Obama is quickly Making Carter look good.
Bowing to the Saudi King and taking a big Gold Necklace after recinding the U.S. oil leases in the Gulf of Mexico. Upping the rediculus borrowing of $300 to $400 billion to $1,400 Billion today. This fool is trashing the US dollar and it is reflected in the price of gold now at $1,160/oz.
He has to beg China to buy U. S. securities to fund reckless spending. Next year he plans carbon taxes to "Save the world from Climate Change". Duhh we are going to save the world with a tax? The climate has changed +30 degrees F in the last 12,000 years from the last ice age. Gee must have been all the oil and coal that Cro-Magnon man was burning!
Lastly he wants to grant citizenship to plus 10,000,000 illegal aliens which will allow and additional 20 to 30 million of their relatives to enter shortly therafter, all of which will be voting for benefits. The "Health Care Reform" legislation requires only a name and a driver's license to get benefits. Wonder how many illegal aliens will be claiming healthcare benefits? You will be paying higher taxes, higher premiums and getting retioned care to suppliment their health care. Oh by the way community organizers will get special healthcare benifits under the House bill that you wont get, and congress and Obama won't give up their gold plated government healthcare to joing us peasants on waiting lists with ObamaCare. Does that tell you something?
He is buying votes with your money you FOOL! Obama was a former ACORN lawyer "Community Organizer" - ACORN has registered illegial aliens, prisoners and other to vote not just once but multiple times to rig elections. Now with Obama's approval and the Democratic party's votes they have channeled literally Billions of your tax dollars to ACORN and its numerous shell organizations!!