, she calls me up at 4AM to tell me she wants me to get a vasectomy. Supposedly her new stud is ********** from all their fucking and she wants to talk about this "pressing" problem. All of it seemed out of the blue and strangely disconnected from the fact she is banging someone else. Then not just 10 minutes ago I got another call from her stating that I have a preliminary consultation with a clinic in 2 hours. In addition to all this, they were supposed to come and stay at our place tonight, but Kristi says she wants one more night with him, alone. Now, my heart is racing with fear along with that contradictory arousal.

She wants HIS BABY and no more of yours??
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waynerobertson said:
She wants HIS BABY and no more of yours??

She hasn't come out and said that, and this isn't something that I think she'd hide. Then again, it might be that it is something that I should do anyway; and she is using the situation to motivate me to finally do this with the help of some sexual stimulation via my twisted cuckold brain...
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It has to excite you and humiliate u at the same time that she finds his cock worth having rather than yours and thus an extension a child by him and NO more children by u.

And u know that now that u have sucked the cum of her boss from her cunt its a matter of time that you suck him directly.

The question u have to ask yourself is having kristi play with you once in a while better than NOT having her exclusive to the boss?
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Are you sure you want to give up your ability to procreate? I feel that a man's ability to impregnate a woman is central to his power within a marriage. If she knows that you can go knock up some other chick (thus taking time and resources away from her offspring) it keeps things in perspective for her. But then, you're a cuck so I suppose the loss of even this bit this pittance of power is a turn on for you. My concern is that you're giving something up you might wish you didn't later. There's other ways of preventing pregnancy.
I'm just going to throw it out there.
You do this no more of your kids. Even if you get devorced. You'll never have another kid.
How long have you been playing how long has she been Fu king the boss?
Think you might be moving a bit fast?
I might not be having sex with you but you can still have kids if something was to happen to me. That's her words not mine.
Mine actually shows concern for my happness. Wheres the line?

Good luck

Angevin said:
Are you sure you want to give up your ability to procreate? I feel that a man's ability to impregnate a woman is central to his power within a marriage. If she knows that you can go knock up some other chick (thus taking time and resources away from her offspring) it keeps things in perspective for her. But then, you're a cuck so I suppose the loss of even this bit this pittance of power is a turn on for you. My concern is that you're giving something up you might wish you didn't later. There's other ways of preventing pregnancy.

If you agree to you next kid not being gentic yours then agree not to have sex with her for that time.
Don't give up the boys you pussy!!
There are many alternatives to surgery...


dirtydoc30 said:
My wife has spent the last two nights with her new lover (her boss). She called me at 4 AM to tell me she wants me to get a vasectomy.

Whew! I must say, that sounds slightly impulsive. Did your wife not appreciate that you were probably masturbating at that hour, thinking about what she and her new lover might be doing? Anyway, I'm pretty sure your doctor would not rush to his office at 4 AM just because your wife/cuckoldress has ordered you to get a vasectomy "right now." I mean, even if your doctor understands and appreciates that your wife is your boss, you have to understand that his boss is his own wife, so he would need to get her permission... and at 4 AM, your doctor's wife may not be inclined to grant her permission. Surely your wife must understand this important consideration...

dirtydoc30 said:
Supposedly, her new stud was ********** from all their fucking and she wanted to talk with me about this "pressing" problem. All of it seemed out of the blue and strangely disconnected from the fact that she is banging someone else.

No, no... it's closely related to the fact that your wife is now fucking her boss. Obviously, the two of them talked about her becoming pregnant by him and bearing his child, and she agreed she wants to do that. Ergo, she'll have to stop using her birth control. But then, there's a possibility she'll become pregnant by you, not him (if she still allows you some sex). Since her new lover is her day-job boss, it sounds like she feels she needs to "get on it" and carry out his request pronto (otherwise her performance evaluation might suffer[!]). Still and all, ordering you to get a vasectomy at 4 AM seems somewhat extreme.

dirtydoc30 said:
Ten minutes ago I got another call from my wife stating I have a preliminary [vasectomy] consultation at a clinic in 2 hours.

Sounds like your wife is determined to demonstrate to her day-job boss that she wears the pants in her marriage, and since she has ordered you to get a vasectomy "right now" you will definitely do it — no questions asked.

A rather good rule of thumb with respect to surgery of any kind, though, is that one should not have it done unless it's unavoidable. Thus, when you go to the clinic (you should, of course, obey your wife and do so), I suggest mentioning the obvious, that your wife doesn't want to have any more children (by you... no need to mention her lover), and is thus pressing you to get a vasectomy, but are there alternative ways to accomplish that...? Your doctor or other clinic person you talk to will presumably suggest you could wear a condom whenever you and your wife have sex.

Alternatively, your wife could require you to wear a chastity device, become your sole keyholder (perhaps wear it on a chain around her neck), and deny you sex. You might point out this article to her:

Male chastity advantages for women:
Making Him Your Dream Man: Male Chastity FAQ

Or, she could subject you to sexual denial without requiring you to wear a chastity device and allow you to masturbate, under her supervision (perhaps while kneeling at her feet), requiring you to cum on her shoes or boots then lick up and swallow your cum each time (if that pleases her).

Or, while denying you your wife could queen you regularly to increase her own sexual satisfaction. For this possibility, you might suggest for her consideration:

The Fine Art of Queening and:

Chin Dildos:
The Accommodator Chin Dildos, Face Dildos, Head Dildos, Facial Dildos

I'll guess the clinic person you consult will not suggest the latter 3 possibilities, but it would be worth mentioning them to your wife to avoid "involuntary" vasectomy surgery.

dirtydoc30 said:
In addition to all this, my wife and her boss/lover were going to stay at our place tonight, but she said she wants one more night alone with him.

Well, whatever works for your wife. That's up to her, of course...

dirtydoc30 said:
Now, my heart is racing with fear combined with contradictory arousal.

As well it might...

Anyway, I suggest urging your wife/cuckoldress to recognize there are many possibilities other than "involuntary" vasectomy surgery.

Good luck!

Aren't vasectomies reversable? I thought they were, but people are acting as if once done it's for good. Enlighten me please.

That being asked, some cucks are funny and some are sad. You're just sad. Have some self-respect.
Ageed with the readers in most cases, her having a child from your boss coudl be problematic, expecially if he is a different ethnicity to you? However, if what you desire is to submit completely to your wife, what can be better than being made to buy her her pregnancy test and when her bump starts to show, be made to kiss it and her swollen tits as she sucks off her lover, spitting his cum down for you to clean from her swelling tits and belly...?

Of course, if the baby is a dirrefent ethnicity, this will open your presumably private arrangement to all - family and friends etc. Could you handle the humiliation...or is the humiliation what you crave?
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I think a good response would be: Hun I think that is a good idea and you should have your tubes tied at the same time. I have made an appointment with our Doctors to go over the details. If you are pregnant now, we will have it aborted at the same time.
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You need not have a permanent cut. I had both. I first had them tied when I was 26 cause wife figured we had enough kids. Then I started bothering her for a boy when I was 29 and I had them untied. After my last son I had them permanently clipped. Best thing I ever did - you'll like it too no matter how things turn out with the wife.
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I think that this is really hot. But you really should make any decisions in the sober light of day, and not with your hand on your penis.

That said, in lots of vanilla marriages, the wife makes a vasectomy appointment and tells the husband to go get snipped. So this isn't really even all that unusual. If you think that you don't need to conceive any more children, then there's really nothing wrong with the idea.
On the plus side you will be able to screw wife anytime of the month and not worry about knocking her up. But anyone else could. Lol so choose wisely young Jedi.
- hank
Thanks for comments!

Sorry, I haven't responded sooner. It has been a whirlwind. Just to update, we (my wife and I) have obviously talked since. And the vasectomy was not about her boss man... In fact, she has already dumped him, quit her job, and back out on the prowl.

But as far as the V, it's actually something we have talked about off and on for years. I just thought it was odd to bring it up like that, while at her bf's. It has something I have suggested, but she has never let me do it cause she wasn't sure she was done having babies. But I think we are happy with the size of our family...

Yet, my cuckold mind finds it sexy to think that she might end up pregnant... at least I'd know she had been getting the proper fucking she needs. And if that ever did happen, I know I'd be right here with her the whole way. At the same time she makes me nervous, cause if she gets that baby fever, there will be no stopping her...
Thanks for the update.

My wife researched and scheduled my V then told me where and when. We really hadn't discussed it very much. I think my submissive cuck side was first aroused by it all. She has become more dominate since and I like that. No regrets about the V either.

That was the first time I shaved my balls. I got carried away and pretty much did the whole area. She decided she liked it that way; I kinda did too. I've been smooth except for a small triangle ever since. I can't imagine being fuzzy again.

Not too long after the V the panties came along. Now I love being smooth and in panties, and it was largely a result of the big V. :)
Prior to Sue deciding she enjoys having lovers, she was hot on me to have a vasectomy for birth-control. She was on the pill at the time and we'd used both condoms, sponges and a diaphragm as other methods.

We all know how this ended, when she started enjoying fucking other guys, she realized she needed the contraception, not me - so we/she went for an IUD for her and it's been GREAT. I'd recommend it for anyone. She went for a non-hormonal one and actually, the latest tests she's had from her doc shows that it's really unlikely for her to be able to get pregnant as the FSH hormone is like non-existent. Her doc said that he'd be thrilled if she were to get pregnant as it'd be a medical miracle - so she may opt to have the IUD removed, maybe at her next visit.

But for the vasectomy. Sorry - I was never receptive to it. Several reasons. I had a buddy who told me in private that "yeah, it's okay, but I don't feel the same" - and I knew I couldn't deal with any chance of that - not with how sexual Sue and I were then and still are.

The other thing I actually WON an agreement with her on was the following line of reasoning: We compared vasectomy to her having her tubes-tied. Not in terms of the surgery - yes having tubes-tied is a more invasive procedure. But it was the comparison of effects on the body where she had to agree with me. I told her that she'll be fertile for maybe 15-20 more years and I got all technical on her. I told her that if we assume she ovulates 12x a year - that's 6 eggs on each side that her body would need to "absorb" each year. Assuming 20 years, that's 120 eggs on each side at the most. And up to 8 weeks between each one.

We then compared that to the effect on me. While Sue and may have only had sex 2 or 3x each week - I made no secret that I would also masturbate 3 or 4x more each week. Then I told her that guys stay fertile, sometimes into their 80's - and that would mean maybe 300 orgasms a year (50 weeks x 6 squirts a week) times 40 years (this was 10+ years ago) = 12000 orgasms with how many million sperm in each? I told her that I just couldn't see that being good for a guy - and when she thought about it - she agreed!

Just sayin'
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Some of my hottest memories, were the three or four times(that I know of) my wife took a preg test years after my v. I get so hot thinking how she secretly wanted thier baby hoping it would create a forever fuck bond with her bigger lover. Of course it was a given we'd love it as hers and raise it as ours. Though I always seemed to be the baby sitter of our (our?) first two.
Villain said:
Aren't vasectomies reversable? I thought they were, but people are acting as if once done it's for good. Enlighten me please.

That being asked, some cucks are funny and some are sad. You're just sad. Have some self-respect.
My understanding is that it is reversible for most men but it doesn't always work. However, I also understand that it's very expensive and since it's completely elective I would imagine most insurance plans do not cover it. So even if it's successful it's price could be prohibitive to a lot of people. was mentioned above...if you are done...YOU...not her, not some dude she's fucking...YOU are done having children then I don't see a problem with it either.
If you enjoy your wife being dominant and you being sub, you two can plan the vasectomy to make it a bit more intense experience for you both. Some ideas could be:

1. Visit both your and her doctor (preferably her gyno) and discuss (with her taking the lead), your wish for a very permanent irreversible vas and your wife might let slip that she does not plan to have any more babies "with you". Ask them both for a referral to a very expert urologist who will be sure and make it as irreversible as possible.

2. With your wife's doctor, your wife might even go so far as to ask if there is a cheaper way to get you sterilized, such as going to Planned Parenthood and having it done there to save on costs. Your wife could ask you doctor to see if they are interested and have a urologist that they would recommend.

If you do go through Planned Parenthood, the meetings with them, with your wife and you attending to discuss you vas, the thoroughness of the proceedure and her motivations could be intensely humiliating.

3. Depending on your situation at work or your wife's status, you might want to consider if you want your secretary or that talkative one in Personel to know that you are getting an irreversible vasectomy. This can be touchy but also quite entertaining-humiliating, especially if your wife calls the HR person to enquire about the very "thorough" proceedure being performed on you or mentions to your secretary that you need to take a day or two off for the special proceedure.

Finally, which of your friends and family should know that you have gotten the very permanent snip, so they will all be amused when her belly starts to show in several months.

My wife and I have always looked at what we are doing in our live to see how she can enhance her dom position and entertain us both in our special ways.

Good luck
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