Absolutely!!olderwhitecuckold said:It is a natural thing that all animals that are sexually superior take the females ,it would be a good start if all wives must have black babies and soon the white race would become diminished and even becomes servants to the new world order.
olderwhitecuckold said:It is a natural thing that all animals that are sexually superior take the females ,it would be a good start if all wives must have black babies and soon the white race would become diminished and even becomes servants to the new world order.
And in that BNWO, where would the Black Men and White Sluts get the pure, lily-white, wimpy little servants and slaves that they deserve and need ? Has to be a providion for some kind of continued breeding of white women with little boy weak white sperm to propagate the servant class ... presumably thru some for of pleasureless milking of white boys and artificial insemination of the less attractive white females, who Black Men have no interest in fucking.Curiousonelonely said:Absolutely!!
Yes it does answer the question ,also how to supply attractive white females for them so some sort of insemination would be allowed by the BNWO but only under proper regulation.TimKnowsPlaceMWM said:And in that BNWO, where would the Black Men and White Sluts get the pure, lily-white, wimpy little servants and slaves that they deserve and need ? Has to be a providion for some kind of continued breeding of white women with little boy weak white sperm to propagate the servant class ... presumably thru some for of pleasureless milking of white boys and artificial insemination of the less attractive white females, who Black Men have no interest in fucking.
Be honest you guys don't this look like a puppetslutsofohio said:
Black Men don't need to have white women provided to them. Most white women, given half the chance, will throw themselves at any hot Black Man that's around. Don't worry about the Black Men. Worry about how you, as a white boy, can best serve them ... and serve your wife.olderwhitecuckold said:Yes it does answer the question ,also how to supply attractive white females for them so some sort of insemination would be allowed by the BNWO but only under proper regulation.
just meant in the long term a new supply will be needed as those now will get olderTimKnowsPlaceMWM said:Black Men don't need to have white women provided to them. Most white women, given half the chance, will throw themselves at any hot Black Man that's around. Don't worry about the Black Men. Worry about how you, as a white boy, can best serve them ... and serve your wife.
We RIGHTFULLY belong to them and since we seem to be to fucking stupid to understand that in my opinion I think they should have the right to just start taking us at their will!Curiousonelonely said:They can have us!
Absolutely love hearing that! Always great to see fellow whites that know our place and how worthless we are!Curiousonelonely said:Absolutely...no rights for any of us whites!
Wonderfully said!olderwhitecuckold said:It is a natural thing that all animals that are sexually superior take the females ,it would be a good start if all wives must have black babies and soon the white race would become diminished and even becomes servants to the new world order.
Are you replying about Rachel Marie Warner?TimKnowsPlaceMWM said:Black Men don't need to have white women provided to them. Most white women, given half the chance, will throw themselves at any hot Black Man that's around. Don't worry about the Black Men. Worry about how you, as a white boy, can best serve them ... and serve your wife.
Replying to a post by olderwhitecuckold, in which he was suggesting a future that white boys/men (if that is not a misnomer) should never be allowed to "breed" white women in any form. My point is that some form of producing white boy babies from a mix of white boy sperm in a white woman's pussy will always be necessary to keep producing the white boys needed to serve Blacks and support cuckolding white wives. I specifically thought one idea might be the milking of the white sperm donor in some form that doesn't give the donor pleasure, and artificially inserting the weak, gooey sperm into the cunts of unattractive white bitches that most Black Men wouldn't want to fuck anyway ... some kind of controlled milking/breeding "farm" or clinic where the white loser boys and girls could go to do their part in providing some of what Black Men and attractive white sluts will need to be happy.slutsofohio said:Are you replying about Rachel Marie Warner?