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Why is it so hard to find a guy that isn't full of shit??

  • Thread starterBest_of_both_worlds
  • Start date


So....I think we've done it but no-he has to go behind my back & do all kinds of shit that is opposite to what we've all agreed on.

THEN lie about it, (because we all know what a stupid bitch I am!).

Just because you've been fucking a guy for a year doesn't mean that he's honoring your agreement, or not full of shit, or even gives a fuck about you.

That's what I've learned.

Play on!
Sweetie, I know it is a shock and pissing to realize, but the truth of a married white woman having a Black BF is; Though he may demand that she be "faithful" to him, she has no such right. It is hard to learn that you are a plaything, but if you want to keep the pleasure that you get when you are with him you have to accept this truth. My wife has "fell" for each of her long term lovers and both have somehow managed to make her completely "faithful" to them. A feat I have never mastered in our 11yr marriage.LOL Her first LT lover was dating a black lady the whole year and a half that my wife was "completely" his. The first time she got pissed about it, he calmly told her she was weekly "booty call" , a trinket, that the other lady was someone he could have something serious with. You're fun, but you are a married white slut, you're just sex. The sooner you accept this, the happier you will be, and the sooner you can get back to enjoying what you and he DO have together. Please forgive my bluntness, but the other point I'd like to make, has to do with the situation my wife is in with her current LT lover. She KNOWS she is not the only white woman this dominate man is screwing. He makes no secret of the fact. But she also knows that the, GOOD black lovers, are in great demand. If she gets on her high horse with him instead of her back, and gets kicked to the curb, he just answers a couple emails and some other white slut will be trotting to his bed. So wanted or not, my best advice to you, Hun, is to do like my wife and try to outshine and out slut the rest of the herd. That will keep your phone ringing and keep that good loving and great orgasms you have so enjoyed the past year, within your grasp. Best of luck to you!
I would reply to that, but it's so completely full of horseshit that I won't bother.

....and I'm not your fucking sweetie.

You are one screwed up *****!
You're just a slut for him to screw- nothing more! Just like he's just a black cock for you to suck and fuck.
I know it's probably too hard for you to see the big picture but the black BF doesn't have a future with you. You're married!
So he's just banging you and then laughing with his buddies about the stupid white ***** and her equally stupid husband.
And thanks to your post we all get to join in on the joke too! LOL
hmmm you know what?? Maybe you are just SO RIGHT??

I think I'll just go back to fucking every white, latino, or whatever kind of guy I can find, and when the brothers want to buy me a drink, I'll let them spend their money.....and then tell them there's no way I'm fucking a black guy.

Thanks for clearing that up y'all!!

I for one, feel so much more comfortable with my decision to break it off.

This useless forum at least has THAT going for it.

My Theory

My theory (this seems like a group where you can be honest) is that both men and women (women less so) like to play around sometimes. It's always best handled as secret adultry. So the other person does not know. The best sex partner for a married person is another married person. And use condoms or have sure knowledge of what the other person and their spouse are up to.

I was in an open marriage for several years during marriage #1 and it had a very destructive effect on our relationship. It's exciting at first (in a disturbing sort of way), but that can't usually last-- I found myself becoming emotionally dead to my wife. We had both had secret affairs earlier, where that hadn't happened.

It's all too public and too mind consuming if it's out in the open I think.
When you play with fire you going to get burnt sooner or later. You live the life you suffer with the results...enough said!

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