From the first group of todays photos I was going to say "Two lovely handfuls" - the realized with the second set that I could have been talking about the two women rather than just your girlfriends lovely boobs
Did I promise some cream pie pix? Think I did right?
Teasers first
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Creampie Pix
Here are the last ones in this series. I don't have any cream pies of my girlfriend yet but we plan to get some on the first weekend in December. These are of my wife. I hope you enjoy them.
Well, I have to say that your pictures are among the hottest that I have seen in a long, long time. Your girl friend is certainly pretty but your wife is stunning - especially in her leathers! Being a Dom, I have to say that she is a wet dream come true with that dark, thick, long hair and suchh a bewitching smile and pretty face! Her breats are perfect for binding and she is one of those women who just oozes sex.. You are a pretty fortunate guy to have the lifestyle that you have - and both girls are obviously into each other. I'd sure like to know how the three of you got together and may I say that I am very happy for you that you are able to make this work as it obviously does. You are indeed the envy of every guy ( and I dare say, some women ) here.