You misquoted me. I wasn’t suggesting Sue was teasing Steve, I was telling him off for treating it as one. It was yet another example of him trying to top from the bottom and interpreting Sue’s desire’s to suit his own kink. As reported she seems to quite seriously want / need to do this. The ‘why’ is of course less clear, as is the timing just before she goes away.
It seems to have taken a long time in your life to discover that if you concentrate on what sex your wife wants (rather than what you want), that the whole thing can run better and deeper. For both of you. Anyway, you’ve got there finally. Well done, but don’t go confusing it with a Dom / Sub thing. It’s more an equal thing where both parties consider the other’s needs.
After yet another, “I’m happy as things are at the moment,” I’m unsure how to get you to think beyond the moment. You say that you long to be back in her pussy, yet you appear not to have said that to Sue. Quite the reverse, you say you are happy, indeed desirous for your denial to continue. I suppose you can be conflicted sometimes, but if you are maybe Sue should be aware.
Finally, Sue’s overriding need. You are both risking a lot on Sue’s need to feel sexually closer to Paul and sexually apart from you. Sue has been trying to get into her desired state for a long time now, and even now she only suggests she is ‘getting there’. I accept you have both no say in how things are going, and equally are so lost currently in your denial angst fog (I’m happy etc..) that you don’t question it anyway. But. What exactly is this state? Does Sue even know what it is? Has she shared it with you? With Paul? If she isn’t there, what does she have to do to get there? How long will it take? How long does she want to stay in that state given that it has taken her so long to get there? It’s just that these questions completely determine your sexual future, whatever you yourself think about what is going on.
If, as SS suggests, you both may be evolving into a new evolved sexual relationship where no or very little sexual connection remains the norm, then you have little to fear in waiting to determine the above questions. If, as Sue suggests and you have alluded to, you wish to resume a mutually satisfying sexual full contact, then you are already in the danger zone. The use it or lose zone. Where Sue loses the spark of sexual desire and her flame goes out for you. It hasn’t gone yet, and her simple desire to feel you once again inside her for a short time may be her way of gauging what remains. Still, it may well be severely damaged if Sue needs an extended period of time to get to or stay at the point she is aiming for.