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  • Thread startera_cuckold_wimp
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sissy white bois

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You were so happy to see that your daughter was doing volunteer work with the Black Gospel Baptist Church. The Pastor had taken her under his wing and seemed to be having a BIG impact on her outlook and attitude. He was picking her up and taking her to Bible Study session. What was really having a big impact what his BIG BLACK DICK. Your daughter was getting passed around to the Deacons at the church like the cock toy she is.

The sheriff worked out a deal with the Pastor to provide pussy for the prisoners, to keep the calm and under control. You daughter was getting passed from one end of the jail house to the other, every Friday and Saturday night.

What you also don't know is that the Pastor has been talking to your daughter about recruiting you wife. It's just a matter of time, before he has you and your wife both. Yes, YOU. Even the faggots in prison are going to get some pussy. White boi pussy that is.

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a_cuckold_wimp said:
Her black neighbor had seduced her for weeks. She used to watch him from the kitchen window as he worked out in the yard and swan in his pool. Usually with a couple of white women there. One day he saw her in the driveway, bringing in groceries and invited her over. Oh what the heck. What harm can it do. Three hours and half a dozen drinks later, she was being cradled by a gorgeous woman, while her neighbor, fucked her like she had never been fucked before. One of the other women was making a video of the whole thing. What she did not know was that the magnum rubber on his hugely thick cock had have a dozen pin holes in it. She would soon give her children a new, black, baby brother or sister. Tyrell's seed had already taken, before the rubber finally tore and he emptied his balls into her womb.

That's super sexy I can only imagine that was my wife.
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a_cuckold_wimp said:
abyeparadox_03.jpg I like to image the proper white wife, visiting the high school football coach to see if there is "anything" she can do to make sure her son makes the team.
I had black coaches in high school and college Making team was not a problem. The sport was swimming. I am a boy they also got me with other males incl blk men from other sports. Luv Heather
man I love toons ;)

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