I can tell you what to do, Grendel. You say you are ashamed to ask anyone, but that she wants a new black cock every month. Sounds like you don't need to ask anyone; she's probably doing the asking for you. In the first place, if you're wife wants somebody else's dick in her besides yours, you need a different wife. If you want to see her fuck somebody else and she just goes along to make you happy, that's a different (and erotic) story. But when it comes to letting a woman make a pussy out of you, I'm with Anna. You need therapy, or just a good ass kicking. You white guys out there with dicks smaller than what you think black guys have need to get over it. Not all black guys have a ten inch dick any more than all white guys have a four incher. Besides, if your wife loves you, she'll love your dick. If she doesn't and wants a different dick, regardless of what color it is, you need a different partner. I wouldn't feed, house, pay the bills and take care of a woman who wouldn't let me see her undress let alone fuck her. Have a little bit of goddamned pride; don't let a woman beat you down, especially for not having the dick size she thinks she needs to be happy. If she doesn't have double D cup tits people could do chin ups on, the face of a Grace Kelly, and nipples you could use to etch glass, she's got no right to demand much out of you.