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So close yet so far away

  • Thread starterspeedlimitgazi
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Beloved Member
Apr 25, 2009
I was reading this excellent post thanks to whoever bumped it up - http://www.cuckolds.com/forums/general-cuckoldry/455-how-get-your-wife-fuck-other-men.html and was thinking that this is a very interesting and informative thread. I’m no expert on the ways in which men go about getting their wives to become sluts, hotwives, cuckoldress’ or whatever, but the logic of the OP seems spot on to me. I would have said that a woman either is that way, or isn’t, and is not likely to change her perspective on her sexuality one way or another. Perhaps though, some are that way and only need some positive reinforcement to allow it to come out. Or maybe there are other factors that allow normally faithful and traditionally monogamous women to turn ***** (although I am convinced that if a woman is not already predisposed to that sort of behavior there is little chance of her ripening up).

This has me thinking about what stage my wife might be at in her progression towards full-fledged slut. For a while now I’ve sensed that she is just on the cusp of becoming a totally unabashed ***** but something still seems to be holding her back.

She certainly has it in her, I made sure of that from the very beginning, as I’ve never been someone who had any interest in a vanilla relationship. Though for the most part on the surface she presents herself as what polite society would deem “respectable” (what I would call prude), she has a far more deviant side to her that only becomes evident either when intoxicated or during sex. When I first met her I thought she might be way too vanilla for my taste but I soon found out that one of her co-workers was the cousin of a good friend of mine, and from him I learned that it had been open season on her around the office for quite some time. Now THAT is my kind of girl, I thought – I’ve always gone for the slutty ones, even though past girlfriends had been far more outwardly *****-ish than her - I thought a little discretion might not be such a bad thing. As I am finding out though, her inner slut is extremely passive-aggressive. And call me odd, but it’s becoming rather annoying. Luckily I’m a patient man.

In the beginning she did her best to hide it. She adamantly rejected any insinuation that she was anything but a pure innocent little angel, which we now both find laughable. The sex was very plain, and yet her sex drive was insatiable. So insatiable that she would often get angry and start huge fights with me whenever I didn’t want to fuck her.

Often she would accuse me of cheating on her because after all if I’m not fucking her I must be fucking someone else right? (That was her logic). THIS statement by her is KEY, because is it not true that when one has a guilty conscience they often project that guilt onto others? When someone accuses you of something that you are not doing it can be a sign that they themselves are doing what they accuse you of - her words – remember that for now because it becomes relevant later.

I failed miserably at communicating to her that the reason for my growing lack of interest in sex was her lack of kink, energy and seduction. As it turned out I never needed to relay that message because as the spells between our rare sexual encounters grew longer and longer apart she became all the more aggressive, and kinky. At times I was practically being *****! The menu opened up vastly – anal is her favorite orgasm, swallowing cum, facials, hair pulling, spanking, being called dirty names – her penchant for rough and kinky sex became transparent as time went by. And my interest went up needless to say, but I soon found myself over sexed to the point where I was avoiding it at all costs. I never thought it possible but I was just getting TOO much. And so our sex life began to wane once again and she became extremely bitter about it.

Now there is a difference between being a “slut in the bedroom” and just being a slut. The first is exclusive and the latter is not. I know that my wife is, in effect, both, but I wonder just how long she has been the latter of the two. Recent developments have made me realize it may have been right under my nose all along.

My wife would on occasion get extremely ***** and end up kissing someone at a bar or club. She would show a little recourse here and there but mostly just blame it on the liquor. I have never discouraged this even slightly. In fact I have always encouraged her and flat out told her in the past that she can do far more than that if she chooses, just so long as there are no secrets and no lies. She says she wouldn’t want to do that, then she changes her tune and begins to ponder the idea, and then backpedals again, and ultimately claims that she really only wants to have sex with me…yeah right.

Most recently we went through a long sexless spell, I’m talking maybe 3 or 4 times in a period of a year. We fought constantly, argued about every stupid little thing, typical marriage on the rocks. During that time, I ended up cheating on her a handful of times over the course of about a month and half, which was only about 4 or 5 months ago. I regretted it even before it was revealed. And when she found out, needless to say it was nearly the end of our marriage, but we ended up reconciling and agreeing to try and work things out.

That’s when she dropped her own news on me – I wasn’t the only one who’d had some indiscretions! And this revelation came not at the moment when we were supposed to be fessing up to everything under the premise that whatever was admitted to at the time could be forgiven and forgotten, but an entire month later. Considering I had to make confessions of the same nature I’ve no idea the reason for her hesitation in confessing to her own infidelity.

The first thing she admitted to dated back almost 2 years ago, and involved another woman who was the ex-girlfriend of a friend of mine. This wasn’t totally shocking as it wasn’t much of a secret that this girl had a thing for my wife. Apparently one night after a night of clubbing and drinking they ended up kissing in the bar and later eating each other out, and whatever else happened “she doesn’t remember” (“I don’t remember”, I have found, is her way of saying she doesn’t want to tell me). How did it happen? According to her – after making out with this girl at the bar the girl told her she wanted to eat her pussy and while my wife claims she had no intention of going that far she went back to her place and then - “I don’t know… it just happened”. This is what I mean by her slutty side being passive-aggressive – she knows what the girl wants, claims she does not want that, yet puts herself in a perfect position for it to happen.
Then came a flurry of confessions regarding her loose lips and a large number of people she had made out with at bars and clubs, men and women alike, which included my best friend on several occasions, and the exact number of times this happened with strangers or familiar faces “she doesn’t remember”. How does this keep happening? Her answer – “I don’t know, it just happens.”

Next was a story of how one night while at a reggae concert with her friends, she suddenly had the urge to “do something freaky with a stranger”. She found a suitably attractive stranger and a lot of kissing and grinding and touching was happening on the dance floor at which point she says se got cold feet and backed him off. Undeterred, the stranger asked her to go outside with him for a smoke. So she tells her friends she forgot one of her make-up items in her car and is going to be right back (why would she bother lying to her friends who encourage her to cheat anyway?) but rather than standing in front of the club in the smoking area, this guy insists they go to the alley behind the club, to which she readily agrees… all the while she SWEARS she did not intend for anything to happen because she “felt guilty.” The result was he ate her pussy back in that alley and she gave him a hand job. I asked if she was sure that was all that happened to which she replies “that’s all I remember”. So she didn’t expect anything to happen… yet knowing what he wants, she goes back to a quiet dark alley behind the club where there are no other people around to “smoke”…passive-aggressive slut.

In another instance, her friend and two guys who were acquaintances of her friend were driving back to her friends place after going out and she let one of the guys eat her pussy in the back of the car, again “I don’t know how it happened, it just happened”. I remember this night because I later had to drive clear across the city to pick her up from one of these guys house because her friend didn’t want to leave to bring her home. When I pulled up I recall finding her sitting on the front steps with the man who ate her out, smoking, with her skirt damn near up to her waist and him giving her a very long and touchy feely hug goodbye. When I asked about him and the situation of her skirt she insisted it was nothing and that I was acting jealous. I reminded her I am not a jealous person I just want to hear the truth and I am more than okay with whatever choices she makes, but she stuck to her story until now.

Next came the time she was at her best friends house after the bar along with her friends husband and his brother. The brother had been hitting on her all night long and she had already kissed him a few times while at the bar. Her friend and the husband decide they have to go to the store for something, an obvious set up for her to be alone with the brother who clearly wants to fuck her, though she claims not to realize this. He invites her into his bedroom and she willingly goes, swearing she expected nothing to happen (sound familiar). When he made advances on her she says she tried to leave but he wouldn’t let her and kept blocking the door. Ultimately he got her naked, finger fucked her and when she refused to go any further than that, she allowed him to jack off on her tits to satisfy him. She did this she claims, so that he would let her leave the room. I don’t buy that because I have watched her go ape shit on guys for no reason other than they stared at her for too long. If she had truly been “******” she would have been hysterical. She thought nothing of it. Does a faithful woman go into another mans bedroom alone with him under any circumstances? No. Here again I see the passive-aggressive *****.

After swearing repeatedly that this was all she had to tell and me continuing to pry for more information she gave up another one, which she had previously claimed not to remember. Another guy who was an acquaintance of her friend had given her his number on a previous night out. One Sunday afternoon she called him up and went over to his house…but she expected nothing sexual…yeah and pigs fly…she just wanted some company. Coincidently I was home that day and we were getting along very well at this point…company? Pffffft. Passive-aggressive is still the theme here. This guy got her naked on his couch, ate her pussy, fingered her, and she jacked him off onto her tits. And naturally…”It just happened”…the same way it always does.

She was very adamant about the fact that she’d never let anyone fuck her nor had she ever sucked anyone’s cock. She said that would have felt too much like cheating (apparently getting her pussy eaten or having men jack off on her tits doesn’t qualify…). And then she told me, honestly, that if she had let them fuck her that she feared she probably would never get herself to stop fucking other men. I told her that wasn’t such a bad thing, only the lying and secrecy was bad. She didn’t disagree.

I have no doubt there are many more stories that are being left untold. She insists that I should have known. This is when she reminded me of how she’d always accused me of cheating for so many years (and she had been dead wrong up until the incident a few months ago) and that it should have been the tell tale sign that it was SHE who had been fucking around. Hearing her say that leads me to believe that this has been going on far longer then she is admitting to. When I ask if she has really told me everything she says “that’s all I can remember”.

She has sworn that no matter what, from now on, she will tell me everything that happens, and I have assured her she can do so with no anger on my part. I have told her to fuck who she wants, just share the pleasure with me by telling me about it. She says it won’t happen anymore, but she admits that she is in fact a ***** and has always had tendencies to be unfaithful. She is no longer shy about saying she’s a ***** because I’ve turned it into somewhat of a term of endearment between us. And ever since I’ve found out about all of these things she’s done I’ve been fucking her senseless day in and day out, reminding her of what a ***** and slut she is during our sex which she really gets off on. So she says she wants only me…but I feel her desire to be a slut…only her words dispute it, everything else points the other direction, including the new found realization that she is passive-aggressively putting herself in these adulterous situations on purpose.

I just wish I knew what was holding her back from fully putting it out there and giving into whatever sexual whims she has. It definitely isn’t me, I have given her the green light from day one. It would just be nice to cut through the pretense and just have her be the ***** she truly is. I have no reason to doubt that we would BOTH be happier that way. I love her being a slut, and she no doubt loves to explore and live in the moment, but still, we are not there yet for reasons i do not know.....

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