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Thoughts/plans for 2014

  • Thread starterSoonToBe
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  • #461
Will, at some point you have to find a way to be okay with the fact that Sue is not yours. It's Sue and Steve. Not Sue and willy boy. Perhaps you should follow through on your implication from above and quit following this thread if it's to much for you to deal with.
  • #462
brokenman said:
Will, at some point you have to find a way to be okay with the fact that Sue is not yours. It's Sue and Steve. Not Sue and willy boy. Perhaps you should follow through on your implication from above and quit following this thread if it's to much for you to deal with.

I'll stop following this thread when You Knuckle Draggers Stop sending Me PM's about it. Get it Thru Your Heads There is No Sue. What 40+ Person still believes in Love? Pleaseeeee!!!! With a name like brokenman Your not going to tell Me You Do. Your going to tell Me You Believe a Middle aged Woman Is looking for Prince Charming to Ride Into Her Life and swipe Her off Her feet??? This Story had a good run. Had Me going. You want to get rid of Me. Leave Me Alone!!!!

Though one or two of Your wives haven't. Their Pm's are welcome.
  • #463
Steve, this is for you: I think that you and Sue should start being concerned for your safety.

Will boasts of his life as a bull but spends an inordinate amount of time on this forum. He is vain and boastful but doesn't(?) provide proof of his exploits. He lacks the intellect to follow logic, contradicts himself in back-to-back posts, and doesn't grasp when not to capitalize words, to name a few things. He responds to criticism with aggression and paranoia.

All this points to person of limited mental capacity who has constructed his own reality and can not deal with anything that contradicts his fantasy. Lately he has spoken as though he knows Sue better than you. He has claimed to be the one placing Sue first, so he thinks he cares for her better than you. He has told you that you have no place getting between him and Sue because you are a cuckold, and forevermore irrelevant. Now he has accused you of standing in Sues way.

I'm not saying this to insult will or accuse him of actions I have no idea if he'll commit, but we all know that people are harmed in this world over far less, and with far less warning. As one member of this board to another I advise you to consider what personal info may have already been revealed. What was said in your emails, where any photos sent that hadn't been cleaned of GPS info, etc.

Best wishes.
  • #464
Boy and They call Me Paranoid. LOL. You People really make Me laugh. You remind Me of the Old X Files TV Show. When it come this Story.

Brokenman I have a senesce of humor Lucky for You because what You said Borders On Slander. Yea Your not accusing Me of anything.

To set Your mind at ease I deleted all of the emails and pictures I got from the person who said they were Sue. I have no need of them. Didn't even post the pictures on My Flickr page. If I were out for revenge. So don't give Me that crap. Get it threw Your heads there is No Sue.
I was set up Just like You are. I just wised Upped
  • #465
Accusing would be saying "he intends x". I'm saying "it's possible he may intend x". That you can't grasp that distinction demonstrates one of my points.

In a further note to Steve: did you notice that will believes you have "minions" on this board, presumably with the goal of persecuting him? Does that sound like a sane person to you? A harmless person? One who does not see you as a threat?
  • #466
Now You putting words in My mouth. You believe this Horse Crap word for word. Yea that make You a Minion. tumblr_n4mxvwsWNV1smb5tbo1_500.jpg
  • #467
Just had to add that I could care less about your thoughts Will, not sure about others here but this will be the last time I waste my time replying to you.
Personally, I think you're just pissed that Sue stopped writing to you.
She shared that with me weeks ago, part of her decision to not keep things from me, but I know, it's all in my head.
I've actually been laughing, waiting for you to conjure up another conspiracy theory, and you've proved me right.
As I said before, believe what you like. Others including myself know and live the truth.
  • #468
Your a funny Guy. Who ever was writing Me calling themselves Sue has been replaced. Believe Me. Three Fold. Better Pictures Also.
Your going to stop answering Me???? Like I believe a word You say. Sheldon and others have been telling Me for Months what a Fool I have been.
They were So Right!!! Conspiracy Theory??? No I just woke up to the truth!!! There is No Sue. Never Was Look You Got Me. Good One. Believe When I tell You I have Moved On. But that Not entirely true. Because there was never anything to move on from. It was all a lie to begin with. There Never Was A Sue.

You know what I find Scary I'm beginning to think You believe Your Own Fiction!!!!
  • #469
Will2112001 said:
Your a funny Guy. Who ever was writing Me calling themselves Sue has been replaced. Believe Me. Three Fold. Better Pictures Also.
Your going to stop answering Me???? Like I believe a word You say. Sheldon and others have been telling Me for Months what a Fool I have been.
They were So Right!!! Conspiracy Theory??? No I just woke up to the truth!!! There is No Sue. Never Was Look You Got Me. Good One. Believe When I tell You I have Moved On. But that Not entirely true. Because there was never anything to move on from. It was all a lie to begin with. There Never Was A Sue.

You know what I find Scary I'm beginning to think You believe Your Own Fiction!!!!

When I was seven years old my mother and father both sat me down and told me there was no such person as Santa Claus. I don't have to tell you all, I was devastated. Apparently it was all just a made up story to create excitement for children at Christmas.

Later that same year I found myself again sitting at the table opposite both of them. This time they informed me there was no such thing as the Tooth fairy. All along it had been Dad carefully sneaking quarters and dimes from his own pocket underneath my pillow as I slept. Again just another made up story created by adults to distract children from the pain and anxiety of real life. And once again I don't have to tell you, I was devastated.

Now apparently there is no Sue. Never was. Again just a figment of an imagination gone overboard, wanting his proverbial 15 minutes of fame.

WHAT THE !&%#@(*&^$ is this world coming too.
  • #470
Well, CSC, you can join Will on your side of the fence. For me, nothing has changed from the truth - if you choose to believe Sue doesn't exist, so be it, I'm not here to argue or convince you.

I intend to continue posting here as it's become somewhat of a part of me as we continue to explore. From the schedules of things our first weekend as true empty-nesters will be Labor Day weekend. If you're not interested or thing it's BS, you're more than welcome to skip by it. As I've said all along, I post here more for my own sanity than for the sometimes unintelligent feedback.

We are heading over to her parents house to empty out the tools and such from the basement and garage. Her father wouldn't let us do any of this while they were still there as even to now, he held out hope he'd be able to tinker around again. But now, he simply says he doesn't want to know about it.
  • #471
SoonToBe said:
Well, CSC, you can join Will on your side of the fence. For me, nothing has changed from the truth - if you choose to believe Sue doesn't exist, so be it, I'm not here to argue or convince you.


Thou Protest Too Much!!!! For someone so innocent? I admit It Steve You CatFished Me!!!! You had Me going.
  • #472
I have been ignoring the ravings of the Honeymonster for some time now. It continues to work for me at least. As to the rest, and at risk of being seen as a minion again, I think a little perspective is called for. Steve has been posting his narrative for some time now. Some of us have followed it for a long time, others are relative newcomers. I think most have detected the genuine or the comments wouldn't be as they are. Cuckold fabrications tend to start mild and gradually become fanciful. This hadn't. Further, Steve would have had to have possessed the continuity skills of a Hollywood script writing team to have posted what he has over the years without severely contradicting himself. Which in my view he hasn't. Even Harry the historian of the thread doesn't see major issues here. And why go to such lengths week after week for years with an invention. No. If it looks like a duck, sounds like duck and feels like a duck, it probably is a duck. What else is the man to? Invite 12 of us round to his house, introduce the family and perform a miracle or two so that we could all go forward and preach his gospel? Or maybe that's been tried before. Not everyone believed that either. Give the man a break. He has a great life, a great wife and he likes to talk about it. Lucky us.
  • #473
There You have. The Head Disciple Has Spoken. Peak Let Me Ask You Something. Have You ever met Steve in the Flesh???? Have You Ever Met This Sue Person in the FLESH??? Sat in this Home? Ate at this table? Do You believe in King Arthur and Merlin? St George and the Dragon?

There was a time when people believed the Earth was Flat. You would sail off the edge.

True Believer You Got to Love Um.
  • #474
You know, Steve, It has been a long time since you posted a picture of Sue. Surley you have something more recent than Aug. 2010 (when she was seeing Don).

Don't have to be intimate, Dressed is OK. You have to have some family pictures around (that you can edit) since the situation with her parents. Just something to satisfy the doubters. And well for the rest, a "here she is, update."

I'd recommend a current calendar in the background, or even a "modern day" Flat screen TV. An Obama 2nd. term campaign poster. Ahhh, ..... Well, you know what I mean.

Cheers, Harry
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  • #475
Harry - saw your post and I went and found the 2 most recent pics of Sue I could find.
The first is a selfie she sent me when we were down at the shore last weekend.
The second is her sitting on a dock on this lake that's near our house where we took a walk to after dinner.
The mosquitoes were out big time so we didn't stay long.
Next time I'll get her holding a newspaper so you will have your evidence.sue - 7-19-2014.jpgSue - 7-20-2014.jpg
  • #476
Stb, have you hd a talk or given it any thought as to how it will be when Sue is denying you while you watch? Before when she was with Don and you were present you knew you were going to get her at a said point. Certainly going to be interesting watching them interact while you jerk off for her. I hope you are looking forward to that.
  • #477
SoonToBe said:
Harry - saw your post and I went and found the 2 most recent pics of Sue I could find.
The first is a selfie she sent me when we were down at the shore last weekend.
The second is her sitting on a dock on this lake that's near our house where we took a walk to after dinner.
The mosquitoes were out big time so we didn't stay long.
Next time I'll get her holding a newspaper so you will have your evidence.sue - 7-19-2014.jpgSue - 7-20-2014.jpg

I heard that hairstyle was coming back.
  • #480
Harry - because I respect you and that you and I have communicated outside this forum about things other than Sue, I spent a few minutes and edited up a picture I snapped of Sue over lunch about 2 hours ago. To fulfill your request for evidence - you'll see today's Beetle Bailey and Foxtrot comic's on the table in front of Sue. You'll also notice the same hairdo as sitting on the dock - it's her lazy look - what her hair does straight from the shower without drying/styling. I told her I'd snapped the pic by accident when she was annoyed by it and told her I'd delete it as it's not the most flattering shot.

sue - 7-27-2014.jpg
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