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Should I just get out or should I do a revenge fuck

  • Thread starters.belle88
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New around here...
Beloved Member
Mar 15, 2008
I'm only 20! We've only been married for a year, but I've caught him with my best friend in our bed! He says "It was a mistake... She meant nothing to me... blah blah blah...". I don't buy it for a second. I'm definitely leaving him, but I want him to suffer, and I know this bigot prick would suffer if he knew his wife was with a black man... or better yet, men! Of course, I told him that I forgive him, but I just really need time to talk with lawyers to make sure this fucker pays for what he did to me.

He is the quintessential "redneck". His pickup truck horn sounds out "Dixie". He has a ton of southern cross confederate flags. He complains about "fucking n-word's" constantly, and blames black people for everything bad that happens to him. If I even talk to a black man, his ears turn a bright red and he bawls me out.

I dated a black man that my husband doesn't know about before I we met, and I really enjoyed it. I had hoped to talk him into a threesome before I knew how he felt. But, now the problem. I want him to find out that his wife is being unfaithful with black men, but he can't use it against me in the divorce court. I'd love to have some ideas from this group. Maybe I should just forget it and leave him... Thoughts?
Go for it....

Do both...get the revenge fuck and get out...make sure you leave plenty of pictures or video...I assume you're here in the Deep Dark South...if you're near Alabama...let me know, I'll be happy to help

s.belle88 said:
I'm only 20! We've only been married for a year, but I've caught him with my best friend in our bed! He says "It was a mistake... She meant nothing to me... blah blah blah...". I don't buy it for a second. I'm definitely leaving him, but I want him to suffer, and I know this bigot prick would suffer if he knew his wife was with a black man... or better yet, men! Of course, I told him that I forgive him, but I just really need time to talk with lawyers to make sure this fucker pays for what he did to me.

He is the quintessential "redneck". His pickup truck horn sounds out "Dixie". He has a ton of southern cross confederate flags. He complains about "fucking n-word's" constantly, and blames black people for everything bad that happens to him. If I even talk to a black man, his ears turn a bright red and he bawls me out.

I dated a black man that my husband doesn't know about before I we met, and I really enjoyed it. I had hoped to talk him into a threesome before I knew how he felt. But, now the problem. I want him to find out that his wife is being unfaithful with black men, but he can't use it against me in the divorce court. I'd love to have some ideas from this group. Maybe I should just forget it and leave him... Thoughts?

since you have decided to divorce him......there is NO way you can go to a lawyer and THEN get a revenge fuck that wont/cant be used against you in the suggestion, get your lawyer started..get the divorce..take every dime he has ...THEN have an 'after divorce' gangbang with black men.....and send him a might not b quite as 'sweet' a revenge...but it will give the asshole an ulcer.....get your "revenge" after u get everything he owns...
I agree with doc. Get the divorce first even tho we all know it could take forever then send him a hot tape AND a letter telling him about your past.

If course if u can get some action in the meantime with him finding out...someplace out of town would be best...go for it.

1. How well do you know your husband? Is he prone to violence? If you have the slightest indication that this is so, make sure to take precautions before moving along with revenge-fucking plans. It may take more time, but revenge is best served cold anyway.

2. Can divorce proceedings be reopened in the US? That is, if you 'take him for every dime', and afterwards a video of you getting your freak on with a black guy appears, can he use it to get his money back?

3. In any case, a couple of suggestions for the revenge fuck:

a) Choose your partner(s) carefully. Beside the obvious (his tests for disease so that you can go bareback); if your hubby has some particular insecurities/deficiencies, find partners who has got in spades what your hubby has little or less of.

Cock size is the obvious first choice (if you can handle big cock or at least fake enjoyment well), but by no means the only one - the more insecurities kicked the better. Athletic build, handsome face, money...some people actually handle the latter least well, and by the sound of your hubby, he might qualify: "blames black people for everything bad that happens to him". If you can't find BBC who also has got money and is willing to spend a little on what is, after all, your revenge fantasy, you can always consider spending a little of the divorce money on a staged show (hiring a limo, fancy hotel room, etc...more on that later).

More importantly than all the above, however, is to find a guy with the right attitude (more on that later as well).

b) In order to be a really good revenge, there needs to be a video tape that can eventually get into your hubby's hands, to boil him good. This assumes that you've considered and are ready to accept the possible reputation fallout for yourself in this matter (if you're not, all of this post will be pointless for you, only good for wives who aim to really satisfy the anger coursing through their veins - 'Hell hath no fury...' and all that).

Now, one thing many women do wrong when it comes to revenge, is their need to let hubby know that they are exacting revenge on him, i.e. "You fucked my best friend, now I'm getting back at you, bastard!" Perhaps understandable, but it may serve to take off some of the edge for him - "She's just doing it because she's mad at me." Consider letting the black guy(s) be the narrative for the video, and letting them be the ones to send the video off! If your hubby will be angry for you exacting revenge on him, he'll be having an apoplexy over some black guys taunting him (more on that later). Here it would help to have found a guy with the right attitude, as mentioned earlier, someone on the dominant side, who really enjoys the idea of taking someones wife against their will.

Moreover, if you can manage it so that the timing of the event is ambiguous (it may have occurred before you got wind of his adultery), then all for the better. Nothing that proves one way or the other, just...ambiguity. (this holds extra if divorce proceedings can be reopened, see above)

c) You may consider sending the video to someone close to him, instead of directly to him. If you send it directly only to him, he may choose to turn it off in anger after a few seconds, leaving the rest of the steaming 4-hour sex session lamentably unwatched. If you send it to friends and/or co-workers of his (particularly some rival of his would be good) he would have to watch it all just to confirm whether every twisted rumor about it is true!

d) Keep it cool during divorce proceedings. Don't let your anger show, just tell him coolly that he broke your trust, and because of this you can't stay married to him. If your attitude (after his seeing the revenge fucking) seems hypocritical to him, then all for the better - this will serve to make him angrier still.

f) Suggestion for a possible revenge-fuck scenario:

You've quietly allied yourself with two BBC carriers who are totally into your idea. You've test run them for both sex and filming (and sex and filming together) so that you know things will go smoothly for the grand finale.

You've invested in hiring a fancy limo, a fancy hotel suite, the best camera you can lay your hands on (NB: no date information on the film), and other necessary props (suits, uniforms etc).

For yourself, hair-do, choice of clothing, etc. could be slightly on the conservative side but sexy, but above all in keeping with how you looked while you were married to him! See above regarding ambiguity. If you've got sexy CFM boots, consider wearing them (this has got nothing to do with anything, that's just my particular fetish creeping in - but boots are sexy!)

First scene: Uniformed black driver and "rich" black playboy driving in a limo (camera in hands of playboy), talking about this cute, white girl playboy's got a date with, and that they're about to pick up. Details should be sparse in order to preserve ambiguity, but if you can slip in some public place near where you live or have recently been, where playboy and you supposedly met, it would be a nice touch.

Limo stops to pick you up. Camera swoops over your body and playboy gives you a compliment, which you smilingly receive and thank him for. He prods you to tell a little about yourself, and you offer some sparse details. He asks you if you've ever been with a black guy before, and after a little hesitation (smile shyly, bite your lip, or whatever) you confess that you do, back in 200...5(?). He asks if it was nice, and you nod. You tell him that you're not with him anymore, however. "Settled for a white boy, eh?" he asks, to which you shrug uncomfortably.

Limo stops shortly afterwards, camera handed over to limo driver, before you and playboy step out of the car. Limo driver fixes camera on your receding backs, as you go hand in hand towards restaurant, zoom in on your ass with approving comments on how that ass is going to be majorly tapped tonight etc. Camera off!

Camera on, step into limo, drive off to hotel room while playboy films. You're obviously having a good time, but not *****. At the hotel, you two go up for a 'night cap', and invite limo driver with you. Into hotel room, you put up some token resistance because you're a 'good girl', but in the end you of course break down. Playboy takes his time with you, as limo driver films (again, my personal preferrence would be you in CFM boots but otherwise naked by now). Faking or real, orgasms should be coming hard and fast. If faking, try to sound different than with your hubby (making him doubt his own prowess).

Throw in a few "You're so much better than him!", "Make me pregnant!", and the like, and you've got it made. Limo driver is invited in while playboy takes a rest, together you spend hours fucking.

Last scene: You're apparently asleep on the bed, exhausted. Limo driver films as playboy ruffles through your purse, where he finally finds an old, crumpled picture of you and hubby in happier days. Much laughing and taunting of the 'asshole' hubby ensues. Video ends.


Now, of course, there is something to be said for simplicity. You might also make him so angry that he'll come after you for some violent payback, so perhaps it would be best to not go there. But I might at least have given you some good revenge fantasy to which you can wank out some frustration, I dunno. Take it for what it's worth. :p
Follow Doc's advise EXCEPT sending the tape. Film is FOREVER baby. Instead, make a point to run in to him somewhere while being escorted by a Black men. Then tell him BIG the Brotha's dick is and how the Brotha fucks you better than he ever did.

I think you should fuck the men or man you want... just when its about to end.... telll him ur fucking like a ***** in a hotel with black men and he can come over .

After the divorice have a tape made of you fucking black guys but don't show your face Tell him how you love BBC and how his dick was a real disappointment. That way he can not pass it around and prove it is you LOL.
move on already...fuck for your'e own pleasure not for stupid ass revenge reasons. if he isnt worthy of you, dont waste another breath or thought on him, trust me youre revenge wont really make u feel any better in the long run, and can only cause more problems. If or when he finds out, well he will know what he has lost, and to whom. then you can rub it in, but it wont be necessary.
and what's up with that supposed best friend of your'es? sounds like she needs some payback if anything.
In most states you have to be married a considerable amount of time (like 10 years) before you can "take all his money". If he was the primary income in the marriage, the judge may award a few months of enough money to make a rent payment, but don't expect a whole bunch more. Cheating is not really a bid deal to judges these days, we're well beyond the 80's.

Id say contact a lawyer, once he receives his papers, then have a 4 or 5 guy BBC gangbang, and intentionally set it up so he walks in on the action. *OR* setup the gangbang, get all sweaty, make sure you get 2 of the biggest BBC's to do a vag DP. Go home and fuck him right away and let him feel how loosened up you are. It will feel like he's putting his dick into a bowl of pudding!LOL
You have options:-

Stay married and have threesomes in the hot tub with your best friend (FMF). that way you will eventually learn the truth of how she got his pants down round his ankles.

You could turn hubby into a cuckold over time to get your revenge. Slowly get him to do things for you in order to get sex, subtle at first but gaining momentum.

You could get divorced and go through many years of emotional turmoil of what you did wrong to push your husband away, or what he did to cheat on you, or what your best friend did to seduce him.

However, getting even does not always bring you the satisfaction you seek bcause he can go fuck dozens of other women if he is single again.

If he stays married to you, his love life will be restricted to the fucks he gets from you. If you divorce him, you kinda reward him with all the skirt he can get into his bed.

Inside a marriage there can be lots of temptations from others who think you are pretty but are not able to tell you that because they fear the wrath of the Ten Commandments about coveting your neighbour's wife.

Adultery can tear your heart out, but you need to get to the bottom of what happened to cause it. Even the Lady running for President was able to forgive her man even though she suffered immense humiliation as the details of Monica were in every news bulleting for months and months.

Only you know whether the love in your heart for your husband on your wedding day was deep enough to carry you both through every setback your life will face.

It is sad that it might all be coming to an end so soon after only 300 odd days sleeping with your husband.

I hope you have not lost your best friend, but being single again is not for everyone - it can be lonely and full of heartbreak EVEN IF IT WAS NOT YOUR FAULT.

If you stay married, you can cut his sex life back or give him a lot more. You could fuck a dozen guys behind his back.

If you do the adultery way, then I hope yu truly enjoy the experience, but be ever so careful because guys usually have a few mates around town who might just see you getting into a car with a guy who has "lover" written all over his face.
s.belle88 said:
I'm only 20! We've only been married for a year, but I've caught him with my best friend in our bed! He says "It was a mistake... She meant nothing to me... blah blah blah...". I don't buy it for a second. I'm definitely leaving him, but I want him to suffer, and I know this bigot prick would suffer if he knew his wife was with a black man... or better yet, men! Of course, I told him that I forgive him, but I just really need time to talk with lawyers to make sure this fucker pays for what he did to me.

He is the quintessential "redneck". His pickup truck horn sounds out "Dixie". He has a ton of southern cross confederate flags. He complains about "fucking n-word's" constantly, and blames black people for everything bad that happens to him. If I even talk to a black man, his ears turn a bright red and he bawls me out.

I dated a black man that my husband doesn't know about before I we met, and I really enjoyed it. I had hoped to talk him into a threesome before I knew how he felt. But, now the problem. I want him to find out that his wife is being unfaithful with black men, but he can't use it against me in the divorce court. I'd love to have some ideas from this group. Maybe I should just forget it and leave him... Thoughts?

Just leave him easy, try not to get too emotional about it,,,,,,,get over to the dark side and let him heard about it thur the grape vine,,,,,,when he call sto find out be friendly and let him know how much your black man is stroking that white pussy of yours and you never would of found out if it was not for his cheating.....then thank him for turning you into a black cock already know you would be happier with a black man anyway,,,please yourself for now.

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