Well, I'll share the sex part of last night first as it has been a long time since I masturbated while watching her playing with herself with 'Jim' her favorite vibrator/dildo. She let me know before we even got started that I was going to have a real treat and she even said that she wanted to 'put on a show' for me. i knew she was quite horny so I wasn't surprised when she used plenty of lube and honestly - her pussy looked absolutely incredible the more she worked it. So awesome to see her literally fucking herself - including her intentionally pulling it out and letting me see her gaping open when she'd pull it out! Needless to say I enthusiastically joined her. I eagerly watched as she brought herself to multiple orgasms including a pretty huge one when she heard me start to cum and watched as I let go all over her leg and our bed. You all know the rest - but I can say that I did lean over and lick her thigh clean

If someone wants more details, I'm happy to provide.
What I believe most here want to hear or know about is what we talked about.
The big one - why cut me off - and the simple answer she gave me was two fold. One, of course, was that it's what I want and that she is doing it because it turns me on. I told her that I know and am relieved that this is a key underlying part of all of this, that somehow under it all, she is doing this for me. But when I pushed her she gave another simple answer - actually 2 of them. One is that she wants to - and she admitted that she likes denying me and likes the effect on our relationship where she even said that I sort of worship her, or more aptly, that I worship her pussy - more of how intoxicated I am and how it makes her feel. The second part was more of what I had thought, she looked at me and said that she can't do/experience all she wants with Paul and to then still be sexual with me. She shared a lot of her thoughts - some of it was how and what she wants to feel about Paul and how she wants to have things happen. I pushed her and one thing she pointed out is that he and I have totally different styles in bed and she laughed - how differently shaped we are too! It made me laugh but she told me that going back and forth between me and him - she said made sex worse (less good?) for her with both of us - and how when she's just with Paul (or me) how the sex seems to become more complete and fulfilling for her. I told her "well I'm glad it's just sex" and she laughed and said that's what it has always been and she said "I'm not looking for anything more baby.... just something different.... for me..... and for us....".
I did ask where she thinks all of this is going and I told her that I was concerned that some things that were happening may not be so easy to back out of. Fortunately this was before we were in bed because I told her about my concerns regarding her seeing me differently now and maybe not wanting me later on if/when we are ready for that. She looked at me and asked me what I meant. So I went for broke. I told her that I know she sees me as more beta or "less masculine" and I told her she's said that to me so I asked her how she thought that would work as she associated me less and less with her sexuality. At first she said that it's not something that concerns her but she then clarified it by telling me how she has associated me with Paul, sort of the yin-yang kind of thing. In her mind, her desire with Paul is pushing me out, but if/when that declines, then it will revert back. I asked her how she can be so sure and she giggled and said "I do still love you and I do still love your big cock baby!" I mentioned about all of the other stuff and she giggled and said "baby, all of that still needs me to want it" and I understood her to mean that her denying me and all of that is where she needs to want to do that to (for) me - and that from what I understood from her, she feels as her desires for Paul run their course, that her desires for me will resume. She laughed and said that all of the other stuff "seeing you" and that stuff all makes it easier for her to do stuff with Paul but she said it's not changing how she feels about me.
It naturally led to me asking.... "So, what do you think IS going to happen with you and Paul". She laughed and the first thing she said "well, I think he'd fuck me forever if he could" which made me laugh out loud. But she then said that she knows that this isn't forever with him. She giggled and then looked at me and said "that doesn't mean everything goes back though" and when I asked her what she meant she looked at me and said "we talked about this baby....." and after a pause she said "we'll have sex again baby.... I know that....." and then she added "but we talked and right now, to be really honest.... well, I'm not sure when you'll get to cum in me again....". I just looked at her and couldn't think of what to say other than "huh?" and she looked at me and said "that's going to be the last part to come back baby" and she said reminded me that we had talked about this and that I said I might be able to live with that and she smiled and said "I do like denying you baby, that I won't lie about" and she teased me that we'll go back to how it was ".... you know, you'll use condoms still but... you know.... you'll still get to go without sometimes....".
I looked at her and I told her I wasn't sure that was okay and she said "it's not that you're never going to get to do that again baby" and she kissed me and said "it's just that I think I'm going to want that to be special for us when it happens again baby....". She came up closer to me and told me "wouldn't it be really exciting to you know, be out with me on a romantic evening and when we get home, you know, I surprise you.... think about how exciting it's going to be when that time comes" and she then added that she didn't want me to think it was just going to be an automatic thing, that after she was over Paul, that I would simply take his place. i know a lot of people are going to poke holes in all of this, that maybe it's some new rouse from her or a new twisting of the rules or whatever - but I have to tell you - the honesty I felt from her and the complete openness about how she said it really did make me feel comfortable that she's being honest - and I told her so. I looked at her and I told her I loved her and that I trusted her "with our future" and she kissed me incredibly passionately and said "baby, we've gone this far and I really think it's going to be okay.... I wouldn't want this if I wasn't sure.... I love you....".
Again, I know she or I will get flamed for how this went down but it did leave me feeling comfortable. I mean it's not that I'm against her doing this, I just wanted to feel a bit more reassured which she was successful at.
I did ask her when she thought this thing with Paul would run it's course. She looked at me and held my hands and told me she wasn't completely sure. She said she'd be honest with me and said that a part of her sees it possibly declining later on this year "sometime after summer...." but she also looked at me and said that she wanted to feel a certain way "like I'm his" before she can see that happening and she said that it's possible it might not be until we're into next year "but nothing beyond next summer baby... I think by then no matter what I'll be tired of him....". I didn't say much but after a moment I did smile and when she asked I simply said "so he'll maybe be around till next summer" and she smiled and said yes, that she can't see it going beyond that.
She teased me after that telling me that I get to enjoy "watching him fuck me for another year..."......