I was never a cuckold, willingly. But my life long friend got me interested in sharing my wife back in the early 90’s. There was no digital cameras yet, film was the only way to take pics. I had a very good Nikon and took tons of pics. I got a roll of film developed but had no way to scan them. My friend Terry had a photo scanner and offered to scan them. I was excited and ran over to his place and watched him scan all 36 pics of my trusting new wife. I didn’t think about the fact that my perverted, trusted friend had pics of my wife, fucking herself with a coke bottle. I was so horny, I thanked him profusely and left. It wasn’t three hours, when I was surfing, I got a message from Terry. He showed the pics to a serious rival of hers in the marketing business. The message was a dozen of the pics he scanned. Most were close up’s of the coke bottle abusing her pussy, but four showed her face, clearly. I freaked out, called Terry and was pissed when I complained about posting her pics, but he knew he had me.
I’ll explain more later, but he wound up talking me into getting her over to his place, dressed like in the pics. So I started asking her to help him out and unlock his computer. To avoid his advances, she wore jeans and a baggy blouse. But as life would stick it to me again, he wound up seducing her and started a two years of Terry fucking and filming my wife, while I watched on web cam. Sharon wound up going over to his place a few times a week. I was enjoying watching Terry fuck my wife in all her holes. But he decided to push my envelope and bring a friend I didn’t know into his exploitation of my innocent wife. It got so intense that Sharon would come home, very horny and want me to ear her freshly fucked pussy. Up to this point, she didn’t know I was watching on web cam. We always start off sex with oral, so when she came home horny and wanted some oral, I didn’t hesitate to eat her, but all I could think about is how I’m eating my friends cum out of my wife’s used pussy. Well as time went by, Sharon became aware that I’d been watching Terry use her for his personal slut. She was pissed for a while and would still go over to Terry’s who was loving it. But things settled down, Sharon admitted she had been enjoying most of Terry’s expiotation, except when he foresee her to fuck my hated enemy, Tom and although she hated him at first got to really liking black cock. So, Terry has won again, I accepted that Sharon enjoyed being his sex toy and even accepted that Terry and Sharon agreed that I should be in a chastity cage, I was totally against it, but finally couldn’t get Terry to get off the subject. So I was now a full fledged cuckold.
Sharon seemed to be really into cuckolding me and would insist I wear my cage when we are out, bar hopping with, Sharon dressed to fuck and Terry knowing he pretty much could have my wife do anything he wanted. Terry would have his hand up the back of my wife’s skirt, showing her bare ass to anyone standing behind them. Of course this would make my cock want to get hard, but the cage wouldn’t allow it. The place was crowed and I was getting very nervous. Terry and Sharon were whispering back and forth.when Sharron turned to leave us to go to the ladies room, but as I turned back to face the bar, Sharon moved behind me, grabbed my sweatpants, at the waste and yanked them down to my feet. Terry was looking looking at me with that “You’re my cuckold bitch and your wife is now my slave”, look, Sharon had her foot on my sweats, just like Terry did to me in gym class, when he ******* me to the girls side. I could see a couple of guys see Sharon’s stocking covered leg in high heels holding my sweats to the floor, with a “WOW, you don’t see that every day,” look on their face. It only took a second or to, grab her ankle and lift her foot off and yank my sweats up. But the guys were already telling their friends wear they saw. I couldn’t wait to get out of there. Terry and Sharon just laughed it off as just having fun.