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White female teacher arrested for fucking black students!!

  • Thread starternjsissycuck
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Yes, I saw this story in the Memphis paper from AP News. But as one post mentioned, there were two married teachers at this school, both white and married, Wendie Schweikert 37, sexed an 11 yr old blk boy in her classroom, ( elementary school ) car and in an arcade in Greenville 40 miles from Clinton, SC.

Allenna Wark, 24 married white fem and minister's daughter was fired in feb after being charged with sexing five blk male students 14 and 15 in multiple places.

The article goes on to say that 'Some blacks shudder to think what would have happened if the teachers were black men and the students were white girls.'

'Some of the blacks who make up more than a quarter of Laurens County's 70,000 residents are upset over the handling of the case and the release of the teachers on bail.'

'They say the cases reflect the way crimes by whites against blacks in the South are treated less seriously than other offenses and blacks who level accusations against whites are less likely to be believed.'

'If this had been black teachers, they would not be out of jail right now, said Corinnie Young, a 49 yr old bookstore employee who is black.

'"I cn assure you if it were an African American male who committed such an offense against a white female, history shows us that the charges, the punishment and the sentencing would be totally different,"said state NAACP president Lonnie Randolph. "The system ain't blind when the perpetrator ( or maybe penetrator ) is an African American male or female or when the victim is a white female."

wellllll, damn where to start......from an impartial observer, and further info from the article that i didn'tretype about bond amounts, etc. it sounds like racism is still flourishing in Clinton and parts thereof, on both sides of the racial fence.

Eleven years old is child abuse.....14-15 yr olds, multiple times in many locations is not abuse from my perspective but underage sex of a minor, a consenting minor, ooops, that may be an oxymoron. I remember when i was that age in my middle school and this teacher, Mrs. Edwards would tease many of the boys in her algegra class.

I didnt know if it was intentional then, but looking back and knowing much more about women and their wiles....i know without a doubt she knew what she was doing. When she would bend over my desk to check my progess she always brushed her tits against my shoulder, smiling at me and asking how i was doing. Then i was a well developed blk male at 14, a class leader, but kinda shy.

It was not just me, that this teacher teased both black and white boys in her classes. I know the girls always talkedabout her.....

She always gave me a hard on when i smelled her perfume and felt her touch on my arm, her white hand.....

Other times, she would lean over desks in from of us, giving us long looks up the backs of her thighs under her skirt or cross and recross her legs as she sat on the edge of her desk, discussing theories of math, etc.

A 14 or 15 yr old boy may be a minor, but he wants the pussy. Todays teens are some much more mature....no MTV or rap music when i was growing up.

I will have to finish this thought later....

hi Muleman i wish i would have understood

Two part post/comment here so bare with me. First things first
Muleman i took your comments mostly as a angry "reactionary"
posture to the undeniable selfishness, & absence of character
shown by these two women, in these two extraordinary events.
I would like to, in all good intentions, say to you though your
overall point may have gotten lost amidst the heat of your
writing, because i barely understood what point you were making.

I write this not in a contemtious fashion by any means, i would
actually like to hear where you were going with your thoughts, would
you mind elaborating or clarifying a bit & maybe i will be better
able to feel what you were feeling, so to speak. Or if you dont feel like
elaborating on a "dated topic", i wll understand that as well.

Interesting read there Cokeman, that tidbit of media definately
passed me by when it happened, this was my first hear-of.
Well since we seem to be GOING THERE, one of the most
memorable, good & bad for me happened a few years back
in San Francisco. The situation was very bizarre lets see how
well my memory serves me, it centered around a resident home
where for years a 45ish aged Black, a island native not American,
lived and as boarders had 3 college aged white women living
in the home with him. One was a nurse, the other two in school
and while reading the police article, it made mention that the
living arrangement was noticed/questioned amongst neighbors
as to what kind of co-inhabiting was "really going on" there.
Well they got theyre answers when it came to light that
the older man had fathered children with 2-of the 3 white
women living theyre raising his babies. I assumed
everything would have kept hunky-dory with this little
polyamorous household had the Islander man not been
so fancy with his bottle, and his marijuana he openly
kept around the home. It went really bizarre at this point
and i believe he was arrested on child endangerment charges
that stemmed from untidy conditions or whatever they
called it. Yes the kids were relocated at that point,
& my blessings go out that the children are in a
loving/safe environment now. Now thats what i call
different strokes for different folks right.. Google it
and anyone interested should be able to pull up
the articles.

Wow this is a big eye-opener, i am in *edit-mode* here in my reply post i will use my own fits of poor memory
to teach us all to pay better attention to detail. I just found the story link to what i told above and it couldnt
have been worse for me reading the actual article. I apologize for being so miles away from *factual* , the
story i just read is a ugly sway in humanity. I had no idea the story went like this, until now. be careful

I have to agree with what Tyrone states ... "A 14 or 15 yr old boy may be a minor, but he wants the pussy. Todays teens are some much more mature....no MTV or rap music when i was growing up." No one is really focusing on that it seems. There is so much influence on everyone and I'm not blaming anyone or judging anyone. Right or wrong, this is the reality now.

Educators have it extremely difficult and this issue doesn't lighten the load at all. Now educators are under even more unjust scrutiny, warranted or not. My point is that before judging and placing blame, look at all the issues involved, as well as, those that remain below the surface. There is so much involved here.
Rhino said:
Guess what? Best to fuck someone up is to keep telling them they are fucked up. Lots of people have sex with older people even there teachers and they are fine afterwards. Kirk Douglas said he had sex with his high school english teacher when he was 15. Was he fucked up? One of my best friends had sex with his math teacher and thought it was great. It was also the only way he could have possibly passed math LOL. One of my co-workers was 15 when she lost her virginity to a 21 year old boyfriend and she is fine...okay he was not a teacher but it was still illegal and her father was have freaked out if he had found out.

Fucking somebody retarded like that is something else completely no matter how old they are. I do not hold with that shit.

What I am trying to say is that just because u think it is so does not make it so. Telling people they are doomed like that is fucked up.

By the way u often call for people to be killed for doing there jobs?
Rhino hey I don't keep telling people they are fucked up. Some young boys and girls can handle life easier then others just like adults. As far as people doing their jobs I was saying I agreed with whammer here about her jumping off a bridge and do the world a favor, well I added the rope. I don't think a teacher having sex with a student in a middle school is doing her job.I'm glad your Buddy passed math. Sure young boys are going to get hardons but I don't see where it is the teachers place to use them. My thoughts Rhino
lady blooms I PMed you get back if you want. Top of the Day to You Muleman
Hey Beachgirl,

Thanks for your agreement, we both see how the media, events today and other influences have really helped lead to the situation in Clinton. I really wonder if the teacher Ward seduced the teens or was seduced herself, or maybe a combination thereof.......

Since your an educator, can you give us insights into todays public schools?

The sad thing about the situation in Clinton, as derived from the news article is that not one single person interviewed, expressed concern for the blk males, especially the eleven yr old, but rather chose to vilify each other, which sounds like racism to me.

This situation is so close to what is promoted and fantasized about on this site, though these are minor children technically, especially the eleven yr old.
It kind of brings the discussions at this forum, both real and phantom, into a very sharp perspective, one which makes many of us very uncomfortable, MWF's fucking blk males......

The reality of this activity in non-consenting ways is obviously messy, dangerous to one's career and family and very condeming legally.

These two women were fucking or were fucked by young black males.....but now they are fucked in a most permanent way! This should be a wake-up call for many people in general and on this forum.

Lets have fun, but not create chaos!
Everyone have a good weekend.

muleman said:
Rhino hey I don't keep telling people they are fucked up. Some young boys and girls can handle life easier then others just like adults. As far as people doing their jobs I was saying I agreed with whammer here about her jumping off a bridge and do the world a favor, well I added the rope. I don't think a teacher having sex with a student in a middle school is doing her job.I'm glad your Buddy passed math. Sure young boys are going to get hardons but I don't see where it is the teachers place to use them. My thoughts Rhino

Fair enough.

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