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So why is it?

  • Thread starterDark-Spectre
  • Start date
Ohhhhhhhh SOO RIGHT ON!!

So VERY VERY VERY RIGHT ON! Sup, Sapenin, U wan Fuk, I'll Bust ya guts, ruin ya etc etc etc are Mongoloid idiot, missing link, Chimpanzee clone, Moron opening lines foisted off by morons with NO clue how to approach a female and yet they wonder at why they get NO response. These 4th grade boys First Wet Dream parlor magots are WHY so FEW REAL females come here anymore and the VERY reason the site is CRAWLING with Males posing as females! Well said, Sir...VERY well said!!

rebel_mindset said:
One of the reasons my wife doesn't post much (here, or anywhere else) anymore is because she got fed up with the overwhelming majority of guys who think that "wat up?" or "u suck dick?" is a compelling opening line. She's had no shortage of black guys to play with over the last few years, but there's no telling how many have missed out because they had no clue about making an initial impression.
I am going to keep it simple, any way I can get safe, hot, white pussy, I am happy. I have been with 3 wivies from here, and I am working on another right now. So, I don't care about the why.

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