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Teachers having sex with students

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Beloved Member
Apr 7, 2005
Is it me or the State of Iowa so far this month of Feb yesterday a teachers aid charged for having sex with a 17 year old last summer. Last week a coach fired having sex with a 16 year old the same week another coach fired for filming the boys in the junior high locker room the week before then two more teachers charged with sexual contact with students one having sex with a 14 year old girl the other trying to get in a boys pants damn or kids going to school to get educated or are they going to school to get filmed naked and felt up. I think it is getting out of hand for some reason.
That's my absolute fantasy, although, I don't have the balls to bite on a teacher lol. First of all, she could report me. I do want to graduate on time;) Maybe I'll try later.

But....from a parents view, I would feel outraged(especially if it was a male teacher having sex with a daughter! If I had a son having sex with a female teacher, I would be mad as well as congratulating him Double standards I know!)

I don't want the school system to feel like it's a pedophilia playzone. I want the feeling of knowing other than my home, my kids are safe at school. It's a good damn thing, I don't want kids lol

But, as time pass by, safety of the school zone is getting worse.
I feel the same way as my little buddy BlackYoung. A daughter is off limits, but a son? Well I'd be so mad that I would have to let her know that from now on its "father/son" night once a week baby!
For the protection of the minors, ( and I can understand this ) but I just wonder how many of these teachers have been involved with any of the black students. I think I've recently heard of one case where a white teacher was involved with a number of different black students but can't seem to find it since reading about it..

Hopefully no-one will think that I'm seeking any kiddie porn or under-age sex, but it's just something I think about when I read another story about teachers with students...
Absolutely nuts what's happening across America regarding teachers having sex with students (both female on male, male on female and same sex). It's damaging to the mental state of the youngsters and it is degrading to society when we can't feel our children are in a safe haven at school.
Oh I remember being a kid in school and trying to see under my teacher's dress even though I'm not proud of it, but that is much different than having sex with the teacher. What the fuck is wrong with the teachers that have done these horrific crimes and what do you think is going to happen to the students/victims in the next 10 - 20 years ? We ought to be ashamed of ourselves.
I agree somewhat. While I don't advocate young people having sex, I bet if you took a quick survey on this and other sites, you'll find that many people first had sex when they were like 13-16 and often its with someone older that they knew. The current witch hunt going on to lock up so-called sex offenders is seriously getting out of hand. Young boys like 16 are being arrested for having sex with 13-14yro girls. The are registered as sex offenders for life. That's utterly ridiculous. And they say these laws are to protect children, but I would wager that most young people are hurt by sex or relationships with their own peers and family members, than with the so-called predators that lurk the parks preying on children. Sure, there dangerous predators, but I don't they in any way are the number one problem. The problems is much larger than that. I don't young girls are hooking up with strangers on the internet. I do think that because we have a culture that doesn't put children first, they more easily turn to sex and drugs to fill a void in their life. So we as a country to get real about sexual culture and stop pretending we're some sort of innocent nation that is guided by so-called high sexual values.

And yeah, if a 16yro girl or boy wants to have consensual sex with his 24yro teacher, it certainly doesn't mean that they will be messed up for life. However, that kind of relationship may not be the most healthy one to engage in.
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cmeinfl` said:
For the protection of the minors, ( and I can understand this ) but I just wonder how many of these teachers have been involved with any of the black students. I think I've recently heard of one case where a white teacher was involved with a number of different black students but can't seem to find it since reading about it..

Hopefully no-one will think that I'm seeking any kiddie porn or under-age sex, but it's just something I think about when I read another story about teachers with students...

There have been several stories in recent months of white female teachers getting caught having sex with black male students. Not surprising that you can't find the article in question because usually the communities quickly sweep these things under the rug and they are never mentioned again.

Most people don't want their local school to become known as Gangbang High.

Not too long ago, Katrina Goggins did a story on one of the recent incidents where two white female teachers were caught having sex with 6 black male students.

2 White teachers charged with having sex with 6 Black students

By Katrina A. Goggins
Associated Press

CLINTON, S.C. Mar 28, 2007 — The arrest of two women teachers on charges of having sex with their male students has brought cries of lingering racism in one of South Carolina's most conservative counties and evoked some of the South's oldest and deepest-seated racial taboos.

Both women are white. The boys six in all are black.

Will & Eve said:
dunno where all these galls were when I was in high school ;)

I myself have wondered this and after some thought, I believe I figured it out, at least in my case anyway. All my education years were spent in the same small rural all white school of approx. 350+ students during the 70's & 80's in north alabama. As I recall, practically all of the teachers were older folks who were approaching retirement age. I only remember one pretty hot teacher during that time and she was in her 30's I think. It wasn't until after about the mid 80's or so, that the new, younger group of teachers were starting in the school system, replacing those who retired. With this new, younger generation of people (and the things they were ******* to during their coming of age) came all the different attitudes, values and views toward certain things, especially sex. So I guess you could say I came along too early to get in on this game. However, that's fine with me because I'd say that since I came from the generation that I did, and given the view towards race relations from that time, it makes the IR experence more enjoyable to me now, because of the taboo stigma associated with it.
picking up what rhino says, i saw that on the news the other day and was upset myself it was senseless and stupid. if that was one of my kids getting beat up i would be beyond angry, if it was one of my kids doing the beating still beyond angry i would want the police to put them in jail or prison even. should i be that harsh yes cause if they are old enough to do it then they are old enough to face the conseqences i say.
same as student teacher sexual relations if they are old enough example 17 18 or up to college then they have to face the music. i don't think its okay for them if the teacher is over 30 but younger teachers like 24 yo 26 with a 18 or 17 is okay i mean guys and gurls date that age nowadays anyway i know when i was in school i dreamed of getting it on with one or a few of my teachers
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Teachers are suppose to be role models for our youth professional people so where is the ethics in a adult teacher of 24 to what ever age engaging in sex with the students. When will society come to a reason of when to stop what is right and what is wrong. OK now two same sex can marry what is next and when will it stop. Shit some young teachers or hot but that doesn't give them the right to fuck a student it is wrong. If you're a parent and your son screws his teacher what do you say pat him on the back and nice going but if your daughter comes home carrying the teacher kid what do you say then way to go girl. It is a fuck all society now the rich fuck the poor so they get poorer so I say this stuff is wrong just as the church group in Texas with a 16 year old already having 4 kids it just isn't right.
i wasn't saying it was right just saying if they are in high school grade being 11 and 12th graders juniors and seniors. they know well that hey this is my school teacher and we prolly shouldn't be doing this. its wrong i know and if my daughter came home pregnant by a male teacher i would be upset but nothing will be handle differently if it was my son both would be talkin too an prolly other ways of punishment. why can't they just do like other teachers i know just wait till they graduate worked for some friends of mine
I am not saying teachers should fuck students. That is not what we pay them to do especially if the student is afraid the teacher will fail him or her for not putting out. I am saying we should not treat kids like they r broken or spoiled or ruined just cuz they had sex with someone older. Gullible or stupid maybe. Tell people they r victims and they will feel that way forever.
Ive gotten blasted for my opinion on this topic before, but WTH, here goes anyway. I am the father of a handsome 17 boy, soon to be an 18 yr old man. Is there any practical difference between him being 17 and him being 18? No. However the law says that he is a minor. Just as there is no difference between a 20 yr old and a 21 yr old, the law dictates that the former cannot legally drink.

Ok enough setup. My point is that no adult, male or female, is allowed to have sex with my son, period! It doesnt matter if she is "smoking hot" or if my son "seduced" her. He is a child, and she is an adult! Yes, all us boys have had fantasies of bagging a hot older woman. But, we also have fantasies of being great sport athletes. The law has to be absolute on this point, depending on what state one lives in.

What men forget is that we are reflecting our ADULT fantasies on 15-16 yr old boys. We have to protect all of our children! Once they become 18, they can screw hot teachers until their penises melt, for all I care!
This stuff has been going on for hundreds of years if you can believe the history books.
Under-age kids are having sex with under-age kids out of curioisty. Sex is everywhere on the television and Internet.

It is very important for all adults to leave under-age kids alone. Age of consent varies from country to country, state to state, but the underlying reason is protect children.

Teachers are in a position of Trust. The should not have any form of intimacy with a student under 21.
i fail to mention i am a father of 3 1 boy and 2 girls. at the tender age of 11 10 and 9. now say 5 years from now my oldest comes to me and say he is sleeping with a teacher i would have to stop it right there, simply cause thats just wrong he is still a kid but in high school say junior, or senior he is free to do what he wants and make his own decisions. to say that its not okay to drink at 20 and drink at 21 is the law but if your kid is 18 and the girl he is crazy about is 20 your not going to let him or her date that 20 yr old cause of 2 years or even 4 yrs? some of us in here can say no its not okay but those are the very ones where the husband is 4 or 6 yrs older than the wife or vice a versa. what i am sayin is if they are "legal' it should be fine, and now there are 2 legal ages cause at 18 u can buy ciggarettes and at 21 u can buy alcohol, so thats where the decision comes in it at. i hope i didn't confuse anyone but that is my opinion on this.
And you people are surprised by this? Everything in our culture glorifies sex and encourages us to indulge... TV, movies, music, video games, the internet... look at where your reading this post, for Pete's sake! We give special rights to homosexuals, for no other reason than that they ARE homosexual, and you expect people with every other flavor of kink just to pack it in and not act on those desires? Pedophiles and polygamists are coming out of the woodwork, and soon the dog and pony crowd will too. How many of you would have expressed your interest in something as "innocent" as IR sex, even just a few years ago? The way we're going, we'll soon be longingly looking back to the good old days when all we had to worry about was teenage boys with over active hormones screwing their teachers.

Fact is, if you want to stop this thing you need to shut off your internet, throw out the TV, and have your kids in church everytime the door is open, just like they did before the sexual revolution happened. Hmmm... maybe you'd rather just look the other way while Junior gets his education!?! Goes with the territory in a sexually "open" society. I suppose it really shouldn't happen, but I suppose I shouldn't be pulling my dick in front of a computer screen either.
I think that the laws of a country should be respected.
Teachers are told not to have sex with students and what the penalties are.

I acknowledge that the temptations for teachers are enormous now that young people wear more revealing clothes and discuss more intimate topics, but parents need to feel confident that they can trust teachers.

It is never right to have under-age sex.
My math teacher in HS (male) was a real charmer and I among others who were rather promiscious in school were on his "hit list". I dont think he had sex with anyone of the others, nor me, but he was constantly touching, albeit in innocent places. Its difficult for a teen, especally one who is no longer a virgin, to resist a person like that. Perhaps he scored eventually.
As a follow up to Susan, I am a teacher and can tell you that teenaged girls today are pretty sexual- I've been hit on more times than I can count- it is flattering but dangerous
Rhino said:
Yea i got a copy of that book too. I have to agree. Our society is obsessed with sex but does not treat it with respect. O right....not talking about it is supposed to be treating it with respect. No wonder a lot of women r disappointed by guys so often.

Yeah, it's really weird how sex is dealt with in this country. I can't understand why so many people doing all kinds sexual activity behind close doors, but yet go along with so many damn laws that restrict various forms of sexual behavior. Like not I'm advocating sex with children, but I just read yesterday about a woman who was arrested for meeting another woman and her 13 year-old son for sex. All three got ******* by a neighbor. Now there could be more to the story than that, but basically you can't tell me that a 13 yro boy is going to be all that hurt and emotionally undone because he has sex with an older female, whom I think was not older 25. Again, I'm not saying it's necessarily right, but dang, what happened to privacy. The authorities want to treat the 13yro boy like "child" but if goes off and shoots someone, all of a sudden he's old enough to be charged as an adult. You see what i mean? It's mixed up.
It's wrong. It's terrible. It's disgusting. But it is so incredibly hot. White teacher, aggressive black f teen. Wow. My fantasy. -- Lisa

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