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  • Thread starterLaura Loves It
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Laura Loves It

Not quite a lurker
Beloved Member
Jan 4, 2007
Maybe someone can explain this too me?

You have a twenty year marriage, children, home and mortgage and then your husband decides to develope a fascination with seeing you fuck black men.

What does he think will happen? And, how does this benefit him aside from confirming a belief that his wife is a *****?

doesn't know what he has? what is the deal with all the men wanting thier whit wifes to be screwed by black men i don't understand.
Because They Are Jerks


I agree with you. It bothers me as well.

I'm 20 yrs younger than you and I'm not married but when I was in HS I dated a white boi who went crazy when he found out that I had been with black guys. It was a constant topic of conversation; how big were they?, did I like being treated as a tramp?, yadayadayada.

When we were out, he'd always manage to find blacks guys to drag over and introduce them to me. It became a bore. And, I finally broke up with him, but not before disappearing one night with a cute black boy he brought over and returning two hours later with a few good orgasms under my belly.

I always figured it was a projection of their own inadequacies; if I was made to be a ***** than their inability to satisfy me wasn't their fault but intrinsic to my nature.


P.S. Would really like to hear from some white guys who are more reflective than, "Hey, it is so kool"; or, "It gets me off."
Laura Loves It said:
Maybe someone can explain this too me?

You have a twenty year marriage, children, home and mortgage and then your husband decides to develope a fascination with seeing you fuck black men.

What does he think will happen? And, how does this benefit him aside from confirming a belief that his wife is a *****?


I'd say your husband is having a mid-life crisis during his hormonal changes, he knows it won't happen, and I don't think he views you as a "*****". It's only fantasy for him: nothing more, nothing less.
If It Happened


If it did happen, say twice, and he wanted to see it again?

And, what if the wife enjoyed it but not with her husband watching and met one of the guys alone a few times on the sly?


Kristina said:
I'd say your husband is having a mid-life crisis during his hormonal changes, he knows it won't happen, and I don't think he views you as a "*****". It's only fantasy for him: nothing more, nothing less.
Laura Loves It said:
Maybe someone can explain this too me?

You have a twenty year marriage, children, home and mortgage and then your husband decides to develope a fascination with seeing you fuck black men.

What does he think will happen? And, how does this benefit him aside from confirming a belief that his wife is a *****?

Why does he think your a *****? Lay this on the table if he's so fired up to want you to have sex witrh a Black Guy. Lets find a Black swinging couple and we'll just switch partners that way I can see you having sex with a Black Lady also. If he don't agree watch out he might be having some homosexual feelings setting in or a control issue as your my wife do as I say if thats the case dump his ass no one is owned unless you want to be. He can also be going through a limp dick stage in life and don't want to admit it to you. Manly issue you just don't talk to your wife about this cause you have a set of balls. Hey if you want to go for it do it if not stand your ground. Best of luck Muleman
Laura, since you got into this (it sounds like it), you will probably have to come to some sort of arrangement. You are enjoying being with another man when your hub isn't around, thats' cool, plenty of wives prefer having privacy. Since there's some enjoyment both you and him are getting you might want to just have him know that you want privacy at times to and set things up whre he can watch but then other times where you can be open and see your friend on the side in total privacy. hell, your hub might even be more turned on by that too.
Some wives set their cuck husband up with a 'dominant woman' who definitely won't fall in love with him.

Then they remain free to enjoy Bulls of their own choice with complete privacy and deepest intimacy, and freedom from a timetable or curfews.

A wife can quickly develop a desire to keep her BBC long term, so a husband has to be very sure he wants her to dabble with a lover in the first place.
You are asking a question about human sexuality. It's like asking, how can you justify enjoying the taste of chocolate? It's about sexual expression, not much more.
Once certain doors are opened they can never ever be closed. Always be careful what you with for. Human nature makes one always looks for something new and exciting, but playing in certain sandboxes can leave you with a lot of dirt that just can't be washed away.
Here I go splashing cold water again....

Why does a woman with a 20 year marriage, kids, and mortgage...come on a dark cavern forum to talk about her husbands fasination with blackmen fucking his wife?
How does this "innocent" wife FIND this place?
Obviously she too is interested in black men- if this post is for real.
But I think it's just a man pretending to be a woman and playing out some sort of fantasy by posting this thread.
Whammer Whiffs Again

Whammer whiffs again.

His post brought to mind another quandry of modern society.
Ministers, priests, rabbies, imans seem to never tire of pontificating on the morals of others, individually and collectively, and proscribing solutions.

Yet their ranks are filled with the most loathesome of God's creations. Anyone wish to nominate the Whammer (The Natural voyeuristic Calvinist) for the Pope of Dark Cavern?


P.S. And, before you state the obvious, projecting your own deep desires upon an uninterested world, I am a man, as was my mother, and her mother's mother to the beginning of time. That is your own castration fear/fancy; women must be desexed.
Hmmm.... Speaking for myself only.... decades of interracial fetish, I think it is all about love, lust and human nature. The love of a woman whom you want the very best, the lust of a man matched by the equeal lust of a woman, (to know that his woman is as nasty as he) and a constant craveing for exploration. Or something like that, shoot I don't know.
All I know is there is nothing like having a fine freak that has ********* as to what you can do to her sexually....and knowing that she loves it makes it even better!
Most guys want this to happen because deep down they desire to suck cock and be humiliated. It starts out by wife being talked into being blacked, with the hopes that he will be required to clean his wife and her lover. This way he doesn't ever really have to admit being bi or bi-curious or even perhaps gay. Does this apply to all white guys...of course not. but I bet if all were honest it would be a large majority. Am I against it...not at all...just think it is important to be honest about it. What say you guys?
Maleslut said:
Most guys want this to happen because deep down they desire to suck cock and be humiliated. It starts out by wife being talked into being blacked, with the hopes that he will be required to clean his wife and her lover. This way he doesn't ever really have to admit being bi or bi-curious or even perhaps gay. Does this apply to all white guys...of course not. but I bet if all were honest it would be a large majority. Am I against it...not at all...just think it is important to be honest about it. What say you guys?
I agree with you to a certain extent. A man that likes to set and watch his wife making love to a Black Guy is the guy watcing his wife or is he stareing at the black cock going in and out and getting arroused. Also takes a guy that likes to eat a fresh pussy with the cum running out, is he gay or does he just like the taste of the cum and juices. How did he acquire the liking of the taste unless he has swallowed a load or two from the source. So I would say that if alot of men were honest about this that they are gay or have gay thoughts going through their heads watching their wife with another guy. Black or White Muleman
In response to the original poster...

You say that you are in a 20 year marriage. Well, based on my understanding of things, two dynamics are at work. The first may be boredom. The second one is social change. I would guess that it is easier to talk about various kinks than it was 20 years ago. This is due to the mainstreaming of pornography, women's magazines being more direct in addessing sexual concerns, and the rise of the internet. I mean, ten years ago it was very difficult for me to find a girl who actually liked anal sex. Now it seems unusual for me to find a girl who doesn't love it, at least under the right circumstances. Another example is gays in straight marriages. Since gays are more tolerated and even accepted than they were decades ago, I would wager that fewer gay men and women are getting into straight marriages today than in the past. Because the repercussions for being out aren't as harsh as they were, these people can be happy instead of trying to fit in by living a lie.

Just my two cents or so.
In my case

Being married to my first wife, as a horny 20year old, I liked to have a lot of sex. My wife's attitude was "It's okay". But she would never tell me what I needed to do to make it more enjoyable for her even though I'd asked many times. After reading some Penthouse stores about guys watching their wives being satisfied by "Bigger" men, I began to think it was my size and not my wife.

I also liked ******** her in public. I think the part of ******** her came from the idea, that I wanted other men to see that this "Beautiful Woman" was MY wife. A way of bragging.

It took a few years, but eventually she did have sex with a few friends and neighbors. A few times I asked if size was important, and she always said "No". In asking later who were the best lovers, she would say "Ernie, and Bruce". When I asked who were the biggest, she said "Ernie and Bruce". So when I asked her if size wasn't important, why was it the two biggest where the best? She thought a moment, and then said, "I guess size is important".

I liked watching, but I didn't get to often. I did enjoy her telling me what she did with her lovers. Of all the guys she was with, only one knew I was aware of what was going on. I don't think she ever did a Black Guy, but in my mind, he would have been big and able to satisfy her better then me.

Right or wrong, that is what went through my mind.
Likes the contrast and excitement

Interesting comments, but I don't believe that any one theory can explain any and all circumstances. Personally I grew up enjoying the freedom of being an exhibitionist. Of course I had to hide it from parents and my first husband who did not approve. My present husband not only approved but wanted me to explore more wild & exciting things. This eventually led to other things, etc and finally extra-marital sex. Next we moved on to well endowed and eventually blacks. My husband has watched and I have the freedom to go alone. We are both straight btw. One encounter with a black man did result in a long term relationship. It was a real pleasure for both of us and I became very submissive. I have a few piercings and jewelery and lots of fond memories. Nobody got hurt and we all enjoyed a real good time. So, what is the big deal?


A couple of questions girl, if you have made it with a black man or men then I am confident that you are enjoying black sex. If that is the case then why do you care why your husband wanted to see you with black men? He may have pushed you into it or encouraged you to do it as most of the white guys on here want for their wives, but I suspect if you are seeing them alone then you are now fully enjoying the benefits of black men and black cock. Am I wrong? Do you really care why he wants you to do it? I am sure he gets turned on by you being his wife 1 minute and watching you get black sexed the other minute. He just loves seeing you turned into a slut in bed for black cock but back at home I bet youare the nice, conservative white wife that he married?? I can understand why he gets off seeing you with a black lover. Most of us are bigger and much better lovers than white guys, not all, but most. We do things for you and make you do things to bring out that down deep sexuality that most white husbands will not do for their wives. I know that is the cse with the wives I have fucked and been with. I got them to do things there husbands could only dream about or had been trying for years to get them to do. I don't buy that it has anything to do with mid life or him wanting to suck cock or any of that other shit. He just wants to see you hot and he likes the taboo of a black man taking his wife and doing things to her that she loves. Talk to me girl and tell me how you got into it and if you really want to get out.

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