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Wife getting close to her first HW encounter I think

  • Thread starterhopefull
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Hot update

Over the last 2 weeks my friend and wife have been chatting a bit through text, from what I know nothing more than the casual Hi, How is work etc. Well seems that by the end of last week the text had become a bit more flirty between wife and our friend.
Wife then tells me he has sent me a few text and I had not responded, so he had texted her and was wanting to stop over and pick up something from me, and wife also said the he was wanting to watch the video I had made of the 3 of us but he had never seen, and she followed up with that he didn’t care and he would have to watch it with me. I told her that it would be a bit odd if just him and I watched it so if he did end up stopping by she would have to watch it with him because she will not watch it with me.
Now to me all this was bullshit due to her on several occasions expressing that it was wrong and she would "NEVER EVER REPEAT IT".

A few hours later he stopped over to borrow a tool as the wife told me he would, and we were just hanging out chatting and watching ballgame . Then he made the comment that the game we watching was boring and said to us lets watch the video I made that he has yet to see, Wife looked at me and said well take him upstairs and watch it with him, I said no way.
That if he wanted to see it she would have to watch it with him as it would be a bit strange that him and I would be alone watching it. I said I would show her where it was on the computer and she could stream it to the Big screen in the master bedroom because our kid would be home at some point and didn’t think it would be wise to have it on in the family room incase kid arrived early.
So we all went upstairs I set up the video to stream to TV and she just looked at me as said I should stay with them, I said no that you won’t watch it with me because it makes you uncomfortable so sense you 2 are the main attraction and I dint join until later I will be in the family room just come down when it’s over and off I went
The video is about 25 min of action but a total of 60 min long.
So I was waiting in the family room with a major hard on wondering if they were just watching or was there more than watching happing so after about 5 min I quietly went upstairs and put my ear to the door and just heard some small talk between them and the voices on the video, kind of what I was expecting , So I went back down to family room and waited a bit longer and after about another 10 min I was going kind of crazy wondering again what was occurring in the bedroom, So I quietly walk up stairs and attempt to hear what is being said and for the most part it was quiet but did hear an occasional moan and some wet sex sounds but still thought for the most part it was the sound on the video, I decided to hang out at the door a bit to if nothing else hear some of the commentating that may take place between wife and our friend,
As I was standing at the door I her the unmistakably sound of my wife having an huge orgasm followed up by a second one but the difference now was it was not the video, I knew she was getting fucked and fucked hard, I decided to wait a bit longer before entering, as I continued to listen I heard our friend tell my wife how it is so hot to know she can cum multiple times in a row and how soaked her pussy is from her cum. I listened a bit longer and could hear their bodies as he was pounding her hard.
I then tried to open the door but they had locked it, so I knocked and he came and opened the door totally naked and his cock was coated with white cum from my wife and my wife who said “ I will never ever do that again” was on her back spread out on the bed the sheets on the floor and several small wet spots on the sheets,
The wife looks at me and asked if I was ok and I said that this is so hot,.
As I was taking off my clothes our friend climbed back on top of the wife and continued where he had left off. I had my clothes off and got on the bed and she started sucking my cock while he was fucking her. Wife and him changed positions a few times then he unloaded in his condom and withdrew from her pussy and rolled off of her, Then I got my turn, Her pussy wasn’t filled with cum but it was on fire and felt so good, While I was fucking her she started sucking his cock. Trying to get him hard again while I had my turn, I will say I didn’t last long and unloaded in her pussy more cum than I can ever remember pumping into her.
We relaxed a bit and wife told our friend that she wanted him to fuck her more but then we got a call from our kid saying on the way home so we all got dressed. Later wife and I has sex and it was some of the hottest we have had in a while.
A question for all who read this

Is this typical of a new hotwife to have a great first time experence than totaly go Cold and feel regretfull and say NEVER AGAIN, only to do it again
Probably some 'buyers remorse' then realizing it was good, and no ill effects or bad feelings came of it, figured why not try again.
mine goes through stages like this to she also fucked my best friend but he thinks I don't know. she has fucked him twice and a third time just sucked him off till he came on her face
Wives are brainwashed by society to believe a wife is committing sin if she takes a lover - and it is very hard for a wife to believe her hubby truly has her interests at heart when he gives her the "special gift of extra loving".

I often tell couples to renew their marriage vows and include the "gift of extra loving" and remove the "excluding all others" clause. It ideally should be a legal thing so the couple feel an emotional commitment to the changed contract of marriage - but you can just type up the agreement and get 2 of your best friends (both gender) to sign as witnesses.

A wife needs to feel that she has "rock-solid" permission to fuck other men or women, and it won't be considered as adultery, and her hubby won't change his mind and seek a divorce if he feels emotionally distraut from her spending a lot of time "cultivating" the other "marriages".

The lovers need to know there is a proper agreement in place for a wife to be with them, so they don't have to watch their p's and q's and get too concerned about curfews and other restrictions that can interfere with the spontaneity of the moment.

A cuckoldress may settle on long-term relationships with her lovers, or she may with out warning change them if a better person cums along. Eventually a wife will attract lovers who click with her pandora box desires attached to her dna.

Some cuckoldresses will go through as many lovers as she changes her panties until she knows what she wants. Even she may not know why one person gets the flick and someone else gets her "cumon".

A hubby also needs to promise some kind of monetary reward to his wife if she turns his cuckold dream into reality. It could be $30 a week put into her bank account by automatic payment, and she can spend it on herself for any purpose. This helps her to feel like she is genuinely entitled to become a cuckoldress, and read all the stuff on the internet to help "grow her mind into the lifestyle".

A cuckoldress also needs nice clothes and a reduced workload, because she needs to feel and look her best if she is dating men/women (strangers) she is not married to. She will be nervous about her body when she mates with them, so feeling/look good is important.
Once a wife has had sex with another man, she is hooked for life (she can't erase that experience out of her mind library). She can have deep regrets, but this will mainly be because she fears it will damage her marriage or upset her family and friends.

In primative societies, children have sex spontaneously from a young age, but as soon as menstruation occurs, a girl will be allowed to marry ASAP so the tribe can have children to keep numbers up. Puberty is usually several years later, because most food eaten is not processed.

If a young girl drinks a lot of beer, the hops will put her through puberty several years earlier. Beer Maids in England were known to be very precocious, and would take Gentlemen upstairs for sex. The hops boost female hormones, a fact that many men discover when they lose muscle and get a middle-age spread from too much beer consumption.

Middle-age spread can be reversed if a man runs 50-100 metres very fast 5-10 times a day. It tricks the mind into releasing large quantities of testosterone to grow muscle and trim fat. Slow running for hours won't do this, because it is HIGH SPEED that trims fat. It is okay to have several minutes rest between the sprints, but eventually you will become so fit, a minute rest will feel like it is plenty.

Lifting weights also burns a huge number of calories while the body is recovering and growing strong. 5 kgs of extra muscle will burn off 50 lbs in a year without dieting. You also feel so much stronger, you won't feel tired during the day - you will feel that your body has 8 cylinders instead of 3. Weightlifting boosts testosterone levels, burns fat and shoots your sex drive through the ceiling ( even if your erections don't happen often any more).

You can lift weights while watching TV, and when a commercial comes on, you have three minutes to walk out to the road and do a fast dash down the road for 50-100 metres, then be back in time for the program to continue.

It is easy to run 10,000 metres per evening, assuming you are that keen, yet not miss any television. Your kids will love racing Dad. Other families can join in when they notice how slim you are getting, and how cheeky your flirting smile has become.
I have mentioned it before, but the Ten Commands are a "useful guideline only" to show you how to have a stress-free life and get along with other humans. The Commandments are not meant to be a dogma to kill/argue over.

The one about not coveting your neighbour's wife, daughters, maidservants, donkeys, sheep, mother-in-law etc, is a general warning to get permission first, or your neigbour's honour will be compromised, and his anger may lead to putting a dagger through your heart (or worse).

Wife swopping is an agreement between you and your neighbour (and not adultery).

If you tell your neighbour that you are coveting his possessions (wife, daughter, etc.) you give him a chance to say, "yes" or "no" to you "borrowing" them - and he won't put his dagger in you, because you have been honest with him. He might decide to warn you never to go near his possessions, or he may say he fancies your wife and wants to be in bed with her as the price for you sampling his wife.

Early civilisations tried to keep family lines pure, and any wife who committed adultery was putting "poison" into the bloodline without permission or commitment to financially support the care/rearing of a surprise new baby.

After a lot of business deals were signed, there was a night of celebration where daughters/wives/maidservants were offered as a "bonus thankyou". It was an allowable "agreed" adultery and if a surprise baby turned up, it was seen as an extra profit from the deal.

There is still a strong belief that a man should not have to raise another man's child, but this is over-ridden when a man takes a widow with 5 kids in marriage and accepts that responsibility. CUCKOLDS are very valuable men, because they will willingly (or obediently ) raise any child because their cuckoldress wife says "that is how things will be".

Some men who are lonely are extremely pleased at getting an instant family to cure the loneliness.

Too many men will only stay married to a wife if she obeys certain rules - that is not a marriage founded on for better or for worse. It is a conditional contract, which is set up to fail.

True love always forgives your spouses "alleged sins".
hopefull said:
Is this typical of a new hotwife to have a great first time experence than totaly go cold and feel regretfull and say NEVER AGAIN, only to do it again...?

My impression is, it's not unusual among newly-minted hotwives for all the feelings of guilt they were taught to feel while growing up, about fucking men other than their husbands after marriage, to well up to the surface and overwhelm them. Ergo, they go through the "I'll never do this again" phase you described.

A good way to assist a reluctant hot wife with overcoming her feelings of guilt, probably, is to gently but persistently encourage her — as you did very effectively — to fuck her new lover again as soon as possible... then again... and again... etc. Pretty soon it will seem perfectly normal to her to fuck men other than her husband (you, in this case).

Although I haven't read your entire thread — I think I'll do that now, it looks interesting — I notice you first posted 9 Feb. 2011, so it's been about 1 year 7.5 months since you first described your wife, after about 7 years of encouragement, as "getting close to her first hotwife encounter." That's a while but probably not unusual.

From your most recent post it sounds like your wife is now on her way, after a time period of rocky regrets. I doubt you'll hear much more from your wife about feeling guilty and resolving to not continue fucking other men (although, of course, I could be wrong).
Wife and I had some hot sex last a couple nights ago and after, she was giving me some highlights of the chat between her and our friend from the past week.
She told me about them talking about the video and him never seeing it and her not being comfy watching it with me, then about her agreeing to him watching it with me but him saying that would be weird just him and I watching it. She told him that if she watched it with him it would more than likely lead to a repeat of the video. He asked her what was the best part of the threesome we had and she told him when he started fucking her and then the three of us together both of us fucking her.
She said somehow the topic turned Friends With Benefits, She told him before we met she had a FWB for about a year. Not sure what his reply was, but can tell you that our chat lasted about an hour and she kept going back to the topic of FWB, Each time she brought it up it was in a different context and my reply was generally the same with different verbiage used and went something like this, that We are married and we make love but at times we just fuck and there is nothing wrong with just fucking. She comes back with she doesn’t want this negatively affect our marriage or take away from it, I told her that it turns me on watching her get fucked and turns me knowing that while I was not in the room she was getting fucked,
She said she is a very sexual person and just loves sex, and restated that she doesn’t want it to affect our marriage in a negative way along with she still has a double standard that it would crush her to see me fuck another female. I told her I have no desire to be with any other female and I get pleasure from watching her have sex, or knowing that she is having hot sex as long as she lets me know.
So the following day wife sent me a text asking where I was I told her on my way home and asked where she was, She texted back Desk, I said on your desk, she said yeah I am bent over my desk and our friend is fucking me, I said prove it send me a pic with his cock in you, she said he is camera shy, I replied so I can then expect a well fucked pussy when I get home, she said OK..
This type of chat has now taken place every night with last night’s discussion between her and our friend she told me changed to him needing help with something to do with sex and she told me she offered to help him, but she said it in a teasing manor.
So not sure what direction I should take it seems that if I don’t get involved in bring up the topic she is more prone to bring it up, any thoughts on how to reply to her when the topic gets brought up again by her, I think she wants me to come right out and tell her to fuck him, but I don’t want to make her feel cheap so I am just glossing over my answers and comments to her.
Tell her that the relationship between her and your friend is good for all concerned. That does not sound cheap.

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