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Should Dark Cavern make changes?

  • Thread starterMinnesota_Couple
  • Start date

Should Dark Cavern make changes?

  • I visit this site once ever few months.

    Votes: 1 0.6%
  • I visit this site once ever few weeks.

    Votes: 4 2.3%
  • I visit this site once ever few days.

    Votes: 12 6.9%
  • I visit this site every day.

    Votes: 13 7.5%
  • They should make some changes.

    Votes: 32 18.5%
  • They should Not make changes.

    Votes: 4 2.3%
  • I hate this site.

    Votes: 2 1.2%
  • I like this site.

    Votes: 19 11.0%
  • I Love this site.

    Votes: 31 17.9%
  • I think its easy to use.

    Votes: 55 31.8%

  • Total voters
If you'd bothered to ask or read other threads you'd know that photo was posted for a specific reason and person. You're awfully tender for an obvious racist yourself.

And who cares what kind of photos you upload? What's supposed to prove? No one's doubted your vailidity, only your proclomation that you're "all that." Pics won't change that. Besides, anyone can be all that without standards.
Wow - I thought more people would of voted on this.

I love this place, but I think some change is needed, but i guess most others dont think so.
There needs to be more moderation on content being posted on here.

There are pics in the cartoon section that can get this site shut down real quick.

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Changes and feedback

With all the talk of making changes around here I thought this might be a good time to look over what has already been said about it.:feedback:
If new sections are added, do were evaluate usage of the additions to determine if the new sections warrant keeping as part of the site? I ask the Q because the list offered is of some length. If a section fails to meet the etablished usage threshold (TBD) then it's dropped. I'm wearing kevlar so let the arrows fly.
To my knowledge this is the very first time i visit this thread, i do not
have the opportunity to Vote as it says that i have already voted ...
Multiple Choice Poll. Voters: 137. You have already voted on this poll
No big deal... i visit this site DC on average 4 to 5 times a week unless
i am on business trip...
If there are changes... fine with me if No changes... fine with me as well....
I am confident that the Administrators of DC have the proper knowledge to
decide what they want the Members to talk about and in wich manners THEY would prefer the Members conduct themselves on the various Forums...
My 2 cents worth is as good as the membership i have... nothing more... The Administrators HAVE the last say, i do intend to abide by the rules...
My 2 cents worth is simple: NO incest, NO K9 = ( animal related talk ) Thank you for allowing me to express my view on this Poll.
no way

NO way should DC make any changes that bring the NW crowd the vindication of their places name and content, the racism, the perverse nature.

DC operates along the middle ground and is what got a lot of people interested, so if you did give way to the NW crowd, you'll give way to all sense and reason of the position this site occupies because once these extreme views are posted in no matter what forum, some will spill over onto the main board and people will go out of curiosity to the extreme places and become very sick and turned off by the whole interracial theme. YOU are setting yourselves up for a very big fall by pandering to NW tastes.

You will in every sense infect this board unwittingly to the danger.
And on top of that YOU will be doing a great disservice to the whole area of interracial sex, please think about this deeply before you make a mistake that could set back not just this forum but peoples real interest in the interracial experience.
I, for one, support Pimpology's efforts to keep this site free of illegal and distasreful posts. Even before he was elevated to Super Moderator status he showed a genuine interest in maintaining sanity at this site. He has my total support. One aspect that critics are overlooking when they advocate allowing posting of ****, etc. is that the Feds monitor these sites to trap child porn people and I dont want to see this site closed down because it is unregulated. The Pimp and the other new moderators are doing a terrific job of improving this site: it doesn't change over night, give them a chance to continue to make improvements.
The suggestions made by Will&Eve are right on target in my opinion. They have selected excellent people to monitor this site. They have good ideas and I believe they are making substantive progress. I see improvements and I am patient enough to let them proceed.
well done Mahatma, so you agree with changing the place to NW with the **** you say you don't want here now because thats what your going to get if tou pander to the NW crowd tastes
DC is not pandering to anyone, certainly not NW. There will be NO **** content here whatsoever. NONE. Also there will be watching eyes to ensure what content is allowed here does not morph into what this site is not about or what the majority of people do not want.





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pimpology101 said:
DC is not pandering to anyone, certainly not NW. There will be NO **** content here whatsoever. NONE. Also there will be watching eyes to ensure what content is allowed here does not morph into what this site is not about or what the majority of people do not want.





How about the gay videos and all that stuff comming on board nothing against gays but it seems like they have a way of taking things over.
Hadn't thought of that Mule

muleman said:
How about the gay videos and all that stuff comming on board nothing against gays but it seems like they have a way of taking things over.

Damn Mule, all the things coming up that nobody thought of makes me think that this isn't going to change over any time soon. This is going to take awhile to accomplish as well as get use to.

Ahhhh these are exciting times for our boy Pimp.
SaltandPepper98 said:
Damn Mule, all the things coming up that nobody thought of makes me think that this isn't going to change over any time soon. This is going to take awhile to accomplish as well as get use to.

Ahhhh these are exciting times for our boy Pimp.
Ah yes Norm I know how in the past pimp just didn't care for this stuff but one person already ask for the spot because he has a ton of it to put on here. Pimp will be eating rolaids and flying the Cowboy flag before her tosses his arms in the air and says fuck this I don't think it I'm not looking at it.
I like the site, but there seems to be a lot of bickering going on....I mean who cares about some of the small petty stuff that goes on about who like who anyway?
mule said:
I like the site, but there seems to be a lot of bickering going on....I mean who cares about some of the small petty stuff that goes on about who like who anyway?
Hey if you're thinking Pimp and Norm and I are bickering we aren't we just flip one another shit we all have thick skin except for pimp he burns easy.
muleman said:
Hey if you're thinking Pimp and Norm and I are bickering we aren't we just flip one another shit we all have thick skin except for pimp he burns easy.

Hey I didn't know there was a Mule and a Muleman. I've been calling Muleman Mule for short.
Not if I use sunscreen. I tend to bronze more than burn. And I've been eating tums and popping aciphex like it's going out of style already. I do miss Pooch so we can argue sports too.
I haven't read most this thread yet, but all i know is, I used to could come to DC and meet some real couples in my area or near me. I'd hook up with them and we'd have some fun. But that was about 5 years ago. Now it's different. You just can't meet real people on here or in the chat room. I was a member of DC for a while, but i got tired of the fake ass emails back and forth that wasted my time. I'm not saying this is all DC's fault, but it sure isn't place it used to be. Way too many fakes on here.

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