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want virgin gf to date others

  • Thread starterDaniel97
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  • #341

"I told Jen I will make her orgasm using my mouth and started eating her pussy. Soon Jen was moaning and after sometime started to rub her clit while I eat her pussy." WAY TO GO!

I'm sure it was extremely enjoyable watching her masturbate. But the next time, do not stop! Just keep going until it is your tongue that gives her the orgasm. Don't stop after one. Once you give her multiples you will be the king of her pussy.
  • #342
Hi Dan , i didnt know that a lady could start taking b c pills and fuck unprotected, the next day. Well it is new times now , i am 65 yr used to be they need to be on them for couple months . Hope hes not putting a baby in her while she fucks him 3 or 4 times a day at school .
  • #343
whitney said:
Hi Dan , i didnt know that a lady could start taking b c pills and fuck unprotected, the next day. Well it is new times now , i am 65 yr used to be they need to be on them for couple months . Hope hes not putting a baby in her while she fucks him 3 or 4 times a day at school .

not next day she waited more than a week.
but the thought of him putting a baby in her makes me super horny.
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  • #344
I have locked myself in cage and given key to Kendra (my lab crush) today. I told her that I am trying to control my self by locking something of mine and I am giving her the key so I cant use it for rest of the week. because i trust her and I will take the key from her on Friday. She asked if it was bong I told her I cant tell her its embarrassing and I will tell her someday and she should not give it to me no matter what before Friday. I kept my other key in my college locker room so I wont have access to it at home lets she if I will last the whole week.

One other thing is while giving key to her I got very excited and had a kind of unsatisfying orgasm kind of like when u stop jerking in middle of orgasm but I definitely leaked cum on my cage and underwear and continued leak few times in class. I hope she did not notice my expression when I had semi orgasm.
So have this happen to anyone with chastity cage.
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  • #345
wingman asked me few questions in other forum
wingman said:
Daniel -

If you have not already done so I would remind her that you don't want to loose her, and she means the world to you.
i do this regularly.

Third, I would suggest you see if you can get her to agree to leave any further involvement of the parents out of this. If Aron wins them over, your done!

parents are not involved right now she only mentioned her mother that she is dating aaron. he have not met her parents or anything. and her parents already know about me and that i love her.

Do you guys talk during the week? I would suggest every day if your not already.

we do every day some times even sometimes for an hour.

Finally. Do some homework on the internet about ways to please a woman without penetration. Erotic massages, repeatedly getting her to the edge then letting her down, etc. If you can't compete with Aron with your dick, let her know you are the master of orgasms in other ways.
yeah i am working on it

If you guys talk about their relationship, does she tell you what they talk about, what they say to each other (e.g. "I love you"), do they look into each others eyes when they orgasm, what she feels with unprotected orgasms, etc... we would love to read about that as well.
yeah i have told to her about most of the things. they talk about their relationship friend and even my relationship with her. they do say i love you to each other. i dont know about looking into eachother yes but she tells me they are now almost always finish in mutual orgasm that when aaron is near orgasm he fucks her in a way that she always orgasm when he cum or few moments before him. and he is able to orgasm much easily nowadays especially in position where his penis head is towards the front vagina walls.
she also told me she love feeling of him cummning inside her the first time during day when he cums in large quantity and pressure and love the feeling of his hot sperm inside her.

If you need more suggestions on what you can ask her, let us know. Can't wait to hear more..

i would love to get few suggestions on what i can ask her.
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  • #346
Ask her questions her girlfriend would ask her. Less about what she did do and more about how did she feel, how she feels now, what thrills her, and what troubles her.
  • #347
George said:
Ask her questions her girlfriend would ask her. Less about what she did do and more about how did she feel, how she feels now, what thrills her, and what troubles her.

Daniel - George has made a very good point here. You truly should consider his recommendation.
  • #348
Nice suggestion George.

today is my 4th day in castity first two days felt very uncomfortable but now i feel comfortable wearing it. i am very horny and leaking precum on multiple occasion.

whenever i talk to jen i want to get hard and cum but i am unable to do it mwkes me even more horny and eager to hear more about jen and aaron.
meeting kendra and knowing that she have key for my release also drive me mad.
i think this the the longest i have went without jerking since i reach puberty
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  • #349
Way to go Daniel. Just think, only 2 more days until Kendra gives you back your keys. That is, if she doesn't forget to bring them to class. :eek:
  • #350
Knk069 said:
Way to go Daniel. Just think, only 2 more days until Kendra gives you back your keys. That is, if she doesn't forget to bring them to class. :eek:

Dont even say that. :eek: my balls will explode :nutpunch:
  • #351
How much does Jen know about your chastity experiment? Does she know you have the device and how long you have been locked up? Does she know someone else has the key?
I think it's great that you have given Kendra the key. How do you think she will react when she finds out what it is for? It would be good for you to have someone to keep track of how long you are locked up. I bet she will be pleased to know that you trusted her with something so personal and she will probably want to see it on you. If so, you could have her symbolically fasten the lock as you hand her the key.
Can't wait to hear how things are going for you and Kendra as well as for Jen, Aaron and you.
  • #353
bevw said:
How much does Jen know about your chastity experiment? Does she know you have the device and how long you have been locked up? Does she know someone else has the key?
I think it's great that you have given Kendra the key. How do you think she will react when she finds out what it is for? It would be good for you to have someone to keep track of how long you are locked up. I bet she will be pleased to know that you trusted her with something so personal and she will probably want to see it on you. If so, you could have her symbolically fasten the lock as you hand her the key.
Can't wait to hear how things are going for you and Kendra as well as for Jen, Aaron and you.
Jen does not know about my chastity experiment I don’t want to dump to much on her. I will tell her soon.

How will Kendra react? Difficult question she is a geeky girl who is curious about anything new so she might be curious to see chastity device.
  • #354
Today you get the key back! I hope she doesn't forget!

Many women have a very keen sense of smell. If you have a mini ejaculation, or leak precum, when you are next to her, she may smell something and start sniffing the air (unless the lab smells hide it). The good news is that semen has pheromones that might get her aroused. Good luck today.
  • #355
hi Again. semen and pre-cum have always gotten me aroused. I got addicted to cum pretty young. Very exciting here.
  • #356
Knk069 said:
Way to go Daniel. Just think, only 2 more days until Kendra gives you back your keys. That is, if she doesn't forget to bring them to class. :eek:

Hot, we can imagine the emotions passing through Dan, and congratulate him on "sticking to his sperm" and not unloading it 5 times a day. Hi penis will squirt two miles when he uncorks his load.
  • #357
I got the key from Kendra, I told her I will give her key again on Monday is she ok with that. She told me she will hold it but she want to know what key belong to since she is holding it. I told her I will let her know soon but I am embarrassed to tell her now. She said ok.

As soon as I reached home I removed my chastity cage it was too much for me my penis was about to explode and it was more erect that ever in my life. I started masturbating and came in only 4-5 and quantity and force with which I orgasm was huge. I have never shot sperm at this force and quantity its felt great. Though I wished I would have saved this orgasm for Jen.

I talked with Jen, she and Aaron are having sex everyday sometimes in her room sometimes in his. He has been fucking her raw and cumming in side her every time. I asked her how does she feels about having sex with Aaron. She told me she love having sex with him and if she would have know it will fell so good she would have found Aaron long time ago and fucked him. This statement made me so hot she did not say she would have had sex with me but aaron.

I asked her how does she feel about Aaron she did not say anything I told her she can tell me as a friend and not think about me as her boyfriend. She said she like aaron and enjoy his company and loves being with him. I ask her does she love him she was bit reluctant to answer but she said she have some feeling fir him.

She told me Aaron have been asking her about valentine day plan. And is thinking they will spent the valentine day together so she want to talk to me about it. I asked her what she wanted to talk about she told me since we have not made and plan yet and wanted to ask me about it. I knew what Jen wanted to say but was unable tell. I asked her if Jen wanted to spent valentine with Aaron she said she don’t know. I told her she can spend valentine with Aaron she asked if I was sure about it I told her yeah I was sure but she have to make up to me. She said thanks and sure she will do what I want.

She also told me about her daily sex. One day they had sex in his car and she wad unable to find panties and sperm from her pussy leaked and spoiled her skirt and leak on her legs when she walked to her room her roommate gave her a wink and said she clearly enjoyed herself. Jen told me she never felt so slutty and embarrassed. She also told me they had anal sex 2 times this week and this time it was much better tgan before it was uncomfortable on start but she enjoyed it. Aaron wore condom during anal sex one time and used lot of lube.

Cant wait for tomorrow date with Jen.
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  • #358
Nice update - thanks for posting! It seems as though Aaron and Jen are pretty tight now.

Daniel97 said:
I got the key from Kendra, I told her I will give her key again on Monday is she ok with that. She told me she will hold it but she want to know what key belong to since she is holding it. I told her I will let her know soon but I am embarrassed to tell her now. She said ok.

I don't know about this. If you are going to keep going to Kendra as your keyholder, then you should let her in on this, so she can make an informed decision about whether or not she wants to be involved in your 'sex life' (however removed from the term this is). That said, I imagine that saying "Hey, I gave you the key to my penis" out of the blue, without any context, might be considered a little creepy.

I'd encourage you to try to shift your keyholding to Jen instead. For one thing, this could help you maintain a connection - something you should keep in mind, considering how close Jen and Aaron seem to be becoming. The side of this is the possibility - admittedly slight - of things escalating with Kendra. If the two of you were to, say, end up playing tease-and-denial games with her as your keyholder, then Jen could reasonably accuse you of cheating on her.
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  • #359
Daniel, may I suggest that before you tell Kendra what your are doing, you should be very careful and be positive that she will not freak out. Many women at your age think they are wild and open minded when in reality they do not have the experience yet to know what is wild. When they are faced with it they may freak out. One woman friend told me how she used to exchange letters with a guy and had all these explicit things to say, but she ever realized exactly what she was suggesting until later on.

You might want to feel her out first. When you two talk and it goes into sexual activities, ask her whether she has done them. Maybe discuss things you find erotic. Once you are comfortable that she will not freak out and tell everyone, you could consider telling her. I agree with jwff that you should start working on Jen as keyholder. Guaranteed to keep you locked up all week! When telling Jen about your chastity experiment, you could say that you did it because she didn't like you masturbating when you two talked so you are keeping yourself under control.

I hope you had a great date today!
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