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Sales Guys

  • Thread starterDisco-cuck
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Beloved Member
Apr 10, 2017
My friend called me a few months back to play in his company’s Golf tournament. There had been a last minute cancellation and there was a spot open. I was able to adjust my work schedule. As it was a Wednesday, I could swap out the occasional weekday for a weekend shift. My boss owed me from some extra hours I had put in and he was always anxious to get that stuff off the books.

I confirmed with my buddy, Matt that I’d love to lose some golf balls with his gang. I showed up about 0900 for our 0930 tee off. Matt is an IT guy with his company, and we were paired up with a couple of the hot-shot sales guys. Nice guys, both very good looking and extremely confident in their abilities, both in sales and golf. I’m a hack golfer at best, so I just shut up and enjoyed their banter between them and listened to them trash talk each other and make bets on every hole.

I was starting to relax around these guys and enjoyed the many laughs they provided. Matt chimed in as well with some good jokes and comments. Pretty soon I was cautiously doing the same. These guys were pros! When we finished our round we went for lunch and a beer. I’d already asked them who was a better sales guy and both Mark and Glen kept giving examples of how they could out sell not only the competition, but each other as well. Mark was divorced and Glen was single, and the conversation continued to venture back and forth to who was the better ladies man. I’m sure neither of them had any problem getting women and dates as Mark had that high school quarterback boyish good looks. He seemed to be in his mid 30’s, tall, with blonde hair and a chiselled jaw. I think his teeth twinkled when he smiled, like on TV commercials. Glen was in his late 20’s and seemed to be grinding Mark that he was an old man in a young man’s game. It was all quite hilarious to listen to for the day.

Both these guys are guys I secretly detest, as I’m not the kind to be boastful, or hard sell anyone on anything. Not that I’m a wimp, but just not my style. I’m a manager in a middle-sized company and watch over about 200 employees. I’m one of the nicer managers there, but can be tough when I need to be. They got around to asking me if I was married. I said yes. As these guys were players, they started saying things like Are you guys swingers? and other sex-related questions. I just kind of joked back that we were pretty much vanilla ice cream at home. They asked to see a picture and of course I had one on my phone. It wasn’t from anything formal so she was dress casually for a walk. They both oohed and aahed a bit. Mark said he could get any engine revving back to when they were a teen-aged girl and that he liked MILF’s the best for that reason.

I joked that my wife would be the toughest sell they could ever encounter. Angie was a sceptic about most things and wasn’t one to fall for a line. We’d been married about 13 years and although we had some quality sex on occasion the quantity certainly was lacking. This was partly due to my shift work and she also always seemed tired, sore or overwhelmed with her day of work, motherhood or whatever came her way. She is early 40’s, medium brown hair, green eyes, and girl next-door cuteness. Her body is still pretty tight and firm even after 2 kids and not much incentive to work out. She cums quickly herself, always eagerly swallows my load, and on rare occasion has allowed me to fuck her in her ass.

I obviously didn’t share any of that info but I did tell them that I’d be surprised if either of them could ever get a look at her panties, let alone into them, or get her going sexually. Of course, they decided that they needed to make a bet on who could do it, as they both figured they could close the deal easily.

It might have been the several beers talking, but I mentioned that they’d have a better chance of getting a blowjob from me dressed as a woman, than her. We all laughed at that, and Glen said that should be part of the deal. I kind of went along with their scheme, and before I knew it, we had devised a plan to at least have them meet. I guess secretly, I’d love to see my wife getting pounded by someone that could really satisfy her. Is it just me, or does every husband think he doesn’t live up to his wife’s sexual desires? But I digress………

So these guys flipped a coin to see who had the first try. Mark called heads and won. I purposely took my golf shoes and threw them into the back of Mark’s SUV. Mark and I exchanged cell numbers to arrange a time for him to drop the shoes by when “I wasn’t home, and she was” so he could at least meet her.

I knew she would be home from work by 4 on Friday so I arranged for Mark to be there about 4:15. I left work early and parked about 2 blocks away. I snuck downstairs and waited for her to arrive. I heard her come in and could visualize her upstairs opening the mail, putting the kettle on and changing out of her work clothes into a t-shirt and tights. I texted Mark that he was good to go. About 10 minutes later he texted back saying he had pulled up in front. I had already texted my wife to say that a friend was dropping off my golf shoes so when the doorbell rang my heart quickened. I had the perfect spot downstairs that I could see through the partially opened door of the rec room up to the front door.

My wife answered the door politely and Mark went ‘full charm’ on her. I was incredibly impressed by his friendly demeanour. He was certainly making a good impression and I was guessing a lasting one as well. He mentioned how pretty she was and how lucky I was to have her waiting at home for him each night. He shook her hand and said “Hopefully I will see you sometime again” and left. The door closed and she went back upstairs. I tiptoed out the back and ran to get my car. I pulled in about 5 minutes later and came in the front door as I usually do. I could smell a trace of his cologne at the doorway.

We exchanged our usual pleasantries and asked about each other’s days. She said “Oh, your friend came by with your golf shoes.”
“Oh ya, Mark. Nice guy, don’t you think?” I replied, fishing for information.
“Yes, he seems like it. He said he works with Matt. How well do you know him?”
“Not that well, really.” I replied. “Sales guy at Matt’s company. He’s a pretty funny guy and seems to be quite the charmer, but he IS a sales guy after all.” I said laughing.
“He’s a nice looking fella so I’m sure he does pretty well” she said. I wasn’t sure what ‘pretty well’ was referring to; sales, women, life, golf. I just said “Yes, I’m sure he does” and the conversation went on to other things.

Once a month on a Saturday night my wife gets together with some of her colleagues for a ‘book club’ get together. They rotate it from house to house and occasionally they actually go out for dinner, drinks, and dancing at a local establishment. Angie is always forthcoming about where they go, so I know their pattern and it wasn’t the next night, but the following Saturday when she told me their night out was actually at Hoolihan’s Pub, which is often called Hooligan’s, due to the wild and crazy evenings on occasion. They had good food, and live music after 9. The place really was popular for all ages but mostly folks in the 30s, 40s and 50s range were there. I was partially dreading telling Mark this, but in another way quite excited about him trying to put some moves on her and see where it went. Angie and her 4 friends; Heather, Michelle, Suzanne and Laura were to meet there at about 7:30 and I suggested I drop her off so she could have a couple of drinks and not worry about driving. She asked if we could pick up Heather and Suzanne as well and they could split a cab home. I said sure thing. I was staying home anyways and get caught up on one of many Netflix series I’d been waiting to watch.

The kids were at a birthday party and were to be dropped home at 8 so things were easy to plan.

All 3 of the ladies looked quite beautiful in their own way, and were slightly glammed up for the night out. They all love to dance so I expected them to be out for a while. I even said “Don’t hurry home” as they got out of the car. I dropped them at 7:25 and was back home at 7:45 for the night. Once the kids were in bed at 9:30 I watched 3 shows then turned off the TV and lights to get into bed. I was kind of tingling wondering if anything had actually transpired with Mark, or if he’d even showed up.

I heard a car pulling up about 1 AM and looked out the window expecting to see a cab. It was Mark’s SUV and he was pulled in the driveway. I was peeking out the window and could barely see into the vehicle, but they were there for about 10 minutes and I saw her lean towards him to give him either a hug or a kiss. I couldn’t actually see exactly, but they did it about 4 times before she finally came out. I popped back into bed and pretended I was asleep when she came to bed. I spoke as if I was half awake and asked how her night was. She said “Fun – lots of dancing”. I felt her snuggle against me as I searched for her face to kiss her. I could smell Mark’s cologne on her face and neck area. We began to get friendly and she got on top of me within minutes. She was incredibly wet and we had a spirited fuck. She was really into it and we both came heavily. We woke up the next morning and I secretly checked out her clothes in the hamper from the previous night. No signs of any ‘action’ other than her panties being a bit moist and the smell of cologne on her blouse.

Over breakfast I said “It sounds like you guys had fun last night” prompting her to give me any info she cared to share. Heather was the wild one and there was always some news of her being extra flirty and making out with some lucky fella.
“I saw your friend Mark last night out with some of his friends” she said very matter-of-factly. “Oh yeah? How was he?” I was trembling inside a bit waiting to hear.

“Very nice. He remembered me, actually. He and his friends spend a good portion of the night dancing with the girls at the table.” I said “I bet he’s a good dancer” as I couldn’t think of anything else to say. She said “Oh yes, he barely sat down and I must have danced 10 times with him at least. Heather was getting awfully friendly with his friend. Greg, I think?” “Glen?” I asked. “Yes, that’s him.” She giggled. “At the end of the night they were making out like teenagers.”
“That sounds like Heather” I said laughing.
“Mark actually dropped Suzanne and I home so we didn’t have to pay for a cab. Glen said he’d take care of Heather.” She laughed. “I’m most certain that he did.” I replied, with a laugh, and the conversation stalled.

A few weeks later we received an invite to a BBQ at Heather’s place. Apparently her and Glen had become an item and she wanted to celebrate the warmer weather, and show off her new guy. I was pretty sure Mark would also be there. Time to plan part 2. It was a warm summer evening and Angie wore camisole with a sheer blouse over it, as well as a flowing, turquoise skirt about mid-thigh long. She looked incredible.

We arrived about 7:30, complete with bottles of wine, a couple of beer for me, and some meat for the BBQ. Both Mark and Glen were there, as well as Laura and her husband Chris. Suzanne was there solo, so it made up 4 couples. Between Glen and Mark, the evening went smoothly and there was lots of laugh, as they couldn’t help but be competitive. At one point, Angie splashed some wine on her blouse and she had gone to rinse it off and hang it up, so she was down to a thin camisole, and her skirt.

The evening went on and about 10, I got a call from work. We have to take turns being on call over the weekends, so this was my turn. It turned out to be a minor thing, but I hung up and pretended that I had to go. “Can someone make sure Angie gets home safely?” I asked. “No worries, my friend.” Mark winked at me. “She’s in good hands.” Suzanne mentioned she was tired and wondered if I could drop her off on the way to my work. I said that would be no problem. That was interesting as it left 3 ‘couples’. I figured Laura and Chris wouldn’t stay too much longer as they have a couple of young kids and a babysitter. That would make things even more interesting.

I dropped Suzanne off, and thought about going home, but decided instead I would double back and see if I could watch how Angie and Mark got along. Heather’s place was a townhouse and it backed onto a creek/ravine area. There was a running trail through there so I figured that with the light from my phone, I could find my way without falling, or being discovered. It took me about 25 minutes to drop Suzanne off, drive back, park around the corner, and finally get a spot to check things out. They had some soft music playing and I could see the 4 of them sitting around the fire pit table. As I suspected, Laura and Chris had left. They had begun to play a game called “commando” which I think Mark or Glen had made up. It was a game that went around in a circle with each person having to add to the story. If you screwed up, you had to take a drink. If your glass was empty, you had to take off your underwear and it got hung on the back of your chair. There was lots of laughing and yelling “no way”, before someone would have to remove something. I guess the game is over when the last person wearing underwear is declared the winner. Heather lost first. She was wearing shorts, so she said, “be right back, running into the house, and about 30 seconds later returning with her black lace undies in hand. Mark lost next. He too was wearing shorts, and stood as if to drop them at the table. The girls were egging him on, and he flashed his butt, before going in the house to come back with boxers in hand. It was down to Angie and Glen. Angie lost. She stood. She reached up under her skirt and pulled them down, then stepped out of them. White, sheer and sexy. Everyone yelled Commando! At the end, and they all laughed and those with anything in their glass drank down their wine.

Heather went to grab another bottle of wine and went into the house, Glen following close behind. I could see into the kitchen quite well and Heather and Glen began to make out like teenagers, still enjoying the newness of their relationship. Mark was chatting with Angie, and although I couldn’t hear what they were saying, Angie was playing with her hair, which was what she used to do when she was being flirty. They both laughed, and he leaned forward as if to whisper something to her. I realized, he must have been actually kissing her neck, as her head tilted back and he was nuzzling at her ear, neck and driving her wild. That was always my go-to move to get her horny. I half expected her to push him away or maybe say something. I heard her say “We shouldn’t………………” and then it trailed off. I couldn’t see too clearly, but she wasn’t slowing down, and Mark was full speed ahead.

Just then Heather came out with the bottle of wine opened. “I’ll just leave this here for you two.” She said, turning back toward the kitchen. Angie had stood up; probably startled by Heather, and ready to explain herself. I guess Heather didn’t need an explanation. Mark also stood, reaching for the wine and filling both their glasses up. He put his hands on her shoulders and turned Angie to face him. I could see her nipples were hard and prominently displayed beneath the thin fabric of her top. “So….. bare assed, huh?” Mark rubbed her ass through her skirt. “You as well” she replied. I thought she might try and back away or move his hand, but she didn’t. He kissed her on the mouth, continuing to rub her ass through the skirt. She returned his passion and he now lifted her skirt to play with her bare ass. He was just feeling his way around and was now kissing her neck again. I couldn’t believe how quickly things escalated. I looked toward the kitchen and Heather and Glen had disappeared. I looked back. Angie’s hands were now around Mark’s neck, which certainly implied “Game ON.” No chance of her hands brushing away his. Both his hands were now on bare cheeks, having lifted her skirt. I enjoyed the view.

My throat had gone dry as I watched. My cock was also super hard. I guess Mark’s was, too. He managed to spring his cock free. It was about 8 inches and was sticking straight at her. He whispered something in her ear, and she sat down and took his cock in her hand. Holy crap. She’s about to suck him.

She only hesitated a second before she devoured Mark. His head went back and she was like a woman possessed. She was usually not that into giving me blowjobs. So, I was watching a completely different Angie; perhaps her evil twin. I’ve watched a fair bit of porn, and I’d put her performance up against any of them. After about 7 minutes (who was counting?) Mark pulled back, saying he needed to slow down. I’m pretty sure he was about to cum. Speaking of that, I had been stroking my cock watching Angie. It was an amazing job, if I do say so myself. Mark said to Angie, “lift your skirt” in a very commanding way. She was sitting already, and she just lifted the front of her skirt, showing Mark and me her shaved pussy. He dropped to his knees and began to eat her out. Angie leaned back and Mark used his expert tongue like a master. Within a few minutes, she was quite loudly saying “ya, that’s it” “ooh, right there.” She obviously orgasmed. Dave lifted his head up and the kissed intensely.

“I think you need to be fucked” Mark said. Angie just pulled him forward, indicating she agreed. She lay back and he slid right in. “oh, fuck………………..oh, fuck, …….oh” Angie was being pounded on the outdoor furniture. I began to cum, as this was the hottest thing I’d ever seen. Mark seemed to be pushing Angie to her next orgasm. She screamed out again, and Mark started slamming her hard. He was cumming as well. They both collapsed in a heap. I figured I’d better tip toe out of there before I got caught. Before I could leave, Mark stood up. Why don’t you clean me off, Angie? Mark presented his cock to Angie and she sucked and licked their combined juices from his softening tool.

That was amazing. I began to get ready to leave. Mark had pulled up his shorts. He grabbed Angie’s panties off the back of the chair. “These are mine, now!” Mark declared, putting them in his pocket. Angie smiled and replied, “well I’m sure they’ll look great on you.” She then said “so I can’t have them back? What will I tell my husband?”

“Tell him that if you want them back, you’ll have to come over to my place to get them.” Mark replied. “Hmmmm………….I will have to think about that.” She laughed, then they hugged and kissed again. “I’ll give you a ride home” Mark said to her. That was my cue to get out of there.

I drove home with my mind racing. So many things to process.

I figured I would go a different way home so I wouldn’t end up seeing them accidentally at a traffic light. I managed to get home before they did, and I quickly got into the house. I quickly stripped down to my boxers, brushed my teeth and ruffled my side of the bed. I got to my usual spot at the window to watch. It was about 4-5 minutes later that Mark pulled into the driveway. His vehicle set off the motion sensor light, so I had to wait about 30 seconds for the light to go out, as the glare on the windshield made it impossible to see much. The light went out. I could see Mark sitting, but not Angie. What the…..? Then I saw her head come up. She was sucking his cock again! I think I gasped out loud as she dropped back down. This went on for almost 10 minutes before he seemed to cum, and she came back up. They talked for a few minutes. As she got out of his SUV, I hurried back to bed. I heard the door open and close. She came upstairs and into our room. I could see her silhouette through my partially closed eyes. She peeled off her camisole, (she must have forgotten her blouse at Heather’s) and dropped her skirt. She was stark naked; no panties, as I suspected. She went into the bathroom to pee, then got into bed naked, which is unusual. I was lying on my side, facing her and she planted a passionate kiss on my lips, forcing her tongue into my mouth. I was surprised initially, then really surprised as I could taste cum, and wine on her lips. Fuck. I just tasted Mark’s cum. Doesn’t she realize? I must have bypassed being shocked or grossed out, as I had been replaying the scene from Heather’s house in my head. I was incredibly turned on, as was Angie. I kissed her back with equal passion. She rolled me onto my back, straddled me, then slid up to drop her pussy onto my face. She was dripping wet; partially from her own juices and I now realized there was Mark’s cum inside her pussy too. She ground herself into my mouth and nose. She started saying, “Ya, that’s it……………Oh, yeah” which took me back to her earlier escapades. Within a few minutes she came hard, slid down and stuck my hard cock into her for another ride. I had cum earlier in the bushes at Heather’s, but I could feel another orgasm building. The whirlwind of sex, pure lust and raunchiness kept me hard and pushed me over the edge. I moaned loudly. She bucked on top of me. She then slid back up to my face and had me eat her. She had NEVER done this before, and now I was going to eat my own cum after cleaning up Mark? I’d never tasted guy’s cum before tonight. Now I was getting more than I’d ever imagined. It wasn’t as bad as I had thought it would be. After Angie grinding her cunt into my face for a few more minutes, she came again. She rolled off of me and went into the bathroom. I could hear the shower turn on, and I lay there with my head swimming, my face mouth and insides filled with Mark’s, and my cum, wondering what I’d gotten us into.

I woke up the next morning and went to have a shower. My head was still spinning from the amazing evening, which now seemed like an intense dream. I checked my phone over morning coffee as I always do, and there was a text from Mark. I clicked on it and there’s a picture of his hand holding my wife’s sheer, white underwear, with a comment saying SCORE!

Well that confirms that it wasn’t a dream. I heard Angie going into the bathroom. I wondered what her state of mind would be this morning; if there’d be any guilt, or if she would pretend it never happened.

She came around the corner and went straight to the coffee pot. I said “good morning” and she echoed it back, sitting down at the table. She looked at me and said, straight away. “Hon, I’m afraid I got a bit carried away last night.”
“No problem” I replied “We all need to blow off some steam sometimes.”
“Ya, but it was a bit more than that. Mark and I fooled around a bit.”
“did you have a fun night?” I asked.
“well, yes, but….”She tried to finish her sentence.
“I’m not a jealous guy, and you’re still a beautiful woman. I know other men find you desirable. If you made out with Mark, I’m not going to go crazy. Stuff happens. Besides, he’s a nice looking guy. And you’re not going to run away with him, are you?” I asked, then laughed.
“No, of course not. I just felt bad, because I haven’t acted like that since college.”
“Well, I think it’s nice to feel young again. Mark seems nice enough. If he put a twinkle in your eye last night, well, I got to enjoy that twinkle last night, and today, don’t I?” I reached over and squeezed her hand, assuringly.

She seemed to relax after that. “Oh, he also said their company is hiring in accounting. He said I should apply. They pay well and have excellent benefits.”
“Why don’t you, then?” I replied. I know Angie wasn’t happy at her current job as she feels under appreciated, and under paid.
“I just might.” She replied. What have I got to lose?”

We went about our day, going off to my parent’s place to pick up our kids, who had slept over. On Tuesday, I got a text from Mark. He sent a picture of my wife’s panties, with his comment saying “Slam dunk!”
I responded with a thumbs up. He then said “I’ve got something else to show you, but you’ll have to meet me in person for that. He texted me and said he would meet me at my house at 2PM. I knew I could leave work early and make that time, so I said sure. I got home and Mark was already sitting outside. We came inside, and he said “I’ve got some dash cam footage you will want to see.”

We went into the house and into the kitchen. Mark said “Before we watch this, you need to hold up your end of the bargain. Remember you said you would dress like a woman and suck my dick, if I got into your wife’s panties?”
“Uh……………….that was part of the deal?” I was stunned. “Yup, and I always remember the details of a deal.” Mark replied. “Besides, I’m sure you wouldn’t want Angie to know you set her up to get fucked, would you?”
I could feel the blood draining out of my head as I realized that I had painted myself into a corner.

“So, hurry up and get dolled up. I don’t have all day.” I walked out of the kitchen and into the bedroom. Mark followed. I opened Angie’s lingerie drawer and just stared blankly. There were lots to choose from. Mark picked up a red, lacy thong. “Put this on.” He threw them at me. There was also a stretch, lacy camisole that was sheer white. “This, too.” I realized I didn’t really have a choice, so I stripped off and complied with his demands.
I stood there looking into the long mirror. I looked ridiculous. “Cute” Mark said. “Now put on some of your wife’s lipstick and perfume, then meet me in the living room.”
I went into the bathroom and put on Angie’s lipstick and perfume, then walked into the living room. Mark had his cock out and was stroking it. It was already semi-hard and 8 thick inches. “Come here and let me see who can suck a better cock, you or Angie.” I got down on my knees and prepared to suck my first cock. Hard to believe that I had already tasted Mark’s spunk, so I figured this wouldn’t be that bad. I began to suck him enthusiastically, thinking I could get this over with quickly. “Whoa, easy there, Tiger.” Mark said “suck it gently, but with a bit of suction…………….like Angie did” he finished his sentence with a shot at me. I could taste some precum as he took hold of my head and began to face fuck me. It probably took about 5 minutes for him to cum. It’s hard to keep track of time when you’re in the middle of something like this. He began to moan and buck. Then he stopped moving and held my head still. I could feel his cock pulsating in my mouth as he flooded me with his seed. I tried gulping, trying not to think too much about was actually happening to me. “Good girl” Mark said after about 20 seconds. “Keep sucking until I’m soft.” That took another few minutes. “Now you can watch this” Mark held his phone where I could see. It was dashcam footage of Angie sucking Mark as he drove her home the other night. It switched to another scene in our driveway and he definitely came in her mouth. When they were done, she started giggling. It sent a chill through me, but I also realized I was rock hard.

“Hey, I gotta go.” Mark said, as he had zipped up. “Catch you later…………..and thanks for the head!” He laughed and the door closed. I sat stunned in my living room. I then figured I better get showered and put the evidence away. I put Angie’s clothes back in her drawer, hoping she wouldn’t notice they had been worn. I wiped off the lipstick, though most of it was on Mark’s cock. I showered and jerked off to relieve tension, plus wash off the perfume. I got dressed back in my own clothes again. I couldn’t help my mind racing with all that had transpired. I also couldn’t help thinking if this was the end, or just the beginning.
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Disco-cuck said:
My friend called me a few months back to play in his company’s Golf tournament. There had been a last minute cancellation and there was a spot open. I was able to adjust my work schedule. As it was a Wednesday, I could swap out the occasional weekday for a weekend shift. My boss owed me from some extra hours I had put in and he was always anxious to get that stuff off the books. ..... etc. ..... [My wife] seemed to relax after that. “Oh, he [her new lover] also said their company is hiring in accounting. He said I should apply. They pay well and have excellent benefits.” ..... etc. ..... I couldn’t help my mind racing with all that had transpired. I also couldn’t help [wondering whether] this was the end, or just the beginning.
Good story, Disco-cuck. Thanks for posting it.

This story is not consistent, however, with your earlier thread about hiring a well-built, well-hung handyman to renovate your house with a downstairs apartment — who then begins fucking your wife, and they both relegate you to the downstairs apartment — so, I assume that and the above story are both fictional. But, that's OK. This is the forum section for fiction.
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well done.
When you got the text from Mark on Tuesday saying" Slam dunk", was the photo of the same panties or a different pair?
fk2546 said:
When you got the text from Mark on Tuesday saying" Slam dunk", was the photo of the same panties or a different pair?
same pair, or at least they looked like they were.
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