wsh said:
Yes, he is divorced and she once said she might have made a fault, she would prefer to stay with me if I could accept the baby. He persuaded her to keep the baby.
That's not surprising. One of the primary motivations — perhaps the primary motivation, in an evolutionary sense — for a man to fuck and impregnate a woman who's committed to a different man (you, in this case) is: to pass his genes along to the next generation, while the committed woman and her regular partner (you, in this case) will put in all the expense, time and energy necessary to raise the resulting child.
wsh said:
He said he would marry her and if she would go back to me, he would be willing to take the baby...
A generous offer, seemingly.... but, my guess would be, he was pretty sure he would not have to follow through.
wsh said:
But, she wants to keep it now and not be separated from [her baby], which is also fine with him.
This too is not surprising, since a woman close giving birth, or who has recently given birth, tends to have a very strong maternal instinct. Also, your fiancé had a strong desire to become pregnant, and may suspect (because of her age) she will not have another chance.
wsh said:
Yes, during that time she stopped taking the pill after so many years, she got extremly horny. I never experienced her with such a high sexual drive.
If, in the future, your now-fiance wants to take a form of birth control that will not inhibit her sex drive, according to "Capt. Ron" or "Captain Ron" (the screen name of a forum member), there is now an IUD available that will not only provide highly-reliable birth control but also not inhibit her sex drive. He said that in a post in this forum, in which he pointed out that since his wife had this type of IUD implanted their sex life had dramatically improved. You should also be aware that modern IUD's do not cause the bad effects they became infamous for when they were first introduced during the 1970's, and are many times more reliable than "the pill."
wsh said:
Also she believed that the chances she can have a baby are low and it won't happen so fast.... but alas, the situation with him was very spontaneous and not planned. When he then told her after their foreplay, when she was in heat, he had no condoms, she accepted him without [a condom].
You really should read:
Baker, Robin, Ph.D., 1996, Sperm Wars: The Science of Sex (BasicBooks, 319 pp.)
(which is a fascinating science-for-the-layperson book). It will shed light on, and may explain entirely, why your fiancé became pregnant when she fucked a new lover (without him using a condom), when she thought that was not likely to happen.
wsh said:
During that time I had started to use condoms again since her doctor said it would be better she does not get pregnnt immediately after stopping the pill. This is how we know that she can only be pregnant from him.
Yes, you explained that (more than once, I think) in your other thread(s).