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White boys getting pregnant by only black men.

  • Thread startertrinidadynotme2
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  • #141
I SO hope that is true. I believe we sissy bois will have a longer time to breed when that happens. I mean like having babies for black men from age 18 THROUGH 65, 68 maybe 70. I am 46 now and will be 47 next month and the Black men are more attracted to me every year.
For any Black Studs also reading----I have not had a long term man of my own for going on 5 years. I REALLY miss that and I am looking. I am free to relocate too. Gary4Classics@aol.com
Be assured that whatever arrangement you consider proper is probably acceptable to me. Also be assured that if it is possible for me to give you a baby--I WILL!
luv, MIssGary
  • #142
any guys who want to chat more on this drop me a line at shazne @easy.com.
i think it will happen in the future , as science will help woman to get us sissys
to carry babies for them, as in most european countries woman are becoming
the breadwinners while us sissy guys , will be transformed more and more into
maids and able to carry babies for there black lovers. eg a sissy will have a vagina
attached to a plastic tube to carry eg a black mans sperm to our wives implanted eggs in us ,
to an artificial uterus to carry babies for woman. its going to happen. im at shazne@easy.com to chat more . like to hear what others say
  • #143
I BELIEVE this is not too far off. I mean, although my mom is still here, I am becoming the Lady of the house as a high school senior--technically and legally male but my legal name is now Mary. I do not know how this will be accomplished for having babies by someone like me but I just SENSE that there is great research being done.
Also, becasue of the fact I am diagnosed transgender--I got hormone a lot younger. Over 2 years ago. Also got vasectomy the month I was turning 18.
So,, everybody, tell me more! even tell where to go to try procedures. I would rather have THIS than a boob job. And I REALLY want a boob job.
love, Mary
  • #144
just heard they have started with womb implants but at the mo not to safe, but just time till it gets safer and
us white sissys could then have eggs implanted , in false tubes and after sex with black men us white sissys could give birth to black mens babies ,seems like it will eventually happen. no one want to chat with me on this at my e-mail given.
  • #145
Oh so true Sahznie! But to do it in the U.S. it has to be very safe for the baby AND the 'mom' /sissy boy.
It is time fore me to report that Michelle is preg for her fourth blk baby. "She" had a baby girl first but it was not born alive. She has since had two sons and things are going as expected. That is, Growing and maturing at 4 times the normal rate. i think this is the riskiest thing but just my theory as al older 'Lady" who tried this but in a different way.
7 or 8 orhter "Girls " are blk preg at this time with their first successful breeding.
Also, becoming well known that Michelle is a total size queen when she can make her pussy available. They still have to avoid intercourse with BBC while preg. Ironically, other white bois can fuck the preg girls until the third trimester. This is based on the white penis being no more than 5.5 inch at full erection.
I promise to give full update in the next few days. I am unemployed again (1st time in a LONG time) and should have some time.
luv to all , miss gary (Heather)
  • #146
hi and love to all you guys. I am now wondering if there is an age range that is most likely. I am now 19 but will have ntoher year of high school left after this year. If anyone has inside info on all of this please contact me. Even by posting here. Also I have 6 regular lovers, 4 of them black and in a wide age range. You may like to know that ONE of them has 13 inch cock. And another who lost his wife and my Dad introduced us, anyway, his seems even bigger than 13 inch but he has not let me measure. We DO know that he married his wife mainly because she could take his tool and never complained. I had to work up to taking his size for a few weeks.
  • #147
I looked at my notes and have to report there are 25 Blk MEN left on the island and 160 white girls. The MEN are pleased to have their choice of bois for sexual service. You can also believe that no one involved is a "mercy fuck". Michelle is preg for the 4th time. Different men but she has her favorites. There are currently 4 other bois preg for the first time. Michelle has two baby boys but though they are about 4 months and 12 month of age. Just like the gestation, they are more like a 1 and a half year old and a 4 year old. Grwoing at about 4 times the normal rate as part of the program design. They told me all the names but I will check for accuracy later. Obviously the "4 yr old" has no one to play with. I looked after him a lot of the time that Michelle was busy.
I also got to see some of the 16 inch MEN at work. That was such a turn on. I got to suck off two of them also. They had never been deep throated before.
I will not be so long before next post here. I promise.
  • #148
UK London TGurl WOW!, thank your for compliment and for posting pics of yourself.
Less that half of the GUrls have ever left the island even though they can take two vacations back home every year. The Black MEN take full advantage of the trips and they recommit every two months for the program. The stipend for the MEN for two months is now the same as the GUrls get for each 6 months. It is not monetary though why the white GUrls stay. They just love it there and most are not accepted by their families. Recruiting Black Men has not been successful 45 or 46 have left and only ten have replaced them. Where ten white GUrls have last and 70 replaced THEM. The new white "bois" coming in is another update in itself.
Thank you all for letting me give this account of the situation. More to come very soon.
Love , miss gary (Heather)
  • #150
I looked into it with a little more energy this time. Darkloverman. The island is not named but it is a string of long narrow islands close together -3 main islands and they extend from northwest to southeast about 13 miles. The North most island is half a mile from the others and a lot of the labs are there. The north island where the MEN live is separated just by a waterway theta seems like a river. It is about 50 mils north of the Cuba mainland . There is a similar set of larger islands between the place we are talking about and the mainland of Cuba. I am sure this is why these islands were used for training Cuban soldiers in the past. Also I now think the circuitous path that boats take there is not about confusing the passengers so much as to avoid places that the Cuban Gov't does not want them to go or to see. But I also wold believe that the small fee Cuba take for use of the islands is a lot of money to them.
next post will be back on the topics of Preg and Romances.
luv, MsGary
  • #151
The theme at dances on the island is still "Two girls for Every Boy". But there are 6 and a half girls for every boys. 6.6 white girls for every black MAN
similar to last report 161 white bois for 25 black Men! Any Man who can cum at least three times a day has become VERY popular. There are quite a few reports of bois playing with bois. It is discouraged (because the eager white boy/GUrls should have feelings for Black Men) cuz the white bois live together and they are not supposed to be setting up little households as pseudo-lesbian couples. The Black
  • #152
Ms gary ive missed ya girl! Ya been good lovie? Now I know where my cuck bf and I are vacationing this summer hehe! What would they do to a real girl like me? Would all the black studs be after me cuz of my natural womanhood an big tits or would I just be another white ho among dozens of other horny white bois; some of whom I imagine could rival my sexiness and natural bust with their cosmetically enhanced features hehe. I know id looove to see that!

And what about my bf? Hes a cute, small framed Asian guy in his late 30s. Hes not into going full tranny but when a blk bulls around he makes a cute c/d girl. Hes so thin we can slap a tight dress and pad it out with a, wig, and makeup and he makes a pretty hot lil lady boi hehe. Would he be a popular boy on the island? And whose more likely to come home preggers-him or me? Lol xoxo
  • #153
That is GREAT QBS. If you are serious about going there there is a lot of paperwork to do for visiting that island. There are no soldiers there any more and the project has security that you do not even see. But still real strict about access to the island. I will re-read your post soon and answer your specific questions. Thanks for posting about it.
Anyway, the Black Men love to see the "gUrls" play with each other so you know
whatever arouses the studs. I heard some comments about the little pale limp dicks flopping around too. 4 and 5 and 6 and 6 and a half inches at the most.
Love, MsGary
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  • #154
I Cannot believe how long it has been since my vacation. I am not sure if i told that I took a few of those beautiful young black men into me. Turned out it was only the ones with under 12 inch happened to fuck me. They were surprised at how easily I took ten and 11 inch men. The real shock though was when i deep throated 14 and 15 and 16 inch men. Men like that are so thick I cannot breathe around them. Other than that it is just like deep throating anybody. Once past the gag and the angle--it does not really matter how FAR past the glottis they get, other than trusting them to let you breathe.
I should add that my first Black BoyFriend had 13 inch and he was about 4 years older than I was. I actually got tips from my mother about pleasing him. She arranged for me to practice on some other VERY healthy cocks.
love, MsGary
  • #155
QBS, you would actually have to be IN the program in official capacity to find that out. I do not know if you were just making a point or asking. Same for your BF /hubby? I love that people are interested but they have not been taking visitors. I feel real fortunate that they let me visit and keep up to date with all the developments.
There is something that I am actually embossed i did not know. 60 of the 70 new Bois that have come to the island(s) are from reform schools and minimum security prisons. I was so shocked to hear this that I did not hear the details of what these bois were offered to "give up" their incarceration when they were at least 18. I believe the 1st 100/101 bois had to be age 21 or more to sign the contract. This may be why the newest bois seemed so much younger than their counterparts---> because they ARE!
I am going to take some Unpaid vacation from my work to see about getting more information. Mainly for myself but I do like writing it up right here also. So, wish me luck. I had this idea when I thought 'i sure would like to know about any new romances there'. So I will be a little more nosy this time. As far as I know, there are 5 gUrls expecting babies including Michelle. The other 4 are expecting their first. So that tells you why they need So many white "bois"!
Love, MsGary
  • #156
There are now 206 white bois on their Island. 29 Black Stud men are there. Sixteen have been there from the start and the other 13 were added at some point. No one really understands the reluctance of Black StudMen to come to this Nor to stay much more than one year.
Nearly all of the original white bois are still with it. They take frequent visits home to families and old friends. But they say almost to a person that the island is their home now.
Over 100 of the white bois have been impregnated. I would have thought with that many successes there would be more babies around. I will look into that and report any answers i am given. I am not privy to ALL the details like that, but I know they have a new psychologist and an additional Sociologist. So, I assume there are studies on all this being done.
My life has returned to close to normal but have not had much success in getting a good job again. All else is good except that I have to many friends with some form of cancer.
I will try to be upbeat and more prompt with my next post about this.
Love, missgary 40-29-42 bra now 38B sissy male age 49
  • #158
So true Sue! Can't forget that all things are arranged so that the babies will grow at four times the normal rate; gestation of 8.5 weeks instead of 9 months. I am glad i get to write here while still under 50 yr old. I am very tempted to get a Master's degree. Math would make most sense but maybe Soc. or even psyche would be good.
The babies are never premature but there are more miscarriages than babies that get thru to a viable birth. I have an ex-wife who always wants to hear all about this. My breasts and ass are now bigger than hers. She LOVES that for some reason. Also that I still want to have a baby of my own. She has had TEN with at least 3 different men. She has been married continuously to two different "men" since she was 17.
I might as well say that I am now a little slimmer. 38BB-28-40. but taking meds to make my hips more flexible. This makes my ass appear bigger than it did at 42 inches. I like that. No girl wants to have ass TOO big even though some men think we would.
Also, I must comment on the change in relations with Cuba. I think this will be for the better. I hope so. I have only been to Guantanamo (as far as I know)!
  • #159
ref one of my previous posts , one lady has had a womb transplant and guess it wont be, long before one of us post op sissies would be able to have a womb transplant and carry a black guys baby and give birth to .
science is moving on . i could imagine sissy me big and preg at 9 months to a black guy .
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  • #160
Hi, So much to report. The theme for parities on the island is still Two girls for Every Boy. There are now 7 White Bois for each Black MAN. 30 + Black Men are in the "program". 11 are original pioneers in this thing. There are over 225 whtie Boys in this. Over 160 are original ( from the first year). YOu may have guessed wha tI am so excited about. 2 things really. The opening of Cuba to American is Major. I am now confused why they took the route they did in the past. I traveled a much more direct route and it was fine. Also much easier to get in and out of Cuban waters altogether. The other thing ---! I am back in the program. ! They think I will be a candidate to have a Black Baby. I have gotten back with som eof the studs who liked me on last couple trips. We are being trained by the doctors and nurses on how to best get me pregnant. I fanzine is really interested in the details I usually report, let me know and I will gather facts and write them. Let me know WHICH details are interesting to you and I will respond as usual--right here. OR message me OR notify me thru this site. You know I am not a brtie boy and barely can use a computer for This. not a Bright Boy ( even tho i graduated from college (took 15 years. )
Well, please respond of write me in other way.
luv to all, missgary WM 52 Del marco , cuba

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