I live in NW AR having moved recently moved from NE GA. Being 64 years old I have seen changes relating to racial situations that were not possible when I was a young boy. Too many to count here but I will relate some recent events that speak to your concerns about your white wife being pregnant by a black man. I shop at Walmart Supercenter for my groceries about once a week. Just this past week I saw a IR couple with two small mixed race children and one older white child and the woman looked to be about 5 or 6 months pregnant again. I have no idea what happened to the white husband. He could have died or she left him for her new black lover or maybe he just stayed home that morning. Her black mate/husband was with her. They were comporting themselves just like any ordinary family, not surprisingly these days but impossible a few decades ago. I noticed a young white couple with their children stop and talk with them and make normal small talk, I got the impression from a few comments they knew each other from church. The thing is, I am constantly seeing similar situations develop all the time. That particular day there were two other IR couples though only one had a black child. I'm always seeing young white women with black babies in tow. My point is, IR is here to stay and if you and your wife love each other having a black baby is really of little consequence as far as others are concerned. Yes, some will sink into the old racist mold and there's nothing to do but ignore them and concentrate on providing the best environment for your child because unless your wife leaves you for the black father, or the black man moves in with the two of you, then you my friend will be the father to that child. I know that IR pregnancy is a powerful erotic fantasy for white couples in the scene but when it becomes reality I think the best advice is just go with it and the hell with all those who would find fault, and that especially includes family. When real family love is a stake even those who disagree should keep there mouth shut and if they can't then you have a responsibility to shun them like the plague for the childs sake. I know that sounds cold but truth is, they will most likely get over it.