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Should i be kept locked?

  • Thread startercocklet4DomWomen
  • Start date

Should i be

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
A Long Summer!!!

mhall said:
It's going to be a long summer :)

i assume your comment about a long summer has to do with the vote
decidedly in favour of my Mistress/Wife sealing the locks permanently shut
and my hoping with bated breath each day that the vote will turn around to a
decision to allow me an erection in 5 years!!! The other comment, i don't
understand, i never suggested that you was a sissy. Perhaps, you can explain
why you sent that messege to me. Any future relavant comments are welcome and appreciated. Thank You for your interest!!! :feedback:
Washing your mistress's feet in relaxing bath salts, and giving them a really good massage each day is a gift that a cucky should look forward to doing.
Servicing my Mistress's feet

Josetta said:
Washing your mistress's feet in relaxing bath salts, and giving them a really good massage each day is a gift that a cucky should look forward to doing.

Hello Mistress Josetta
my Wife's Black Master's sentiments exactly!!! Master says i'm lucky He
still allows me contact with Her feet. i do think about my Mistress/Wifes feet
every minute of the day when i am performing my daily chores. i look forward to the time i can still spend with my Wife on my knees whorshipping
Her feet or when She uses me as a footstool. They are both pleased about
how the vote is going. Mistress says my complaining about the restriction from erections will soon become pointless once the locks are sealed. She
seems very confident the results will continue to lean heavily towards permanent chastity. She laughs about how my days of whining will soon be
over and She can more fully enjoy Her orgasms knowing my useless penis is
no longer an issue. Mistress has, fortunately, agreed to a monthly milking
once the locks are sealed. Your correspondence is always appreciated ;)
Thank You, Mistress Josetta, for your attentive comments :)
Please Make Comments!!!

cocklet4DomWomen said:
My Mistress/Wife has kept me locked in a Lori's tube chastity device with PA
piercing for 3 years, so far, without a single release for an erection.vvasapol@yahoo.com For those
wondering about my health, i am milked anally once every other month with
a vibrating anal probe. Mistress is free, of course to enjoy as many orgasms
with Her many Big Dick Boyfriends as She pleases. my Wife says i will reman locked for at least 10 years before She will even consider a release for
an erection. i have begged and pleaded with my Wife that this is way too
extreme a restriction from erections, masterbation and orgasms for me to
suffer for Her amusement and pleasure and that other cuckold husbands aren't treated nearly as severely as i am. She, of course, counters that this is a fitting punishment for a husband with the small penis of a little boy. My
question to any Dom Wives, cucked husbands, or Bulls on this forum is; do
you think this is too much punishment to endure? Please include any personal
experiences about this subject if you can. My Wife will be reading this poll to
decide if an early release is justified based on your responces. Thank You!!!

Greetings to All,
Mistress and i would greatly appreciate anyone voting on the poll to also
leave some comments explaining any reasons, experiences, opinions concerning the restriction punishment. Mistress especially enjoys the feedback from the members here!!! Thank You Kindly
Some sort of celebration needs to take place when the locks are sealed.
Could you handle 21 candles flickering in a room without lights, and a special meal is eaten with the most important people in your life. Your loss of freedom is a "rite of passage" into the new life your Mistress and her Master Bull have decided is for your higher good. The Poll is supporting them strongly.

You are a "special cuckold" and should never compare your "treatment" with other cuckolds. It is so important that your sperm is thrown out with the garbage - to let it touch your fingers would be dreadful. Milking your prostrate is worthwhile, but masturbation should only happen if friends of your Mistress request it at a party for their entertainment.
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Josetta has, you must admit, an amazing ability.
Please show some Mercy!!!

cocklet4DomWomen said:
My Mistress/Wife has kept me locked in a Lori's tube chastity device with PA
piercing for 3 years, so far, without a single release for an erection.vvasapol@yahoo.com For those
wondering about my health, i am milked anally once every other month with
a vibrating anal probe. Mistress is free, of course to enjoy as many orgasms
with Her many Big Dick Boyfriends as She pleases. my Wife says i will reman locked for at least 10 years before She will even consider a release for
an erection. i have begged and pleaded with my Wife that this is way too
extreme a restriction from erections, masterbation and orgasms for me to
suffer for Her amusement and pleasure and that other cuckold husbands aren't treated nearly as severely as i am. She, of course, counters that this is a fitting punishment for a husband with the small penis of a little boy. My
question to any Dom Wives, cucked husbands, or Bulls on this forum is; do
you think this is too much punishment to endure? Please include any personal
experiences about this subject if you can. My Wife will be reading this poll to
decide if an early release is justified based on your responces. Thank You!!!

Greetings Members,
After a considerable amount of begging and pleading to Mistress and Master, they have allowed me again to make a plea to all future voters of this poll to please show some mercy concerning the severe restriction punishment i must endure to satisfy the extreme conditions required for the
privilege of serving Mistress and Master as a slave. Even a minimum denial of erections for 5 years, i think, is rather significant to suffer as a slave. Please consider this when voting on this poll, or at least explain why you feel the most severe punishment should be enforced by Mistress and Master. Thank You for any explanations you wish to share!!! :confused:
Begging the Members to let me cum!!!

cocklet4DomWomen said:
Greetings Members,
After a considerable amount of begging and pleading to Mistress and Master, they have allowed me again to make a plea to all future voters of this poll to please show some mercy concerning the severe restriction punishment i must endure to satisfy the extreme conditions required for the
privilege of serving Mistress and Master as a slave. Even a minimum denial of erections for 5 years, i think, is rather significant to suffer as a slave. Please consider this when voting on this poll, or at least explain why you feel the most severe punishment should be enforced by Mistress and Master. Thank You for any explanations you wish to share!!! :confused:

Greetings Members,
i am respectfully begging the Membership of the Dark Cavern Community to
PLEASE!!! submit more votes to encourage my Wife/Mistress to allow me the
small mercy of an erection again in 5 years. The vote stands now at almost
2 to 1 against me for permanent restriction punishment. There is less than
a month left before the vote closes, the locks will be sealed, and life as my
Wife/Mistresses near eunuch will begin. i am really scared now, since i
know my Wife and Her Black Master will have no concerns or regrets over
the extreme suffering i will be ****** to endure if/when the chastity punishment is made permanent. i feel this punishment will actually be worst than living as a real eunuch since the intense desire to cum will be present every minute of every day, weeks, months, years. i don't know if
the many members here can fully understand how agonizing it is to be denied, so severely, and to see and hear your Wife and Black Master enjoy
to most exciting, intense orgasms on a daily, nightly basis. And so, i BEG!!!
the membership again, to please persuade my Wife/Mistress to allow me
the pleasure of masturbating just a few more times again in my life. :(
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i'm really scared now!!!

Hello Again,
i have mercifully, since my last post yesterday, received a few votes for a release from chastity to enjoy
an erection after 5 years of restriction punishment, but, it still isn't nearly
enough to change the majority. The thought of spending the rest of my life
locked in this chastity device is starting to really crash down on me, and i am
very scared about actually being permanently restricted from erections. i
don't know what else to do. Any suggestions by the Membership would be
extremely appreciated!!! my sincere appeals for mercy don't seem to have
as much effect as i direly hoped. Please tell me what you think i should do
and post your opinions and comments on this thread. And..., of course, PLEASE vote for my Mistress/Wife to allow me an erection again in 5 years!!!
Thank You, :(
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Please post your suggestions, opinions, or comments!!!
i really need to hear what the Membership thinks about this rather extreme situation, Thank You!!!
Hey Cocklet, Weigh carefully your priorities and then know that there are really always tools for freeing fool's tools. No fooling.
Wife would never allow it!!!

RoamingWifeAndHerHubby said:
Hey Cocklet, Weigh carefully your priorities and then know that there are really always tools for freeing fool's tools. No fooling.

Thank You for the suggestion, but my Mistress/Wife would never allow me to
remove the chastity restriction device without Her permission. She would
probably throw me out of the house if i removed it without consent and i'm
sure a divorce would follow. Plus, in spite of the rather extreme conditions
i must accept to be allowed in my Wife's life at all, i worship my Mistress,
who is a True Goddess, and i can't imagine being without Her!!! Any suffering
i must endure is justified for the privilege of being in Her presence and
serving as Her obedient slave. i simply can't live without Her!!! :kissass:
Begging for Mercy!!!

cocklet4DomWomen said:
Please post your suggestions, opinions, or comments!!!
i really need to hear what the Membership thinks about this rather extreme situation, Thank You!!!

Less than 3 weeks left before this poll closes and still the majority of votes lean towards permanent restriction from erections. i continue to contemplate,
with much anxiety, the extreme pain and humiliation, both physically and mentally, of living the rest of my life in the chastity prison. The scariest thought is knowing there is no chance of pleading with my Wife/Mistress into
ignoring the final poll results, such as they are now. My only hope of ever enjoying an erection again, is if the Members of this site will allow it with a
less severe vote. So PLEASE!!!, i implore you, give me a chance to experience, at least, one more erection in my life!!! :feedback:
Still begging for an erection!!!

cocklet4DomWomen said:
Please post your suggestions, opinions, or comments!!!
i really need to hear what the Membership thinks about this rather extreme situation, Thank You!!!

Why do the majority of voters on this thread feel my Wife/Mistress should permanently restrict Her slave/me from erections, masturbation and orgasms?
This is the most extreme punishment for having a tiny useless penis i can imagine!!!
One dedicated, very contented cucky I know is required to scrub the bathroom floor each weekend with a toothbrush while blindfolded. At first it was difficult, but he has learned to visualize the entire room in his mind and now can complete the task by feel in less than two hours to the standard his cuckoldress requires. He is prostrate milked once a month and is kept locked for up to two years at a time - but is rewarded with 3-5 creampies a week.
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Cucky needs to find 25-30 friends who can sign up and vote for his release after five years before the poll closes.
Whining won't help me!!!

odang123 said:
There has been plenty of feedback already. Why do you insist on whining? It doesn't help your cause.

My Mistress/Wife's sentiments exactly!!! But soon, She says, the locks will be sealed and there won't be anything more to whine about, will there? :bowdown:
Independence Day for Mistress!!!

Josetta said:
Cucky needs to find 25-30 friends who can sign up and vote for his release after five years before the poll closes.

Hello Mistress Josetta,
What chance do i have that You might have 30 or more friends that could vote for a release after 5 years? Today is the 4th of July, and the symbolism
of this date, metaphorically, has not been lost with my Mistress/Wife :clap:
She has been quick to remind me, in the past week, how hopeless it is for me
to keep dreaming that there will be a sudden turn around in the poll results with less than a week left. With a delighted smile and giggle, Mistress says, "Very soon, erections, masturbation, and orgasms will become, for my pathetic, suffering little slave, a long distant memory!!!" She is right, of course, my situation is clearly hopeless. i guess i better start accepting my life of agony and obedience to Mistresses final decision concerning my tiny, useless penis. But,....If You could,....Maybe if,....Please, Mistress Josetta, is there any chance that You could?...... :nutkick:
I could easily have found 50 friends who could have swung the Poll in your favour. But i would be unethical for me to PERSUADE THEM to vote according to my instructions as a pressure group to release you.

I think you will adjust to your new lifestyle and do everything you can to make her proud of you. Even if she gave you your freedom, you have admitted you could not survive without her firm guidance. Nice things can happen when you are willing to obey.

Take comfort in the fact that 43 voted to help you - so they noticed some nice attributes about you.
I am just glad the poll has closed. The result was never in doubt.
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