Jake has hit on about the only way to truly make it smaller. If you just want it to look smaller then gain a bunch of weight, or my preference, wear tight panties.
i like watching her with bigger guys, like being 'too small'... im pretty average in size though, not small @ all.... i wish it would just shrink sometimes! haha
I think I can understand this. I see it as if you are average then a woman can say she likes it and doesnt need any big ones in her life. But if youre really small then there's mote chance of her being honest and saying shed like to feel a bigger one. Hey, we all want what we ain't got right? For years when I was younger I wished I had a huge cock. Now I'm cool with the fact most women never came on mine and get off on the humiliation of that. So if it shrank I'd be happy I think. Sounds crazy but hey. One day when I'm old and useless downstairs, maybe the missus will finally take another man.
If I could just figure out a way to prevent an erection, but still have the same urges as I have now, that would be the key. It won't matter about size if I can't get it up.
I have an extremely tiny dick when it is soft. It is just under average in length, 5" when hard and just thinner than average when hard.
But when fully flacid, it barely sticks out the pubic hairs.
None of the herbal remedies posted on here prevent me from having an erection. Best bet for me is to masturbate, then no boner for a few days, unless I masturbate.
Once I cum, it won't get erect on it's own without stimulation.
Your penis grows bigger if it is surrounded by hot air, smaller if the air is COOLER. It is a mechanism to help keep the sperm alive.
Sit in a cold bath until your dick goes white and small, then use ice blocks if it gets too warm (and bigger). Then accidentally flash your "wee tiger" in front of other guys/gals and watch the amused look on their faces. They will feel so sorry for what you wife has to "manage on, and might offer their services FREE.
Wear clothing that does not hold the heat in the pelvis area (unless it is winter).
If you are serious you can try a legal drug that is designed to bind active testosterone in the body, as it does it will reduce your erection size etc. Its normal use is for men suffering from BPH (Benign Prostate Hypertrophy) it is similar in a small way to chemical castration so start at 5Mg per day and gradually increase until your erections are smaller, less frequent or non existent as you wish! It is called Fineasteride, and comes in 5Mg tablets.
The only way it will shrink is by not having any erections over a long time like a year or so. Androcur is one way of doing it and it can be ordered over the internet. It blocks testosterone and takes away erections and all sexual desires. I have tried it for shorter periods and i liked it. But if it shrinks it will never increase in size again.
shrinking and not increasing in size is what i want! but, i want frequent ererctions too! pm me your experience with this drug??? what kind of a 'loss' can i expect?