I am truly a baby girl in everyone's eyes now. That was fully brought home this past week.
Big sister, Kim, has totally taken on the task of caring for her baby sister and former father. The past few days she has barely left my side and hates to leave me unattended for very long. She is always changing my diapers, wet or dirty, dressing me in cute baby girl outfits with tights over my diaper and plastic baby panties. And with my newly permed hair, she is constantly styling it and putting bows or ribbons in my hair to drive home the point that I am a baby girl.
Mommy and Daddy did not have to take care of me since she has gotten here as she feeds me, bathes me, and puts me to bed every night (at eight o'clock!). Mommy loves it that Kim is calling Jim "Dad" now and made sure all of his presents from her were addressed to Dad.
Mommy and Daddy are so much in love and it shows to everyone who sees them. They are constantly holding hands and kissing, and even managed to "sneak" off to bed Christmas afternoon for a quickie. Kim commented to them when they came out of the bedroom "I hope you are fully rested".
And speaking of everyone knowing about all of us... I must tell you about Christmas Eve. We had finished dinner and were relaxing when we hear something out front of the house. Daddy opened the door and there was a group of Christmas carolers made up of people in the neighborhood. It's been a tradition here for many years and our family has always joined them walking around the neighborhood sing for over an hour.
It was unseasonably warm here this Christmas and Mommy and Kim couldn't wait to join them. Karen and Mark had gotten me an adult size stroller and left it here for this week. Mommy went and got the stroller from the garage while Kim dressed me in my coat and scarf. They got me loaded in the stroller and Kim pushed me in it while Mommy and Daddy walked hand-in-hand behind us. We caught up with the carolers and joined the group. In between houses they all took turns coming over to see me. Several of the ladies talked to Mommy and Daddy saying that the had heard that they were together now and I had taken a different role in the family. They all seemed pleased and accepting of our family dynamics, one of the ladies even taking a turn to push my stroller and commenting that she had seen the diaper service vehicle in our driveway.
So now the entire neighborhood knows about us. And, from what I could tell, no one was uncomfortable with it.