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White boys getting pregnant by only black men.

  • Thread startertrinidadynotme2
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Beloved Member
Jan 14, 2009
I could just imagine what it could have been if it were posable for us white boys to get black pregnant down here in the islands. We would have large painted portraits of interracial family with a difference. We would have a large black man standing next to a white boy who is sitting proudly holding a new born as it sucks on his swollen white breast. It would be a white family pride to have as many sons successfully black impregnated and married delivering as many time as possible.
This phenomenon will be studied as it can only be done by a black man to white boys.His big black nigger cock the only instrument of delivery. The study will show changes of our white bodies from virgin to delivery of successful new born.The first stage, the incision of the big nigger cock as it widen all the way into our deeps and the delivery of his potent seed.The black man's powerful seed will change our body chemistry as only they can.
Our bodies will start to produce its own sweet nutritious lubrication.Only a black man's sperm will be able feed and be sustain by it as it works on our DNA .Our testicles and penis will be absorb as our bodies uses its nutrients to feed the ever energetic black sperms. Our sexual hunger for black cock will heighten as our bodies give off strong pheromones to attract strong black males.These pheromones together with our new lubrication will also act as a natural "Viagra".The signaling will continue till impregnation . Our bodies will continue to be transform as testicles and penis disappear swollen breast with large suckable nipples, widening hips,softer skin and longer blond hair will develop.
A flower like mechanism will develop beep in us to facilitate our black fertilization. After fertiliza tion this flower like mechanism will open a wall into our abdomen and begin the implantation of the embryo. As the fetus develop, a new opening for the safe delivery will start to be form.This opening will only appear days before the baby birth and like manner disappear soon after its delivery. Our lost of the penis and testicles will be permanent as our bodies are now condition for multiple black breeding.
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I like to believe this is somehow possible to happen just as you describe. I get so horny for Black Men. Strong Black Men with HUGE cocks. I will do whatever I can to satisfy him and then He gives me the gift of his seed. His strong black Powerful SPERM.
The pheremones I produce will make his long black cock so stiff and thick. Even 18 inch black dicks will be fully rigid. And the changes in my body will allow him to penetrate my body until his giant long BLACK cock is buried balls deep in me. Some men like this may want to also put their testicles inside my opening. Further stretching me. Black men with cocks like that often have nuts each the size of baseballs.
I SO want to be pregnant by a black bull. A Black man who totally considers me his wife. A sex change alone will not do all of this . It has to be all of what you describe.
And we would have pictures of him and me and our babies all over the house for everyone to see any time. I will be his trophy wife and always ready to satisfy his giant Black 18 inch cock. If he says to I will satisfy his Black Bull friends also. And if he says to get pregnant by them i will. It will only take 8 weeks to have the baby rather than 9 months. black men will begin to PREFER white bois for sex and breeding for all these purposes .
LUV, MsGary
I think that white boys like us who breed the strong pheromones sent out by black men can not resist but feel strongly attracted to him. This will evoke very strong sexual desire and increase blood flow to our anal regent. This will cause his white butt to be uplifted making it very attractive to his black pray.We will also unknowingly sent out other pheromones which will make the increase blood flow to his black penis and balls. These emissions will cause changes in physiology and behavior in both males. The white boy will be overwhelm with increase feeling to be black bred. The black man balls will increase in size and weight causing the production of super sperm.The increase activity in his brain will signal his strong desire mount and breed this white boy.The mating process will establish the role of giver benign the black alpha and the taker benign the white "now submissive" boy and so redding him for motherhood.The black alpha male will insert both his dominance and his black cock into his white surrendering mate.Both their hunger for sexual satisfaction will put them in a frenzy.The white boy's swollen anus will put even more pressure on the black cock causing it's head to swell and lock.This is much the same as canine.The swollen black penis head will insure that the super sperm is transfer as it's penetrate into white host inner cells. The overwhelming invasion of these super sperm will over ride all male DNA changing them to reproductive female DNA.The black nigger cock will be lock in the white boy's anus for minutes. The white boy will experience the necessary pressure and pain of becoming black pregnant.This will be done to him many times in the coming weeks.
trinidadynotme2 said:
I hope I did not make it too scientific in its language.If so I'll re-write it.

Forget it dude. I was just stating how scientifically impossible it is. But it's your fantasy, so enjoy.
I thought Leon was saying how like science class it sounded. Still, all good natured.
hey, Will, Thanks so much for your help with this part of the forums.
luv to All,
Its cool,even if he had another opinion.I think that a male body can sustain a pregnancy as long as its has the right biological set up. I was thinking of how things can happen at this time wile they are in an orgasm the nigger cock swelling like a dog's knot and locking-up deep in the white boy anus for several minutes.With some pain and the nigger cock injecting big streams of millions of super sperm into the white boy, thereby overwhelming any defenses.With the nigger cock holding him in position and open, the white boy will know and feel that he is the nigger's bitch.
There is no greater gif tone person can give another than to carry his baby - i am surrpiused soem feminist researchers are not hot on the trial of a way for men to get pregnant to relive the burden on females.

Ms Gary the idea of an 8 week gestation is sensational - 9 months is a long time for a girlie boi to wait to give his gift to his man. as long as the milk keeps flowing mmmm
trinidadynotme2 said:
Its cool,even if he had another opinion.I think that a male body can sustain a pregnancy as long as its has the right biological set up.

But that's just it Dr. Phil. It don't have the right biological set up.
I was reading about a small animal( micro) that is turned into a female by other males. Its seem when there is a need for increasing the mothers. A male will be pump open very violently with some chemical by the other males then left alone to change. He will eat three times more than when he was a male.At the right size many males will mate with "her" making her pregnant and thus another mother is in place. It may be a matter of time that science like "cloning" will make men pregnant but could nature be 1st. I love the part of been pump open to be transformed into a mother. If the males are black men then I think I'll volunteer for pleasure, I mean science, lol.
its seems also que some fish make their transformation from male to female and come mother..you can hope that dear...
HI Biggie. I have really enjoyed your posts on here. Alwasy upbeat and approriate.
I won't be spell and grammar checking right now by the way. I would be totally open to meeting you. I can still appear as a male if you like. Have to cover everything but winter is coming.
So, anyway, I love meeting new friends and have no expectations on my part. of course if someone travels a good ways to see me. Well, they are entitled to expect things!!
contact me if you like!
love, MsGary
Hi all..
to Trinidadynotme2 : simply a m a z i n g ... to have come up with such an
idea, you surely have read the entire article of King Kooba on Somaliaonline titled :
The Holy Grail of Black Breeding, the Best ever written, in my book it does
surpass the * most downloaded story * from the internet : Breeding Brides !
Shalom - Peace
cuck in L.A

Hi I am a pretty cuck in L.A and will suck off all the big black cock I can. Send me a message and your telephone numbers and I'll suck you and all your friends off and act like a girl. I'll also bend over and have my womanly white ass spanked.
fellow trini

hi, how are you?
Its great to see another trini here.
My name is joel and i am what we in trinidad call a pantyman.....lol.
Great seeing you here.
Oh by the way..........i live in Chaguanas.

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