My Wife did one before we got married in a nightclub while on holiday in Spain, took her top right off to flash her tits to everyone, the compare was asking all the participants what they would want the guys/girls in the club to do her response was "I want to find out who's spunk tastes the best" ...that's my girl!
Nice set I would like to see moresamanthaNwilli said:I did one when I was back in college as a non-traditional student. Most of the other contestants were traditional college age. I was ten years older, with kids almost their age. There were a bunch of guys who knew I was doing it and came to see, so I had a substantial cheering section. I ended up with second place. 1st and 3rd both 'met' the judges before the contest started.
It was fun, exciting, and a very validating ego boost that I maybe needed at the time..