Ok, so earlier today she asked if she could see him on Wednesday. Apparently they had talked and that was the most convenient. I said it was fine, and that was the end of that. Until an hour or so later when she just so happened to get tied up at work, and wasn't going to be able to leave until around 7:30 (he was there until 8:00). She text messages me asking if she could go tonight, but as it turned out he didn't have much time tonight. There was no way they would have had time to make it to his place and play. I told her she could still go Wednesday and also see him tonight if she wanted since it was only for about an hour. With no place to play, they met by the mall after work to fuck in her car. She hung up with me as he was pulling up. So, right now they are in her car somewhere near the mall and he is probably pounding the hell out of her. Balls deep. Hopefully, in the interest of keeping her car clean, she will come home with a full pussy!!!