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The Science of why women are sexually superior to men.

  • Thread starterlifelong cuck
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lifelong cuck

Not quite a lurker
Beloved Member
May 4, 2008
:) By sex therapist & relationships counsellor ~ Susan Gower.

After studying human sexuality for many years it has become inarguable to me that a cuckold relationship (in which the wife engages in sexual activity with a variety of men while her husband remains faithful) is most compatible with basic human evolutionary make up. It is straying from this evolutionarily grounded human bonding relationship that has produced such misunderstandings and conflict between the sexes.
At the very base of this principle is the understanding of a woman’s psychological need for a variety of sex partner’s. Psychologically, women are hardwired differently than men. A woman has a dual sex drive. The first is centred on finding a mate for life to help support her and her offspring. This is why (and when) love is such an important part of a women’s sexual desire. The second is a desire to obtain a variety of the best genetic material to produce the best children. This second desire begins to grow once a woman has found her life mate and grows stronger as time with him progresses. Eventually, this later and more powerful drive overpowers her sexual desire for her life mate. This is why a woman’s sexual desire for her husband diminishes over time. At the same time her sexual desire for other men is increasing. Often this desire for other men becomes so strong she cannot deny it. This does not make her immoral or mean that she no longer loves her husband. It is simply part of her genetic code.
Physiological sexual differences between men and women also support the cuckold relationship as the ideal for marriage. It is well known that women don’t reach their sexual peak until they are in their thirties, while men peak by the time they are twenty. In a typical marriage, a wife is generally younger than her husband or the same age. As a result, a woman’s increasing sexual appetite, due to her biological age-based sex drive, gives her greater sexual needs than her husband. She needs more sexual encounters, longer sexual encounters and more orgasms than her spouse. Her older or same age husband, on the other hand, wants sex far less than his wife, often at times lasts only a few minutes before he reaches orgasm and then, no longer interested in sex, leaves his wife unsatisfied and frustrated. [Rolls over and goes to sleep, leaving his wife high and dry]. As a marriage continues this discrepancy in sexual needs increases dramatically, usually to the breaking point where a wife secretly finds a more potent lover or lovers outside the marriage.
Compounding this is that nature has not only given women a two prong and exponentially stronger sex drive than men, it has also given women the ability to experience a far greater quantity, intensity, and variety of sexual pleasure and orgasm than men. This is nature’s way of motivating a woman to seek out sexual activity considering the risk she bears in doing so. (Even though today’s contraceptives greatly reduce these risks, they do nothing to diminish the internal triggers that drive a woman’s need for a variety of sex and sex partners. If anything, this reduction of risk intensifies her drive to seek pleasure.)
As a result, women can experience a wide range and intensity of sexual pleasure and diversity of orgasm. Besides the pleasure and orgasms derived from manual, oral and coital stimulation of a woman’s clitoris, all three of which feel distinctly different, a woman can reach a completely different sensation of pleasure and a completely different orgasm from the stimulation of her g-spot by a well endowed man. A woman can even reach orgasm by proper stimulation of her nipples if she has been brought to a state of intense clitoral arousal. Stimulation of her nipples and clitoris at the same time will give her a yet another unique intense orgasm. Her ultimate height of pleasure is found in oral or manual titillation of her clitoris while simultaneously having her g-spot stimulated. It is interesting that this is best accomplished by the use of multiple sexual partners, suggesting nature’s preference for male, female, male couplings. [And why women enjoy having a cock in their mouth, pussy and hands, while having partners stimulate their nipples and clitoris]. Finally, the crowning pinnacle of a woman’s sexual superiority is her ability to have a multiple orgasm and full body orgasmic experiences.
Men, on the other hand, are far simpler sexually. Stimulate their glands (the little patch of skin at the front of the penis just below its head) and they ejaculate. Furthermore, men can get nearly the same level of satisfaction from masturbating as they do completing a sex act with a woman. For women, masturbation will give them only temporary relief. Women need to have sex with a partner to be fully satisfied, especially psychologically.
The male also has a much simpler sex drive than a woman. He simply wants to mate with any female he finds desirable. The longer he is denied sex, the stronger his desire grows and the criterion by which he finds a woman desirable, lowers. Since it is the woman who decides if he will be allowed to have sex with her or not, his desire for her sexually is also linked to the desire for her approval. As he becomes more interested in her, the desire to please her as a way to get sex can become overwhelming for him. That is why you will often see men acting foolishly in front of females they desire, even though they have no chance to have sex with them. That is also why, once married, a man will begin to take his wife for granted; now that he has easy availability of sex from her, she becomes less desirable to him.
One might think that this is a good argument for having an open marriage in which both a wife and her husband find sexual partners outside their marriage. Interviews with couples in open marriages have shown that these marriages almost always lead to a competition between the two spouses regarding who is having more sex with more partners. A wife will always win this competition because it is much easier for a woman to find sexual partners than it is for a man. The competition, however, can become nasty, ugly and often cruel. A wife will sometimes be drawn into the competition so deeply she will have sex with far more men than she wishes too, and her husband will have growing feelings of inadequacy, as he cannot keep up with his wife. This kind of competition almost always destroys a marriage.
Furthermore, the idea of open marriage assumes the erroneous notion that men need a variety of sex partners. While all evidence indicates that a married woman both physiologically and psychologically does need a variety of sexual partners, a married man does not. [No matter how much a woman likes and loves her husband, she will always become dissatisfied with ‘what she has and want what other women have’]. The genetic code that drives a man is the thrill of pursuit, not the need for variety. Husbands in clinical studies who’s desire for their wives have waned and who’s interest have turned to other women have been completely turned around when their wives begin using arousal and denial techniques on them. These techniques instil uncertainty in the husband as to whether he will be allowed to complete a sex act with her or not. Time after time, in study after study, these husband’s desires have been focused back to their wives exclusively, losing all interest in other women. The wives in these studies were even able to vary their husband’s level of interest through increasing or decreasing their application of arousal and denial techniques. It was further found that when these same wives reverted back to traditional sexual practices with their husbands, their husbands began to lose interest again and began to again look at other women as possible sex partners.

Continued .....
Unsurprisingly, since human societal structures were originally matriarchal, societies that still live today in ways closer to our original female and male roles do not suffer from the damages of psychological and physiological stress. These more basic societies, far from the modern world, are nearly always matriarchal. It is the women in these societies who control property, family affairs and sexual activity. These women will usually have multiple husbands and lovers. One or two of these men provide them with food, shelter and security, while the others provide them with sex. Male, female, male couplings are not only accepted, but quite normal. In some societies, certain “stud” males will exclusively service a wife, in others, wives will share, exchange and even trade stud males. Men in these societies are happy in their subordinate roles to women. While there are some incidents of jealousy, there is no violence, crime, or sexual perversion. Men are focused on pleasing their wives instead of impressing other women in the group or competing with other men, except in the area of being good sex providers. Wives will keep this competition light and fun and ongoing. Men focused on this kind of competition do not compete with each other in other ways either, leading to much stronger male/male friendships and cooperation.
An unlikely place for the further confirmation of the appropriateness of cuckolding in human bonding relationships, was discovered in the findings of primate studies. In one study, researchers found two anatomical influencers of fidelity in primates. One was the physical size difference between the sexes. The other was the male’s ratio of penis size to body mass. It was found that in those species of primates where the female was considerably larger than the male, the female would have many sexual partners and bond with none. As female/male size became closer, the female would bond with one male. This male would remain faithful to her, but she would continue to have sex with non-bonded males. It was found that this was not reversed until the male became extremely larger than the female.
The second influencer the researchers discovered was the ratio of penis size to body mass. In species where the difference in physical size between the sexes was slight, (as it is in humans) the penis to body size ratio increased female dominated sexual behaviour. The smaller the penis to body size, the more bonded males were restricted to activity with only their mate while females would engage in sexual activity with a variety of non-bonded males. Within these groups, females would generally bond with males with smaller penises and engage in sexual activity with better-endowed, non-bonded males. The most common activity between females and their mates was grooming and eating, with the far greater amount of sexual activity occurring between mated females and males other than their mates. Neither mated nor non-mated females would engage in sexual activity with bonded males who were not their own mates. The most frequent sexual activity of bonded males was masturbation.
This study particularly intrigued me because its findings correlated so closely with my own experiences. I have assisted many couples in beginning and maintaining cuckold relationships. Among my patients, husbands with smaller penises were not only more agreeable to being cuckolded, but would even sometimes suggest it. These very enlightened, lesser-endowed, husbands were keenly aware of their inability to satisfy their wives sexually. By accepting their wives engaging in sex with other men they were relieved of the pressure to perform.
It makes sense that this behaviour would be present in humans since humans are primates whose difference in size between the sexes is slight and men’s penises are very small when compared to their body mass. Also interesting is that women, like other primate females, will rarely engage in sex with married men. A husband’s wedding band makes for a fairly efficient chastity device.. A wife’s wedding band, however, does little and sometimes even encourages pursuit by men. This further illustrates that the innate human proclivity for cuckold relationships goes genetically even deeper.
Our modern morals and the female/male roles imposed on us by society are not only aberrant behaviour given our genetic makeup, but psychologically unhealthy and morally unethical. It is unfair that a woman is ****** to repress the powerful sex drives that are so genetically imbedded in her psyche. Most married woman simply can’t do it. It is uncountable today how many wives are having sex with other men behind their husband’s back because our society cannot accept a woman’s natural needs.
At what point did we move from a matriarchal to a patriarchal society that perverted our male and female sexual roles? We have so inverted out ideas of human sexuality that we have come to believe that women have a lower sex drive than men when the reverse is true. We think that men should be free to have sex unbridled, when it is women who should be freed and men bridled. We have created a society in which women struggle with guilt and frustration over their natural sexual needs while men are obsessed with perverted sexual deviations from far too great an access to far too great a variety of sexual stimuli and freedom.
Just as our modern lives prevent us from responding to our need to express our flight or fight response - leads to stress, and our turning from whole foods to processed foods give us all sorts of physical ailments, our denial of our natural sexual programming leads to untold emotional and behavioural problems. It would startle the average person to learn how many divorces are caused by the inequity of a woman’s unfulfilled sexual needs. In an effort to protect the man from humiliation it is rarely mentioned in polite society that the reason for a couple’s divorce was because the wife was finding sexual satisfaction outside their marriage. If we could be open and honest about a women’s needs, and that it is not the fault of their husbands that they need to fulfil those needs outside their marriages, then maybe we could begin to embrace cuckoldry as a healthy societal norm and save far more marriages..
I have saved many marriages in my practice by gently introducing the idea and practice of cuckoldry to struggling couples. I have seen in my own female patients that once they start to engage in sex outside their marriage with the acceptance of their husbands and the security that their husbands will remain faithful, they become more centred, calm and confident. Similarly, once their husbands get past their jealous feelings and fear of inadequacy, they become calmer and more mature, no longer engaging in childish behaviour like nights out with the boys or an obsession with sports. They even lose their interest in pornography as their wives recounting of their extramarital exploits, or their participation in those exploits, becomes much more titillating to them than the artificial titillation of pornography.
When my female clients add the uncertainty principle of arousal and denial to their cuckold marriage a woman can bring her husband back to the days when they were first dating. Husbands become more focused on their wives and no longer suffer the frustrating feelings caused by a desire for unattainable women. [Often staying celibate, even when denied access to their wives, impotent with other women].
Cuckold marriages can evolve into a great variety of preferences. In my own practice I have seen cuckold marriages that range from those in which cuckolding wives enjoy subjecting their husband’s to humiliation and punishment, to those in which wives will have sex with other men in front of her husband as a way of entertaining them, to just about everything in between. Most couples in my practice, however, have very loving marriages - with playful arousal and denial that seems conventional in every way, except that the wife dates while her husband remains, faithfully hers.
HAHAHAHAHAHA... I hope nobody considers this science, I could drive a truck through the holes in he so-called logic.
clkx88 said:
HAHAHAHAHAHA... I hope nobody considers this science, I could drive a truck through the holes in he so-called logic.
Could you? Why not have a go at it then, might be interesting for everybody here.

MacNfries said:
wow ... way too much information. Would it be possible to summarize all that into 2-3 sentences ... or even a paragraph? :confused:

Men as they age naturally become cuckolds because they lose the ability to perform adequately for their wives. As tiem gones on women lose interest in sex with their husbands and fantasise about fucking anyone but him. they will be attracted to men with bigger dicks than their husband.

From my own personal point of view a lot of what this lady says she has learned from her practice as a sex therapist and counsellor, holds true for me and people I know or have come across over the years.

I believe a real cuckold has no interest in any women outside his wife. I have seen lots of errand husbands brought to heel when they found out their spouses had begun to put it about. My own serial adulteress brother in law only regained an interest in his wife when he learned she’d cucked him. I tried to tell her to do this on a regular basis and he wouldn’t stray. But she would very rarely cheat on him, only when one of his affairs got too much for her to handle.

At my stage in life I would much rather see another man fuck my wife than even begin to think of doing it myself, even if I had the wherewithal to do it.

MacNfries said:
wow ... way too much information. Would it be possible to summarize all that into 2-3 sentences ... or even a paragraph? :confused:

It's easier to read if you go to this link:

The Science of Cuckoldry Cuckold Couple

where it's "1-1/2 spaced" and has paragraph breaks. It's an interesting article. Whether it constitutes "science" is left to the judgment of the reader. Apparently it originally appeared in a publication called "Latex," which does not have the sound of a peer-reviewed journal about it. (I was unable to find it online.) Also, as you've noted no doubt, the article includes neither references and a reference list nor footnotes enabling one to look up source and other related material.


Custer Laststand said:

Also, as you've noted no doubt, the article includes neither references and a reference list nor footnotes enabling one to look up source and other related material.


True, but then again I only included it as 'science' in that it does propose many ideas which have merit to an experienced cuckold, even if it doesn't present itself in the form of a published paper;).
Science? You are a fucking idiot who thinks he's intelligent. Do the scenarios and personalities that you describe exist? absolutely. Are they inherently inbedded in all of mankind? not a fucking chance. So you want to claim "science"? well, here's your chance: GO PROVE IT....using all the required scientific rules and regulations.....otherwise just make a post saying "these are some of my beliefs.".....otherwise STFU.

Chi-twn said:
Science? You are a fucking idiot who thinks he's intelligent. Do the scenarios and personalities that you describe exist? absolutely. Are they inherently inbedded in all of mankind? not a fucking chance. So you want to claim "science"? well, here's your chance: GO PROVE IT....using all the required scientific rules and regulations.....otherwise just make a post saying "these are some of my beliefs.".....otherwise STFU.

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.

Seems you missed the humor and irony in all this but then less intelligent people often mistake the wisdom of others as the ramblings of a fool.

One piece of scientific research you could carry out yourself:-

Take two rooms, your wife in one with 10 guys and you in the other with 10 women. Only you in the room with women can have sex with them and only your wife can have sex with the men in her room.

One hour later tell me how often you have had sex and how many of your women have been fucked and compare with the number of times your wife has had sex and how many of her men she has fucked. QED.
Men can't do without pussy, so what part can't you understand about that?

Two females can 69 and have multiple orgasms over several hours if they choose.

The reported record for a woman is 56 orgasms in a hour, because a woman remains horny for up to an hour after orgasm, because the pooled extra blood in her pelvis takes a long time to dispurse.

69% of males can't give a female an orgasm from penetrative sex, so what are you offering your wife that she can't get elsewhere, easily and effortlessly, just from making it known that she is in the market for another guy to discover her pussy charms?

It is quite remarkable that marriage survives, because females need more that one cock. Always have and always will. The wedding vows are all that stops a woman getting the extra loving she deserves.

The guys in chastity seem to fixate on their need to be much better husbands. It surely seems that the more they get denied, the greater their deisire for sex seems to grow - and when they do finally get sex, THEY SEEM EVER SO GRATEFUL and promise to do almost anything to be LUCKY AGAIN IN THE FUTURE.
lifelong cuck said:
Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.

Seems you missed the humor and irony in all this but then less intelligent people often mistake the wisdom of others as the ramblings of a fool.

One piece of scientific research you could carry out yourself:-

Take two rooms, your wife in one with 10 guys and you in the other with 10 women. Only you in the room with women can have sex with them and only your wife can have sex with the men in her room.

One hour later tell me how often you have had sex and how many of your women have been fucked and compare with the number of times your wife has had sex and how many of her men she has fucked. QED.

Q.E.D.P.O.T.T,Y, don't prove shit about your theories,just that a guy has to be erect and a woman don't,it's all down to the pressure of the blood to the penis.
Are you doing a course or something? ha ha coach and bloody ten horses,we don't need a history/psycology lesson,just lay back,enjoy.
Annalise too much and you kill it stone dead
English course

mincercuck said:
Q.E.D.P.O.T.T,Y, don't prove shit about your theories,just that a guy has to be erect and a woman don't,it's all down to the pressure of the blood to the penis.
Are you doing a course or something? ha ha coach and bloody ten horses,we don't need a history/psycology lesson,just lay back,enjoy.
Annalise too much and you kill it stone dead

Well we all do enjoy our different forms of entertainment and might I reiterate it wasn't my theories being propounded but talking of courses, might I suggest one for you in basic English and spelling?
Saraha said:
It is quite remarkable that marriage survives, because females need more that one cock. Always have and always will. The wedding vows are all that stops a woman getting the extra loving she deserves.
That's too bad, particularly because it could be solved so easily: just remove sexual fidelity from the woman's wedding vows, and with time the ensuing mentality change will maximize the spouses' happiness and reverse the growing trend of divorces.
Saraha and Eno,

Eno said:
That's too bad, particularly because it could be solved so easily: just remove sexual fidelity from the woman's wedding vows, and with time the ensuing mentality change will maximize the spouses' happiness and reverse the growing trend of divorces.

You're right about wedding vows being easy to alter. They aren't set in stone (at least, not in the U.S.). The bride and groom can write their own vows more or less however they please. I imagine most use the standard time-honored vows because: (i) they fear their parents and wedding guests will think them "weird" and disapprove if they vow to love each other and live together but sexual fidelity is not expected of the wife (or of either if they wish to be more democratic); or (ii) they don't realize they can write their own vows; or (iii) using the time-honored vows seems more "traditional" and is easier than making the effort to think up, come to agreement on, and write their own; or (iv) at the moment of marriage both bride and groom may actually intend to adhere to the traditional vows; or some combination of these reasons.

My impression, for whatever it may be worth, is that gradually-increasing numbers of couples are writing their own wedding vows. I'm not aware of any statistics on it, but "the times they are a-changin' " (as Bob Dylan put it).

Whether broad acceptance of sexual infidelity by married women would change the divorce rates is a different question. Apparently there's evidence that extramarital sex per se is not the main cause of divorce. Consider that among couples who "swing," the high divorce rate is high. Among couples who don't "swing," the divorce rate is also high. I don't know enough about the statistics to assert the rates are roughly similar, but they might be.

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lifelong cuck said:
One hour later tell me how often you have had sex and how many of your women have been fucked and compare with the number of times your wife has had sex and how many of her men she has fucked. QED.

Yeah, that one imagined scenario proves complete superiority of women in every facet of life.

Come on now
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Custer Laststand said:
Whether broad acceptance of sexual infidelity by married women would change the divorce rates is a different question. Apparently there's evidence that extramarital sex per se is not the main cause of divorce. Consider that among couples who "swing," the high divorce rate is high. Among couples who don't "swing," the divorce rate is also high. —Custer
You're quite right of course in saying that it is not the act of female sexual infidelity itself that will be lead to divorce. But surrounding circumstances might.

I'm not talking here about swingers, nor about enlightened people who write their own wedding vows allowing for cuckoldry. But what about all those traditional couples who get married without even remotely thinking of the possibility that they might ever feel the need for sex with someone else? Yet sooner or later one of the partners will - and in today's world for the reasons so well detailed in the above article, more often than not the wife will take the lead.

What I meant to say is that unless the husband is well motivated for his wife's sexual infidelity and accepts it as something she is fully entitled to by virtue of her gender, he may have the wrong reactions inspired by undue jealousy: either he might call the relationship off, or he might want to "retaliate", by looking for outside sex for himself. Even in the latter case the marriage will suffer great risk, because as explained by Ms. Gower a husband is far less equipped for safe extramarital sex which will not endanger his relationship than his wife is.
Saraha said:
Men can't do without pussy, so what part can't you understand about that?

69% of males can't give a female an orgasm from penetrative sex, so what are you offering your wife that she can't get elsewhere, easily and effortlessly, just from making it known that she is in the market for another guy to discover her pussy charms?

It is quite remarkable that marriage survives, because females need more that one cock. Always have and always will. The wedding vows are all that stops a woman getting the extra loving she deserves.
THAT door swings both ways sister. Every woman has a pussy, so that ain't unique. People stay married for more reasons than orgasms.

Pity the sole who puts up with her shit and gets no pussy!
Big jump

tpeman said:
Yeah, that one imagined scenario proves complete superiority of women in every facet of life.

Come on now
The heading was women being SEXUALLY superior, how did you make the quantum leap to every facet?

Women ARE sexually superior to men in all respects and why a man so readily becomes a cuckold rather than have all know he isn't man enough for his wife.

I know I accepted the Cuckold's horns reluctantly but I've worn them some 40 years rather than admit I was never enough of a man for my wife.
Wedded bliss

MacNfries said:
That door actually DOES swing both ways. We're in a period of our society where women's lib and the internet have made women's desire to experience their sexual fantasies take off like a rocket. Women are more openly experimenting with more sexual partners at a much earlier age, just like men have done for ages. Except now, its no longer considered taboo or is a woman chastised a ***** for having several men (or women) at the same time as sexual partners. That simply means more and more pussy available for men to sample as well.

If there's one drawback to all this, it is that women are now the ones that are hesitant to commit to a single, monogimous relationship because they want to continue sampling the market of cocks out there. So, if you're a man looking for a woman to commit ONLY to you, you're more SOL than in the past. Some men will say, well this is all GOOD, but wait until you find that ONE female you want to have all to yourself and she says ... "hummm, no, I prefer having the freedom of fucking other men when I want to" ... then it'll hit home. I actually see a day in the future when the traditional marriage vows will become totally extinct, and women will regularly plan to birth children from several men, and in fact, have sex with several men while pregnant, and no one will consider it taboo. Mac

I think most marriages could be sexually better if the wife did cuckold her husband thoroughout married life, but only where the husband willingly accepted his being a cuckold and accepted that all children might not be his biologically. Lots of legal problems with that and of course some men need to cheat and would never accept being a cuckold. Most women become sexually dormant with a single partner so their sexuality would improve; so in many ways a cuckold could end up having more sex with a promiscous wife than a bored one.

Also a woman will always be more sexually adventurous with a lover than a husband so she would enjoy her sex a lot more and all would be much happier in all facets of their lives.
This is not science, but pseudo-anthropological bullshit. Basically, what Gower is stating is that women are wholly superior and empowered by their vaginas...that is so not true. They are no more empowered by their vaginas than a gay man by his anus. True empowerment for the woman arrives when she shares in a relationship of equality with her one and only man. Participating in a monogamous relationship as a individual in her own right, sovereign over her own mind and body, but freely giving of herself to her man, and he to her.

Monogamous relationships are the true stable mediums by which our species survive and continue...everything else is sexual anarchy, and is by its chaotic nature...destructive. Want to end the world, bring down society? Simple, do away with marriage and monogamy, and watch the world crumble into sexual excess. Watch as women, supposedly sexually superior, are taken at the drop of a hat. No control, no say in the matter, just battered to the floor and *****. Think it far-fetched? Impossible, couldn't happen? You all need to think things through. Gower has, and knows only too well that the scenario she discusses is only able to occur in a stable society, where the woman is able to control the use of her body by men. This is how cuckoldry is able to be pursued.

It allows the women to reach out and gain her sexual fantasies, and still return to a stable environment, because ultimately, her cuck allows her to do so. Without his consent, it does not happen, she does not return to a base of stability. Who is it then who is actually superior? All masters/mistresses are only as strong as their weakest slave. Once the cuck turns round and declares emphatically NO FUCKING MORE! what happens to the fantasy then?
What becomes of her relationship, whereto does the stability go? The cuck turns and becomes the man he should be, and she is left with nought but a memory legacy of having been nothing more than a utter slut! No longer worthy of attention by any male except as a vessel in which to sexually relieve himself. Without a stable society with ethics and morals, women would return to being nothing more than chattel. If we lived by natural instinct alone, women's lives would be a hell on earth. Constantly *****, constantly pregnant, and having to fend for herself.

The problem here is that sexual fantasy is taking for granted that society will always remain stable, and that there will always be enough ethics and morals to stave off sexual anarchy. You play with that puppy at your peril.

Take two rooms, your wife in one with 10 guys and you in the other with 10 women. Only you in the room with women can have sex with them and only your wife can have sex with the men in her room. One hour later tell me how often you have had sex and how many of your women have been fucked and compare with the number of times your wife has had sex and how many of her men she has fucked. QED.

I can state quite honestly that if it were my partner and I in that situation, no one would be fucked, because my partner and I are wholly assured of our fidelity to each other. We would both have to be *****, and I for one had better not be left alive, otherwise ten guys are gonna die. However, the point you make is valid, but only in forsaking and overcoming all other physical and psychological inhibitors.

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