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WHO has fucked your wife?

  • Thread starterSon of John
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hot anacdotes all interesting in their
own right
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This is a great thread!

My ex fucked guys she met at a bar. I never knew them and she would only fuck them after she got to know them.

I fucked my best friend's wife several times. She was actually my first and we fucked off and on over several years. (whenever her husband and I happened to get stationed together) Had a threesome with him once, but the rest of the time, she just told him about it.

I fucked another friend's wife who liked to pretend he didn't know about it too.

My current lady fucked a couple of her friends that she had before we met, but she hasn't been able to in a long time now. It's odd that she prefers black men, was married to a black man, but after we were together, the friends she fucked were all white. Go figure huh?
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my wife has fucked many strangers we have met online and she has also fucked 2 of her ex boyfriends. She has an ongoing relationship with her one of her ex boyfriends who also happens to be a good friend of mine. JR was the guy who took her virginity when she was 15 and she has felt an attachement to him ever since. They fuck about once a week and have been doing so for almost 4 years now. Most of our friends have an idea but it's not exactly out in the open.
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12 men all strangers. only three of them she repeated and went bareback cumming inside my wife. i fucked her afterwards and it was a delicious experience to feel the cum of another guy inside my wife´s cunt.
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Now we get to the real concern

The most awkward part is that others in the family know that he is fucking her and some are worried that I might find out, while others know that I do know and wonder why I allow it.

:eek: Once a few know, soon all know, especaily if you live in A smaller community, but persons seem to always know the people they work with and their families. People start out to be descreet, but do not always observe it with others. Women are much better able to deal with others knowing, and at some point they do not seem to care, while it may even enhance their career it can be very determential to the cuckold husband.

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Who is the woman holding that cock in the last pic? Damn she is beautiful!!!
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It's great to watch your woman in action. I had a girlfriend who fucked other guys from time to time and I was there to enjoy it. Once, she fucked me and three other men - total strangers we met at a bar - and it was very erotic to see her getting used like that. She was very pretty, slim, young, shapely and had nice tits, so most men wanted to fuck her, but after we got married, she refused to be that cooperative again. So now she's my EX wife :)
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My wife has been fucking other men now for about 8 years. Her first outside our marriage was the co-worker of one of my good friends. My friend introduced him to us and he quickly became a regular in our circle of friends. Eventually, he started hitting on my wife, which she loved, and soon he was banging her regularly. Next, she gave my good friend a try but that didn't take off. Since then, I estimate she's been fucked by around 50 other men. She meets them in various places. A few on-line, some friends of friends, strangers from bars, and even a few that I have introduced to her that I thought she would like. Many have been back for more time and time again. Currently, she has a regular boyfriend who is 12 years her junior.
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My wife is 36d and always getting hit on. I have caught her fucking 2 men that work with her. She said she did not blow them but I don't believe her. She is a tremendous cocksucker especially when she has a tongue in her pussy.
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No idea how many, but once we tried to come up with a number and gave up after it passed 100. That was before she started *********, now she does it professionally so its probably many hundred now, although now she is concentrating on long high end appointments which limits the number to usually only 1 per day/evening, however in the past 4 or 5 in a 24 hour period would be quite normal. Its quite incredible to think of the amount of cum she ha swallowed and taken in the years we have been married.
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18 total that fucked her, 4 she gave blow jobs too but didnt fuck.She has two or three regular sessions a week including sleep overs. It usally adds up to her taking 7 to 10 loads of Bull cum a week.Always followed by a good licking and a squirt of cucky juice.I relize the cucky cock penetrations dont count as real fucks.
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My Jess (25 yrs old) has had 11 men,all Black,since we've been together (Sept '08). The first one she enjoyed 3 times,then the next 3 were one-off strangers,first introduced,then having hot sex within minutes. Number 5 eventually became her official Bull,but not before another 5 African and African/American studs enjoyed her sexually,including one Kenyan model that she dated for a while..we will be hooking up with him again first weekend in June,hopefully pics to follow. We are now searching for a new permanent Black Bull,I'll keep you informed in a new thread when that happens.
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My wife was not so free spirted in her younger days. She has only been with 5 guys including myself. Her first bf in high school which took her virginity, another bf her senior year in high school. 2 bfs in college one of which became her first husband and me. We used to fantasize about how she was that first night when she was de-flowered but after meeting that guy seeing what an a-hole he is, that no longer turns me on thinking about him and my Jess. My fav topic now is fantasizing about what she did on her first honeymoon. If it was anything compared to what we did on ours, it must have been fun.
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The hot wife I didn't know I had !!!

I've been married three times and only one of my wives, my second, was willing to play. She fucked so many men that I hesitate to give the number, even though I kept meticulous records, for fear of promoting disbelief. Suffice it to say it was in the hundreds, and I loved her all the more for it. You can read about our exploits in my other posts.

But this post is about my first wife, who was a different matter altogether. We married in our senior year in college because she got pregnant, and I felt guilty and wanted to do the right thing. She subsequently had an abortion without consulting me about it, and I felt betrayed and set up. It sent our one month old marriage on a downhill slide, and we divorced after we graduated 6 months later, 6 months in which our sex life deteriorated with our relationship. She became haughty and disinterested in sex, and I thought there might be someone else she was fucking. I've been a cuckold since puberty, and the idea of her fucking someone else gave me blue steel hard ons. I was new to the game, however, and didn't know how to bring up my nasty and shameful desires. I tried once to broach the subject of her fucking around, but I couldn't bring myself to just spit out what I wanted and my awkward attempts to talk about it seemed to infuriate her, as if I were accusing her of infidelity. When I tried to explain, she responded with disgust, saying I was sick to even talk about such a thing. Being young and stupid, I simply shut up and waited it out til the end, which was very acrimonious. I felt she had tricked me into marrying her at a bad time for us to get married by getting pregnant, then having an abortion after the marriage without consulting me. She, and her parents, felt that I had ruined her chances for a better marriage by making her damaged goods, and I should pay for it. They hired an aggressive divorce lawyer and took me to the cleaners, taking even the money I had saved for graduate school. I was left broke and alone and had to reassess my future plans, which now did not include grad school, at a time when the draft was grabbing everyone without a deferral for Vietnam. It was a shocking change of events, but here's the weird part. We had a circle of good friends at college that we partied and drank and smoked dope with regularly, and they mostly took her side during the divorce. Somehow I was the asshole who knocked her up and made her get an abortion, then abandoned her. At least, that was the narrative she was using. I knew better, but I didn't feel like fighting. Only a few of my good male friends knew the truth of what Ruth had done, but they were strangely unsupportive. Within three months of graduation, I was drafted and left for the Army, and I completely lost touch with our entire circle. Considering the way I'd been treated, I consider them good riddance.

Now jump forward 42 years to 2010 and the world of Facebook, and I get a friend request from one of the girls from our circle in college, but I don't recognize her married name or her picture so I ignore it. She persists and sends me a message saying she's Suzy, my buddy Tom's old flame. We exchange email addresses, and she sends me a long apology, saying she knows I got a raw deal back in college, and she's long regretted not speaking up. Ruth, she tells me, not only set me up to get married, but the baby wasn't even mine. It was her boyfriend Tom's, and she got the abortion because Tom insisted upon it and paid for it, even after I'd agreed to marry her. Furthermore, Suzy said, Ruth was the most promiscuous girl in the sorority they both joined, having done some really stupid things like drunken gangbangs at fraternity parties in her freshman year. By the time we married in our senior year, Ruth was trying desperately to clean up her reputation and go straight, using me as her ticket, despite the fact that there were a couple of 8mm tapes of her pulling trains circulating around campus. Suzy said Ruth had been blackmailed several times in her sophomore year to attend frat parties as the star attraction or have the tapes sent to her parents, and she saw her career and marital hopes going down the drain.......until this stupid transfer student from a junior college who wasn't in a fraternity on campus fell for her. No one had the balls or the desire to tell me, and she was apparently fucking all the males in our little circle to keep them from telling me. Wow! If she had only known how that would have turned me on!!!! Suzy gave me her ex-boyfriend Tom's email and told me to contact him to confirm it, but I waited a long time to do so. When I finally did, it was awkward as hell. Tom felt guilty about his role in things, but after a few emails, he called one night and we talked for over an hour. Once he realized I not only wasn't angry but had a prurient interest, he not only admitted that what Suzy said was true, but added a lot of details that gave me a hard on 40 years after the fact. For example, he explained a weird occurrence I remembered well of showing up unannounced at her apartment one afternoon when we were first dating and having her answer the door naked and looking ill. She was white as a sheet and said she'd been vomiting in the toilet when I knocked. She begged off seeing me, saying she needed to go back to bed and would see me the following day.Tom said the truth was that she was in bed with him and two of his friends, one of whom had just shot a huge load in her mouth when I knocked. It was not vomit on her face, and it was an academy award performance, one that sent them all into hysterics of laughter after I left. He told me stories of her jacking him off at bars while I was sitting across the table, of sucking off our friends in toilets while I sat in a bar or restaurant *******, etc. Out of pure meanness, he said, they would sometimes even make bets that she would do strangers on the spot if they told the guy what to say, then pick an unlikely guy in a bar or night club, secretly point out Ruth to him, and tell him to catch her alone and tell her that he'd seen the tape of her 14 man fraternity gang bang (her infamous record as a sophomore; her best as a freshman was 8 before she was too sore to continue) and wanted a blow job immediately or he'd make sure to tell me about it. They did it four times, Tom said, with three ugly white guys and one fat black guy, and each time they did, Ruth would immediately come back to the table and quietly excuse herself from the group in order to go somewhere and suck the stranger off. They all wondered, he said, how I could be so fucking stupid and oblivious, and the answer, of course, is that I don't know. I often had suspicions that all was not right with her and us, but damn! What a waste! I had always wondered how Ruth could be so fucking hot looking (5' tall, 105 lbs, with a tiny waist, a perfect ass, and the most perfect little tits god ever made; she looked like a movie star most of you won't remember, Sandra Dee, the hottest teen throb of the surfer era) and hot in bed with me and profess to be inexperienced and uninterested in other men, and Tom blew that myth all to hell. It was that innocent Sandra Dee look, he said, that allowed her to get away with being the wanton three holed slut she really was. He estimated that she'd fucked more than 100 guys in her first two years of college alone, so many that she considered quitting our big state university to escape the reputation she'd developed as a girl who couldn't or wouldn't say no. When I started going out with her, my lack of knowledge was a godsend for her, and Tom thought she actually thought she could pull off a reformation of sorts. It was way too late for that, however, and Tom estimated that she was regularly fucking at least 10 guys even after we were married. Probably, he said, because she had to in order to buy their silence with pussy than because she really wanted to, but he admitted that the real reason I got no support from my male friends during the divorce was because they were all fucking her on the sly, and the girls all knew, as well. After I left for the Army, he said, she reverted to her old ways totally, living off my graduate school money while she fucked whoever she wanted for the next year until he went off to grad school and lost track of her. No one knew what eventually happened to her or where she ended up, but I sure wish I knew. We might finally have something in common. One of the great ironies of life for me has been the discovery of how far a little honesty might have gone in a number of relationships. If she had simply told me that she had been excessively promiscuous as a freshman girl and was trying to go straight as a senior, I would have made sure she not only didn't need to but I would have encouraged and supported her while she fucked anyone she wanted to......and believe me there were a lot of hot young guys who wanted a piece of my Ruth. Or if I could have simply summoned the courage to tell her that I suspected that she was fucking other guys and it turned me on like nothing else in the world, maybe we could have just lived happily ever after. I know nothing would have helped me through my tour in Vietnam more than knowing that my hot young wife was back fucking all my friends and a bunch of strangers to boot. Now that would have been something to come home to. Of course, if we had been honest with each other, we wouldn't have needed to divorce, and I would have gone to graduate school instead of Vietnam. Oh the tangled web we weave when we first decide to deceive.
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I know, I said the MVP is the most used

But is this an approiate question? I honestly do not think so. My fear, and boy does it give me the hebegeebess, is she does one male too many times. Just me but I wish she take on multiple lovers, as I feel it is unlikely she will settle on one and leave me for him.

Being honest, we just hope to hold her for many reasons, but if she has that monogomus feeling it is possible we will lose her. Here is just my therory, The More Cocks she takes, the less any one means to her.
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I am glad to know I am not the only husband interested (obsessed, really) with who else has fucked his wife. I love to think about all those other big-dicked guys who have enjoyed the pussy that I'm married to now. That's the way it should be! Pussy is for sharing, even married pussy!!!
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My GF's Best Friend

The guy my girldfriend is fucking was her sons baseball coach from 5 years back they have always been friendly to each other, she slowiny introduced him and seduced him over the last 2 months as she has gotten relaxed with him. THey fucked for the first time this past Friday after he sent her picts of his Cock to her which she shared with me. THe thing is she didn't have an orgasm with hime which I gladly gave her when she got home.
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wifes lovers

We have been married 11 yrs now and i cant count all her lovers but will try. There was my brother a few times and his son in law theres been 6 guys shes met on line most of my male friends i knew before marring her our best man (i guess he is) theres 2 guys she just sucks 3 blk guys she met on line (one does her monthly) a big cocked blk guy she met at work he spent 3 days at our house fucking her. Im sure theres more just cant think of them right now!!

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I would guess that it is a rare occasion when a husband really knows exactly who has fucked his wife, and how often, but guys like me need to think about it. For me, the one thing that really drives me to need to fuck my wife is the certain knowledge that so many other guys have fucked her before me.

It is the one thing that makes her such a valuable fuck-partner for me, that so many other guys have enjoyed her pussy and no doubt have great memories of fucking her.

The best part of all this is when I am able to talk with one of those guys, and hear him use the words "when I fucked your wife". That is the one thing I need to know in order to give her the kind of fucking she needs now: to have the perfect knowledge that other guys have fucked her!
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Wow mvp

Son of John said:
I would guess that it is a rare occasion when a husband really knows exactly who has fucked his wife, and how often, but guys like me need to think about it. For me, the one thing that really drives me to need to fuck my wife is the certain knowledge that so many other guys have fucked her before me.

It is the one thing that makes her such a valuable fuck-partner for me, that so many other guys have enjoyed her pussy and no doubt have great memories of fucking her.

The best part of all this is when I am able to talk with one of those guys, and hear him use the words "when I fucked your wife". That is the one thing I need to know in order to give her the kind of fucking she needs now: to have the perfect knowledge that other guys have fucked her!

Son of John, I can understand your feelings here. It is nice to know others desire your wife. John, would you feel differently if she charged for her favors? Do you buy her sexy attire? I wish you would share some pics of her.

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