There's far more involved in the I/R scene thn white females drooling over black guy simply because of size. I've known white girls who tried black and went back to white, I know white girls who've tried black and stayed that way. The attraction of a white female to a black male is not something anlogous to the lemmings march to the sea - like everything else in life it is a choice depending on many factors - most of which I believe has more to do with 'forbidden fruit' than anything else. But think of it this way: In a country of almost 300 million people, even if we have a hardcore base of 1 MILLION into the lifestyle, it still equals out o about 1/3 of 1 percent.
Speaking <writing> as a white male with some very r/t experience in this lifestyle, it's fairly easy to know immediately who is blowing smoke and who is really involved around here. And you'll find the most believable stories are ones that have originated from a kernel of truth. Other stories are intensely enjoyable because they happen to strike a real nerve in our darkest desires and others border on the laughable because we all know, inside, they'll just never happen.
As for those white guys who have this goofy need to display their sad state of size to the world - this gets more like Jerry Springer.
Pesonally, I have my own very strong desires but it becomes important to understand what CAN be real and what is just plain silly.
Fortunately, there are just enough of us who are REAL that sites like DC and DW provides tantalizing proof that this lifestyle can be attained and enjoyed.