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Wife sole sex partner

  • Thread startererosduo
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New around here...
Beloved Member
Aug 19, 2006
Which cuckolds here have only ever had sex with their wife while she has obviously had several lovers either before or after marriage or both?
She was my fiancee at the time, and she had sex with three other men while we were together. We lost our virginity to each other. She eventually broke it off with me, and since then has had sex with nearly a dozen men, while I still haven't had sex with anyone but her. We still communicate, and she teases me about it every once in a while.
Only sex partner

I was in that situation during my first marriage. I was a virgin when we got married, and I was led to believe she was too. I learned later that she had fucked with several other guys before we married, and that she was fucking with other guys throughout the fourteen years we were together. I was the true cuckold!!

She was still my only fuck until after we were divorced. I am still not terribly experienced with women, as compared to most men. I have only fucked a total of six women in my whole life. My new wife, on the other hand, has, by my estimation, fucked with about a hundred other men, so you see I am still at a "disadvantage" where numbers are concerned.
Hey, don't be depressed....

Son of John,

Son of John said:
I am still not terribly experienced with women, as compared to most men. I have only fucked a total of six women in my whole life. My new wife, on the other hand, has, by my estimation, fucked about a hundred other men, so you see I am still at a "disadvantage" where numbers are concerned.

Your having been fucked by only 6 women while your wife has fucked on the order of 100 men is not a disadvantage. It's entirely appropriate. You should be proud that your sexual, sensuous wife has been able to take (and, I gather, continues to take) such a large number of lovers.

As for your "relative inexperience:" quite a while ago I read somewhere that on average, the number of women who have fucked any given man is 7. (I don't recall the standard deviation being quoted, but it could not have been greater than +/- 7.) If so, the number of women who have taken their pleasure with you is about average. But since "the times they are a-changin' " — to quote Bob Dylan — perhaps the "average number" is now somewhat larger.

In any case, you're far ahead of me. The number of women who have fucked me, including my wife of 36 years, is 4.

Numbers of men who have fucked wives.

Custer, good input. As for guys who claim the have fucked large numbers of women, they could be lying. It is far less likely that a woman would lie about the numbers of men who have fucked her. It is very unfair, but society tends to label a man with lots of experience a "Stud", but a woman with similar experience is called a "Slut". Totally unfair, but that's life.

The other side is that it is far easier for a woman to find someone to fuck with when she is ready, than for a man. Few women, if they are attractive at all will be turned down if they offer to fuck with guys.

And I do agree that having a wife who is so much more experienced is a plus. Being a Cuckold, this plays right into the kind of stimulus I need in order to fuck her myself.

Also, as we all know, there is a special feeling of conquest on the part of all those would-be fuckers out there if they can get a fuck from a married woman. There is just something extra about getting some of another guy's stock of "private" pussy that drives many guys on to look for married women to fuck. Again, they are playing right into our plan.
And the plans of women....

Son of John,

Son of John said:
Custer, good input.


Son of John said:
As for guys who claim the have fucked large numbers of women, they could be lying.

Definitely. I suppose it could be called the "high school (/college) locker-room phenomenon."

Son of John said:
It is far less likely that a woman would lie about the numbers of men who have fucked her. It is very unfair, but society tends to label a man with lots of experience a "Stud", but a woman with similar experience is called a "Slut". Totally unfair, but that's life.

I agree, since patriarchal — particularly religious — social organizations generally attempt to label a woman with high sexuality (as you point out) in terms that clearly imply she should be considered an outcast. But, of course, roughly 50% of all women — perhaps somewhat less, depending on how broadly one defines "median" — have sexuality somewhere in the "above median" range, by definition.... and there's no reason to believe the percentage of women having "high to very high" sexuality* is less than the percentage of men in that catagory. A significant number, however, may try to suppress it due to the social and religious penalties applied to women who are openly sexual.

Note that, a short time ago in historical terms, the origin of homo sapiens (that's us, of course) was traced to a woman in Africa dubbed "Eve" who, it was shown, had borne about 25 children. She has never been dismissed as "that slut Eve" (or something equivalent), suggesting that anthropologists are less judgmental than religious and other social conservatives.... and more inclined to be awed by that level of reproductive performance.

Son of John said:
The other side is that it is far easier for a woman to find someone to fuck with when she is ready, than for a man. Few women, if they are attractive at all, will be turned down if they offer to fuck with guys.

I agree.... although this could lead to an unfortunate debate about what constitutes being "attractive at all."

Son of John said:
And I do agree that having a wife who is so much more experienced is a plus. Being a Cuckold, this plays right into the kind of stimulus I need in order to fuck her myself.

This seems consistent with the feelings and experiences expressed by many cuckolds on this forum. Your wife being "much more experienced" than you suggests she is highly sexual and provides you with continuing evidence of that. In turn (according to your posts), this feeds back into your feelings of intense attraction for her. In essence, your wife's high sexuality, combined with other men recognizing and acting on that (presumably encouraged by your wife, although perhaps indirectly), forms a positive-feedback loop with your own sexuality.

Son of John said:
Also, as we all know, there is a special feeling of conquest on the part of all those would-be fuckers out there if they can fuck a married woman.

There is, I think, strong support for this as an evolutionary imperative. That is, if a man other than a woman's husband (or long-term mate) fucks her and she bears one or more of his children, he is — from his point of view — getting something for nothing. He propagates his genes while his children are raised by the married woman and her husband (/mate). It turns out, however, he isn't getting something for nothing.... because from the point of view of the married woman, he is a backup husband who (because of his interest in his own progeny) will provide her and her children with support and protection (probably), if her primary husband meets an early demise. And in more primitive times, it was highly probable that any given man would meet an early demise in a battle with another tribe, or while attemting to kill a large animal for food (without, of course, the aid of a rifle). This provided married women with strong motivation to cuckold their husbands (/mates). But I won't belabor this further, since others much more qualified than I have written about it.

Son of John said:
There is just something extra about getting some of another guy's stock of "private" pussy that drives many guys on to look for married women to fuck. Again, they are playing right into our plan.

And the plans of women....


* Cherry Lee (Ph.D.), who unfortunately no longer maintains her excellent (former) website "New Directions," pointed out that western women may have something of a "sexuality dent" in their DNA because, during the many centuries of the christian "inquisitions," women who displayed signs of overt sexuality were disproportionately labeled "witches" and "heretics" and burned at the stake — or were otherwise tortured to death in some of the most awful ways imaginable — by church men. "Disproportionately," that is, meaning relative to the numbers of men who were labeled "heretics" and similarly murdered. Dan Brown, author of "The Da Vinci Code" (2003), stated (as I recall) that about 5 million women were murdered by the church during the centuries of the catholic inquisitions.... but he gives no reference, so it isn't possible to know (from his book, which he presented as a work of fiction) how reliable this number might be.
I asked the original question because in about the first 25 years of marriage I had only fhad intercourse with my wife and I lost my virginity to her, however, she had fucked other guys before and during our marriage. I did have a few short flings after the 25 years but have returned to my cuckold role. I was just curious to find out if any other guys were in a similar situation but I feel not too many guys would admit it.
Reply to original question....


erosduo said:
I was just curious to find out if any other guys were in a similar situation but I feel not too many guys would admit it.

Before getting married I had more-or-less long-term sexual relationships with two women and a one-night stand with one woman, then — during the year before marriage — sexual relationships with two women, including the woman who has been my wife for the past 36 years.

Since getting married, I have met and slept with my woman-friend from immediately prior to marriage on a few widely-spaced occasions, but she lives in a distant town so it has never been "convenient."

My wife had a relatively long-term sexual relationship with one man prior to our marriage (that she told me about), and possibly another relatively short-term relationship prior to that (but she has not admitted to it, and has never said anything to indicate their relationship was sexual. My impression is, it wasn't.). Since our marriage, she has not had sexual relationships — even short term —with other men, to my knowledge.

Thus, my sexual experience can be thought of as somewhat greater than that of my wife, although not vastly greater. My interest in human sexuality — female sexuality, in particular — and varied sexual experiences can be described, however, as vastly greater than hers.

erosduo said:
.... in about the first 25 years of marriage I had only had intercourse with my wife and I lost my virginity to her; however, she had fucked other guys before and during our marriage.

Good for your wife! That's completely appropriate, in my opinion. Her choice of you to be her cuckold husband appears to have been a good one.

erosduo said:
I did have a few short flings after the 25 years but have returned to my cuckold role.

Very good. You seem clearly to recognize that your role in your marriage is to be your wife's cuckold, and you appear to view that as your proper role. I encourage you to continue as such.

my wife had several men in college, I only had her. I listened outside our door as one guy nailed her. that was alot of years ago.
my wife had several men in college, I only had her. I listened outside our door as one guy nailed her. that was alot of years ago.

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