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Thrills & Spills of my adventure into interacial sex


Beloved Member
Dec 19, 2014
This is a long story broken down into readable segments otherwise way to much to digest at once.

It is a story of how one Black man not only changed my life but of my husband's as well.

Part 1
This all started a number of years ago. We had been married just under 10yrs and to a large degree everything was well within our marriage. I had left my first husband to be with Dave who I had known via friends for some time. l Loved the idea of his lifestyle which intrigued me, some of which I would often fantasize about being with him and doing those things together.

I made the decision to get out of my dull marriage, I had moved in with Dave before the divorce came through, we soon purchased a house together so I could still be close to my family and life was sweet. My sex life had gone for virtually being nonexistent to someone who was getting plenty of sex. I loved going to the 2 swinging clubs that Dave was a previous member, where I could excel with my own sexual desires. Dave loved watching me perform with others and to some I had become a slut in what I craved. Dave never objected with anything and we always looked forward to those weekends when we could play hard.

My dress code had changed, Dave would always encourage me to flaunt and tease and would often buy me sexy clothes which I had become accustomed to wearing. Dave encouraged me to stop wearing knickers initially for excitement purposes, me giving someone a quick flash and watching the response. Nowadays giving someone a quick flash is an everyday occurrence. Dave and I would often talk about sex and doing things to keep us both interested not in ourselves as in marriage but in sexual excitement and frills.

The Law Firm I worked for had a few Partners and Associates and I mainly worked for one of the senior Partners. Some of the clients had cross over business with other Partners subject to the legal side of things.

One day I had to go and see one of them regarding a client. A court case was pending and another secretary was required to assist in drafting up papers. So there I was talking to our latest edition of Partners who had only been with the firm for less than a month. Most of us had seen him around, of course he was always very smart. Suits pressed, shirts well ironed shoes highly polished his very nature was of a dominant man who on hearsay always got what he wanted and up to now since joining the firm had a high success rate. What made him even more distinguished was the fact that he was a black man. The first of his kind to have any senior states within the Firm.

When I entered his office it was the first time we had actually spoken since he joined. A very powerful and dominant voice greeted me. I sat and took notes and was told that the rest of the day I had to gather all evidence that was needed for the pending court case. I was told to use the desk to his right, some files were on the desk others were on the computer. During the morning not much was spoken I was mainly left to get on with the job in hand, apart from the occasional coffee that I was asked to get him. When lunchtime approached he said that we will go out for lunch.

Mr. Jenkins had made arrangements at some place that I had never been to. As we walked we spoke about the case that I was helping to compose and other idle chat. At the table drinks and food were ordered. The conversation changed onto my private life and what did I get up to out of work. I did not at that time divulge too much, however as the wine started to take affect a few secrets crept out. Mr. Jenkins paid me quite a few compliments during the meal and kept on remarking about my tits and was saying I should show more cleavage. I did say when Dave and I go out my dress code changes which sort of started a different tone of asking questions.

Back in the office while working on a document Mr. Jenkins came over and said 'Katy you know what I said about your cleavage while at lunch well don't you think you should comply with my request'. Looking up at him and without any hesitation I undid 2 buttons on my blouse. I continued working knowing that he was looking in my direction, nothing was said but I was getting excited. This was different from being out with Dave in a bar or at one of the clubs. Just before 5 I had all but finished composing the drafts. I had been alone in Mr. Jenkins office for well over an hour while he conducted business elsewhere. I was happy with what I had done. I called him to say that I had finished and was just tidying up.

He arrived about 10 mins afterwards. He glanced over the documents and seemed pleased. 'Katy you have done well, a well deserved drink I think is needed, you up for it'. I said sure but cannot be too late as need to catch a train home.

I started doing up the 2 buttons on my blouse when Mr. Jenkins said 'No, no Katy don't hide your charms'. Well a little dumbstruck I suppose and a little taken aback I left the 2 undone. We walked to the lift and descended to the ground floor, passing a few work colleagues on the way and said goodnight to the receptionist. We walked to a small bar not far from the Firm. He ordered a bottle of wine from the bar and we sat at a table, side by side. He poured 2 glasses. Again most of the conversation had been around the day's work, then it changed again onto my private life. I felt at ease is telling him some, he seemed so dominant and demanding although I again never divulged too much just enough to wet his whistle. While I was speaking about some form of sexual activity we both had eye contact as he was listening to my ramblings his right hand in an instant came forward and he undid another button. Now I was rather unsure where this was going and very conscience of how much of my tits were on show. I stopped dead in my tracks, the conversation had stopped as I was looking at my naked flesh.

'Please continue Katy, now tell me more about these clubs you and Dave go to and don't worry I will not undo any more buttons, I just like to look at those wonderful tits of yours'.

It seemed so easy in talking to him. His eyes flitting from my eyes to my tits, Occasionally I looked around to see if others were looking in our direction. I was more concerned with others from the Firm being in here and seeing me with so much flesh on display. I only told him briefly about the club scene, but I was getting excited in talking about it, basically to a stranger whom I had only a few hours earlier struck up a conversation and worked on a case of his. We finished the wine and I said I had better go.

'I will walk you to the station my dear, now come then I don't want you to be home to late'. I went to do the buttons up on my blouse. A hand gesture indicated no.

As we walked from the bar I was very conscious of how my blouse gaped and at that time of the evening the pathways were busy with other commuters on their way to varies train stations and bus stops.

My nipples had sprung into life although hidden within my bra cups every time I looked down all I could see was ample flesh of my tits on show and as we passed people on the way their eyes were fixed on my tits. Both men and women looked on as we made our way to the station.

I by now had got myself all horny, not only were my nipples still erect my clitoris had started twitching. We parted company at the station and as I walked to the barrier of the platform a BR worker at the gate mentioned to me that my blouse was open. I made out I was ******* and thanked him and did the buttons up while he looked on.

On the train journey home many thoughts were going through my head. This powerful man had me earlier spellbound. He is a Partner of the Firm I work for and this was dicing with the unknown.

Nothing was mentioned at home with Dave apart from the fact that I had been working for this Mr. Jenkins and he had taken me for a drink after work.

A few days later, again I was seconded to his office again. There were a few amendments to the draft I had compiled a few days earlier that needed changing or in some cases added. The work only took an hour. I gave him the amendments all typed up with the original drafts, he glanced over them and again seemed pleased.

'Katy I have you for the day so if you go into the files on the computer and open file 0396 there are a few amendments on that document that need changing, you will see the notes, I will be back in an hour or so. You know what I said to you the other day about showing your cleavage well Katy I am not seeing very much am I dear so when I do get back I expect to see 3 buttons undone on your blouse, you know just like when you were in the bar. Now that look on your face, I know what you are going to say and protest, no one will call in here unless they get invited by myself and if anyone should just turn up Susan will not allow anyone in so you will be left in peace till I arrive back ok dear'. With that he left.

For some strange reason there I was as soon as he left his office I undid 2 buttons, I thought 3 was way too much in here. I finished the amendments before he arrived back and was looking at the pictures that were on the wall when he entered his office. He looked at me and said 'I thought I said 3 and I see you have only done 2 why is that'. I started to speak but was cut off. 'Do it now but this time as you disobeyed me you will slip your tits out of those bra cups, so Katy 1 more button to undo and let me see those magnificent tits of yours, next time you disobey me you will not have a blouse/shirt on'.

There I was again dumbstruck in awe of this man, I was finding myself undoing another button and slipping my tits out ******** them almost to his eyes. The blouse still covered them but he could see the outline of them very clearly. He checked over the work I had done without saying anything.

'This is good girl the other document has been served and for now all seems to be ok. It's almost lunchtime, so shall we go to the same bar as the other night or would you prefer to go somewhere else. That bar does light snacks at lunchtime, and don't you think about slipping those tits back into your bra'. I nodded my head which he took as an approval to both.

Again we descended down the lift to the ground floor, passing a few works colleagues on our way. We walked the short distance to the bar. My nipples had become erect for all to see as we walked with the chill in the air and yes quite a few heads turned in my direction. It was fairly obvious to the eye that my tits were out of my bra cups or I had a 1/4 cup bra on or a special bra that enhanced them but ******* them.

On entering the bar Mr. Jenkins said that I was to go and order at the bar, he told me what he wanted. He went to sit at a table and waited. The bar was busy with lots of city folk most in business suites with a few secretaries in tow, but it mainly was a male orientated bar. The barman was looking directly at my tits as I ordered a bottle of wine and 2 baguettes. This is something that Dave and I would do fairly often but it would not be in our local town. I took the wine and 2 glasses over to where Mr. Jenkins was sitting and sat next to him.

He poured 2 glasses and when he spoke it was directly to do with sex. He had me telling him all sorts, we were in there for a long time another bottle of wine followed the baguettes. He said there was no rush to get back to the office as nothing of importance was needed doing. During our conversation he said his name was Robert although most called him Bob outside of work.

He moved to this firm from the United States from a sister Firm which dealt with many of the same clients that trade around the world and using different tax laws and legal laws to do business in varying countries. The third bottle was bought over and Bob casually asked the waiter 'what did he think of this lady's tits, she apparently loves showing them off'. Can't remember what the reply was but I felt so embarrassed not so much as showing of my tits, although 10 years ago I was not doing it is often as I do these days.

The conversation centered around Dave and I, then he said I think it would be nice if I invited him over for a social call one evening just the three of us to see where it all leads to. The reference to where it all leads to was let without any answered question, As he continued chatting about sexual activities of the club that Dave and I visited.

Mr. Jenkins walked me to the station saying that I was not needed for the rest of the afternoon. He insisted that I was not allowed to cover up until I sat on the train that is if I wanted to cover up. Chat with Dave and let me know what you come up with tomorrow or Monday. He walked me to the rail gate and we said goodbye. As I left he patted me on my bum.

Sitting down on the train at that time of the afternoon was lucky it was not that busy. I slipped my tits back into my bra but only did 1 of the 3 buttons up. So many thoughts going through my head with what to say to Dave but not just that how I felt displaying myself in such a way as I had done so with one of the bosses from the Firm, but with a black man who obviously had me under his spell.

Later at home after dinner I spoke to Dave about this Mr. Jenkins, initially it was about work but then I mentioned about lunchtime and earlier that morning in his office and said that he was interested in coming round for a social call to see where things lead to. I said to Dave that I had mentioned about the clubs and some of what we got up to. Dave was surprised at how open I was with this guy and how I was displaying myself to this man. Up to then we never had anybody back home with us for any fun, it was either at the clubs or a Hotel.

Dave was a little concerned as it was someone from where I worked, although I did mention to Dave that 2 of his own friends had fucked me while he watched and that was on more than one occasion.

We spoke for some considerable time, both getting excited with the thought of maybe having a regular fuck buddy. Although at the clubs there may well be the same guys there fucking me or me sucking em off this was different it would mean actually in our house. At 34 I was in my prime and had started enjoying myself sexually and had a husband who was fully supportive of my sexual needs. We had a great sex life however we were always looking to excite us both more fully. Dave has always enjoyed watching others play with me and fuck me and he loves watching me suck cock.

At 5'6 with a pair of DD's on offer I was prime meat as the expression went. The suggestion of having Mr. Jenkins round here certainly intrigued Dave.

Dave has always been proud to show me off and it was great that I was qualified in the profession that I was in. Dave knew I was not lacking self confidence or self esteem. What was concerning him as he bought it up many times was that it is a work college so be it a leading figure in the Firm, which worried him in case it all went horribly wrong, what would the consequences be.

'There has to be some ground rules similar to when we go to the clubs', Dave said

'Of course darling'.

'It's a one off, and we both need to be comfortable, if it gets out of hand then I will have to stop things'.

'Of course darling, we will do it the once and see where it goes from there, Mr. Jenkins is a very dominant man very assertive and seems to be a person who gets what he wants'.

'I said it will be a one off and you are talking about see where it goes from there, now what does that mean'.

'Well darling you love watching me with others don't you, this one as I said could become a regular fuck buddy and maybe have him sleep over, you know like when we leave the clubs and stay in the Hotel with another guy or two what will the difference be. We all get to have our own fun'.

'Yes but it is different as it will be here and how about the neighbours'.

'Fuck the neighbours Dave you know most hate me any way, you know how the women scorn me. I only have to talk briefly with their husbands and if they see us talking they call them in'.

We spoke at length on the subject of Bob, although I never let on that he was black. At some point during the evening it was agreed. Bob would have to wear a condom as did the guys at the clubs but if I wanted or if Bob wanted then I would suck him off without a condom as I did many times at the clubs and again if he wanted to cum in my mouth then that would not be a problem.

Friday at work I was working normally and never saw Mr. Jenkins, but strange how one's feelings grow with anticipation expecting him to either call into see me or call me to his office. I even thought about calling into the bar to see if he was there but then decided against it.

The weekend went off ok. Both of us spoke occasionally of Mr. Jenkins and every time that we did my clit got excited. So when we went out on the Saturday night we were out as per usual on the prowl for another guy, I knew at some point I would find someone. It had become sort of a ritual. I needed other men and loved Dave watching.

With so many thoughts going on in my head since my first encounter with Mr. Jenkins that Saturday night I was more excited than normal There were a few bars that we would use for these occasions a few miles from our hometown. We both felt more comfortable in what we did away from home.

To be continued

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The next part will be uploaded soon and involve the events of the Saturday night when Dave & I went out
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katysexylady said:
This is a long story broken down into readable segments otherwise way to much to digest at once.

It is a story of how one Black man not only changed my life but of my husband's as well.

Part 1
This all started a number of years ago. We had been married just under 10yrs and to a large degree everything was well within our marriage. I had left my first husband to be with Dave who I had known via friends for some time. l Loved the idea of his lifestyle which intrigued me, some of which I would often fantasize about being with him and doing those things together.

I made the decision to get out of my dull marriage, I had moved in with Dave before the divorce came through, we soon purchased a house together so I could still be close to my family and life was sweet. My sex life had gone for virtually being nonexistent to someone who was getting plenty of sex. I loved going to the 2 swinging clubs that Dave was a previous member, where I could excel with my own sexual desires. Dave loved watching me perform with others and to some I had become a slut in what I craved. Dave never objected with anything and we always looked forward to those weekends when we could play hard.

My dress code had changed, Dave would always encourage me to flaunt and tease and would often buy me sexy clothes which I had become accustomed to wearing. Dave encouraged me to stop wearing knickers initially for excitement purposes, me giving someone a quick flash and watching the response. Nowadays giving someone a quick flash is an everyday occurrence. Dave and I would often talk about sex and doing things to keep us both interested not in ourselves as in marriage but in sexual excitement and frills.

The Law Firm I worked for had a few Partners and Associates and I mainly worked for one of the senior Partners. Some of the clients had cross over business with other Partners subject to the legal side of things.

One day I had to go and see one of them regarding a client. A court case was pending and another secretary was required to assist in drafting up papers. So there I was talking to our latest edition of Partners who had only been with the firm for less than a month. Most of us had seen him around, of course he was always very smart. Suits pressed, shirts well ironed shoes highly polished his very nature was of a dominant man who on hearsay always got what he wanted and up to now since joining the firm had a high success rate. What made him even more distinguished was the fact that he was a black man. The first of his kind to have any senior states within the Firm.

When I entered his office it was the first time we had actually spoken since he joined. A very powerful and dominant voice greeted me. I sat and took notes and was told that the rest of the day I had to gather all evidence that was needed for the pending court case. I was told to use the desk to his right, some files were on the desk others were on the computer. During the morning not much was spoken I was mainly left to get on with the job in hand, apart from the occasional coffee that I was asked to get him. When lunchtime approached he said that we will go out for lunch.

Mr. Jenkins had made arrangements at some place that I had never been to. As we walked we spoke about the case that I was helping to compose and other idle chat. At the table drinks and food were ordered. The conversation changed onto my private life and what did I get up to out of work. I did not at that time divulge too much, however as the wine started to take affect a few secrets crept out. Mr. Jenkins paid me quite a few compliments during the meal and kept on remarking about my tits and was saying I should show more cleavage. I did say when Dave and I go out my dress code changes which sort of started a different tone of asking questions.

Back in the office while working on a document Mr. Jenkins came over and said 'Katy you know what I said about your cleavage while at lunch well don't you think you should comply with my request'. Looking up at him and without any hesitation I undid 2 buttons on my blouse. I continued working knowing that he was looking in my direction, nothing was said but I was getting excited. This was different from being out with Dave in a bar or at one of the clubs. Just before 5 I had all but finished composing the drafts. I had been alone in Mr. Jenkins office for well over an hour while he conducted business elsewhere. I was happy with what I had done. I called him to say that I had finished and was just tidying up.

He arrived about 10 mins afterwards. He glanced over the documents and seemed pleased. 'Katy you have done well, a well deserved drink I think is needed, you up for it'. I said sure but cannot be too late as need to catch a train home.

I started doing up the 2 buttons on my blouse when Mr. Jenkins said 'No, no Katy don't hide your charms'. Well a little dumbstruck I suppose and a little taken aback I left the 2 undone. We walked to the lift and descended to the ground floor, passing a few work colleagues on the way and said goodnight to the receptionist. We walked to a small bar not far from the Firm. He ordered a bottle of wine from the bar and we sat at a table, side by side. He poured 2 glasses. Again most of the conversation had been around the day's work, then it changed again onto my private life. I felt at ease is telling him some, he seemed so dominant and demanding although I again never divulged too much just enough to wet his whistle. While I was speaking about some form of sexual activity we both had eye contact as he was listening to my ramblings his right hand in an instant came forward and he undid another button. Now I was rather unsure where this was going and very conscience of how much of my tits were on show. I stopped dead in my tracks, the conversation had stopped as I was looking at my naked flesh.

'Please continue Katy, now tell me more about these clubs you and Dave go to and don't worry I will not undo any more buttons, I just like to look at those wonderful tits of yours'.

It seemed so easy in talking to him. His eyes flitting from my eyes to my tits, Occasionally I looked around to see if others were looking in our direction. I was more concerned with others from the Firm being in here and seeing me with so much flesh on display. I only told him briefly about the club scene, but I was getting excited in talking about it, basically to a stranger whom I had only a few hours earlier struck up a conversation and worked on a case of his. We finished the wine and I said I had better go.

'I will walk you to the station my dear, now come then I don't want you to be home to late'. I went to do the buttons up on my blouse. A hand gesture indicated no.

As we walked from the bar I was very conscious of how my blouse gaped and at that time of the evening the pathways were busy with other commuters on their way to varies train stations and bus stops.

My nipples had sprung into life although hidden within my bra cups every time I looked down all I could see was ample flesh of my tits on show and as we passed people on the way their eyes were fixed on my tits. Both men and women looked on as we made our way to the station.

I by now had got myself all horny, not only were my nipples still erect my clitoris had started twitching. We parted company at the station and as I walked to the barrier of the platform a BR worker at the gate mentioned to me that my blouse was open. I made out I was ******* and thanked him and did the buttons up while he looked on.

On the train journey home many thoughts were going through my head. This powerful man had me earlier spellbound. He is a Partner of the Firm I work for and this was dicing with the unknown.

Nothing was mentioned at home with Dave apart from the fact that I had been working for this Mr. Jenkins and he had taken me for a drink after work.

A few days later, again I was seconded to his office again. There were a few amendments to the draft I had compiled a few days earlier that needed changing or in some cases added. The work only took an hour. I gave him the amendments all typed up with the original drafts, he glanced over them and again seemed pleased.

'Katy I have you for the day so if you go into the files on the computer and open file 0396 there are a few amendments on that document that need changing, you will see the notes, I will be back in an hour or so. You know what I said to you the other day about showing your cleavage well Katy I am not seeing very much am I dear so when I do get back I expect to see 3 buttons undone on your blouse, you know just like when you were in the bar. Now that look on your face, I know what you are going to say and protest, no one will call in here unless they get invited by myself and if anyone should just turn up Susan will not allow anyone in so you will be left in peace till I arrive back ok dear'. With that he left.

For some strange reason there I was as soon as he left his office I undid 2 buttons, I thought 3 was way too much in here. I finished the amendments before he arrived back and was looking at the pictures that were on the wall when he entered his office. He looked at me and said 'I thought I said 3 and I see you have only done 2 why is that'. I started to speak but was cut off. 'Do it now but this time as you disobeyed me you will slip your tits out of those bra cups, so Katy 1 more button to undo and let me see those magnificent tits of yours, next time you disobey me you will not have a blouse/shirt on'.

There I was again dumbstruck in awe of this man, I was finding myself undoing another button and slipping my tits out ******** them almost to his eyes. The blouse still covered them but he could see the outline of them very clearly. He checked over the work I had done without saying anything.

'This is good girl the other document has been served and for now all seems to be ok. It's almost lunchtime, so shall we go to the same bar as the other night or would you prefer to go somewhere else. That bar does light snacks at lunchtime, and don't you think about slipping those tits back into your bra'. I nodded my head which he took as an approval to both.

Again we descended down the lift to the ground floor, passing a few works colleagues on our way. We walked the short distance to the bar. My nipples had become erect for all to see as we walked with the chill in the air and yes quite a few heads turned in my direction. It was fairly obvious to the eye that my tits were out of my bra cups or I had a 1/4 cup bra on or a special bra that enhanced them but ******* them.

On entering the bar Mr. Jenkins said that I was to go and order at the bar, he told me what he wanted. He went to sit at a table and waited. The bar was busy with lots of city folk most in business suites with a few secretaries in tow, but it mainly was a male orientated bar. The barman was looking directly at my tits as I ordered a bottle of wine and 2 baguettes. This is something that Dave and I would do fairly often but it would not be in our local town. I took the wine and 2 glasses over to where Mr. Jenkins was sitting and sat next to him.

He poured 2 glasses and when he spoke it was directly to do with sex. He had me telling him all sorts, we were in there for a long time another bottle of wine followed the baguettes. He said there was no rush to get back to the office as nothing of importance was needed doing. During our conversation he said his name was Robert although most called him Bob outside of work.

He moved to this firm from the United States from a sister Firm which dealt with many of the same clients that trade around the world and using different tax laws and legal laws to do business in varying countries. The third bottle was bought over and Bob casually asked the waiter 'what did he think of this lady's tits, she apparently loves showing them off'. Can't remember what the reply was but I felt so embarrassed not so much as showing of my tits, although 10 years ago I was not doing it is often as I do these days.

The conversation centered around Dave and I, then he said I think it would be nice if I invited him over for a social call one evening just the three of us to see where it all leads to. The reference to where it all leads to was let without any answered question, As he continued chatting about sexual activities of the club that Dave and I visited.

Mr. Jenkins walked me to the station saying that I was not needed for the rest of the afternoon. He insisted that I was not allowed to cover up until I sat on the train that is if I wanted to cover up. Chat with Dave and let me know what you come up with tomorrow or Monday. He walked me to the rail gate and we said goodbye. As I left he patted me on my bum.

Sitting down on the train at that time of the afternoon was lucky it was not that busy. I slipped my tits back into my bra but only did 1 of the 3 buttons up. So many thoughts going through my head with what to say to Dave but not just that how I felt displaying myself in such a way as I had done so with one of the bosses from the Firm, but with a black man who obviously had me under his spell.

Later at home after dinner I spoke to Dave about this Mr. Jenkins, initially it was about work but then I mentioned about lunchtime and earlier that morning in his office and said that he was interested in coming round for a social call to see where things lead to. I said to Dave that I had mentioned about the clubs and some of what we got up to. Dave was surprised at how open I was with this guy and how I was displaying myself to this man. Up to then we never had anybody back home with us for any fun, it was either at the clubs or a Hotel.

Dave was a little concerned as it was someone from where I worked, although I did mention to Dave that 2 of his own friends had fucked me while he watched and that was on more than one occasion.

We spoke for some considerable time, both getting excited with the thought of maybe having a regular fuck buddy. Although at the clubs there may well be the same guys there fucking me or me sucking em off this was different it would mean actually in our house. At 34 I was in my prime and had started enjoying myself sexually and had a husband who was fully supportive of my sexual needs. We had a great sex life however we were always looking to excite us both more fully. Dave has always enjoyed watching others play with me and fuck me and he loves watching me suck cock.

At 5'6 with a pair of DD's on offer I was prime meat as the expression went. The suggestion of having Mr. Jenkins round here certainly intrigued Dave.

Dave has always been proud to show me off and it was great that I was qualified in the profession that I was in. Dave knew I was not lacking self confidence or self esteem. What was concerning him as he bought it up many times was that it is a work college so be it a leading figure in the Firm, which worried him in case it all went horribly wrong, what would the consequences be.

'There has to be some ground rules similar to when we go to the clubs', Dave said

'Of course darling'.

'It's a one off, and we both need to be comfortable, if it gets out of hand then I will have to stop things'.

'Of course darling, we will do it the once and see where it goes from there, Mr. Jenkins is a very dominant man very assertive and seems to be a person who gets what he wants'.

'I said it will be a one off and you are talking about see where it goes from there, now what does that mean'.

'Well darling you love watching me with others don't you, this one as I said could become a regular fuck buddy and maybe have him sleep over, you know like when we leave the clubs and stay in the Hotel with another guy or two what will the difference be. We all get to have our own fun'.

'Yes but it is different as it will be here and how about the neighbours'.

'Fuck the neighbours Dave you know most hate me any way, you know how the women scorn me. I only have to talk briefly with their husbands and if they see us talking they call them in'.

We spoke at length on the subject of Bob, although I never let on that he was black. At some point during the evening it was agreed. Bob would have to wear a condom as did the guys at the clubs but if I wanted or if Bob wanted then I would suck him off without a condom as I did many times at the clubs and again if he wanted to cum in my mouth then that would not be a problem.

Friday at work I was working normally and never saw Mr. Jenkins, but strange how one's feelings grow with anticipation expecting him to either call into see me or call me to his office. I even thought about calling into the bar to see if he was there but then decided against it.

The weekend went off ok. Both of us spoke occasionally of Mr. Jenkins and every time that we did my clit got excited. So when we went out on the Saturday night we were out as per usual on the prowl for another guy, I knew at some point I would find someone. It had become sort of a ritual. I needed other men and loved Dave watching.

With so many thoughts going on in my head since my first encounter with Mr. Jenkins that Saturday night I was more excited than normal There were a few bars that we would use for these occasions a few miles from our hometown. We both felt more comfortable in what we did away from home.

To be continued

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Thanks for a good story, well written, legal secretaries rock, I am looking forward to the next installment
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katysexylady said:
This is a long story broken down into readable segments otherwise way to much to digest at once.

It is a story of how one Black man not only changed my life but of my husband's as well.

Part 1
This all started a number of years ago. We had been married just under 10yrs and to a large degree everything was well within our marriage. I had left my first husband to be with Dave who I had known via friends for some time. l Loved the idea of his lifestyle which intrigued me, some of which I would often fantasize about being with him and doing those things together.

I made the decision to get out of my dull marriage, I had moved in with Dave before the divorce came through, we soon purchased a house together so I could still be close to my family and life was sweet. My sex life had gone for virtually being nonexistent to someone who was getting plenty of sex. I loved going to the 2 swinging clubs that Dave was a previous member, where I could excel with my own sexual desires. Dave loved watching me perform with others and to some I had become a slut in what I craved. Dave never objected with anything and we always looked forward to those weekends when we could play hard.

My dress code had changed, Dave would always encourage me to flaunt and tease and would often buy me sexy clothes which I had become accustomed to wearing. Dave encouraged me to stop wearing knickers initially for excitement purposes, me giving someone a quick flash and watching the response. Nowadays giving someone a quick flash is an everyday occurrence. Dave and I would often talk about sex and doing things to keep us both interested not in ourselves as in marriage but in sexual excitement and frills.

The Law Firm I worked for had a few Partners and Associates and I mainly worked for one of the senior Partners. Some of the clients had cross over business with other Partners subject to the legal side of things.

One day I had to go and see one of them regarding a client. A court case was pending and another secretary was required to assist in drafting up papers. So there I was talking to our latest edition of Partners who had only been with the firm for less than a month. Most of us had seen him around, of course he was always very smart. Suits pressed, shirts well ironed shoes highly polished his very nature was of a dominant man who on hearsay always got what he wanted and up to now since joining the firm had a high success rate. What made him even more distinguished was the fact that he was a black man. The first of his kind to have any senior states within the Firm.

When I entered his office it was the first time we had actually spoken since he joined. A very powerful and dominant voice greeted me. I sat and took notes and was told that the rest of the day I had to gather all evidence that was needed for the pending court case. I was told to use the desk to his right, some files were on the desk others were on the computer. During the morning not much was spoken I was mainly left to get on with the job in hand, apart from the occasional coffee that I was asked to get him. When lunchtime approached he said that we will go out for lunch.

Mr. Jenkins had made arrangements at some place that I had never been to. As we walked we spoke about the case that I was helping to compose and other idle chat. At the table drinks and food were ordered. The conversation changed onto my private life and what did I get up to out of work. I did not at that time divulge too much, however as the wine started to take affect a few secrets crept out. Mr. Jenkins paid me quite a few compliments during the meal and kept on remarking about my tits and was saying I should show more cleavage. I did say when Dave and I go out my dress code changes which sort of started a different tone of asking questions.

Back in the office while working on a document Mr. Jenkins came over and said 'Katy you know what I said about your cleavage while at lunch well don't you think you should comply with my request'. Looking up at him and without any hesitation I undid 2 buttons on my blouse. I continued working knowing that he was looking in my direction, nothing was said but I was getting excited. This was different from being out with Dave in a bar or at one of the clubs. Just before 5 I had all but finished composing the drafts. I had been alone in Mr. Jenkins office for well over an hour while he conducted business elsewhere. I was happy with what I had done. I called him to say that I had finished and was just tidying up.

He arrived about 10 mins afterwards. He glanced over the documents and seemed pleased. 'Katy you have done well, a well deserved drink I think is needed, you up for it'. I said sure but cannot be too late as need to catch a train home.

I started doing up the 2 buttons on my blouse when Mr. Jenkins said 'No, no Katy don't hide your charms'. Well a little dumbstruck I suppose and a little taken aback I left the 2 undone. We walked to the lift and descended to the ground floor, passing a few work colleagues on the way and said goodnight to the receptionist. We walked to a small bar not far from the Firm. He ordered a bottle of wine from the bar and we sat at a table, side by side. He poured 2 glasses. Again most of the conversation had been around the day's work, then it changed again onto my private life. I felt at ease is telling him some, he seemed so dominant and demanding although I again never divulged too much just enough to wet his whistle. While I was speaking about some form of sexual activity we both had eye contact as he was listening to my ramblings his right hand in an instant came forward and he undid another button. Now I was rather unsure where this was going and very conscience of how much of my tits were on show. I stopped dead in my tracks, the conversation had stopped as I was looking at my naked flesh.

'Please continue Katy, now tell me more about these clubs you and Dave go to and don't worry I will not undo any more buttons, I just like to look at those wonderful tits of yours'.

It seemed so easy in talking to him. His eyes flitting from my eyes to my tits, Occasionally I looked around to see if others were looking in our direction. I was more concerned with others from the Firm being in here and seeing me with so much flesh on display. I only told him briefly about the club scene, but I was getting excited in talking about it, basically to a stranger whom I had only a few hours earlier struck up a conversation and worked on a case of his. We finished the wine and I said I had better go.

'I will walk you to the station my dear, now come then I don't want you to be home to late'. I went to do the buttons up on my blouse. A hand gesture indicated no.

As we walked from the bar I was very conscious of how my blouse gaped and at that time of the evening the pathways were busy with other commuters on their way to varies train stations and bus stops.

My nipples had sprung into life although hidden within my bra cups every time I looked down all I could see was ample flesh of my tits on show and as we passed people on the way their eyes were fixed on my tits. Both men and women looked on as we made our way to the station.

I by now had got myself all horny, not only were my nipples still erect my clitoris had started twitching. We parted company at the station and as I walked to the barrier of the platform a BR worker at the gate mentioned to me that my blouse was open. I made out I was ******* and thanked him and did the buttons up while he looked on.

On the train journey home many thoughts were going through my head. This powerful man had me earlier spellbound. He is a Partner of the Firm I work for and this was dicing with the unknown.

Nothing was mentioned at home with Dave apart from the fact that I had been working for this Mr. Jenkins and he had taken me for a drink after work.

A few days later, again I was seconded to his office again. There were a few amendments to the draft I had compiled a few days earlier that needed changing or in some cases added. The work only took an hour. I gave him the amendments all typed up with the original drafts, he glanced over them and again seemed pleased.

'Katy I have you for the day so if you go into the files on the computer and open file 0396 there are a few amendments on that document that need changing, you will see the notes, I will be back in an hour or so. You know what I said to you the other day about showing your cleavage well Katy I am not seeing very much am I dear so when I do get back I expect to see 3 buttons undone on your blouse, you know just like when you were in the bar. Now that look on your face, I know what you are going to say and protest, no one will call in here unless they get invited by myself and if anyone should just turn up Susan will not allow anyone in so you will be left in peace till I arrive back ok dear'. With that he left.

For some strange reason there I was as soon as he left his office I undid 2 buttons, I thought 3 was way too much in here. I finished the amendments before he arrived back and was looking at the pictures that were on the wall when he entered his office. He looked at me and said 'I thought I said 3 and I see you have only done 2 why is that'. I started to speak but was cut off. 'Do it now but this time as you disobeyed me you will slip your tits out of those bra cups, so Katy 1 more button to undo and let me see those magnificent tits of yours, next time you disobey me you will not have a blouse/shirt on'.

There I was again dumbstruck in awe of this man, I was finding myself undoing another button and slipping my tits out ******** them almost to his eyes. The blouse still covered them but he could see the outline of them very clearly. He checked over the work I had done without saying anything.

'This is good girl the other document has been served and for now all seems to be ok. It's almost lunchtime, so shall we go to the same bar as the other night or would you prefer to go somewhere else. That bar does light snacks at lunchtime, and don't you think about slipping those tits back into your bra'. I nodded my head which he took as an approval to both.

Again we descended down the lift to the ground floor, passing a few works colleagues on our way. We walked the short distance to the bar. My nipples had become erect for all to see as we walked with the chill in the air and yes quite a few heads turned in my direction. It was fairly obvious to the eye that my tits were out of my bra cups or I had a 1/4 cup bra on or a special bra that enhanced them but ******* them.

On entering the bar Mr. Jenkins said that I was to go and order at the bar, he told me what he wanted. He went to sit at a table and waited. The bar was busy with lots of city folk most in business suites with a few secretaries in tow, but it mainly was a male orientated bar. The barman was looking directly at my tits as I ordered a bottle of wine and 2 baguettes. This is something that Dave and I would do fairly often but it would not be in our local town. I took the wine and 2 glasses over to where Mr. Jenkins was sitting and sat next to him.

He poured 2 glasses and when he spoke it was directly to do with sex. He had me telling him all sorts, we were in there for a long time another bottle of wine followed the baguettes. He said there was no rush to get back to the office as nothing of importance was needed doing. During our conversation he said his name was Robert although most called him Bob outside of work.

He moved to this firm from the United States from a sister Firm which dealt with many of the same clients that trade around the world and using different tax laws and legal laws to do business in varying countries. The third bottle was bought over and Bob casually asked the waiter 'what did he think of this lady's tits, she apparently loves showing them off'. Can't remember what the reply was but I felt so embarrassed not so much as showing of my tits, although 10 years ago I was not doing it is often as I do these days.

The conversation centered around Dave and I, then he said I think it would be nice if I invited him over for a social call one evening just the three of us to see where it all leads to. The reference to where it all leads to was let without any answered question, As he continued chatting about sexual activities of the club that Dave and I visited.

Mr. Jenkins walked me to the station saying that I was not needed for the rest of the afternoon. He insisted that I was not allowed to cover up until I sat on the train that is if I wanted to cover up. Chat with Dave and let me know what you come up with tomorrow or Monday. He walked me to the rail gate and we said goodbye. As I left he patted me on my bum.

Sitting down on the train at that time of the afternoon was lucky it was not that busy. I slipped my tits back into my bra but only did 1 of the 3 buttons up. So many thoughts going through my head with what to say to Dave but not just that how I felt displaying myself in such a way as I had done so with one of the bosses from the Firm, but with a black man who obviously had me under his spell.

Later at home after dinner I spoke to Dave about this Mr. Jenkins, initially it was about work but then I mentioned about lunchtime and earlier that morning in his office and said that he was interested in coming round for a social call to see where things lead to. I said to Dave that I had mentioned about the clubs and some of what we got up to. Dave was surprised at how open I was with this guy and how I was displaying myself to this man. Up to then we never had anybody back home with us for any fun, it was either at the clubs or a Hotel.

Dave was a little concerned as it was someone from where I worked, although I did mention to Dave that 2 of his own friends had fucked me while he watched and that was on more than one occasion.

We spoke for some considerable time, both getting excited with the thought of maybe having a regular fuck buddy. Although at the clubs there may well be the same guys there fucking me or me sucking em off this was different it would mean actually in our house. At 34 I was in my prime and had started enjoying myself sexually and had a husband who was fully supportive of my sexual needs. We had a great sex life however we were always looking to excite us both more fully. Dave has always enjoyed watching others play with me and fuck me and he loves watching me suck cock.

At 5'6 with a pair of DD's on offer I was prime meat as the expression went. The suggestion of having Mr. Jenkins round here certainly intrigued Dave.

Dave has always been proud to show me off and it was great that I was qualified in the profession that I was in. Dave knew I was not lacking self confidence or self esteem. What was concerning him as he bought it up many times was that it is a work college so be it a leading figure in the Firm, which worried him in case it all went horribly wrong, what would the consequences be.

'There has to be some ground rules similar to when we go to the clubs', Dave said

'Of course darling'.

'It's a one off, and we both need to be comfortable, if it gets out of hand then I will have to stop things'.

'Of course darling, we will do it the once and see where it goes from there, Mr. Jenkins is a very dominant man very assertive and seems to be a person who gets what he wants'.

'I said it will be a one off and you are talking about see where it goes from there, now what does that mean'.

'Well darling you love watching me with others don't you, this one as I said could become a regular fuck buddy and maybe have him sleep over, you know like when we leave the clubs and stay in the Hotel with another guy or two what will the difference be. We all get to have our own fun'.

'Yes but it is different as it will be here and how about the neighbours'.

'Fuck the neighbours Dave you know most hate me any way, you know how the women scorn me. I only have to talk briefly with their husbands and if they see us talking they call them in'.

We spoke at length on the subject of Bob, although I never let on that he was black. At some point during the evening it was agreed. Bob would have to wear a condom as did the guys at the clubs but if I wanted or if Bob wanted then I would suck him off without a condom as I did many times at the clubs and again if he wanted to cum in my mouth then that would not be a problem.

Friday at work I was working normally and never saw Mr. Jenkins, but strange how one's feelings grow with anticipation expecting him to either call into see me or call me to his office. I even thought about calling into the bar to see if he was there but then decided against it.

The weekend went off ok. Both of us spoke occasionally of Mr. Jenkins and every time that we did my clit got excited. So when we went out on the Saturday night we were out as per usual on the prowl for another guy, I knew at some point I would find someone. It had become sort of a ritual. I needed other men and loved Dave watching.

With so many thoughts going on in my head since my first encounter with Mr. Jenkins that Saturday night I was more excited than normal There were a few bars that we would use for these occasions a few miles from our hometown. We both felt more comfortable in what we did away from home.

To be continued

Feel free to leave a comment good or bad
I have No desire to say anything bad about someone one else's post and I will not at this time. For it was interesting up to the pause. But I will say I wish I had know that it was an OLD post and that it was never completed. THUS it was a fucking waste of my time to read and that makes it SUCK. No disrespect intended but why in the hell would you wish to do something like this. FUCK IT. okdeacon
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