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Should i be suprised at my familes actions?

  • Thread starterpansymaid_uk
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Not quite a lurker
Beloved Member
Jun 17, 2006
I'll try and brief. I'd like advice opnions on a subject partiualrly from the women members.

As a result of my sexual probs, and my fantasies, my wife started an affair with her black boss
(from her previous job) about five years ago, that lasted for more than three yrs. During a difficult period in our relationship my wife confided in my mother about her affair who in turn told my older sister. They were both understanding of my wifes situation as they were aware of my sexual problems. That affair my wife was enjoying has subsequantly finished but she does have a casual relationship with another black guy she met on a night out who she spends ever other week end with and about one night in the week. I am unsure if my mother and sister are aware of the current situation regarding this latest lover but I suspect they do know . In short they are aware that my wifes sexual needs are met by others and that she and I now longer have sex.

My problem is that whenever theres a present buying occasion for my wife ie Christmas birthdays ect they always seem to buy her exotic lingerie, nightwear ect. I don't mind but it seems a bit cruel when thay know these items will never be worn for my pleasure but for her lover.
The closest I will ever get to them is when I do the laundry or when my wife is preparing for a date with her b/f. they seem to revel in the humilliation or am I being to sensative?

Thoughts?, How fortunate you are to have an understanding family. I suspect your mom and sister, have, or desire to have your wifes freedom and black lovers. I take it that your wife having sex with others is not a problem with you and suggest you study, practice and perfect your oral pleasing skills. Few women leave a male with an educated tounge and a willingness to use it.
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Your mother and sister are simply trying to help the situation by ensuring your wife is alluring and sexy for her lovers and taking the pressure off you.

Next time you are laundering those sexy clothes, or watching her put them on for lovemaking away, try not to think that she will never wear them for you, and think how they ease your situation by diverting your wife away from your problems.
pansymaid_uk said:
My problem is that whenever theres a present buying occasion for my wife ie Christmas birthdays ect they always seem to buy her exotic lingerie, nightwear ect. I don't mind but it seems a bit cruel when thay know these items will never be worn for my pleasure but for her lover.
The closest I will ever get to them is when I do the laundry or when my wife is preparing for a date with her b/f. they seem to revel in the humilliation or am I being to sensative?


Boy, this is most cuck's dream isn't it? Have you considered asking your mother / sister why they get lingerie for your wife so often?
no need to be surprised

Dear pansymaid,

just like Puller i think that your Mother and Sister are simply tryíng to help you by supporting your Wife's sexual life. They already know that you are not able to satisfy your Wife anymore. And probably They as well know that it was your fantasy - and your tiny clitty - causing Y/your sexual problems and that your Wife's external affairs are the solution and not the reason.

Another thing you should think about is that your Wife could have told Them that you are not just pretty tiny down there but that you as well love to play with Her frillies (i bet you do, don't you 'pansymaid'?). So it could be Their secret intention that these pieces of exotic lingerie and nightwear for your Wife should not just increasing Her Lovers sexual lust but yours as well in a quite different way! And doing so They might want you to feel even more submissive and humilated since this in fact seems to be what you really need to feel happy.

So in the end you really should be happy about your Mother and Sister who don't hesitate to support both of Y/you by giving Her the lingerie She needs for Her Lover and confirming you in your meant role for being Her devoted little pansy maid.

sissy moan
No, you should not be surprised. You should be grateful to your mother & sister.s


pansymaid_uk said:
As a result of my sexual problems and my fantasies, my wife started an affair with her black boss (from her previous job) about five years ago. It lasted for more than three years.

Good for your wife. She appears to be flexible, resilient, and willing to take action in ways that satisfy her needs for steamy sex while preserving her marriage to you and playing into your fantasies. That's good.

pansymaid_uk said:
During a difficult period in our relationship my wife confided in my mother about her affair who in turn told my older sister.

That, of course, is something you should have expected. Women communicate with each other much more than men about their personal problems and relationship difficulties, and feel much closer to their mothers than men feel to their fathers in many (if not most) cases.

pansymaid_uk said:
They were both understanding of my wife's situation, as they were aware of my sexual problems.

This too is good. It's far better than your mother and older sister responding to your wife (and/or you) in harsh and judgmental ways.

pansymaid_uk said:
The affair my wife was enjoying subsequently ended...

That's certainly better than your wife leaving you for your lover, and suggests preserving her marriage is important to her.

pansymaid_uk said:
....but she does have a casual relationship with another black guy she met on a night out. She spends every other weekend and about one night per week with him.

Ah.... it's good to hear your wife found another lover. This would seem to indicate she definitely prefers black men....

pansymaid_uk said:
I am unsure whether my mother and sister are aware of the current situation regarding my wife's latest lover, but I suspect they know.

You can assume they do.

pansymaid_uk said:
In short, they are aware that my wife's sexual needs are met by others and that she and I no longer have sex.

Yes. But, that's OK. If your wife fucks other men and if you and she no longer have sex, you can be confident there are (and will always be) others who know that. The "others" may include your wife's closest friends as well as your mother and older sister — and, of course, your wife's lover and whomever he chooses to confide in.... perhaps his closest (and, in addition, his not-so-close) friends. Being your wife's cuckold is unlikely to be a private matter.... or, if it is, to remain a private matter for long.

pansymaid_uk said:
My problem is that whenever there's a present-buying occasion for my wife; i.e., Christmas, birthdays, etc., they always seem to buy her exotic [erotic?] lingerie and nightwear. I don't mind, but it seems a bit cruel when thay know these items will never be worn for my pleasure but rather are for the pleasure of her lover.

Hm.... well, on a practical level, you could view this as solving your mother's and sister's problem of "what to get" your wife on such occasions. I mean, finding suitable gifts for people is always something of a problem.... but, since your mother and sister know your wife is fucking another man, they can always be confident sexy lingerie and negligees will be appropriate and appreciated by her. That's a plus.

pansymaid_uk said:
The closest I will ever get to [my wife's sexy lingerie] is when I do the laundry, or when my wife is preparing for a date with her lover. They seem to revel in my humiliation.... or am I being too sensitive?

First, it's good to hear you are the one who does the laundry in your household. It's important to support your wife in such ways so she'll have adequate time and energy to devote to her lover. You can be confident she appreciates your doing the housework.... the more the better.

Second, if your household chores include assisting your wife with preparing for her dates with her lover, that's excellent. It means you're doing your job as her cuckold. (If you don't actively assist your wife in her date preparations, you might propose doing so. I think you'll find she'll appreciate it.)

Finally, I would say your interpretation is correct. Your mother and older sister are, in fact, reveling in humiliating you by purchasing erotic lingerie for your wife on every possible occasion, thereby reminding you of your cuckold status. In doing so, they may be "taking out on you" their own frustrations with their husbands (and, perhaps, with men in a broader sense). This, however, is to your advantage since they are simultaneously encouraging and playing into your fantasies.

I suggest you should be grateful to them.

Best regards—

Your mother and sister have a powerful friendship with your wife, so naturally want to support her with getting the sex you can't give her.

They would naturally "think less of you" only if you try to "rein back your wife's sexual expression".

They probably think you are a wonderful man for letting your wife be polymory, but it is a sensitive subject and may wish they could tell you so, but are worried your feelings might be hurt.

Go out of your way to let your mum and sis know how much you love your wife, and this will show them that you place your wife's best interests and happiness on a pedestal in your mind.

Be proud to be a cucky boi, and the day when come when your sis and mum will be able to discuss your marriage without embarrassment. They will know that black lovers are annoiting her love tunnel.

What gifts can you give your wife that are suitable for her Bulls? It could be time to discuss this with your wife, as they need to be rewarded for the part they play in adding extra happiness to her life - no such thing as a free lunch.

Have you ever tossed your wife a fist full of money, so that she can plan a holiday with one of her lovers? This is a way you can prove to her that you truly love her.
I agree with Custer and Saraha, but I was also wondering if you would like to become more feminized. Maybe get a cock cage and start dressing more feminine. Ask your mother and sister to help you become more feminine. Wear feminine clothes all the time at home. Become more like a daughter to your mom and a sister to your sis.

Ask your wife if there is anything you can do to help her or anything she would like you to do for her. Would she want you to fluff up her bbc or do clean up duties? Volunteer to help in anyway possible. Tell you wife you want to be the best cuckie bois for her possible. By serving in this role you will eventually find the greatest pleasure for yourself by putting others happiness above your own.
Hi PansyMaid,

I'm sorry but I cannot sit here in silence any longer, I'm going to bite on this one, and obviously take an alternative stance to the ludicrous responses you have thus far received. Where, oh where to begin..?

As a result of my sexual probs, and my fantasies, my wife started an affair with her black boss.

Even if I take into consideration the voluntary nature (your fantasies) of your participation in being a cuck, which I perceive to arise from a warped sense of loyalty to your wife's (sexual) needs, I cannot but wonder why you would consider your sexual problems as reason enough to allow your wife to remain your wife whilst taking on a lover (race isn't the issue here). Perhaps, you consider her cuckolding of you to be helping your sexual problems, along with, of course, your fantasies, and that you view her pernicious betrayal as her reciprocating love. Just how problematic are your sexual inadequacies?

You will understand that I am reacting and responding to the tone and content of your post, and the very fact that you are showing emotion and a sense of under self-value, tweaks both my empathy and ire. I should imagine the longer I spend here on this forum, the more I will come into a accustomed understanding of the selfish, exploitative nature of cuckoldry, and not remain in a state of incredulous dismay at the contempt with which the female participants treat their weaker character partners, and doing so with such a sluttish relish of impugnity, drives me to almost complete and utter incomprehension!

Your wife is being shagged senseless by other men, and your only concern is her underwear! What part of the cruelty in this do you not perceive, and why do you accept it and allow it to continue? (This question is open to all the cucks). Is this truly the life you want to lead, or would you not rather fix your sexual inadequacies, and find a real empathetic woman who will share in the responsibility in making and keeping a genuinely rewarding, loving and happy relationship?

Rest of post self-censored...
Custer Laststand said:
Dcforreal has given you some good advice, Pansymaid.

I agree - actually, I am thrilled with the advice he has given, because you can stretch your mind and enjoy sharing your new role with "mum and sis", and they can give you all sorts of wonderful advice as well as giving you hugs for beeing such a sweetie and putting your wife first EVERYTIME.
true understanding

You're absolutely right Elysiana,

you really don't understand the sissy cuckold lifestyle...!

So where to begin..? Maybe i should begin with telling you something about the psychology - and the anatomy - of sissy cuckolds like PansyMaid or myself.

Elysiana said:
... would you not rather fix your sexual inadequacies

Well ... in fact there isn't anything we could fix! It was in another threat but PansyMaid herself told that she has a tiny cock only. i don't know whether she is also infertile and almost impotent like i am. But even if i don't know i'm pretty sure that she isn't able to satisfy a Woman sexually if she isn't allowed to use something else but her tongue.

Elysiana said:
Is this truly the life you want to lead, ...

Yes, it is! And it isn't!

Of cause most of us could imagine another life where we would be in control. We could tell our Wives or Girlfriends that it is a sign of respect to be faithful. And we could insist to be treated as real Men who are able to satisfy and to fit into the role of an Alpha Male...

But we know that this aren't we! So we are simply accepting the truth about our self. And we don't even try to pretend to be real Men since this would end in disaster anyway.

Elysiana said:
... find a real empathetic woman who will share in the responsibility in making and keeping a genuinely rewarding, loving and happy relationship?

This exactly is what we are looking for! And any Woman who is truly empathetic will know that we simply need Her to be sexually satisfied to feel safe! And since we know that we aren't able to satisfy all Her needs we want Her to cuckold us instead and to allow us to stay with Her as Her obedient little maids. So indeed it's a matter of pure life quality when we simply fit into the one and only role we are able to play. And our reward is that we are able to relax and to be truly our self.

Elysiana said:
Your wife is being shagged senseless by other men, and your only concern is her underwear!

What is wrong with being concerned in Her underwear? we just love and adore our Wives and we love Their lingerie and nightwear as well! Yes, in fact we feel flattered and just too proud if our Mistress is hot enough to get every Man She wants! And we might feel a 'little bit' envy but we are just too happy to know that She is wearing the most erotic lingerie while She is being shagged senseless by Her Studs ... underwear that is so mind blowing sexy that we our self would love to slip into it at the moment.

Yes, for sure it can be confusing and embarrassing if our own Mothers and Sisters are supporting our Wives sexual affaires since this is obviously a little bit unusual in the common family. But if we realize that They are just helping us we can become used to it very soon. And in the end we will be able to talk with Them about our situation without any resentment.

Elysiana said:
the longer I spend here on this forum, the more I will come into a accustomed understanding of the selfish, exploitative nature of cuckoldry,

It's not the time you spend in this forum that can make you understand anything. Do you really think all these cuckolds around are here to find something like a self-help group? There is a huge difference between a wife who betrays her husband and a Mistress who cuckolds Her hubby. The cuckoldry you will find here is a life style - not about betrayal but about a kinky way of love.

And now, to tell you one of the top secrets just the initiated knows, you have to know that we cuckolds are able to win in almost every way: Either we find a true Mistress who loves us and stays with us helping us with our deepest fears and desires. Or we just find a true heartless woman who simply don't understands that she is just giving us what we really need. Or She knows and doesn't cares about. Or She leaves - or stays away right from the beginning - showing us that we indeed are just the pathetic little sissy and ridiculous wankers we want to be...

* curtsey *

sissy moan
CUCKOLDRY is hard to understand, and needs more than a "University approach" to understanding. Time in the lifestyle can influence even the toughest skeptic to kiss a woman's feet and drink her lover's cream.

"Your wife is being shagged senseless by other men, and your only concern is her underwear!" Look, HE IS BEING HONEST, walk in his shoes and see why he loves sniffing the underwear of his wife after she has been with her Bulls.

LUCKY WIFE I RECKON, she won't open her thighs if she does not like shagging. At least "underwear is nice for hubby to sniff".

Is this truly the life you want to lead, or would you not rather fix your sexual inadequacies, and find a real empathetic woman who will share in the responsibility in making and keeping a genuinely rewarding, loving and happy relationship?

NOT many empathetic woman around to give up the Best Bulls and commit to sexual inadequacies with a husband who simply can't provide enough cockpower.

Are you suggesting that "empathetic woman" is the same as "masochistic woman" seeking an inferior performance in bed to punish herself, rather than to have a handsome prince on a white horse who will resuce her from her parent's clutches and race off to the castle to ravish her and "live happily ever after?"

Is it not a bride's right to the best sex she can experience, and if a husband finds his performance in bed does not please his wife, then should she not be able to top her marriage up with what is missing, as long as she holds her marriage together?

If husband gives his wife permission to fuck around, how can that be odd or wrong. Hubby is giving her the gift from his heart of a decent sex life, because he truly loves his wife - why should she suffer a life of sexual inadequacy OR DOES SHE HAVE TO RELY ON LESBIAN SEX OR SEX TOYS?

Otherwise we could have a new society where all men are listed in a catologue of what charms they have to offer, and then bride wannabes can pick out a short list of guy to date, so sexual performance can be guaranteed after marriage.


Women can put up with a "lesser marriage" or seek changes to the fidelity rules, or just say, " I will play the field and never get married".

Buy a dish washer and it breaks, "repair or replace".
Hubby can be repaired or replaced, measure up or take a slow boat to China.

Marriage is a contract, and most brides don't choose the exact details of the promise because they are too young and ignorant of life's little stresses. Most contracts can be re-negotiated, so why not a wedding contract rather than divorce getting the nod.
Such excellent advice

dcforreal said:
I agree with Custer and Saraha, but I was also wondering if you would like to become more feminized. Maybe get a cock cage and start dressing more feminine. Ask your mother and sister to help you become more feminine. Wear feminine clothes all the time at home. Become more like a daughter to your mom and a sister to your sis.

Ask your wife if there is anything you can do to help her or anything she would like you to do for her. Would she want you to fluff up her bbc or do clean up duties? Volunteer to help in anyway possible. Tell you wife you want to be the best cuckie bois for her possible. By serving in this role you will eventually find the greatest pleasure for yourself by putting others happiness above your own.

dcforreal, has such a good handle on the situation. Only persons not really into the lifestyle would not understand. Communication is the hardest thing to accomplish, and you do not even have to worry if your family finds out, they have demonstrated they are for it. It is a lot of fun to be a good fluffer and to clean up is yummy.

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