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Should I do porn or not?

  • Thread starterjessica362435
  • Start date
Will & Eve said:

How classic is it that on a board that LIVES and BREATHS on the back of pornographic images we have folks shaking there finger at the idea of a girl doing porn like some knck-off version of "The Church Lady"?

Seriously ! Fucking RIOT!!

Now, understand, this could very easily be a fake - we all could to one degree or another.



If there were no girls who would "sully themselves" to appear in porn there would be on boards like this one anywhere on line.

What kind of fucking double standard is it to look long and hard at hundreds of anonomus "Hos" and yet stand up on the soapbox and moralize when some woman asks should she do it to?


Oh, but you say, a lot of these women are doing this for fun, not getting paid!

Sure, i'm sure they are - do you know WHICH ones?

If not, then YOU are enjoying carnal pleasure at the expense of some ***** - BY YOUR OWN REASONING.

And who's to say that the woman who gets paid to fuck in front of a camera isn't having fun anyway? Is it somehow wrong to get paid for doing what you love?
If so we need to ban all professional sports, don't we?

Now, I am dead certain there are strippers, whores, and porn actresses out there who are flat out victims who would walk away in a nanosecond if they could get out, whatever their original intent might have been.

But I am equally certain there are whores, strippers, and porn actresses who do it because they have found a happy marriage of doing what they love and getting some fool to pay them to do it....no more or less than any ball player.

And every single time a porn shot gets posted on a site like this and people like us look at them, we throw another log on that fire.

You thing this chick would somehow degrade herself doing porn? Would be making a lesser choice than "honorable" folks who go to college and jump into the rat race?

Then you have only one choice, if you are to be intellectually consistant - leave this site, and every one like it, and never come back. If it ain't right for her to make it, it sure as hell ain't right for you to look at it.

/thus endeth the rant.

If you read my post again you will see I said I have nothing against ************ - everything on the web is a form of ************ if someone pays for it, including access to sites such as this. I was merely suggesting that this was not the best site for informed advice as she was very unlikely to get a negative response. If she wants advice about wether she should do porn or not, I still maintain this is not the best place to come
Should you do porn back to the start. No it will come back and bite you in the ass in years to come. Just enjoy yourself.
To all u haters, FCK U! THATS Right i come home to hear my boo cryin n shit because some of u dum fcken wht bois or wannabe said sum shit about this or that about my boo. FCK U! can't belive that she just ask a question and people slamming her. and u know who u r. U fcked for the rest now, i was going to let my boo put up sum new pics of what we do n how sexy she looks, but u fck it. thats right its done. I'm going to take my shit w her and do it n gonna make sum $$$ w her. that said, to all my brothers let me tell u sumthin, sumthin bout my boo. shes a straight up hottie n better yet she a fckn wild cat n bed, thats right. she has the tightest little pussy ever n she cums hard on a man cock. n when she sucks on yer dick n looks at u, u know. she also nver don it w other brothers n she nver done it in gb style she going to luv it. dancing, strippen n doing prv partys for ya. so when i get all the shit setup why not join, there is a price, but yer going to luv it. .So holla back at yer boy. leave me a message or email or sumen so we can talk. Oh yeah, fck all u haters for makin my boo cry. Peace!
Damn People. I never met Jess but have chatted with her corresponded and interacted with her seperately and previously (not on DC) to this forum. I have no reason to think she is a fake, nor underage, AND NOR SHOULD ANY OF YOU! she is a very sensitive girl, but as sweet as can be..her Black BF is very lucky to have her (I'm even envious dude).

Its amazing to read some of youre comments on this. Let people do what they want if it isnt bothering anyone, and is legal. Why cant some of you just be tolerant of people having other desires/interests/kinks..whatever than you all may have. Look yourselves in the mirror.

Go for it Jess! you know how to reach me babe! Lance

I wanted to say I'm apologize for what ever my boyfriend just said, if he insulted anybody I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to cause any drama by asking a simple question on this post, he is just mad right now and he didn't mean anything. So sorry.

jess neither you need be so emotional

no matter what you post on here...you gonna get positive and negative responses...thats what makes this a forum...and everyone gets to voice there opinion.... you shouldnt take anything to heart bout what someone thinks of you or youre fantasy. youre man just sticking up for his girl, and i respect that, but dont sweat it baby...and dont be afraid to post things cause of some of these people with there closed minded views.
Re: Prove you are for real

jessica362435 said:
I wanted to say I'm apologize for what ever my boyfriend just said, if he insulted anybody I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to cause any drama by asking a simple question on this post, he is just mad right now and he didn't mean anything. So sorry.


The more I read from "Jessica" the harder I laugh. Now some idiot (I am sure the same person) acts like he is her boyfriend writing a hot letter to all who have had something to say on this subject. Even the bad spelling from "him" was funny. Come on again "Jessica" I challenge you to post a picture while holding a sign that says Dark Cavern Forum and prove once and for all that this is not a bunch of bullshit. If you do then we all will say we are sorry. If not we know how fake your post is.
The more I read from "Jessica" the harder I laugh.

Actually, you have to admit this started out as a fair-good attempt. A little transparent in the first post, nice volley ... unfortunately, he/she/it went too far:

I'm going to take my shit w her and do it n gonna make sum $$$ w her. that said, to all my brothers let me tell u sumthin, sumthin bout my boo. shes a straight up hottie n better yet she a fckn wild cat n bed, thats right. she has the tightest little pussy ever n she cums hard on a man cock. n when she sucks on yer dick n looks at u, u know. she also nver don it w other brothers n she nver done it in gb style she going to luv it. dancing, strippen n doing prv partys for ya. so when i get all the shit setup why not join, there is a price, but yer going to luv it. .So holla back at yer boy. leave me a message or email or sumen so we can talk. Oh yeah, fck all u haters for makin my boo cry. Peace!

Sorta puts the lie to the whole "wonderful bf with great parents" theme, right? Lemme guess, they taught him to ***** girls out? (I know, entertainment isn't whoring, but "he" is talking about a different kind of entertainment. He'll take of his little "boo" alright ... and so will all his other homies!! Sho 'nuff.)

Such potential spank material, wasted. What a shame.


Don't Apologize for anything - Your Right!

jessica362435 said:
I wanted to say I'm apologize for what ever my boyfriend just said, if he insulted anybody I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to cause any drama by asking a simple question on this post, he is just mad right now and he didn't mean anything. So sorry.


You dont need to apologize fro anything you or your boyfreind said. You have every right to do this if you want... and your boyfriend has every right to be pissed off with all the ass wholes in here who say dump shit and hurt others. I thought it was good sign your boyfriend stepped up and told them off. Wish he could do more to shut them up... but there is no hope for some of the dump ass people here.

I hope you wont let them stop you from doing what you think is best. You will never know what you can do till you try, and you will never know how much you can make $$$$ if you dont try. With your looks you could be a top porn star in no time... Then what will all the dump ass people here say.

Nothing good im sure... but you will have the life and cash they only dream of.

Go for it girl!

looks alot like my buddy's girlfriends friend.

We're in Cali. Los Angeles to be exact...

Pic of Jessica and pic of my friend...
(notice the hairline)


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Yes it does

SMACK said:

looks alot like my buddy's girlfriends friend.

We're in Cali. Los Angeles to be exact...

Pic of Jessica and pic of my friend...
(notice the hairline)

They do look a lot alike, but i think Jessica is still much hotter.
She looks good here Passive!


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jessica362435 said:
To all u haters, FCK U! THATS Right i come home to hear my boo cryin n shit because some of u dum fcken wht bois or wannabe said sum shit about this or that about my boo. FCK U! can't belive that she just ask a question and people slamming her. and u know who u r. U fcked for the rest now, i was going to let my boo put up sum new pics of what we do n how sexy she looks, but u fck it. thats right its done. I'm going to take my shit w her and do it n gonna make sum $$$ w her. that said, to all my brothers let me tell u sumthin, sumthin bout my boo. shes a straight up hottie n better yet she a fckn wild cat n bed, thats right. she has the tightest little pussy ever n she cums hard on a man cock. n when she sucks on yer dick n looks at u, u know. she also nver don it w other brothers n she nver done it in gb style she going to luv it. dancing, strippen n doing prv partys for ya. so when i get all the shit setup why not join, there is a price, but yer going to luv it. .So holla back at yer boy. leave me a message or email or sumen so we can talk. Oh yeah, fck all u haters for makin my boo cry. Peace!

I feel that says more than I ever could
Hse is hot... Post more of her.

SMACK said:
She looks good here Passive!

SHe i shot you shoul dpost more of her of you have any.:clap:
Everyone gets whats coming to them.

pimpology101 said:
Fuck her boyfriend. Doubt he even exists. If he does it's a gay couple.

You know they say, "Everyone gets what is coming to them in the end!" I just cant wait till you get yours.

Someday in someway someone will do to you all you have done to others and more. :boxing:
Sure are a lot of "pointing fingers" in here. don't know how some of you can stand yourselves. You can't have it both ways on anything, you either do or you don't, but you have no right to force how you think you think on others just for your own pleasure.

I've been thru alot, and have done a lot in my own life, and do not post much on here because of what I've read in other people's postings. But a few of you are just plain mean spirited and narrow minded
passive_hotwife said:
SHe i shot you shoul dpost more of her of you have any.:clap:

I know, way too hot...


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Re: Fake

Well he she would never post anykind of proof photo, so I am
convinced he she is a BIG FAKE>
Old Fart

HI think you are great...

I hope you will not let what a few jerks say hurt you or hold you back.

There are for more things to worry about in life then what someone here thinks.

If you are ok with this, and you really want to do it, I say go for it. Your very sexy... I hope you post more photos.

Good Luck
when is posting a pic with DC on it required in here? last time that was done by Weak White Hubby he got shit for people saying the pic was fake anyway...you cant win in here for trying. how does anyone know anyone is real or fake inhere or anyother forum or chatrooom on the net. fakes dont bother me because i dont come here with some unrealistic expecations. How do we know Chelsearae is a real person, female or othewise? I dont remember seeing her pic with a DC sign?

I have had personal correspondences on other chatroom, and email with Jess, and although i have not met her..or talked to her on the phone, everything she told me from start matches up with what she has said, and having a jealous BF too. I think she is a sweet girl (even if she would be a guy) !!!!! she emailed me seperately to thank me for my support posts here, and i emailed back telling her my personal opinion which was not to do the porn thing, but i would support her as a friend.

Why cant you all be more like Rodney King ..and everybody just get along...props to Clarkcombo and others for there tolerance.
i lcome her cause i like reading some forums to hear other peoples viewpoints and ideas..much of which i dont agree wiht, some of which really disgust me, but I DO NOT criticize them unless it is illegal activity.

So again i have just wasted 5 min of my life that i cannot recoup on this stupid shit cause you people piss me off for being so rude and not tolerant.

Feel free to contact me directly with youre wrath if you wish, I'm a stand up guy and can take it!
OMG a real man at last!

Pooch said:
when is posting a pic with DC on it required in here? last time that was done by Weak White Hubby he got shit for people saying the pic was fake anyway...you cant win in here for trying. how does anyone know anyone is real or fake inhere or anyother forum or chatrooom on the net. fakes dont bother me because i dont come here with some unrealistic expecations. How do we know Chelsearae is a real person, female or othewise? I dont remember seeing her pic with a DC sign?

I have had personal correspondences on other chatroom, and email with Jess, and although i have not met her..or talked to her on the phone, everything she told me from start matches up with what she has said, and having a jealous BF too. I think she is a sweet girl (even if she would be a guy) !!!!! she emailed me seperately to thank me for my support posts here, and i emailed back telling her my personal opinion which was not to do the porn thing, but i would support her as a friend.

Why cant you all be more like Rodney King ..and everybody just get along...props to Clarkcombo and others for there tolerance.
i lcome her cause i like reading some forums to hear other peoples viewpoints and ideas..much of which i dont agree wiht, some of which really disgust me, but I DO NOT criticize them unless it is illegal activity.

So again i have just wasted 5 min of my life that i cannot recoup on this stupid shit cause you people piss me off for being so rude and not tolerant.

Feel free to contact me directly with youre wrath if you wish, I'm a stand up guy and can take it!

Thank you for what you just said, i wish more people had yoru guts. :clap:

Its about time a real man said something in this place.

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