Lots of hot girls getting fucked by male dancers at Gentlemen’s Review Clubs in this segment of photos.. I’ve been to a few bachelorette parties before where we’ve taken the bride-to-be to a male review but although I’ve never seen any of our group ever have sex with any of the dancers, I did notice that all of them partially swarmed the black dancers. There was one bachelorette
I knew very well that disappeared to a private room with one of the black dancers for about an hour and although she told everyone that she just gave him a blowjob, we just know the black guy fucked her. Even though she divorced the white husband she married, shortly after the divorce, she started dating black guys and is presently living with a black guy.. but she still swears the black guy didn’t fuck her that one night.. My personal feeling were that the black dancer really turned her onto black cock and stayed on her mind for the very short period of time she was married to the white guy.