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Why do Black guy's want to sleep with white women so much?

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Why do Black guy's want to sleep with white women so much?

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taylor21atl said:
I think it has a lot to do with the factthat most white girls are more submissive and black guys tend to like that. Also, there is the taboo of getting the white girl from the white masn which may have something to do with it. Whatever it is, I am glad for it.....taylor

white_man_loves_ir said:

Just look at African-Americans such Beyonce and Shakira.

You have just proven yet again how completely stupid you really are!

Shakira is Colombian, numbnuts.
Josetta said:
Black men have a primal desire to genetically upgrade the white race.

Black men were subjected to survival of the fittest in Africa, and the weaker genes were pruned.

The white race had access to modern medicine, operations and processed foods long before the native races, so many inferior genes were able to survive.

Iran is experimenting with genes to eliminate defects in humans by peaceful means.

What planet do you come from? The 1st sentence in particular had me choking on my coffee. How does having advanced health services allow inferior genes to survive? If anything, it would wipe them out.

Your posts are getting funnier and funnier!
Leon BBC said:
What planet do you come from? The 1st sentence in particular had me choking on my coffee. How does having advanced health services allow inferior genes to survive? If anything, it would wipe them out.

Your posts are getting funnier and funnier!

You accuse me of being some kind of troll, but the fact is that most people (especially women) feel like I do.
Josetta said:
Black men have a primal desire to genetically upgrade the white race.

Black men were subjected to survival of the fittest in Africa, and the weaker genes were pruned.

The white race had access to modern medicine, operations and processed foods long before the native races, so many inferior genes were able to survive.

It is very exciting for a black man to sow his seed into white women, especially if they ask for it to happen.

Hitler recognised the need to eliminate genetic defects from the human race, and was experimenting to find vaccines which would enable millions of men to be sterilised so that they could not breed. He believed that only a small percentage of men should do the breeding - just like modern artificial breeding of dairy cows to achieve genetic gain.

Very excellent point. The fact is, the African people are from superior genetics and IQ and strength.

I would assume that the color contrast and the taboo sex would be two of the main reasons....taboo because if there is no protection...the risk of having a black baby in society would be very hot...now add a black man's seed to a married woman..she could not hide a back baby from her husband and from the neighbors and pass it off as their own....so having unprotected sex with a black male for a white married woman would be riskier and lead to a stronger orgasm for her. Do you use protection?
Zeus, Hitler was fighting too many war fronts at once, over hundreds of miles, so his troops became too spread out, and it allowed the allied forces to penetrate the weak spots.

If Hitler had of kept his forces concentrated on small areas at a time, he would have conquered all of Europe in the fullness of time, just like the Romans a couple of thousand years before. 20 million Russian men were killed as the Germans pushed into Russia, and it was only the freezing cold weather and deep snow drifts that finally stopped Russia becoming part of Germany.

The German war machine was potentially unstoppable - Hitler got impatient and his troops got too thin on the ground.
Josetta said:
Zeus, Hitler was fighting too many war fronts at once, over hundreds of miles, so his troops became too spread out, and it allowed the allied forces to penetrate the weak spots.

If Hitler had of kept his forces concentrated on small areas at a time, he would have conquered all of Europe in the fullness of time, just like the Romans a couple of thousand years before. 20 million Russian men were killed as the Germans pushed into Russia, and it was only the freezing cold weather and deep snow drifts that finally stopped Russia becoming part of Germany.

The German war machine was potentially unstoppable - Hitler got impatient and his troops got too thin on the ground.

"it was only the freezing cold weather and deep snow drifts that finally stopped Russia becoming part of Germany. "

Debatable, since Zhukov's Siberian troops had not arrived from the Far East sooner due to the threat of a Japanese invasion before Stalin signed an agreement with the Japanese. Russia still could have won, Moscow was not the end game for Stalin.

Now getting back to the point I dispute, "Hitler's defining moment was that other humans did not agree with him about who the breeding Bulls should be." Either it was your ridiculous struggle between two powers to be the "top breeders" if you will, or it was actual causes, such as his international and domestic policies, like ****** eugenics.

If it was between would-be breeders, then how come no African nations were in struggle with Germany like the main Allies were, considering your love of their genetics?

Another point, if his army was "was potentially unstoppable", and based on your previous post histories on a belief of black genetic superiority, then after conquering Europe he would have turned to Africa and either 1) been defeated by African natives (since they are genetically superior), or 2) he would have conquered Africa, thus proving the superior African genes idea to be false. I'm betting on number 2.

And you still didn't answer my question about aid to Africa to prevent a loss of survival of the fittest. According to your last post, you show how medicine was doing the same as nature did in Africa not even a century ago, but in a more humane way. Yet you go on to say that very same technology is now making us weaker. One, long standing changes in peoples genetics don't happen on a permanent scale overnight.

Two, it would seem that the stronger bugs would beat out the weaker for resources. Yes, some weaker ones would remain to take up needed food, yet even after their death the sudden explosion of the strong bugs numbers would result in a following drop in the bugs numbers as resources are eaten. And the process begins again.

Three, it would seem to me that using your train of thought in the long run it would be beneficial to prevent Africa from becoming too first world, because they would eventually be in the same situation of weak genetics. So the solution would seem to be to keep them where they are now on purpose. So what is it?
white_man_loves_ir said:
You accuse me of being some kind of troll, but the fact is that most people (especially women) feel like I do.

Most people on this site think you're a goddamn freak and don't agree with any of the bull you post. That's the fact.
Josetta said:
50 years ago, orphan boys with lower I.Q. were being castrated or sterilised to stop them breeding - you need a court order to do this these days.

You need a court order to castrate boys with lower IQ these days do ya? Are you out of your mind?
white_man_loves_ir said:
Very excellent point. The fact is, the African people are from superior genetics and IQ and strength.

Not what the recent scientific publication.
I'd rather believe that than someone like you with a fucked up agenda.
Leon BBC said:
You need a court order to castrate boys with lower IQ these days do ya? Are you out of your mind?

Doctors used to castrate boys, so did the Roman Catholic Church to keep their beautiful teenage voices. My point is that you would have to have a reason SOUND ENOUGH to convince a Judge that castration was the BEST INTERETS of the boy - you can't just go ahead and do like the Pope did.
Josetta said:
Doctors used to castrate boys, so did the Roman Catholic Church to keep their beautiful teenage voices. My point is that you would have to have a reason SOUND ENOUGH to convince a Judge that castration was the BEST INTERETS of the boy - you can't just go ahead and do like the Pope did.

You can't castrate any boys is my point. Not through a fucking court order! The only legal castration in the world is for pederasts or willing sex changes!

Where do you get this shit?
Weqk bugs are in the millions in a cup of water, and the number of dangerous bugs to cause death is relatively small. If you have ever had anything to do with Ostertagia internal worms in cattle, you will know that only a few bugs are needed to start reducing the vitality of the animal, and if untreated will lead to death in a couple of weeks.

I once helped a deeply religious sheep and cattle farmer, and he decided to save money by cutting back on the recommended dosage for autumn (fall) worms; and a couple of weeks later, he returned home to find that 63 hoggets had died and 113 others were looking very sick indeed.

The "insufficient dosage" had killed 95% of the weakest worms, and the stronger worms increased in numbers to lethal levels.

In Africa, shooters shot a swag of crocodiles that were eating the locals in unacceptable numbers. The balance of nature was upset and bigger animals increased in numbers and eventually destroyed vital water holes.

At harvesting time, field mice reach a billion in Australia.

There can be a million weak bugs for each deadly bug, so the deadly bugs are severely limited in their food supplies. Weak bugs are easily killed with medicines, and therefore huge numbers can die and a huge amount of food becomes available to the deadly bugs which say, "hey, its party time".
Leon BBC said:
You can't castrate any boys is my point. Not through a fucking court order! The only legal castration in the world is for pederasts or willing sex changes!

Where do you get this shit?

Depends which country you are talking about. You can still be stoned to death in some parts of the world, and body parts get taken from criminals while they are still alive.

In Mandingo days, Black men were castrated or got a foot cut off for making advances to a white girl on the Cotton Plantations, that is, if they were not going to be hung for the "offence" they had caused the family of the white girl.

Black men are still being escorted out of many towns in America - I have talked to foreign salesmen who go into the "white only areas of America".
Penis transplants are common in Asia as part of the body parts trade.
In Ireland, men were being kneecapped by IR terrrosists.

Castration is still occuring whether Leon wants to believe it or not. I guess it is not happening in his neck of the woods (or no one has told him otherwise).
Josetta said:
Penis transplants are common in Asia as part of the body parts trade.
In Ireland, men were being kneecapped by IR terrrosists.

Castration is still occuring whether Leon wants to believe it or not. I guess it is not happening in his neck of the woods (or no one has told him otherwise).

I'm just gonna leave you to your own freaky world. You just ramble on about nothing in particular and make no sense whatsoever. Have at it.
enter1234 said:
black women are not anything that any guy black or white would like to look at.

numbnuts....i have 2 black girls living in my building, and they r gorgeous...like the white womens( they r some very ugly bitches out there), not all of them r beautiful...but this 2 girls r beautiful as...dammm ...big tits and they have some "junk in the trunk"...
well. if it is better for mankind...........................

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