The Devil--I can't tell you how anyone else would deal with this, but I can tell you how I have. During my first marriage I had a vasectomy, no problem there--but my current wife wanted a baby. Now my wife has never been one to keep her panties on, nor have I been one to want her to do so. She hates rubbers and I love both sloppy seconds and cleaning her pussy and ass (as well as his cock and balls) so we relied on birth control pills.
I went to numerous doctors and have had my bag, balls, prostate, and cock prodded, poked, and pulled on by more men and women than you can imagine who were examining the condition and the situation. My sperm count remains very close to zero--it might be correctable by surgery, but I'm told it would be unlikely.
Since my wife and I are very active sexually and all that blocked anything was a pill a day she simply stopped taking the pills. We agreed that she would be impregnated by another man and I would be the father. It was decided that I would have a "right of rejection" as would she, for any proposed cock making a deposit near her cervix. We further agreed that I would have to be present and add my cum to the mix.
In practice this meant I would lick her pussy lips and clit, then suck him for his whole length, followed by guiding his hard cock into my wife's love hole. Not always but often I would lick her clit and his balls as they fucked, then clean his shaft as he emerged from her pussy, finally I would continue until her slit, clit, and vaginal opening were clean. Then I would ease my dick into her and fire a blank into the target.
We agreed on Al, a black long time lover of my wife and Rich an old college friend of mine that we were close to. I have no idea which of them is genetically the father of my son--he doesn't really look much like either of them. He is my son.
I went to numerous doctors and have had my bag, balls, prostate, and cock prodded, poked, and pulled on by more men and women than you can imagine who were examining the condition and the situation. My sperm count remains very close to zero--it might be correctable by surgery, but I'm told it would be unlikely.
Since my wife and I are very active sexually and all that blocked anything was a pill a day she simply stopped taking the pills. We agreed that she would be impregnated by another man and I would be the father. It was decided that I would have a "right of rejection" as would she, for any proposed cock making a deposit near her cervix. We further agreed that I would have to be present and add my cum to the mix.
In practice this meant I would lick her pussy lips and clit, then suck him for his whole length, followed by guiding his hard cock into my wife's love hole. Not always but often I would lick her clit and his balls as they fucked, then clean his shaft as he emerged from her pussy, finally I would continue until her slit, clit, and vaginal opening were clean. Then I would ease my dick into her and fire a blank into the target.
We agreed on Al, a black long time lover of my wife and Rich an old college friend of mine that we were close to. I have no idea which of them is genetically the father of my son--he doesn't really look much like either of them. He is my son.